what is "Dojo Name Text Box" onremove event? - dojo

I have a Dojo Name Text Box "xe:djextNameTextBox" on my form. By clicking [x] it removes a name from the list. How do I check what exact name was removed or clicked without parsing all values in getComponent("myNameBox").getValue()?

In my opinion the only way to handle this issue is to parse all values to get the information which name exactly was removed. I had to deal with the same problem in a previous project.
Set viewScope var "viewFiltersAsString":
<xp:this.beforeRenderResponse><![CDATA[#{javascript:log('beforerenderresponse (start rendering)');
requestScope.start = new Date().getTime();
viewScope.put('viewFiltersAsString', viewController.getViewFiltersAsString());
Extension Library Dojo Name List Text Box control:
<xe:djextListTextBox id="djFilters" multipleSeparator=","
value="#{viewScope.viewFiltersAsString}" displayLabel="true"
title="Hier klicken um Filter zu löschen">
<xe:simpleValuePicker caseInsensitive="false"
labelSeparator="~" valueListSeparator=","
<xp:eventHandler event="onChange" submit="true" refreshMode="partial"
refreshId="${javascript:compositeData.refreshId}" execMode="partial"
Managed Bean "viewController"
* Converts all filters to a useable format for dojo List Textbox
* #return string of filters
public String getViewFiltersAsString() {
String filtersAsString = "";
for (ViewFilter filter : viewFilters) {
if (filtersAsString == "") filtersAsString = filter.getKey();
else filtersAsString += "," + filter.getKey();
return filtersAsString;
public void setViewFiltersAsString(String viewFiltersAsString) {
if (viewFiltersAsString != null && !viewFiltersAsString.equals("")) {
List<String> currentfilters = Converter.toList(",", viewFiltersAsString);
for (ViewFilter filter : viewFilters) {
boolean remove = true;
for (String currentFilter : currentfilters) {
if (filter.getKey().equals(currentFilter)) {
remove = false;
if (remove) {
// user can click only one filter at one time
} else {
Hint: viewFilters is a java.util.List of ViewFilter objects and a ViewFilter is a simple java class holding information about a filter (in your case a name)


How to get similar behaviour as the Java browsing perspective with two commonNavigator views?

I'd like to reproduce the behavior of the Java browsing perspective as so : the user select a file (selectedFile) from a Custom Common Navigator View (VariabilityNavigator) and it displays only the related files to that selection in another Custom Common Navigator View (ConfigFileNavigator). It refreshes automatically as the selection goes.
I use Common navigator because I want to display the package of the related files and not the other ones or the empty ones. That I coded fine.
Could you please walk me thru the steps to do that ? Here is how far I got..
I have successfully coded the first view VariabilityNavigator.
I thought I would use a filter ConfigurationFilesFilter to get the selectedFile and use it to filter the related files.
I can get the selection from the VariabilityNavigator within the select(...) of ConfigurationFilesFilter code below
I then use it to filter the files I want to display using isRelatedToSelection. I haven't write that part yet, but it's not a problem for testing.
This method don't work for several reasons : it doesn't refresh and I have to click on the ConfigFileNavigator to get the result. What it should do : when I click on the first view and it should automatically display the result in the second view. Thanks for your help.
public class ConfigurationFilesFilter extends ViewerFilter {
String selectedFile;
public ConfigurationFilesFilter() {
public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parent, Object element) {
selectedFile = getVariabilityNavigatorSelection();
if (isChildElement(element)) {
return handleChild(element);
} else {
// manipulate tree viewer based on select decision for the sub elements
StructuredViewer sviewer = (StructuredViewer) viewer;
ITreeContentProvider provider = (ITreeContentProvider) sviewer.getContentProvider();
for (Object child : provider.getChildren(element)) {
if (select(viewer, element, child)) {
return true;
return false;
* #param element
* #return true to be displayed
private boolean handleChild(Object element) {
return true;
* Check if an element is a java file and if it is related to the selection
* #param element
* #return boolean
private boolean isChildElement(Object element) {
if (element instanceof IFile) {
if (((IFile) element).getFileExtension().equals("java")) {
return (isRelatedToSelection((IFile) element));
return false;
return false;
public String getVariabilityNavigatorSelection() {
IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
IViewPart viewPart = page.findView(VariabilityNavigator.ID);
String VariabilityNavigatorSelection = "" ;
if (viewPart == null) {
VariabilityNavigatorSelection = "open Variability view. \r\nTo do so, open the menu as followed:\r\nWindow > Show view > Other... > SPL > Variability Navigator";
} else {
ISelectionProvider selProvider = viewPart.getSite().getSelectionProvider();
IStructuredSelection sel = (IStructuredSelection) selProvider.getSelection();
if (sel.isEmpty()) {
VariabilityNavigatorSelection = "selection vide";
Iterator<?> i = sel.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
final Object o = i.next();
if (o instanceof IFile) {
VariabilityNavigatorSelection = ((IFile) o).getName();
} else
VariabilityNavigatorSelection = "Please select a file";
if (!VariabilityNavigatorSelection.isEmpty())
printTrace("selectPrint = " + VariabilityNavigatorSelection);
return VariabilityNavigatorSelection;

How to set define different styles for the same paragraph

I'm trying to convert html text to generate a word table. It works pretty well, and the created word file is correct, except the character styles.
This is my first try with Apache POI.
So far, I was able to detect new line (<br>) tags from text paragraph (see code below). But I'd like to also check a few other tags such as <b>, <li>, <font> and set the right run values for each part.
For example :
This is my text <i> which now is in italic<b> but also in bold</b> depending on its importance</i>
I gess I should parse the text, and apply different runs for each part, but I don't know how to do.
private static XWPFParagraph getTableParagraph(XWPFTableCell cell, String text)
int fontsize= 11;
XWPFParagraph paragraph = cell.addParagraph();
XWPFRun myRun1 = paragraph.createRun();
if (text==null) text="";
while (true)
int x = text.indexOf("<br>");
if (x <0) break;
String work = text.substring(0,x );
text= text.substring(x+4);
return paragraph;
While converting HTML text one never should go on the HTML using string methods only. XML as well as HTML are markup languages. Their content is markup and not only plain text. The markup needs to be traversed to get all the single nodes together with the meanings out of it. This traversing process never is trivial and so special libraries are there for. Deep inside those libraries also needs using string methods but those are wrapped into useful methods for traversing the markup.
For traversing HTML jsoup may be used for example. Especially NodeTraversor using NodeVisitor is useful for traversing HTML.
My example creates a ParagraphNodeVisitor which implements NodeVisitor. This interface requests method public void head(Node node, int depth) which is called every time the NodeTraversor is on head of a node and public void tail(Node node, int depth) which is called every time the NodeTraversor is on tail of a node. In those methods the process for handling the single nodes can be implemented. In our case main part of the process is whether we need a new XWPFRun and what settings this run needs.
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.*;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Node;
import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.jsoup.select.Elements;
import org.jsoup.select.NodeVisitor;
import org.jsoup.select.NodeTraversor;
public class HTMLtoDOCX {
private XWPFDocument document;
public HTMLtoDOCX(String html, String docxPath) throws Exception {
this.document = new XWPFDocument();
XWPFParagraph paragraph = null;
Document htmlDocument = Jsoup.parse(html);
Elements htmlParagraphs = htmlDocument.select("p");
for(Element htmlParagraph : htmlParagraphs) {
paragraph = document.createParagraph();
createParagraphFromHTML(paragraph, htmlParagraph);
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(docxPath);
void createParagraphFromHTML(XWPFParagraph paragraph, Element htmlParagraph) {
ParagraphNodeVisitor nodeVisitor = new ParagraphNodeVisitor(paragraph);
NodeTraversor.traverse(nodeVisitor, htmlParagraph);
private class ParagraphNodeVisitor implements NodeVisitor {
String nodeName;
boolean needNewRun;
boolean isItalic;
boolean isBold;
boolean isUnderlined;
int fontSize;
String fontColor;
XWPFParagraph paragraph;
XWPFRun run;
ParagraphNodeVisitor(XWPFParagraph paragraph) {
this.paragraph = paragraph;
this.run = paragraph.createRun();
this.nodeName = "";
this.isItalic = false;
this.isBold = false;
this.isUnderlined = false;
this.fontSize = 11;
this.fontColor = "000000";
public void head(Node node, int depth) {
nodeName = node.nodeName();
System.out.println("Start "+nodeName+": " + node);
if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) {
} else if ("i".equals(nodeName)) {
isItalic = true;
} else if ("b".equals(nodeName)) {
isBold = true;
} else if ("u".equals(nodeName)) {
isUnderlined = true;
} else if ("br".equals(nodeName)) {
} else if ("font".equals(nodeName)) {
fontColor = (!"".equals(node.attr("color")))?node.attr("color").substring(1):"000000";
fontSize = (!"".equals(node.attr("size")))?Integer.parseInt(node.attr("size")):11;
if (isUnderlined) run.setUnderline(UnderlinePatterns.SINGLE); else run.setUnderline(UnderlinePatterns.NONE);
run.setColor(fontColor); run.setFontSize(fontSize);
public void tail(Node node, int depth) {
nodeName = node.nodeName();
System.out.println("End "+nodeName);
if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) {
run = paragraph.createRun(); //after setting the text in the run a new run is needed
} else if ("i".equals(nodeName)) {
isItalic = false;
} else if ("b".equals(nodeName)) {
isBold = false;
} else if ("u".equals(nodeName)) {
isUnderlined = false;
} else if ("br".equals(nodeName)) {
run = paragraph.createRun(); //after setting a break a new run is needed
} else if ("font".equals(nodeName)) {
fontColor = "000000";
fontSize = 11;
if (isUnderlined) run.setUnderline(UnderlinePatterns.SINGLE); else run.setUnderline(UnderlinePatterns.NONE);
run.setColor(fontColor); run.setFontSize(fontSize);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String html =
"<p>Text without tags. <b> Then bold <br/> having break.</b> Then without tags again.</p>"
+"<p><font size='32' color='#0000FF'><b>First paragraph.</font></b><br/>Just like a heading</p>"
+"<p>This is my text <i>which now is in italic <b>but also in bold</b> depending on its <u>importance</u></i>.<br/>Now a <b><i><u>new</u></i></b> line starts <i>within <b>the same</b> paragraph</i>.</p>"
+"<p><b>Last <u>paragraph <i>comes</u> here</b> finally</i>.</p>"
+"<p>But yet <u><i><b>another</i></u></b> paragraph having <i><font size='22' color='#FF0000'>special <u>font</u> settings</font></i>. Now default font again.</p>"
HTMLtoDOCX htmlToDOCX = new HTMLtoDOCX(html, "./CreateWordParagraphFromHTML.docx");
Disclaimer: This is a working draft showing the principle. Neither it is fully ready nor it is code ready for use in productive environments.

How to display a Labels 'Error on ErrorProvider1'

I want to display the text that I put in the Label's "Error on ErrorProvider1" attribute whenever I get an error. See the following label's attributes below.
I try to display the text in the red rectangle into my ErrorProvider1 SetError(control, value) function.
If TextBox1.Text.Trim.Contains("'") Then
ErrorProvider1.SetError(lblErr, ErrorProvider1.GetError(lblErr))
ErrorProvider1.SetError(lblErr, "")
End If
How can I retrieve the 'Error on ErrorProvider1' text from the lblErr to display it in the ErrorProvider1 SetError value?
The ErrorProvider component is very awkward to use effectively. It is fixable however, I'll give an example in C# that extends the component with some new capabilities:
ShowError(Control ctl, bool enable) displays the text that you entered at design-time when the enable argument is true. The easier-to-use version of SetError().
HasErrors returns true if the any active warning icons are displayed. Handy in your OK button's Click event handler.
FocusError() sets the focus to the first control that has a warning icon, if any. It returns false if no warnings are remaining.
SetError() is a replacement of ErrorProvider.SetError(). You only need it if you add any controls after the form's Load event fired or if you need to modify the warning text.
Add a new class to your project and paste the code shown below. Compile. Drop it from the top of the toolbox onto the form. The design-time behavior is identical. Modestly tested.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
class MyErrorProvider : ErrorProvider {
public void ShowError(Control ctl, bool enable) {
// Easy to use version of SetError(), uses design-time text
if (!enable) base.SetError(ctl, "");
else {
if (errors.ContainsKey(ctl)) base.SetError(ctl, errors[ctl]);
else base.SetError(ctl, "No error text available");
public bool HasErrors {
// True if any errors are present
get {
foreach (var err in errors)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.GetError(err.Key))) return true;
return false;
public bool FocusError() {
// Set the focus to the first control with an active error
foreach (var err in errors) {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.GetError(err.Key))) {
return true;
return false;
public new void SetError(Control ctl, string text) {
// Use this only to add/modify error text after the form's Load event
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) {
if (errors.ContainsKey(ctl)) errors[ctl] = text;
else errors.Add(ctl, text);
base.SetError(ctl, text);
private void initialize(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Preserve error text
private void copyErrors(Control.ControlCollection ctls) {
foreach (Control ctl in ctls) {
var text = this.GetError(ctl);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) {
errors.Add(ctl, text);
base.SetError(ctl, "");
private Dictionary<Control, string> errors = new Dictionary<Control, string>();
// Plumbing to hook the form's Load event
public new ContainerControl ContainerControl {
get { return base.ContainerControl; }
set {
if (base.ContainerControl == null) {
var form = value.FindForm();
if (form != null) form.Load += initialize;
base.ContainerControl = value;
public override ISite Site {
set {
// Runs at design time, ensures designer initializes ContainerControl
base.Site = value;
if (value == null) return;
IDesignerHost service = value.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
if (service == null) return;
IComponent rootComponent = service.RootComponent;
this.ContainerControl = rootComponent as ContainerControl;
Your issue is that you are replacing the error message when nothing is wrong. As noted in your comment below, you are storing the localized error message in the label's Tag, so you can do the following:
If TextBox1.Text.Trim.Contains("'") Then
ErrorProvider1.SetError(lblErr, lblErr.Tag)
ErrorProvider1.SetError(lblErr, "")
End If
You were correct to use ErrorProvider1.GetError(Control) to get the value. It's just that you're more than likely replacing it with an empty string before you were retrieving it.

How to remove a line with a particular content in docx4j

I want to delete a particular line in the docx if it has a particular word, say "killer".
How i can write a program using docx4j?
If i replace it with empty data, the line will be still there. I want to remove the whole line.
I tried something like this,
private void replacePlaceholders(WordprocessingMLPackage targetDocument,
String nameOfTheInvitedGuest) throws JAXBException {
List<Object> texts = targetDocument.getMainDocumentPart()
Iterator<Object> itr = texts.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Object obj = itr.next();
Text text = (Text) ((JAXBElement) obj).getValue();
// System.out.println(text.getValue());
if (text.getValue().contains("Hulk Hogan")) {
else {
String textValue = replacePlaceholderOfInvitedGuestWithGivenName(
nameOfTheInvitedGuest, text.getValue());
for (Object key : templateProperties.keySet()) {
textValue = textValue.replaceAll("\\$\\{" + key + "\\}",
(String) templateProperties.get(key));
But its still showing in the docx file.
A Text element in a docx file has parent elements. The text will reside within a Run which in turn will sit within a block element like a paragraph (P node) or a table cell. If you're looking to remove a particular block element based on its textual content, once you've located the relevant text elements, you need to move up the parent elements, and remove them too -- for example, if the ultimate parent is a paragraph node, remove that.
If say, a paragraph displays as 3 lines in Word and you are trying to remove the 2nd line in that paragraph, then you have a different and more challenging problem.
maybe this will help futur people :
if(((org.docx4j.wml.Text) o2).getValue().contains("WhatYouWant")) {
// if your text contains "WhatYouWant" then...
Object o4 =((org.docx4j.wml.Text)o2).getParent();
//gets R
Object o5 = ((org.docx4j.wml.R) o4).getParent();
// gets P
Object o6 = ((org.docx4j.wml.P) o5).getParent();
// gets SdtElement
((List<List<Object>>) o6).remove(o5);
// now you remove your P (paragraph)
I had a content control (SdtElement) but I needed to put it in List < List < Object > > don't really know why but.... You might have something else so check in your document.xml before copy/pasting this.
This is for others who have a hard time, like I did to understand docx4j
You could use Apache POI to remove Text from docx file as shown below.
public static void removeTextFromDocx(FileInputStream inpudocxfile, String stringToBeReplaced,
String stringToBeReplacedWith, FileOutputStream outputdocxfile) {
XWPFDocument document = null;
try {
//loading docx file
document = new XWPFDocument(inpudocxfile);
for (XWPFParagraph paragraph : document.getParagraphs()) {
List<XWPFRun> runs = paragraph.getRuns();
for (XWPFRun run : runs) {
//reading an entire paragraph. So size of list is 1 and index of first element is 0
String text = run.getText(0);
if (text != null) {
if (text.contains(stringToBeReplaced)) {
text = text.replace(stringToBeReplaced, stringToBeReplacedWith);
text = text.trim();
run.setText(text, 0);
for (XWPFTable table : document.getTables()) {
for (XWPFTableRow row : table.getRows()) {
for (XWPFTableCell cell : row.getTableCells()) {
for (XWPFParagraph paragraph : cell.getParagraphs()) {
for (XWPFRun run : paragraph.getRuns()) {
String text = run.getText(0);
if (text != null) {
if (text.contains(stringToBeReplaced)) {
text = text.replace(stringToBeReplaced, stringToBeReplacedWith);
text = text.trim();
run.setText(text, 0);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("Could not create outputdocxFile --> IOEXception" + e);

Telerik Mail Merge - Friendly Names (using RadRichTextBox)

I think i'm missing something obvious...
I'm using the Telerik Rad controls for WPF but i assume that the Rich text box uses some similar implementation for the mail merge functionality.
I want to have some friendly names on my mail merge fields. (namely spaces in the field names)
So i have a class for instance
Public Class someclass
<DisplayName("This is the complex description of the field")>
Public property thisfieldnamehasacomplexdescription as string
Public property anothercomplexfield as string
This is the only way i know to get "Friendly" names in the dropdown that is the mail merge.
So the two fields turn up okay as :
"This is the complex description of the field"
but only anothercomplexfield actually populates with data when you do the merge.
Am i going to have to template the raddropdownbutton that holds the mail merge fields?
Is there an example of this somewhere?
Also a sub question. How do i add a scroll bar on these things?
(also i know this board is not a TELERIK specific board (duh!) but this might be useful to someone in the future. So i'll copy the answer i get from Telerik into here!
http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/wpf/richtextbox/558428-radrichtextbox-mailmerge---using-displayname-to-create-a-friendly-name-with-spaces.aspx )
This is what telerik gave me:
With the default MergeFields, it is not possible to change the display name fragment of the field in order to achieve a more friendly look. This should be possible if you implement a custom MergeField by deriving from the MergeField class. Here is a sample implementation that shows how this can be done:
public class CustomMergeField : MergeField
private const string CustomFieldName = "CustomField";
static CustomMergeField()
CodeBasedFieldFactory.RegisterFieldType(CustomMergeField.CustomFieldName, () => { return new CustomMergeField(); });
public override string FieldTypeName
return CustomMergeField.CustomFieldName;
public override Field CreateInstance()
return new CustomMergeField();
protected override DocumentFragment GetDisplayNameFragment()
return base.CreateFragmentFromText(string.Format(Field.DisplayNameFragmentFormat, this.GetFriendlyFieldName(this.PropertyPath)));
private string GetFriendlyFieldName(string fieldName)
int lettersInEnglishAlphabet = 26;
List<char> separators = new List<char>(lettersInEnglishAlphabet);
for (int i = 0; i < lettersInEnglishAlphabet; i++)
separators.Add((char)('A' + i));
StringBuilder newFieldName = new StringBuilder();
int previousIndex = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < fieldName.Length; i++)
if (separators.Contains(fieldName[i]))
if (previousIndex > 0)
newFieldName.Append(" ");
newFieldName.Append(fieldName.Substring(previousIndex, i - previousIndex));
previousIndex = i;
newFieldName.Append(" " + fieldName.Substring(previousIndex));
return newFieldName.ToString();
Note that the fragment that is shown when the DisplayMode is Code cannot be changed.
As for your other question, you can change the content of the dropdown button to show the friendly name of the fields and to include a scrollbar in the following way:
1. First, remove the binding of the button to the InsertMergeFieldEmptyCommand from XAML and give it a name (e.g. insertMergeField).
2. Next, add the following code in code-behind:
private void AddMergeFieldsInDropDownContent(RadRibbonDropDownButton radRibbonDropDownButton)
Grid grid = new Grid();
grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition() { Height = new GridLength(100, GridUnitType.Pixel) });
ScrollViewer scrollViewer = new ScrollViewer();
scrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto;
StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel();
foreach (string fieldName in this.editor.Document.MailMergeDataSource.GetColumnNames())
RadRibbonButton fieldButton = new RadRibbonButton()
Text = this.GetFriendlyFieldName(fieldName),
Size = ButtonSize.Medium,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left
fieldButton.Command = this.editor.Commands.InsertFieldCommand;
fieldButton.CommandParameter = new MergeField() { PropertyPath = fieldName };
//fieldButton.CommandParameter = new CustomMergeField() { PropertyPath = fieldName };
stackPanel.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
scrollViewer.Content = stackPanel;
radRibbonDropDownButton.DropDownContent = grid;
You can, of course optimize the code of the GetFriendlyName method and add it in a way that will be available by both classes.