Why it is very hard to make UI with xamarin forms [closed] - cross-platform

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm working fully in Xamarin Classic iOS and Android. But I tried Xamarin.Forms since past 2 months. It's very hard for me to create UI. I don't know that is just me or someone else is also facing. I know there is some library like Xamarin-Labs,etc... Also there is custom renderer. But if I have to create custom rendered even in so called Cross - Platform (don't hate me, I'm in love with Xamarin) then it is pitty thing. Also it is taking so much time to create simple UI(This is because I'm new to it), but is there any way to create things easy for developers with Xamarin.Forms? I saw there are lots of app created with Xamarin.Forms with actually cool and complex UI. It is very easy to create app with Classic Xamarin. The only problem I'm facing is code sharing. So guys please help me with Xamarin.Forms, is it good for any production application(with complex ui, I know Xamarin doesn't suggest it for complex UI, but I know the dev community.) So need you help to sharper my blade with Xamarin.Forms.

You know Xamarin forms is not intended to do complex UI, for complex UI You must use Xamarin.iOS/Android, nevertheless if this is not the question here are some tutorials for simply and beautiful UI:
And If you don't like to code UI and want to spend money then:


If it is possible to make games without coding, why code one? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm pretty new to coding and while searching on random stuff on the internet i found out that it is possible to make games without a single line of code with the help of game-engines like Unity. So what merit is there in coding a game? I have my guesses but i would like to have an answer to be sure, thank you in advance.
Unity requires coding for anything truly custom
You can get quite far with Unity just using already built stuff, but that's just the problem. You are limited to using the parts someone has already made and combining them. Now, that does allow for a heck of a lot of combinations but that is as far as you can go.
You are also limited in your ability to correct unwanted behavior in precisely the way you want it to be corrected.
You need to learn coding in order to make games and that includes using gaming engines such as Unreal or Unity engines. The main reason on why you would need to learn coding is to add logic to your game such as moving your character.
If you are using Unity I would suggest referring to the following link and learn more about scripting(aka coding) and how can you implement it in your game and that way you would have a better idea on why/when coding is essential to the game you're creating.

What skill does game development require? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Does being a game developer require more specific skills than a normal programmer ?
I found that some developers know graphic design and 3D motion etc... so they can work on full projects by themselves ....
so what is really needed to build a good foundation as a game developer ?
Very good question. I've been asking myself the same questions. That's why I did a deep research to get good answers.
Let's start this way. The most known project by a single developer is LSA (Lost soul aside) which is not even released, but the game developer claims that he did everything by himself. He is a designer. I've checked other projects as well. Every good single project has been made by a designer. So if you are a designer, you can develop a game yourself. If your a programmer without the design talent, I recommend a team work. If your asking yourself how is it possible that a designer can create a good game. The answer is simple. Game development with existing game engines (UE - Unreal engine) for example, is so simplified that you don't even need to use any programming language. You're just playing with objects and when you get the feeling, you can do a real masterpiece there.

React Native - why is so few apps in AppStore? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am learning React Native and considering developing IOS apps for my clients in it. I'd like to see some sample apps in AppStore, but there is just one. Why is that?
I see so much hype about this technology, but it looks like almost nobody uses it. Or is there any other reason for it? I'm already working with React and would like to add React Native to my skills, but don't know, if it's worth it. There are some interesting tutorials on the web, but no real samples in AppStore.
Actually there is already an app in the app store according to this blog post.
And as far as I know two of facebook's apps have been built using react-native (maybe not completely ): Groups and Paper.
So if you have any concerns, whether react-native is production ready: I think if Facebook can use it in their production apps it's probably good enough for you too ... ( no offense ) :D
People are still bootstrapping their knowledge and building applications.
Also, the technology is still in its infancy.

Trading Terminal Objective-C [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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this is my first question here. I am trying to create an app for chart analysis in Objective-C.
Is there a good solution to show a stock chart in a view and at the same time be able to draw lines on this chart.
Just like in this picture shown: http://gb2007.deutsche-euroshop.de/des/annual/2007/gb//German/60/30/grafik_1_chartanalyse.gif
I am pretty new to programming and doing this exercise for a school project.
Feel free to present every solution i really need the right idea to succeed.
Seems like the "go to" solution (in other words, the one everyone runs to) is CorePlot, which you can find on GitHub at:
And there's a RayWenderlich tutorial on stock charts with CorePlot, however his (or their) tutorials are more geared for iOS so you may have to do a bit of adjusting to make things work with MacOS. At least you'll be in the same neighborhood (using Objective-C, CorePlot, etc.).
I suspect any solution is going to be a bit "heavy" (or too much) for you to consider as a new programmer. Graphics & plotting within an app can be really intimidating, and you should try to get a couple other projects under your belt and in your portfolio first.

Titanium Appcelerator - should I use the alloy framework? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm developing an app using Titanium Appcelerator.
It's a simple flashcards app for iOS which allows users to scroll through a selection of foreign words, and view the equivalent english translation on 'the other side' of the card (flip transition!). Each card has an audio link and there are a few options for the user to choose also.
I would like to know if anyone reccommends the use of the alloy framework?
Does it speed up the development time?
Are there any use cases where alloy would not be appropriate?
I think your app is definitely appropriate for alloy, the same things appropriate for Titanium in general work with Alloy. One of the key things to think about is that using Alloy will not necessarily speed up development time. That is not the goal, the goal is to separate the concerns (Model View Controller), and provide cross-platform and multiple form factor support. If you are interested purely in speed of development stick with regular Titanium.
However, where it can speed up dev time is in your persistence strategy, sql integration of models is built in with Alloy. So, if this flashcard app your thinking of creating has the users creating flashcards on their phone, then using them later, I would definitely go with Alloy to take advantage of the model stuff.
Take note that the documentation is kind of sparse, I ported an existing clients project to Alloy and really had to find my own way on a lot of things, but It was not a simple app.
Essentially, if you want to 1) Release to multiple platforms and form factors and not have migraines, 2) Have a built-in easy to use persistence strategy, 3) Be able to maintain your code at a later date, or have other people look at it and be able to tell whats going on, then I would definitely use Alloy.
Here are some links that will help you to know more about alloy framework,
1 Official appcelerator doc
2 A presentation on Alloy framework
3 Google group : Appc Ti Alloy
4 appcelerator / alloy in github