How to avoid duplicate inserts for an OrientDB database? - sql

In SQL there's a query INSERT IGNORE which keeps duplicate entries out of the database based on the primary key. But is there a way to achieve this functionality in OrientDB since the primary key concept here is kind of achieved using the #rid concept?

I think you can use a unique index on that class, so you can avoid duplicate entries.

Have you tried the UPSERT?
UPDATE Profile SET nick = 'Luca' UPSERT WHERE nick = 'Luca'
Please create an index against "nick" property.


Primary Key and Unique Index -- sql scripts generated by SQL Developer

When export sql scripts by SQL Developer there are multiple options available, but either way there have to generate a UNIQUE INDEX on primary key like this
and add PRIMARY KEY to the same table and same column
So the question is: does it looks like kind of redundancy? I thought creating a primary key on a column should by default create an unique index on that column too? So why the first command is necessary?
And this may cause data redundancy?
I am on Oracle 11g so please share any ideas about why it should look like above.
Thanks in advance.
There is no redundancy - or only a little bit :)
The second command will use the index available if exists. Otherwise(if first DDL does not exists) will create an index.
The split into two commands is useful when you had given a proper name to the index and want to keep it.
UPDATE: The link indicated by Thomas Haratyk is a must read, I really like it:
UPDATE2: a_horse_with_no_name is right, it can be done in a single statement like:
alter table TRANSACTION
add CONSTRAINT pk_test PRIMARY KEY (id);
So, it will keep the name(won't create a sysblalbla object name) and if you use the 'USING INDEX' keyword you can specify index atributes, for example storage atributes.
But again, you will not have any problems with those two statements, only an index is created.
Probably SQL Developer prefer to get a ddl per object and there might be cases when it's better its way.

SQL: Best way to perform Update record operation to any given MySQL table

im programming a app to perform CRUD to any given table in any given database (MySQL).
Im having trouble figuring the best way to deal with the Update operation.
I was thinking: 1)Find Primary Key on table & 2)Update record according to Primary Key field coincidence between both records (incoming and allready present in MySQL table).
I know that while Primary Key in every table is very suggested it is still optional, so as i said im not sure if theres a better aproach since my method would not work with a table without a Primary Key.
Thanks in advance.
The answer i found that i believe is valid is the following: For the Update action send two records to the server, the non updated one and the updated one.
The server side has to include each field of the non-updated record in the where clause of the update query with LIMIT=1 (to avoid problems with duplicated records).

SQL insert with hilo + inheritance

I would like to insert some data using plain sql into some tables that use hilo id generation in conjunction with nhibernate. Is this possible? I have found some similar questions but no definite answer yet. Thanks!
Sure you can do it. Just update the hi value in appropriate table and generate Id for inserts. Nhibernate won't validate ID's in DB.
unique key table is used only for inserts, and once object is in DB it doesn't matter anymore where its id came from

Unique constraint vs pre checking

I use SQL Server 2008, and I have a table with a column of type varchar(X) which I want to have unique values.
What is the best way to achieve that? Should I use unique constraint and catch an exception, or should I pre-check before inserting a new value?
One issue, the application is used by many users so I guess that pre-checking might result in race condition, in case that two users will insert the same values.
Race condition is an excellent point to be aware of.
Why not do both? - pre-check so you can give good feedback to the user, but definitely have the unique constraint as your ultimate safeguard.
Let the DB do the work for you. Create the unique constraint.
If it's a requirement that the values be unique --- then a constraint is the only guaranteed way to achieve that. reliable so-called pre-checking will require a level of locking that will make that part of your system essentially single user.
Use a constraint (UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY). That way the key is enforced for every application. You could perform additional checks and handling in a store procedure if you need to - either before or after the insert.

Constrain a table to have only one row

What's the cleanest way to constrain a SQL table to allow it to have no more than one row?
This related question discusses why such a table might exist, but not how the constraint should be implemented.
So far I have only found hacks involving a unique key column that is constrained to have a specific value, e.g. ALWAYS_0 TINYINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT (0) CONSTRAINT CHECK_ALWAYS_0 CHECK (ALWAYS_0 = 0). I am guessing there is probably a cleaner way to do it.
The ideal solution would be portable SQL, but a solution specific to MS SQL Server or postgres would also be useful
The cleanest way (I think) would be an ON INSERT trigger that throws an exception (thus preventing the row from being inserted). This also gives the client app a chance to recover gracefully.
I just solved the same problem on SQL Server 2008 by creating a table with a computed column and putting the primary key on that column:
-- rest of the columns go here
Use Grant to remove permissions for anyone to insert into the table after adding the one row
Your dba will be able to insert but the dba should only be running schema changes which are checked so should not be a problem in practice