iOS 9.2 unable to change title of a UIButton programmatically once it is set in storyboard - uibutton

I'm running into a weird issue where I'm unable to change the title of a UIButton defined in storyboard. The button is embedded into a stack view within a scroll view. The button's callback is executed correctly and triggers breakpoint, but the title can't be changed.
I tried different states, besides normal but it does not seem to have any effect:
[self.button setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"test %i",1] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[self.button setNeedsLayout];
[self.button layoutIfNeeded];

:( Turns out I copied the button from one view controller to another (same view controller class in the identity inspector), and all the outlets were appearing as correct. However, it appears they are bugged in such case. Manually deleting every button callback and IBOutlet and reconnecting solved the issue.
To clarify: To see if you are having the same issue, set a breakpoint and check if the button reference is nil. If it is nil and you are seeing that the outlet is set in storyboard, delete the outlet connection and reconnect.


UIBarButtonItem sent action works on iOS 6 but not iOS 5

I am going to tear my hair out because I cannot think of a logical reason why this occurs on 5 but not 6. So basically, I have a view presented in modal fashion with a navigation bar and a Cancel button (UIBarButtonItem - no custom anything on it, just a standard button) in the navigation bar. When this Cancel button is tapped, I want the modal view to disappear. This works just fine in iOS 6. But for iOS 5 it refuses to work for 2 out of 3 places I have it in my code. What's odd to me is that it works on one but not the other two.
Using storyboards, I right click the button, click on "selector" under Sent Actions, and drag over to the appropriate IBAction method in my view controller's .h file. The link is successfully confirmed with the little blinking animation in Xcode. When I run the app on iOS 6 (simulator or device doesn't matter), the method is successfully executed upon button tap and my modal view dismissed. However, on iOS 5, the method is never even called (I set breakpoints inside the method to see if they would be hit). I've even tried switching the argument in my IBAction method from id to UIBarButtonItem *. No cigar, though.
I've also tried programmatically (in viewDidLoad) setting the cancel button's action to a selector. I've even set the target to the VC. No cigar again. Here is a screenshots of my current setup:
Please note the IBAction methods.
Is there some magical clause in the documentation that I missed? Something awfully special I need to do in order to get it to work in iOS 5? It sure seems like a bug to me, but I'm still fairly new to this stuff so what do I know.
I am using Xcode 4.5.2 and storyboards, and targeting iOS 5 and iOS 6 for the release.
Your help is appreciated, thank you.
I think there may be problem of using GestureRecognizer please comment that code and try it...
I added a separate UIView that resides under my textfields and button and below the navigation bar/title. I added the tap gesture to that programmatically, and that seems to recognize both my tap and the cancel button's action. I still would like to know why the tap gesture swallows up the UIBarButtonItem's action if the gesture is on the root view. This question helped me figure this out. Thanks.
you can exclude view/control from gesture recognizer using following delegate method.
// UIGestureRecognizerDelegate
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldReceiveTouch:(UITouch *)touch
// exclude your view from gesture recognizer
if(yourView == touch.view)
return NO;
return YES;

Interact with other views while a popover is active

I have a toolBar and I have setup two UIBarButtonItem on it. Both UIBarButtonItem are containing UIButtons as their customViews.
I activate a popover for their Touch Up Inside event as below,
[popover1 presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:buttonItem1 permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];
I have another UIButton named clearFilters inside the main view. (Also this is the view which is containing the above toolBar.) I have declared a method for clearFilters button's Touch Up Inside event.
My problem is,
I can not interact with the clearFilters button while a popover is active. So, I'm looking for a solution to interact with this clearFilters button, while a popover is active.
I tried by adding passthroughViews property for a popover as below and it do not work as I expect.
popover1.passthroughViews = [NSArray arrayWithObject:clearFiltersButton];
What could be the reason. As the documentation has mentioned I can not see any issue.
I expect if the above things are correct, then the Touch Up Inside event of the the clearFilters button's should be fire up.
So, please show me if there is any issue or a necessary way to work on this thing.
I'm working on XCode4 and iOS 4.3.
The UIPopoverController documentation reveals why the other bar buttons can be tapped while the popover is visible:
“When presenting the popover, this method adds the toolbar that owns the button to the popover’s list of passthrough views.”
Try querying and logging the popover’s passthrough views. Does it already have things in it? Perhaps something like this would work?
myPopover.passthroughViews = [myPopover.passthroughViews arrayByAddingObject:clearFilters];
I haven’t tested this code, but it’s worth a try.

Issues using UITapGestureRecognizers in Interface Builder

I'm attempting to use the UITapGestureRecognizer object that can be found in Interface Builder. I've dragged a single "UITapGestureRecognizer" from the object library to a single view xib. I then create an IBAction method from this tap gesture, for a simple test, I'm just printing an "NSLog" message to the console once there is a tap on the view. I've run this, and the tap method isn't being called. I right click the view in IB and I noticed that there is a warning "!" on the view's "Outlet Collections" I see:
Outlet Collections
gestureRecognizers - Tap Gesture Recognizer (!)
The warning states: UIView does not have an outlet collection named gestureRecognizers.
What do I need to do to remedy this?
Mr.Anonymous solution is correct.
No need to implement the delegate in the view controller or set it.
However, you should check that User interaction enabled is checked (in the properties window on the right), especially if you are attaching the recognizer to a label.
I think you have not wired the UITapGestureRecognizer properly to your code.
When you drop a UITapGestureRecognizer on your xib Xcode automatically makes the necessary referencing outlet connections.
You only need to create an IBAction method in your code and then wire it to the selector of the UITapGestureRecognizer placed in xib.
I have attached screenshots for ur reference.
Hope this helps!!
I had forgotten to check that User Interaction Enabled has to be checked for the views the gesture recognizer is added.
Two things to check: Does your view controller (the one that contains the UIView) implement the UIGestureRecognizerDelegate protocol?
Once it implements UIGestureRecognizerDelegate, make sure you've set the gesture recogniser's delegate property to the view controller. I used a storyboard to make the connection.
I do this and I don't get any errors (IOS 5.1, xCode 4.3).
I did this to add a Double Tap Gesture to my Navigation bar, completely in code and found it very easy to use ....
In view did load ...
//Add double tap gesture to Navbar
UITapGestureRecognizer* tapRecon = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc]
initWithTarget:self action:#selector(navigationBarDoubleTap:)];
tapRecon.numberOfTapsRequired = 2;
[self.navigationController.navigationBar addGestureRecognizer:tapRecon];
I then have a method ...
#pragma mark - Auto Refresh Method
- (void)navigationBarDoubleTap:(UIGestureRecognizer*)recognizer {
//Do Stuff Here
Maybe you could adapt this.
Take a look at this.
Specifically the screen shot of the outlet setup. Hopefully that will help.
The warning shouldn't be an issue. It is only there because you can add multiple gesture recognizers as an IBOutlet Collection but this isn't required.
Turn on zombies in your scheme to get better error messages whilst debugging. In my case the View controller I was trying to message with my gesture handler wasn't being instantiated in Interface Builder.
Also, it's not necessary to implement the delegate protocol and it will work on any UIView.

Confusing behavior from UIPopoverController

I'm trying to set up a popover to appear that displays a UIDatePicker when I press a button, however I'm getting some very confusing behavior. I created a view controller that housed nothing but the UIDatePicker, wired one up in the class i needed it in, and added it to a new UIPopoverController like this:
self.timePickerPopoverController = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:self.timePickerViewController];
then I present it like so:
[timePickerPopoverController presentPopoverFromRect:prepTimeButton.frame inView:self.view permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];
(prepTimeButton being the button that was pressed). However, I just get the following result:
Instead of it displaying next to the button that was pressed and at the target size (it's way too tall right now; should only be the size of the date picker). I also tried giving it a custom view of the proper location and size in which to display, but that didn't help much (just shifted the popover to the right half of the screen). What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it?
Is self.view the direct superview of prepTimeButton? Perhaps prepTimeButton is nested in a subview, in that case you'd need to use that as the inView: parameter (or convert the coordinates).
Did you set the contentSizeForViewInPopover property of your view controller?
Make sure to set both contentSizeForViewInPopover on the internal view controller and popoverContentSize on the UIPopoverController itself.

UIButton firing selector inconsistantly

I have a UIButton linked up in IB correctly(I believe). The button fires inconsistently, every time I reload the view to show updated info, the button works sometimes and sometimes does not.It gives no errors. I can't find a pattern to when it works and when it doesn't, the same code is run every time I open the view and it still works when it wants. Besides linking it in IB I have also tried to addTarget in ViewDidLoad and remove the IB connection but it still has the same inconsistency,
[_buttonScreen addTarget:self action:#selector(buttonScreenClicked) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
If I add NSLog(#"Clicked"); to buttonScreenClicked I see that the method doesn't always get called, what would cause it to do this, I have made sure that I set:
[_buttonScreen setAlpha:0.1];
[_buttonScreen setHidden:NO];
[_buttonScreen setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];
I have no Image, text, or color in the button, but it still works sometimes.
I'm using AFKPageFlipper on the same view but it still had the same problem before I added AFKPageFlipper, so I don't think its that.
If anyone could point me in any direction to start trouble shooting this problem I would appreciate.
I just had the same problem and worked it out. The 5 seconds is the clue.
Somewhere you have a gesture recognizer covering the same space as your button. More specifically you have a gesture recognizer that is eating your Taps but not your LongPresses. If you just tap the button the gesture recognizer runs off with your event; Hold your finger down long enough and the gesture recognizer no longer considers it a tap and the event is passed through to your button.
Instrument your Tap gesture recognizer handlers and the problem should pop out at you.
Make sure you don't have any other UIView descendants overlaying the button (like a transparent UIScrollView) as these will intercept the touch events first.
Also make sure that the containing view (the view with the button in) is correctly sized, by default you can place a view outside the bounds of another view and the clipsToBounds is set to false so you will see it but not be able to interact with it.
Things to try:
Do you have any other actions on the button?
Do you have any other UIViews which could possibly be accepting the key presses (above or below, or un-shown)
Also, please check that you have only one UIViewController instance for this screen. Other issues may arrise because of that.
What happens if you dont set the alpha level?
Do you release the object properly in the dealloc only ?
Hope this helps