VB Loading a list of variables from a text document - vb.net

I'm currently trying to load a list of variables that are formatted like this:
etc, and I'm trying to output them to variables like this:
Strength = variablesList(1)
Agility = variablesList(2)
But so far, I've not been able to find a solution that seems to work for what I'm trying to do.
I'm currently working with:
Dim destination As String = Environment.GetFolderPath("C:\Roll20Output\Class" + outputClass + "2.txt")
Dim FileReader1 As New StreamReader(destination)
Dim Contents1 As String
Dim index As Integer = 0
While FileReader1.Peek <> -1
Contents1 = FileReader1.ReadLine
Dim array As New ArrayList
End While
Strength = variablesList(1)
Agility = variablesList(2)
But so far I can't seem to get anything to output.
Would anyone be able to help?

You are using a lot of outdated stuff in your code (reading a file with StreamReader, ArrayList instead of List<T>, etc.). I would suggest the following (untested):
' Returns an array with one string per line
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines("C:\...\SomeFile.txt")
' Remove trailing `,` - LINQ magic
lines = (From s In lines Select s.TrimEnd(","c)).ToArray()
Dim strength = CInt(lines(0))
Dim agility = CInt(lines(1))
If you get rid of the useless trailing commas, you can skip the second step. If you use only commas instead of new lines, the first step becomes:
Dim lines = File.ReadAllText("C:\...\SomeFile.txt").Split(","c)


VB Import variable then use part 1 in dropdown and display part 2 to match selection in part 1

I'm using Visual studio to build a small utility.
I'm importing variables from a text file (this makes my program expandable in the future).
I'm running into a road block trying to split the variables into usable parts.
The text file is set up as such:
And the code I've gathered from searching around trying to understand how I could do this is (It's gone through multiple rewrites but I feel this is probably the closest I've gotten):
Dim value As String = File.ReadAllText("Games.txt")
Dim cut_at As String = ":"
Dim x As Integer = InStr(value, cut_at)
Dim string_before As String = value.Substring(0, x - 2)
Dim string_after As String = value.Substring(x + cut_at.Length - 1)
When I run a test like this, I get an error that String_before cannot be converted to an object. I tried switching "Dim string_before As String = value.Substring(0, x - 2)" to Dim string_before As Object = value.Substring(0, x - 2), but the dropdown that's supposed to be populated by at least one of the entries before the : has absolutely nothing in it.
Being pretty new at VB and feeling like I've exhausted pretty much every way I could think of searching in google and trying to piece together various bits of information, I figure I'd try asking my own direct question:
How would I go about reading all the lines from a text file, then splitting before the : to fill a combobox, and using a label to display the string after the : matching which ever entry is selected in the dropdown.
Thanks in advance for any help.
EDIT with full code:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Saves_frm
Private Sub Saves_frm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim value As String = File.ReadAllText("Games.txt")
Dim cut_at As String = ":"
Dim x As Integer = InStr(value, cut_at)
Dim string_before As String = value.Substring(0, x - 2)
Dim string_after As String = value.Substring(x + cut_at.Length - 1)
End Sub
End Class
When run as is, I get an error that 'string_before' can't be converted from a string to an object, but when I make the following change from:
Dim string_before As String = value.Substring(0, x - 2)
Dim string_before As Object = value.Substring(0, x - 2)
The error goes away, but the dropdown remains blank.
It's easier to use File.ReadAllLines, as it returns an array with all the file's lines. Then, you can loop through the lines, splitting each line and adding the result to the ListBox. This should be an example, but feel free to correct any mistakes I made, as I wrote it on my phone and it's been a long time since I used VB.
Dim lines() As String = File.ReadAllLines("file.txt")
For Each line As String In lines
Dim split() As String = line.Split(":"c)
gDic.Add(split(0), split(1))
EDIT: Then, you most certainly want a dictionary that contains the name and the data, check the updated code.
Then, add the names by looping through gDic.Keys. When a name is selected, access its value with gDic("key").

How to convert a string expression to vb code?

I have a string output from user interface as below,
strFormula ="gridControlName.Rows(i).cells("C1").value *
if i write code like
dblRes=gridControlName.Rows(i).cells("C1").value *
it will give result.. but since its a string i could not get result
How can I remove the double quotes from the above string and get the values entered in the grid cells to be multiplied?
I don't think there's an 'easy' way to do this, since VB.Net doesn't have an "eval()" like some other languages. However, it does support run-time compilation. Here are a couple articles which may help you:
Using .NET Languages to make your Application Scriptable (VB.Net example)
Runtime Compilation (A .NET eval statement) (C# example)
Both are intended to be a bit more robust than just executing single lines of code, allowing users to input entire textboxes of their own code for example, but should give you some direction. Both include sample projects.
Hi guys thanks for your updates.. I wrote my own function by using your concepts and some other code snippets .I am posting the result
Function generate(ByVal alg As String, ByVal intRow As Integer) As String Dim algSplit As String() = alg.Split(" "c)
For index As Int32 = 0 To algSplit.Length - 1
'algSplit(index) = algSplit(index).Replace("#"c, "Number")
If algSplit(index).Contains("[") Then
Dim i As Integer = algSplit(index).IndexOf("[")
Dim f As String = algSplit(index).Substring(i + 1, algSplit(index).IndexOf("]", i + 1) - i - 1)
Dim grdCell As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridCell = dgExcelEstimate.Rows(intRow).Cells(f)
Dim dblVal As Double = grdCell.Value
algSplit(index) = dblVal
End If
Dim result As String = String.Join("", algSplit)
'Dim dblRes As Double = Convert.ToDouble(result)
Return result
End Function
Thanks again every one.. expecting same in future

Extract whole row/line using Lumenworks CSV Parser

How do I read the whole row while using LumenWorks CVS parser? So far am only able to read entry by entry but not the whole row. i.e. if a row is a,b,c,d,e,f, am able to pluck out each individual alphabet. However, I want to be able to read the whole row
Currently I have:
my_csv = New CsvReader(New StreamReader(file_path), False, ",", resetPoint)
field_count = my_csv.FieldCount
While my_csv.ReadNextRecord()
'process the data here
'This code will process each individual alphabet in one row
The above reads each individual alphabet. What I want is to have something like
row = my_csv.row
Is this option available or something similar?
When you have basic VB programming skills like me, this is what you come up with to solve the problem
Dim my_string As String = ""
For x As Integer = 0 To my_csv.FieldCount - 1
my_string += my_csv(x).ToString.Trim + ","
my_string = Mid(my_string, 1, Len(my_string) - 1)
Return my_string
By all means use the code in the marked answer. Its super elegant!
I haven't found anything available, but this should work:
Dim rowFields = Enumerable.Range(0, my_csv.FieldCount).
Select(Function(field) my_csv(CInt(my_csv.CurrentRecordIndex), field))
Dim line As String = String.Join(my_csv.Delimiter.ToString(), rowFields)
var rowFields = Enumerable.Range(0, my_csv.FieldCount)
.Select(field => my_csv[(int)my_csv.CurrentRecordIndex, field]);
string line = string.Join(my_csv.Delimiter.ToString(), rowFields);
I found a method using the CopyCurrentRecordTo(array) method, which seems to be marginally faster (a few seconds) the wider (more columns) a file is:
string[] currentRow = new string[csv.FieldCount];
while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
var line = string.Join(csv.Delimiter.ToString(), currentRow);
VB (this is from Telerik converter, beware):
Dim currentRow As String() = New String(csv.FieldCount - 1) {}
While csv.ReadNextRecord()
Dim line = String.Join(csv.Delimiter.ToString(), currentRow)
End While

Get the contents of a line in a string

I am using Visual Studio.net, Visual Basic and I have a question.
If I have a string that has many lines in it, what is the best way to get the contents of a certain line?
E.g If the string is as follows:
Public Property TestProperty1 As String
Return _Name
End Get
Set(value As String)
_Name = value
End Set
End Property
What is the best way to get the contents of line 2 ("Get")?
The simplest is to use ElementAtOrdefault since you don't need to check if the collection has so many items. It would return Nothing then:
Dim lines = text.Split({Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.None)
Dim secondLine = lines.ElementAtOrDefault(1) ' returns Nothing when there are less than two lines
Note that an index is zero-based, hence i have used ElementAtOrDefault(1) to get the second line.
This is the non-linq approach:
Dim secondLine = If(lines.Length >= 2, lines(1), Nothing) ' returns Nothing when there are less than two lines
That depends on what you mean by "best".
The easiest, but least efficient, is to split the string into lines and get one of them:
Dim second As String = text.Split(Environment.NewLine)(1)
The most efficient would be to locate the line breaks in the string and get the line using Substring, but takes a bit more code:
Dim breakLen As Integer = Environment.Newline.Length;
Dim firstBreak As Integer = text.IndexOf(Environment.Newline);
Dim secondBreak As Integer = text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine, firstBreak + breakLen)
Dim second As String = text.Substring(firstBreak + breakLen, secondBreak - firstBreak - breakLen)
To get any line, and not just the second, you need even more code to loop through the lines until you get to the right one.

Search/Replace in VB.NET

Been following the threads for sometime as a novice (more of a newbie) but am now starting to do more.
I can read how to open a text file but am having trouble understanding the .replace functionality (I get the syntax just can't get it to work).
Inputfile name = test_in.txt
replace {inputfile} with c:\temp\test1.txt
I'm using test.txt as a template for a scripting tool and need to replace various values within to a new file called test_2.txt.
I've got variables defining the input and output files without a problem, I just can't catch the syntax for opening the new file and replacing.
You really have not given us that much to go on. But a common mistake in using String.Replace is that it makes a copy of the source which needs to be saved to another variable or else it will go into the bit bucket. So in your case, something like this should work.
Dim Buffer As String 'buffer
Dim inputFile As String = "C:\temp\test.txt" 'template file
Dim outputFile As String = "C:\temp\test_2.txt" 'output file
Using tr As TextReader = File.OpenText(inputFile)
Buffer = tr.ReadToEnd
End Using
Buffer = Buffer.Replace("templateString", "Hello World")
File.WriteAllText(outputFile, Buffer)
Try something like this:
Dim sValuesToReplace() As String = New String() {"Value1", "Value2", "Value3"}
Dim sText As String = IO.File.ReadAllText(inputFilePath)
For Each elem As String In sValuesToReplace
sText = sText.Replace(elem, sNewValue)
IO.File.WriteAllText(sOutputFilePath, sText)
It depends if you want to replace all values with only one value, or with different values for each. If you need different values you can use a Dictionary:
Dim sValuesToReplace As New Dictionary(Of String, String)()
sValuesToReplace.Add("oldValue1", "newValue1")
sValuesToReplace.Add("oldValue2", "newValue2")
And then loop throgh it with:
For Each oldElem As String In sValuesToReplace.Keys
sText = sText.Replace(oldElem, sValuesToReplace(oldElem))