Where is guacamole-client? - rdp

I've followed the instructions here: http://guac-dev.org/doc/gug/installing-guacamole.html
This says
Guacamole is separated into two pieces: guacamole-server, which provides the guacd proxy and related libraries, and guacamole-client, which provides the client to be served by your servlet container, usually Tomcat.
guacamole-client is available in binary form, but guacamole-server must be built from source. Don't be discouraged: building the components of Guacamole from source is not as difficult as it sounds, and the build process is automated. You just need to be sure you have the necessary tools installed ahead of time. With the necessary dependencies in place, building Guacamole only takes a few minutes.
And then proceed to describe how to install guacamole-server and use it. I can now go to http://localhost:8080/guacamole/ and access the server and see which clients have connected.
How do I connect a client though? I see no documentation of where the remote desktop needs to browse to in order to run the guacamole-client?
Or have I totally misunderstood this?

The key phrase in the quoted documentation is:
... guacamole-client, which provides the client to be served by your servlet container, usually Tomcat.
"guacamole-client" is the web application and the client. When a user visits the URL for your Guacamole server, logs in, and clicks on a connection, they are connected to the corresponding remote desktop via Guacamole's JavaScript client which is served to their browser like any other web application.
I can now go to http://localhost:8080/guacamole/ and access the server and see which clients have connected.
The list you see when you first log in to your Guacamole server is not the list of clients that have connected; it is the list of connections to remote desktops which are available. If you click on one of those connections, you will be connected using Guacamole's own built-in JavaScript client.
How do I connect a client though? I see no documentation of where the remote desktop needs to browse to in order to run the guacamole-client?
The remote desktop does not need to do anything - Guacamole will simply connect to it. You can see a video of the overall user experience on the Guacamole website which may hopefully clear things up for you:
You deploy guacamole-client (the web application) and install guacamole-server (the remote desktop proxy that the web application uses in the backend). The combination of these two pieces of software makes up a typical Guacamole server.
You and your users can log in through the web application and connect to remote desktops using a web browser.
You do not need to explicitly run a client.

It looks like this
Internet -> Guacamole server (on the local network) -> Desktop pc
I installed Guacamole in a vmware enviroment on Ubuntu.
There is a file in /etc/guacamole what is called user-mapping.xml
In that file you add or edit the connections available to the user you want.
A connection for that user must be set between the <connection> tags


web logic server Breach Help! How do Find Signs of what data if any was accessed?

A Weblogic server got hacked and the problem is now removed.
I am looking through the infected VM's now in a sandbox and want to see what if any data was accessed on the application servers.
the app servers were getting hammered with ssh requests and so we identified the infected VM's as the web logic VMS, we did not have http logging on. Is there any way to Identify if any PII was Compromised?
Looked through secure logs on weblogic as well as looked through the PIA logs
I am not sure how to identify what if any data was accessed
I would like to find out what went out of our network and info or data
what should I be looking for
is there anything I can learn from looking at the weblogic servers running on red hat?
I would want to believe that SSH was not the only service being hammered, and that was a large attempt to make eyes be on Auth logging whilst an attempt on other services is made.
Do you have a Time frame that you are working with?
Have the OS logs been checked for that time frame?
.bash_history been checked? env variables? /etc/pass* for added users? aliases? reverse shells open on the network connections? New users created on services running on that particular host?
Was WebLogic the only service running on this publicly available host?
What other services and ports were available?
Was this due to an older version of Weblogic or another service, application, plugin?
Create yourself an excel spreadsheet and start a timeline.
Look at all the OS level logging possible and start to make note of anything that looks suspicious, to then follow that breadcrumb to exhaustion.

What is the difference between Local Server and a Web Server?

Hi i am new to Web Services. Here is my doubt
1) If i am hosting my website then their should be a web server which should keep my website into that this also we are calling server..
2) If i want to run PHP Program in my local system i should use Local Server lie XAMPP this also we are calling server.
My doubt is for example in local system i have downloaded Xampp and i am running my server side program.. but after uploading into server how its working
also AWS, Proxy is which server???
All the servers are confusing a lot
Both web servers and local servers are just computers with software installed on them.
Not much more.
That said a web server is a computer that is connected to the internet and has some kind of a web server software installed on it.
The most common one is an HTTP server software that can serve web pages.
For example, Apache, Nginx are both HTTP servers that can serve both static and dynamic web pages to browser across the world.
Another web server can be FTP, IRC, NTP, SMTP/IMAP/POP3 (mail servers) are all web servers that just have different software installed on them and so they serve other purposes.
A local server is again a computer that serves a client within the local network or LAN.
That means that in most cases it will not be connected to the internet or if it does it will be protected with a password so not everybody can access its services.
It can act as a file server or LDAP server that are roles of a typical local server but it can also be a local web server that holds web-based application only for the local organization.
For example, a company will have a local web server with Salesforce installed on it to serve it's CRM needs.
To make a long story short both servers are just computers connected to a network. Local servers are connected to the LAN and Web Servers are connected to the WAN. Other than that it really depends on the software you install on them and the use you want to make of them.
If you need more clarification, leave a comment and I'll try to help.

Microsoft Azure VPN WebApp not communicating with external SQL

The problem I have is that we're trying to use our WebApp in Microsoft Azure to connect to an external SQL-database (not our own) through a VPN. The SQL-database is only allowing connections from our local IP-addresses that we put up as a Network (for example
We are now connected to the same virtual private network, and through our Azure-VM we can now connect to the SQL-Server through SQL Server Management Studio.
Now we want to do the same with a WebApp, but we're not getting through to the server. It gets "Not authenticated" before reaching the SQL-Server (probably the server isn't accepting our IP from the WebApp).
The different problems I have tried to look through is:
Do we only try to connect through our Outbound IPs?
Is the WebApp not connected to the VPN?
I have unfortunatley not found any real answers, and neither any solutions to my problem. If you have any ideas of how to solve our problem, or maybe know how I could tunnel all of the SQL-calls through the VM, the help would be very much appreciated!
Hybrid connection is one option. What you can also do is enable point-to-site in your VPN. Once you do that, you can directly integrate your web app to the vnet and your connections will work. (Go to your web app -> Settings -> Networking -> VNet Integration)
If your Vnet is V1(older way of creating VNs) then enabling point to site is very straightforward. You can do it through portal. For V2 Vnets you have to do it through powershell commands.
Here is a link for the documentation which explains both the options.
There's a way to "tunnel all of the SQL-calls through the VM". You may want to use hybrid connections (cf https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/integration-hybrid-connection-overview/).
The principle is to have an agent installed on the VM that can access the database with the correct IP address.
Suppose you can access the SQL DB as mysqldbsrv from the VM. You add an hybrid connection associated to your web app, you install the agent on the VM. Then, when you connect to mysqldbsrv from the Web App, you go through the VM.

TeamViewer type of service for headless servers

So, we all use TeamViewer for accessing GUI based (Windows / Linux) remotely and of course, it works really well.
Any ideas of how to do the same with headless (Ubuntu) servers? I'm thinking that the headless servers would run some sort of service that connects to a central server, which I can then remote into (somehow) and then route through the central server to the remote server.
It's kinda like the server based TightVNC that was popular a view years ago, where you could host the "server" module and have all your TightVNC clients connect to that server, whilst you do the same on your client, and the server module provides a gateway through to the remote systems. Just like TeamViewer really.
I wonder if the remote servers can connect to the (central) gateway server via SSH, I would do the same (again via SSH) but then the gateway server will provide me a "tunnel" through to the remote server.
I would of course prefer to have the remote servers have SSH ports opened through their firewall and then connect to them directly, but sometimes their IT teams don't like that. Having a server that runs a service, connects to a public server, means that the IT team will typically permit this, as the traffic is initiated internally and would be even more so agreeable to permitting it if that traffic uses an encrypted protocol.
Anyway - I just wondered if there was something out there that I could have a look at and see if it would work??
If you don't want a cloud controlled service (with serious security issues as of late), then check out the self-hostable MeshCentral project. It creates outbound tunnels that allow devices to communicate behind NAT and other networks.
Good news! Teamviewer 11 supports headless Linux servers :)
Try https://www.dwservice.net/en/
Works on RPI, Linux and Windows.Best Part is free and Support for Terminal access
not just GUI ( so works faster in slower internet ) .
Client side- > just run the script ( not need of GUI)
Remote side - > Run just browser.

Publishing a MVC App in Azure Web App

This is my Azure configuration:
I have a Virtual Network with a couple of subnets and a gateway
configured to allow point-to-site.
There is one Virtual Machine with SQL Server (2014) installed. There
are some databases in there already. SQL Server is set up to allow
SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode. This VM is in the Virtual Network
I have an empty Azure Web App
I deployed my main MVC WebApp to the empty Azure Web App and looks good, except when it tries to retrieve information from the database.
Is it a connection string error? or there can be something else...
My connection string looks like this:
<add name="MyEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Data.MyModel.csdl| res://*/Data.MyModel.ssdl| res://*/Data.MyModel.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;
provider connection string="
data source=tcp:;
initial catalog=MyDataBase;
persist security info=False;
user id=MySystemAdmin;
providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
Here is the error thrown by the azure web app...
So it seems to be related to either the way I'm providing the connection string or the end-points/firewall configuration.
Check your connection string against this connection string for Entity Framework designer files (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj556606.aspx#Connection)
Just from a quick glance I see two possible errors:
Semicolon missing added after provider=System.Data.SqlClient (the example on the page I provided the link to doesn't have one)
The IP address you specify to connect to is a local one ( and should be the IP/DNS name of your database in Azure.
Not sure if this is the issue or if StackOverflow just clobbered your markup. In addition you talk about a lot of gateways so I would check to make sure you can talk between your systems. Finally posting error messages and capturing exceptions about what's actually going on will help diagnose the error because at this point it's all guesswork.
Hope that helps.
What the guys said above plus:
The Web App needs to have a hybrid connection to the VNET the VM is if you want to use the local IP address, otherwise you have to use the PIP.
Check the firewall on the VM if the proper ports are open. This has to be both on the VM firewall and the endpoints. Also, if there are any ACLs on the VM, you have to check those too.
The other answers gave me the guidelines to find out the solution.
I'll try to describe the steps I followed:
Using the new azure portal (portal.azure.com currently in preview) I
established a connection between the Azure Web App and the Virtual
Home > Browse > Click on Azure Web App name
In the Azure Web App blade click on Networking tile
In Virtual Network blade, click on the Virtual Network where the database is located (it's important to mention that the Virtual Network ought to have a gateway previously configured)
My intention was to provide certain level of security to the VM with
the databases by placing it inside a Virtual Network, so I had not
considered opening ports. Turns out that it's necessary, so, in the VM:
I enabled the TCP/IP protocol for SQL Server using the Sql Server Configuration Manager (How to? here)
Then I created a new Inbound Rule opening the 1433 port, but only for private connections (very nice).
It was not necessary to create an endpoint in the VM for this port (very happy with this).
Finally, I published the the app to the Azure Web App using the connection strings as shown in the question (with internal database IP)
Final touch: in the new Azure Portal > Azure Web App > Settings, I was able to enter Connection Strings. Settings created in the portal are not overwritten; so now I'm sure this Azure Web App will always use the correct connection string.
Final note: in theory (not tested yet) the internal IP will not change as long as the VM is not Stopped (Deallocated).