How to make draggable remember it's location in React Native - react-native

I'm learning about the animation and panresponder apis in react native. Following Animated Drag and Drop with React Native and the source
I want to extend the example so that you can drag the circle without having to reset it. Currently the code animates the circle back to the center of the screen and relies on the panresponders dX/dY values.
my best guess is I have to change something in onPanResponderMove
onPanResponderMove: Animated.event([null, {
dx: this.state.pan.x,
dy: this.state.pan.y,
What do I need to change in the source so if I comment out the onPanResponderRelease logic the circle properly drags around the screen?

The logic in onPanResponderRelease is making it so that if the draggable is not in the dropzone when released, it is reset back to 0,0 (these are the lines causing it).
Removing that logic alone isn't all you should do though. You should set the offset and reset the value of this.state.pan in onPanResponderRelease. To do this you need to track the value.
In componentDidMount, add this:
this.currentPanValue = {x: 0, y: 0};
this.panListener = this.state.pan.addListener((value) => this.currentPanValue = value);
Then, in componentWillUnmount:
Now that you have the current value, you just add this to the PanResponder:
onPanResponderRelease: (e, gestureState) => {
this.state.pan.setOffset({x: this.currentPanValue.x, y: this.currentPanValue.y});
this.state.pan.setValue({x: 0, y: 0});
It seems more complicated than it actually is. Basically you are just setting the offset from 0/0, then setting the value to 0/0 so that when you start moving it again after having released it before, it doesn't jump back to 0/0 before jumping back to where your finger is. It also makes sure you have its current position...which you will probably need at some point anyways.

Another way would be to track current offset and keep adding it to the pan. So declare this in the constructor currentPanValue : {x: 0, y: 0},
And edit the onPanResponderRelease to the following :
onPanResponderRelease : (e, gesture) => {
this.state.currentPanValue.x += this.state.pan.x._value;
this.state.currentPanValue.y += this.state.pan.y._value;
this.state.pan.setOffset({x: this.state.currentPanValue.x, y: this.state.currentPanValue.y});
this.state.pan.setValue({x: 0, y: 0});
Incase if you want the final coordinates, you should get it with this.state.currentPanValue

Actually the only thing you need to change is the onPanResponderRelease function. What you are currently doing is applying the delta of the gesture movement to the initial position of the component. What you want to do is applying it to the position at the end of the last gesture. So you somehow need to save the offset. AnimatedValueXY.setOffset to the rescue!
onPanResponderRelease : (e, gesture) => {
showDraggable : false
x: this.state.pan.x._offset + e.dx,
y: this.state.pan.y._offset + e.dy,
this.state.pan.setValue({x: 0, y: 0})
I'm using the internal _offset variable here because I could find a way to access it via the API. You can off course also just keep track of the offset manually. I didn't test this code yet, but you get the idea.


How to do series/parallel animation in react-native-reanimated 2?

I'm looking for the equivalent of Animated.sequence and Animated.parallel from react-native. So far from the docs for v2, I could only see the withSequence function that changes the value of only on value and therefore the style of only one component in series.
What I was looking for was to trigger animations in two different components, either in series or in parallel.
For parallel, it seems changing values in statements one after another worked. Correct me if I'm wrong.
// these will run in parallel
val1Shared.value = withTiming(50);
val2Shared.value = withTiming(100);
But for series, I need to have each animation inside a useTiming callback. Which leads to kind of callback hell.
val1Shared.value = withTiming(50, undefined, () => {
val2Shared.value = withTiming(100);
Please help with the best practices in achieving this with reanimated 2.
I think there is no way of doing it like in Animated.
This library requires you to think a different way. If you want you run two animations (each one for a separate view) using interpolation, you can use a single shared value and a sufficient interpolation config.
Let's assume (according to your example) that you have two views you want to animate. The first animation is from 0 to 50, the second one is from 0 to 100.
Let's also assume you're transforming an X axis (I don't know what's your case, but it's going to be very similar) and we count the animation progress from 0 to 1, and both views will animate for the same period of time.
Initialize the shared value:
const animation = useSharedValue(0);
And do sth like this (of your choice):
animated.value = withTiming(1, { duration, easing });
For the first view, your transformation will look like this:
const animatedStyles1 = useAnimatedStyle(
() => ({
transform: [
translateX: interpolate(animation.value, [0, 0.5, 1], [0, 50, 50]),
[mode, rectSize]);
and for the second one, like this:
const animatedStyles2 = useAnimatedStyle(
() => ({
transform: [
translateX: interpolate(animation.value, [0, 0.5, 1], [0, 0, 100]),
[mode, rectSize]);
Now the explanation.
For the first view, we only work for the half of progress from the whole animation, so we from 0 to 0.5 we'll animate from 0 to 50. then, for the reset of the progress we'll stay in the same place (this is called a dead zone), to from 0.5 to 1 value of the progress does not change (50 to 50).
Now, for the second view, we wait for the progress to be in half, so from 0 to 0.5 we don't do anything (0 to 0). Then, when the progress is in half, we animate the view from 0 to 150.
In general, that way you can orchestrate the whole thing using just a single shared value.
Here you can find more info about the interpolation. The docs is from the react-native's Animated, but the idea is the same.
Good luck!

How can I Animate instantly in React native

I am starting animated using 'onPanResponderMove' to move the animated view whenever the user is holding down the button
onPanResponderMove: (evt, gestureState) => {
if (withinbounds(gestureState.moveX, xOffset + buttonSize, xOffset + buttonSize * 2)) {
this.setState({y: this.state.y + 1});
{toValue: {x: 0, y: (this.state.y * gridSize}, easing:},
Which is being used to set the offset of a view
<Animated.View style={{position: 'absolute', left: this.state.layerOffset.x, top: this.state.layerOffset.y}}>
<Grid />
However, the way this is currently working, the animated view will not move until The button is stopped being press, how can I make the animation start immediately, instead of waiting for the button to no-longer be pressed although this.state.y is continually updated.
When playing around with PanResponder the way to go is usually using Animated.event instead of Animated.timing. Here's some doc that might help you out.
When using Animated.timing you should provide a duration, which you haven't done in this case. The difference between the two is that Animated.timing will change a value over a certain period of time whereas Animated.event instantly sets the value which is what you want.

react-native: Animate position of Animated.View during onPanMove

I have set up an animation and want to animate a View, so when the user touch moves the view follows on the y axis.
I have tried to set this up with Animated.event but it doesn't work. Can somebody please explain how Animated.event works in a panResponder?
This is what I have:
const onPanMove = (evt: GestureResponderEvent, state: PanResponderGestureState) => {
Animated.event([null, {dy: new Animated.Value(state.dy)}], {useNativeDriver: true});
But nothing happens. I also googled a lot, but didn't find any good documentation on this.
When I replace the event with timing it works, but it's super laggy since it always waits for the touchmove to pause.
toValue: startY - state.dy,
duration: 0,
//easing: this.props.easing,
useNativeDriver: true

How to stop react native animation inside 'onPanResponderMove' when a certain condition is met?

I have a drawer that hovers over a view. The user can vertically drag up to open and drag down to close it. I have the opening and closing part working smoothly. What I have a problem with is making sure that the drag animation stops once it reaches about 200 pixels from the top of the phone screen and also not drag beyond 100 pixels from the bottom of the screen. It's an absolute element and I have used Animated.ValueXY(). I know that I need to stop animation in the onPanResponderMove: (e, gestureState) =>{} function. I tried stopAnimation but it doesn't seem to affect anything.
This is what causes the drag to happen -
onPanResponderMove: (e, gestureState) => {
return Animated.event([null, {
dy: this.state.drag.y,
}])(e, gestureState)
Using {...this.panResponder.panHandlers} on the view that users can drag to drag the whole drawer. Like a handle.
Using this.state.drag.getLayout() in styles, on the view that I want to drag in response to dragging the 'handle'.
Any response is appreciated!
1st) you need to know the screen size..
Importing { Dimensions } from 'react-native' would give that for you
import { Dimensions } from 'react-native'
2nd) If you do a console.log( gestures ) inside 'onPanResponderMove', you would see something like this
stateID: 0.04776943042437365,
moveX: 140.58839416503906, //the pixel where the "finger" is at X
moveY: 351.9721374511719, //the pixel where the "finger" is at Y
x0: 89.08513641357422, //the pixel where finger touched first in X
y0: 390.5161437988281, //the pixel where finger touched first in Y
dx: 51.503257751464844, //distance finger dragged X
dy: -38.54400634765625, //distance finger dragged Y
veJS: dy: -38.54400634765625,
vx: 0.0880593692555147,
vy: 0.06345143037683823,
numberActiveTouches: 1,
_accountsForMovesUpTo: 7017915
3rd) With this information you can manipulate, limiting as you like, like this:
const [pan, setPan] = React.useState(new Animated.ValueXY());
//to start to drag only after a 10% drag threshold
const DRAG_THRESHOLD = Dimensions.get('screen').height* 0.1;
//to limit the drag on 80% of the screen height
const DRAG_LIMIT = Dimensions.get('screen').height* 0.8
onPanResponderMove: (e, gesture) => {
if ( (Math.abs( gesture.dy ) > DRAG_THRESHOLD) &&
(Math.abs( gesture.dy ) < DRAG_LIMIT ) )
return Animated.event([
null, {dx: 0, dy: pan.y}
]) (e, gesture)
I hope it helps.
Keep Calm and Happy Coding!

How to avoid camera jumps during/after Tween/animation?

I'm having some trouble while creating a camera Tween in THREE.js, specifically at the end and beginning of the animation, there always seems to be a camera 'jump', meaning that the camera flickers once the animation starts and once the animation ends. For reference, what I'm doing is :
Camera is overlooking a scenario from above.
When user clicks on an element of the scenario, the camera zooms on it (by a TWEEN) and when it's close enough, the OrbitControls target change to the centroid of the selected element, and autorotate starts, so the user sees the element rotating in the center of the screen.
When user clicks again, the camera zooms out to its initial position (by a TWEEN) and goes back to the original controls.
I'm experiencing 'jumps/flickers' at the beginning and end of each TWEEN.
This is my tween function :
var origpos = new THREE.Vector3().copy(camera.position); // original position
var origrot = new THREE.Euler().copy(camera.rotation); // original rotation
camera.position.set(x, y+500, z+variation);
camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(x,y,z));
var dstrot = new THREE.Euler().copy(camera.rotation)
// reset original position and rotation
camera.position.set(origpos.x, origpos.y, origpos.z);
camera.rotation.set(origrot.x, origrot.y, origrot.z);
options = {duration: 3000};
// Tweening
// position
new TWEEN.Tween(camera.position).to({
x: x,
y: y+500,
z: z
}, options.duration).easing(TWEEN.Easing.Cubic.Out).onUpdate(function () {
camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(x,y,z));
}).onComplete(function () {
controls.autoRotate = true;
controls.autoRotateSpeed = 5.0; = new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z);
// rotation (using slerp)
(function () {
var qa = camera.quaternion; // src quaternion
var qb = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromEuler(dstrot); // dst quaternion
var qm = new THREE.Quaternion();
var o = {t: 0};
new TWEEN.Tween(o).to({t: 1}, options.duration).onUpdate(function () {
THREE.Quaternion.slerp(qa, qb, qm, o.t);
camera.quaternion.set(qm.x, qm.y, qm.z, qm.w);
OK, it seems that the issue was in itself with the method I was using to rotate the camera, using quaternions and SLERP.
I found that the best way (easier and without flicker/jump) would be to interpolate the parameters of camera.rotation instead of interpolating the quaternions.
So, a Tween of camera.rotation.the_axis_where_you_want_to_rotate works perfectly, and done concurrently with a Tween on the position, achieves the effect I was looking for.