Why cpu bound is better with blocking I/O and I/O bound is better with non blocking I/O - blocking

I have been told that for I/O bound applications, non blocking I/O would be better. For CPU bound applications, blocking I/O is much better. I could not find the reason for such a statement. Tried google, but few articles just touches the topic with not much details. Can someone provide the deep depth reason for it?
With this, I want to clear myself with what are the short coming of non blocking I/O as well.
After going through another thread here,a reason I could relate was out was if the I/O process is heavy enough then only we can see significant performance improvements using non blocking I/O. It also states that if the number of I/O operations is large(a typical web application scenario) where there are many requests looking out for I/O requests, then also we see significant improvements using non blocking I/O.
Thus my questions boil down to the following list:
In case of a CPU intensive applications, is it better to start a
threadpool(or executionContext of scala) and divide the work between
the threads of the threadpool.(I guess it has definitely an
advantage over spawning your own threads and dividing the work
manually. Also using asyn concepts of future, even CPU intensive
work can be returned using callbacks hence avoiding the issues
related to blocking of multi threading?). Also if there is a I/O
which is fast enough, then do the I/O using blocking principles on
the threads of thread pool itself. Am I right?
What are actually short comings or overheads of using a non blocking
I/O technically? Why we don't see much performance gains of using
non blocking I/O if the I/O is fast enough or if there are very less
I/O operations required? Eventually it is the OS which is handling
I/O's. Irrespective of whether the number of I/O's are large or
small, let OS handle that pain. What makes the difference here.

From a programmer's perspective blocking I/O is easier to use than nonblocking I/O. You just call the read/write function and when it returns you are done. With nonblocking I/O you need to check if you can read/write, then read/write and then check the return values. If not everything was read or written you need mechanisms to read again or to write again now or later when write can be done.
Regarding performance: nonblocking I/O in one thread is not faster than blocking I/O in one thread. The speed of the I/O operation is determined by the device (for example the hard disc) that is read from or written to. The speed is not determined by someone waiting for (blocking on) or not waiting for (nonblocking on) it. Also if you call a blocking I/O function then the OS can do the blocking quite effectively. If you need to do the blocking/waiting in the application you might do that nearly as good as the OS, but you might also do it worse.
So why do programmers make their life harder and implement nonblocking I/O? Because, and that is the key point, their program has more to do than only that single I/O operation. When using blocking I/O you need to wait until the blocking I/O is done. When using nonblocking I/O you can do some calculations until the blocking I/O is done. Of course during nonblocking I/O you can also trigger other I/O (blocking or nonblocking).
Another approach to nonblocking I/O is to throw in more threads with blocking I/O, but as said in the SO post that you linked threads come with a cost. That cost is higher is than the cost for (OS supported) nonblocking I/O.
If you have an application with massive I/O but only low CPU usage like a web server with lots of clients in parallel, then use a few threads with nonblocking I/O. With blocking I/O you'll end up with a lot of threads -> high costs, so use only a few threads -> requires nonblocking I/O.
If you have an application that is CPU intensive like a program that reads a file, does intensive calculations on the complete data and writes the result to file, then 99% of the time will be spent in the CPU intensive part. So create a few threads (for example one per processor) and do as much calculation in parallel. Regarding the I/O you'll probably stick to one main thread with blocking I/O because it is easier to implement and because the main thread itself has nothing to do in parallel (given that the calculations are done in the other threads).
If you have an application that is CPU intensive and I/O intensive then you'ld also use a few threads and nonblocking I/O. You could think of a web server with lots of clients and web page requests where you are doing intensive calculations in a cgi script. While waiting for I/O on on connection the program could calculate the result for another connection. Or think of a program that reads a large file and could do intensive calculations on chunks of the file (like calculating an average value or adding 1 to all values). In that case you could use nonblocking reads and while waiting for the next read to finish you could already calculate on the data that is available. If the result file is only a small condensed value (like an average) you might use blocking write for the result. If the result file is as large as the input file and is like "all values +1", then you could write back the results nonblocking and while the write is being done you are free to do calculations on the next block.


Scheduling on multiple cores with each list in each processor vs one list that all processes share

I have a question about how scheduling is done. I know that when a system has multiple CPUs scheduling is usually done on a per processor bases. Each processor runs its own scheduler accessing a ready list of only those processes that are running on it.
So what would be the pros and cons when compared to an approach where there is a single ready list that all processors share?
Like what issues are there when assigning processes to processors and what issues might be caused if a process always lives on one processor? In terms of the mutex locking of data structures and time spent waiting on for the locks are there any issues to that?
Generally there is one, giant problem when it comes to multi-core CPU systems - cache coherency.
What does cache coherency mean?
Access to main memory is hard. Depending on the memory frequency, it can take between a few thousand to a few million cycles to access some data in RAM - that's a whole lot of time the CPU is doing no useful work. It'd be significantly better if we minimized this time as much as possible, but the hardware required to do this is expensive, and typically must be in very close proximity to the CPU itself (we're talking within a few millimeters of the core).
This is where the cache comes in. The cache keeps a small subset of main memory in close proximity to the core, allowing accesses to this memory to be several orders of magnitude faster than main memory. For reading this is a simple process - if the memory is in the cache, read from cache, otherwise read from main memory.
Writing is a bit more tricky. Writing to the cache is fast, but now main memory still holds the original value. We can update that memory, but that takes a while, sometimes even longer than reading depending on the memory type and board layout. How do we minimize this as well?
The most common way to do so is with a write-back cache, which, when written to, will flush the data contained in the cache back to main memory at some later point when the CPU is idle or otherwise not doing something. Depending on the CPU architecture, this could be done during idle conditions, or interleaved with CPU instructions, or on a timer (this is up to the designer/fabricator of the CPU).
Why is this a problem?
In a single core system, there is only one path for reads and writes to take - they must go through the cache on their way to main memory, meaning the programs running on the CPU only see what they expect - if they read a value, modified it, then read it back, it would be changed.
In a multi-core system, however, there are multiple paths for data to take when going back to main memory, depending on the CPU that issued the read or write. this presents a problem with write-back caching, since that "later time" introduces a gap in which one CPU might read memory that hasn't yet been updated.
Imagine a dual core system. A job starts on CPU 0 and reads a memory block. Since the memory block isn't in CPU 0's cache, it's read from main memory. Later, the job writes to that memory. Since the cache is write-back, that write will be made to CPU 0's cache and flushed back to main memory later. If CPU 1 then attempts to read that same memory, CPU 1 will attempt to read from main memory again, since it isn't in the cache of CPU 1. But the modification from CPU 0 hasn't left CPU 0's cache yet, so the data you get back is not valid - your modification hasn't gone through yet. Your program could now break in subtle, unpredictable, and potentially devastating ways.
Because of this, cache synchronization is done to alleviate this. Application IDs, address monitoring, and other hardware mechanisms exist to synchronize the caches between multiple CPUs. All of these methods have one common problem - they all force the CPU to take time doing bookkeeping rather than actual, useful computations.
The best method of avoiding this is actually keeping processes on one processor as much as possible. If the process doesn't migrate between CPUs, you don't need to keep the caches synchronized, as the other CPUs won't be accessing that memory at the same time (unless the memory is shared between multiple processes, but we'll not go into that here).
Now we come to the issue of how to design our scheduler, and the three main problems there - avoiding process migration, maximizing CPU utilization, and scalability.
Single Queue Multiprocessor scheduling (SQMS)
Single Queue Multiprocessor schedulers are what you suggested - one queue containing available processes, and each core accesses the queue to get the next job to run. This is fairly simple to implement, but has a couple of major drawbacks - it can cause a whole lot of process migration, and does not scale well to larger systems with more cores.
Imagine a system with four cores and five jobs, each of which takes about the same amount of time to run, and each of which is rescheduled when completed. On the first run through, CPU 0 takes job A, CPU 1 takes B, CPU 2 takes C, and CPU 3 takes D, while E is left on the queue. Let's then say CPU 0 finishes job A, puts it on the back of the shared queue, and looks for another job to do. E is currently at the front of the queue, to CPU 0 takes E, and goes on. Now, CPU 1 finishes job B, puts B on the back of the queue, and looks for the next job. It now sees A, and starts running A. But since A was on CPU 0 before, CPU 1 now needs to sync its cache with CPU 0, resulting in lost time for both CPU 0 and CPU 1. In addition, if two CPUs both finish their operations at the same time, they both need to write to the shared list, which has to be done sequentially or the list will get corrupted (just like in multi-threading). This requires that one of the two CPUs wait for the other to finish their writes, and sync their cache back to main memory, since the list is in shared memory! This problem gets worse and worse the more CPUs you add, resulting in major problems with large servers (where there can be 16 or even 32 CPU cores), and being completely unusable on supercomputers (some of which have upwards of 1000 cores).
Multi-queue Multiprocessor Scheduling (MQMS)
Multi-queue multiprocessor schedulers have a single queue per CPU core, ensuring that all local core scheduling can be done without having to take a shared lock or synchronize the cache. This allows for systems with hundreds of cores to operate without interfering with one another at every scheduling interval, which can happen hundreds of times a second.
The main issue with MQMS comes from CPU Utilization, where one or more CPU cores is doing the majority of the work, and scheduling fairness, where one of the processes on the computer is being scheduled more often than any other process with the same priority.
CPU Utilization is the biggest issue - no CPU should ever be idle if a job is scheduled. However, if all CPUs are busy, so we schedule a job to a random CPU, and a different CPU ends up becoming idle, it should "steal" the scheduled job from the original CPU to ensure every CPU is doing real work. Doing so, however, requires that we lock both CPU cores and potentially sync the cache, which may degrade any speedup we could get by stealing the scheduled job.
In conclusion
Both methods exist in the wild - Linux actually has three different mainstream scheduler algorithms, one of which is an SQMS. The choice of scheduler really depends on the way the scheduler is implemented, the hardware you plan to run it on, and the types of jobs you intend to run. If you know you only have two or four cores to run jobs, SQMS is likely perfectly adequate. If you're running a supercomputer where overhead is a major concern, then an MQMS might be the way to go. For a desktop user - just trust the distro, whether that's a Linux OS, Mac, or Windows. Generally, the programmers for the operating system you've got have done their homework on exactly what scheduler will be the best option for the typical use case of their system.
This whitepaper describes the differences between the two types of scheduling algorithms in place.

How can I speed up a Mac app processing 5000 independent tasks?

I have a long running (5-10 hours) Mac app that processes 5000 items. Each item is processed by performing a number of transforms (using Saxon), running a bunch of scripts (in Python and Racket), collecting data, and serializing it as a set of XML files, a SQLite database, and a CoreData database. Each item is completely independent from every other item.
In summary, it does a lot, takes a long time, and appears to be highly parallelizable.
After loading up all the items that need processing it, the app uses GCD to parallelize the work, using dispatch_apply:
dispatch_apply(numberOfItems, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), ^(size_t i) {
#autoreleasepool {
I'm running the app on a Mac Pro with 12 cores (24 virtual). So I would expect to have 24 items being processed at all times. However, I found through logging that the number of items being processed varies between 8 and 24. This is literally adding hours to the run time (assuming it could work on 24 items at a time).
On the one hand, perhaps GCD is really, really smart and it is already giving me the maximum throughput. But I'm worried that, because much of the work happens in scripts that are spawned by this app, maybe GCD is reasoning from incomplete information and isn't making the best decisions.
Any ideas how to improve performance? After correctness, the number one desired attribute is shortening how long it takes this app to run. I don't care about power consumption, hogging the Mac Pro, or anything else.
UPDATE: In fact, this looks alarming in the docs: "The actual number of tasks executed by a concurrent queue at any given moment is variable and can change dynamically as conditions in your application change. Many factors affect the number of tasks executed by the concurrent queues, including the number of available cores, the amount of work being done by other processes, and the number and priority of tasks in other serial dispatch queues." (emphasis added) It looks like having other processes doing work will adversely affect scheduling in the app.
It'd be nice to be able to just say "run these blocks concurrently, one per core, don't try to do anything smarter".
If you are bound and determined, you can explicitly spawn 24 threads using the NSThread API, and have each of those threads pull from a synchronized queue of work items. I would bet money that performance would get noticeably worse.
GCD works at its most efficient when the work items submitted to it never block. That said, the workload you're describing is rather complex and rife with opportunities for your threads to block. For starters, you're spawning a bunch of other processes. Right here, this means that you're already relying on the OS to divvy up time/resources between your master task and these slave tasks. Other than setting the OS priority of each subprocess, the OS scheduler has no way to know which processes are more important than others, and by default, your subprocesses are going to have the same priority as their parent. That said, it doesn't sound like you have anything to gain by tweaking process priorities. I'm assuming you're blocking the master task thread that's waiting for the slave tasks to complete. That is effectively parking that thread -- it can do no useful work. But like I said, I don't think there's much to be gained by tweaking the OS priorities of your slave tasks, because this really sounds like it's an I/O bound workflow...
You go on to describe three I/O-heavy operations ("serializing it as a set of XML files, a SQLite database, and a CoreData database.") So now you have all these different threads and processes vying for what is presumably a shared bulk storage device. (i.e. unless you're writing to 24 different databases, on 24 separate hard drives, one for each core, your process is ultimately going to be serialized at the disk accesses.) Even if you had 24 different hard drives, writing to a hard drive (even an SSD) is comparatively slow. Your threads are going to be taken off of the CPU they were running on (so that another thread that's waiting can run) for virtually any blocking disk write.
If you wanted to maximize the performance you're getting out of GCD, you would probably want to rewrite all the stuff you're doing in subtasks in C/C++/Objective-C, bringing them in-process, and then conducting all the associated I/O using dispatch_io primitives. For API where you don't control the low-level reads and writes, you would want to carefully manage and tune your workload to optimize it for the hardware you have. For instance, if you have a bunch of stuff to write to a single, shared SQLite database, there's no point in ever having more than one thread trying to write to that database at once. You'd be better off making one thread (or a serial GCD queue) to write to SQLite and submitting tasks to that after pre-processing is done.
I could go on for quite a while here, but the bottom line is that you've got a complex, seemingly I/O bound workflow here. At the highest-level, CPU utilization or "number of running threads" is going to be a particularly poor measure of performance for such a task. By using sub-processes (i.e. scripts), you're putting a lot of control into the hands of the OS, which knows effectively nothing about your workload a priori, and therefore can do nothing except use its general scheduler to divvy up resources. GCD's opaque thread pool management is really the least of your problems.
On a practical level, if you want to speed things up, go buy multiple, faster (i.e. SSD) hard drives, and rework your task/workflow to utilize them separately and in parallel. I suspect that would yield the biggest bang for your buck (for some equivalence relation of time == money == hardware.)

Off-chip memcpy?

I was profiling a program today at work that does a lot of buffered network activity, and this program spent most of its time in memcpy, just moving data back and forth between library-managed network buffers and its own internal buffers.
This got me thinking, why doesn't intel have a "memcpy" instruction which allows the RAM itself (or the off-CPU memory hardware) to move the data around without it ever touching the CPU? As it is every word must be brought all the way down to the CPU and then pushed back out again, when the whole thing could be done asynchronously by the memory itself.
Is there some architecture reason that this would not be practical? Obviously sometimes the copies would be between physical memory and virtual memory, but those cases are dwindling with the cost of RAM these days. And sometimes the processor would end up waiting for the copy to finish so it could use the result, but surely not always.
That's a big issue that includes network stack efficiency, but I'll stick to your specific question of the instruction. What you propose is an asynchronous non-blocking copy instruction rather than the synchronous blocking memcpy available now using a "rep mov".
Some architectural and practical problems:
1) The non-blocking memcpy must consume some physical resource, like a copy engine, with a lifetime potentially different than the corresponding operating system process. This is quite nasty for the OS. Let's say that thread A kicks of the memcpy right before a context switch to thread B. Thread B also wants to do a memcpy and is much higher priority than A. Must it wait for thread A's memcpy to finish? What if A's memcpy was 1000GB long? Providing more copy engines in the core defers but does not solve the problem. Basically this breaks the traditional roll of OS time quantum and scheduling.
2) In order to be general like most instructions, any code can issue the memcpy insruction any time, without regard for what other processes have done or will do. The core must have some limit to the number of asynch memcpy operations in flight at any one time, so when the next process comes along, it's memcpy may be at the end of an arbitrarily long backlog. The asynch copy lacks any kind of determinism and developers would simply fall back to the old fashioned synchronous copy.
3) Cache locality has a first order impact on performance. A traditional copy of a buffer already in the L1 cache is incredibly fast and relatively power efficient since at least the destination buffer remains local the core's L1. In the case of network copy, the copy from kernel to a user buffer occurs just before handing the user buffer to the application. So, the application enjoys L1 hits and excellent efficiency. If an async memcpy engine lived anywhere other than at the core, the copy operation would pull (snoop) lines away from the core, resulting in application cache misses. Net system efficiency would probably be much worse than today.
4) The asynch memcpy instruction must return some sort of token that identifies the copy for use later to ask if the copy is done (requiring another instruction). Given the token, the core would need to perform some sort of complex context lookup regarding that particular pending or in-flight copy -- those kind of operations are better handled by software than core microcode. What if the OS needs to kill the process and mop up all the in-flight and pending memcpy operations? How does the OS know how many times a process used that instruction and which corresponding tokens belong to which process?
--- EDIT ---
5) Another problem: any copy engine outside the core must compete in raw copy performance with the core's bandwidth to cache, which is very high -- much higher than external memory bandwidth. For cache misses, the memory subsystem would bottleneck both sync and async memcpy equally. For any case in which at least some data is in cache, which is a good bet, the core will complete the copy faster than an external copy engine.
Memory to memory transfers used to be supported by the DMA controller in older PC architectures. Similar support exists in other architectures today (e.g. the TI DaVinci or OMAP processors).
The problem is that it eats into your memory bandwidth which can be a bottleneck in many systems. As hinted by srking's answer reading the data into the CPU's cache and then copying it around there can be a lot more efficient then memory to memory DMA. Even though the DMA may appear to work in the background there will be bus contention with the CPU. No free lunches.
A better solution is some sort of zero copy architecture where the buffer is shared between the application and the driver/hardware. That is incoming network data is read directly into preallocated buffers and doesn't need to be copied and outgiong data is read directly out of the application's buffers to the network hardware. I've seen this done in embedded/real-time network stacks.
Net Win?
It's not clear that implementing an asynchronous copy engine would help. The complexity of such a thing would add overhead that might cancel out the benefits, and it wouldn't be worth it just for the few programs that are memcpy()-bound.
Heavier User Context?
An implementation would either involve user context or per-core resources. One immediate issue is that because this is a potentially long-running operation it must allow interrupts and automatically resume.
And that means that if the implementation is part of the user context, it represents more state that must be saved on every context switch, or it must overlay existing state.
Overlaying existing state is exactly how the string move instructions work: they keep their parameters in the general registers. But if existing state is consumed then this state is not useful during the operation and one may as well then just use the string move instructions, which is how the memory copy functions actually work.
Or Distant Kernel Resource?
If it uses some sort of per-core state, then it has to be a kernel-managed resource. The consequent ring-crossing overhead (kernel trap and return) is quite expensive and would further limit the benefit or turn it into a penalty.
Idea! Have that super-fast CPU thing do it!
Another way to look at this is that there already is a highly tuned and very fast memory moving engine right at the center of all those rings of cache memories that must be kept coherent with the move results. That thing: the CPU. If the program needs to do it then why not apply that fast and elaborate piece of hardware to the problem?

How to avoid Boost ASIO reactor becoming constrained to a single core?

TL;DR: Is it possible that I am reactor throughput limited? How would I tell? How expensive and scalable (across threads) is the implementation of the io_service?
I have a farily massively parallel application, running on a hyperthreaded-dual-quad-core-Xeon machine with tons of RAM and a fast SSD RAID. This is developed using boost::asio.
This application accepts connections from about 1,000 other machines, reads data, decodes a simple protocol, and shuffles data into files mapped using mmap(). The application also pre-fetches "future" mmap pages using madvise(WILLNEED) so it's unlikely to be blocking on page faults, but just to be sure, I've tried spawning up to 300 threads.
This is running on Linux kernel 2.6.32-27-generic (Ubuntu Server x64 LTS 10.04). Gcc version is 4.4.3 and boost::asio version is 1.40 (both are stock Ubuntu LTS).
Running vmstat, iostat and top, I see that disk throughput (both in TPS and data volume) is on the single digits of %. Similarly, the disk queue length is always a lot smaller than the number of threads, so I don't think I'm I/O bound. Also, the RSS climbs but then stabilizes at a few gigs (as expected) and vmstat shows no paging, so I imagine I'm not memory bound. CPU is constant at 0-1% user, 6-7% system and the rest as idle. Clue! One full "core" (remember hyper-threading) is 6.25% of the CPU.
I know the system is falling behind, because the client machines block on TCP send when more than 64kB is outstanding, and report the fact; they all keep reporting this fact, and throughput to the system is much less than desired, intended, and theoretically possible.
My guess is I'm contending on a lock of some sort. I use an application-level lock to guard a look-up table that may be mutated, so I sharded this into 256 top-level locks/tables to break that dependency. However, that didn't seem to help at all.
All threads go through one, global io_service instance. Running strace on the application shows that it spends most of its time dealing with futex calls, which I imagine have to do with the evented-based implementation of the io_service reactor.
Is it possible that I am reactor throughput limited? How would I tell? How expensive and scalable (across threads) is the implementation of the io_service?
EDIT: I didn't initially find this other thread because it used a set of tags that didn't overlap mine :-/ It is quite possible my problem is excessive locking used in the implementation of the boost::asio reactor. See C++ Socket Server - Unable to saturate CPU
However, the question remains: How can I prove this? And how can I fix it?
The answer is indeed that even the latest boost::asio only calls into the epoll file descriptor from a single thread, not entering the kernel from more than one thread at a time. I can kind-of understand why, because thread safety and lifetime of objects is extremely precarious when you use multiple threads that each can get notifications for the same file descriptor. When I code this up myself (using pthreads), it works, and scales beyond a single core. Not using boost::asio at that point -- it's a shame that an otherwise well designed and portable library should have this limitation.
I believe that if you use multiple io_service object (say for each cpu core), each run by a single thread, you will not have this problem. See the http server example 2 on the boost ASIO page.
I have done various benchmarks against the server example 2 and server example 3 and have found that the implementation I mentioned works the best.
In my single-threaded application, I found out from profiling that a large portion of the processor instructions was spent on locking and unlocking by the io_service::poll(). I disabled the lock operations with the BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_THREADS macro. It may make sense for you, too, depending on your threading situation.

Is it safe to access the hard drive via many different GCD queues?

Is it safe? For instance, if I create a bunch of different GCD queues that each compress (tar cvzf) some files, am I doing something wrong? Will the hard drive be destroyed?
Or does the system properly take care of such things?
Dietrich's answer is correct save for one detail (that is completely non-obvious).
If you were to spin off, say, 100 asynchronous tar executions via GCD, you'd quickly find that you have 100 threads running in your application (which would also be dead slow due to gross abuse of the I/O subsystem).
In a fully asynchronous concurrent system with queues, there is no way to know if a particular unit of work is blocked because it is waiting for a system resource or waiting for some other enqueued unit of work. Therefore, anytime anything blocks, you pretty much have to spin up another thread and consume another unit of work or risk locking up the application.
In such a case, the "obvious" solution is to wait a bit when a unit of work blocks before spinning up another thread to de-queue and process another unit of work with the hope that the first unit of work "unblocks" and continues processing.
Doing so, though, would mean that any asynchronous concurrent system with interaction between units of work -- a common case -- would be so slow as to be useless.
Far more effective is to limit the # of units of work that are enqueued in the global asynchronous queues at any one time. A GCD semaphore makes this quite easy; you have a single serial queue into which all units of work are enqueued. Every time you dequeue a unit of work, you increment the semaphore. Every time a unit of work is completed, you decrement the semaphore. As long as the semaphore is below some maximum value (say, 4), then you enqueue a new unit of work.
If you take something that is normally IO limited, such as tar, and run a bunch of copies in GCD,
It will run more slowly because you are throwing more CPU at an IO-bound task, meaning the IO will be more scattered and there will be more of it at the same time,
No more than N tasks will run at a time, which is the point of GCD, so "a billion queue entries" and "ten queue entries" give you the same thing if you have less than 10 threads,
Your hard drive will be fine.
Even though this question was asked back in May, it's still worth noting that GCD has now provided I/O primitives with the release of 10.7 (OS X Lion). See the man pages for dispatch_read and dispatch_io_create for examples on how to do efficient I/O with the new APIs. They are smart enough to properly schedule I/O against a single disk (or multiple disks) with knowledge of how much concurrency is, or is not, possible in the actual I/O requests.