PHPhotoLibrary getting album and photo info - objective-c

I am trying to get info on all the albums/photos using the PHPhotoLibrary. I barely know objective C, and i've looked at some tutorial/sample but couldn't find everything that I needed.
Here is a link to the sample code I based my code on.
So far I was able to get the albums name and identifier. And I am getting a list of photos, I am able to get their identifier as well, but not the filename. But if I put a break point in my fonction and look at my PHAsset pointer values, I can see the filename there (inside _filename), but if I try to call the variable with the filename in it, the variable does not exist.
So if anyone can provide a sample code to get all info on albums/photos/thumbnail that would be awesome. Or just getting the filename would be a good help.
Here is the code I have tried so far:
NSMutableArray *allPhotos = self.getAllPhotos;
for (int x = 0; x < allPhotos.count; x ++)
PHAsset *photo = [self getPhotoAtIndex:x];
PHAssetSourceType source = photo.sourceType;
NSString *id = photo.localIdentifier;
NSString *description = photo.description;
NSUInteger height = photo.pixelHeight;
NSUInteger width = photo.pixelWidth;
NSLog(#"Test photo info");
-(PHAsset*) getPhotoAtIndex:(NSInteger) index
return [self.getAllPhotos objectAtIndex:index];
-(NSMutableArray *) getAllPhotos
NSMutableArray *photos = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
PHFetchOptions *allPhotosOptions = [[PHFetchOptions alloc] init];
allPhotosOptions.sortDescriptors = #[[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:#"creationDate" ascending:YES]];
PHFetchResult *allPhotos = [PHAsset fetchAssetsWithOptions:allPhotosOptions];
PHFetchResult *fetchResult = #[allPhotos][0];
for (int x = 0; x < fetchResult.count; x ++) {
PHAsset *asset = fetchResult[x];
photos[x] = asset;
return photos;
As you can see, I can get the image height and width, its id, but cannot get the url to it.

I have found a way to get the url of my photo.
-(void)getImageURL:(PHAsset*) asset
PHContentEditingInputRequestOptions *options = [[PHContentEditingInputRequestOptions alloc] init];
[options setCanHandleAdjustmentData:^BOOL(PHAdjustmentData *adjustmentData) {
return [adjustmentData.formatIdentifier isEqualToString:AdjustmentFormatIdentifier] && [adjustmentData.formatVersion isEqualToString:#"1.0"];
[asset requestContentEditingInputWithOptions:options completionHandler:^(PHContentEditingInput *contentEditingInput, NSDictionary *info)
NSURL* url = contentEditingInput.fullSizeImageURL;

Filenames in the Photos library are an implementation detail and subject to change. There are various private API for discovering them (or ways to use valueForKey or other public introspection APIs to find where they're hidden), they aren't something to be relied upon. In particular, an asset that's been edited is likely to have a different filename than the original.
What do you need a filename/URL for? If you're just uniquely identifying the asset across launches of your app, use localIdentifier. If you're showing it to the user... why? Something like IMG_0234.jpg vs IMG_5672.jpg has little meaning to the average user.
To fetch the assets in a specific album, use fetchAssetsInAssetCollection:options:. To fetch the album(s) containing a specific asset, use fetchAssetCollectionsContainingAsset:withType:options:. To discover the list(s) of albums, use other APIs on PHAssetCollection and its superclass PHCollection.


UICollection View images from url

I have followed this tutorial to make a UICollectionView custom layout:
I got through it and I got it working. But when I try to use it with my own pictures I cannot get them show in the app.
Here's the code to get the pictures
self.albums = [NSMutableArray array];
NSURL *urlPrefix =
[NSURL URLWithString:#""];
NSInteger photoIndex = 0;
for (NSInteger a = 0; a < 12; a++) {
BHAlbum *album = [[BHAlbum alloc] init]; = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Photo Album %d",a + 1];
NSUInteger photoCount = 1;
for (NSInteger p = 0; p < photoCount; p++) {
// there are up to 25 photos available to load from the code repository
NSString *photoFilename = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"thumbnail%d.jpg",photoIndex % 25];
NSURL *photoURL = [urlPrefix URLByAppendingPathComponent:photoFilename];
BHPhoto *photo = [BHPhoto photoWithImageURL:photoURL];
[album addPhoto:photo];
[self.albums addObject:album];
So the problem comes when I change the url string to the one with my pictures. I want to use a public website for hosting images like Flickr, but I also tried and and it didn't work.
I have the photo names as it says the string: thumbnail%d.jpd so that is not the problem. Any ideas?
I tried using this
[NSURL URLWithString:#""];
That's the url to the gallery, but it doesn't show anything. If I can't use Flickr, is there any other websites similar that could be used?
For your thumbnails you're naming them "thumbnail0.jpg" "thumbnail1.jpg" etc right? The %d means insert the number from outside the quotes here, for the code you posted it takes whichever number photo you're on and adds it into your string (up to a maximum of 25 at which point it will restart , ie photo 27 would return thumbnail2.jpg
Just quickly googling it looks like flickr doesn't keep the source file name so it wouldn't work with the code you posted. I would recommend photobucket I beilieve they keep the source file name and urls are easy to work with

Read from iPhoto Library programmatically

I want to create an Application that connects to the iPhoto Library. So now I would like to read the Events and the pictures themselves from the library.
Is there an elegant / easy way to do this or do I have to manually read the Bundle Structure of the iPhoto User Data?
So far I have only found a picture taker: Is there a UIImagePicker for the Mac Desktop
Update: I found another relevant SO post: Selecting iPhoto images within a cocoa application
You can do it with NSAppleScript. This is some copy/paste from my app, hacked up a bit just to show the idea.
NSAppleEventDescriptor d = .. compile this script ..
#"tell application \"iPhoto\" to properties of albums"
for (int i = 0; i < [d numberOfItems]; i++)
NSAppleEventDescriptor *albumDesc = [d descriptorAtIndex:i];
// <NSAppleEventDescriptor: 'ipal'{
// 'ID ':4.265e+09,
// 'purl':'utxt'(""),
// 'pnam':'utxt'("Vacation"),
// 'alTy':'pubs',
// 'alCh':[ ],
// 'alPx':'msng' }>
NSString *albumName = [[albumDesc descriptorForKeyword:'pnam'] stringValue];
NSString *albumId = [[albumDesc descriptorForKeyword:'ID '] stringValue];
You can do the same thing to find the images
NSString *scp =
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"tell application \"iPhoto\" to properties of photos of album id %#",
[album objectForKey:#"id"]];
NSAppleEventDescriptor *d = ... compile scp ...
// 1 based!?
for (int i = 1; i <= [d numberOfItems]; i++)
NSAppleEventDescriptor *photoDesc = [d descriptorAtIndex:i];
// Yes.. this happens. Not sure why?!
if (!photoDesc)
// <NSAppleEventDescriptor: 'ipmr'{
// 'pnam':'utxt'("IMG_0058.JPG"),
// 'pwid':768,
// 'pdim':[ 768, 1024 ],
// 'alti':1.79769e+308,
// 'filn':'utxt'("3133889525_10975ba071_b.jpg"),
// 'ipth':'utxt'("/Users/lagnat/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Masters/2010/11/10/20101110-002341/3133889525_10975ba071_b.jpg"),
// 'idat':'ldt '($F57C69C500000000$),
// 'rate':0,
// 'titl':'utxt'("IMG_0058.JPG"),
// 'phit':1024,
// 'itpt':'utxt'("/Users/lagnat/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Thumbnails/2010/11/10/20101110-002341/3133889525_10975ba071_b.jpg.jpg"),
// 'ID ':4.295e+09,
// 'lati':'msng',
// 'pcom':'utxt'(""),
// 'opth':'utxt'("/Users/lagnat/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Masters/2010/11/10/20101110-002341/3133889525_10975ba071_b.jpg"),
// 'lngt':'msng',
// 'tiln':'utxt'("3133889525_10975ba071_b.jpg.jpg") }>
NSString *path = [[photoDesc descriptorForKeyword:'ipth'] stringValue];
NSString *imgname = [[photoDesc descriptorForKeyword:'pnam'] stringValue];
If releasing apps on the App Store you are now required now required to use the Sandbox, this stops the previous AppleScript method from working (the iPhoto app launches but an empty set is returned).
iPhoto libraries consist of a directory structure containing photos, databases and XML files. The contents changes with each version of iPhoto so be careful if manually accessing these files.
If you just want the album details you can parse the file AlbumData.xml
If you would like photos you can browse the Masters folder. The files structure follows date rather than by the sets configured in iPhoto.
More information can be found on the internals of the iPhoto library here:
The majority of the databases are in SQLite format and so can be programmatically accessed through Objective C, though again you can expect schema changes between different versions of iPhoto. The main databases of interest are Library.apdb and Properties.apdb in Database/apdb.
If you still want to use the Apple Script method, here's a version of the previous answer with the Apple script execution part included:
NSAppleScript *script = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:#"tell application \"iPhoto\" to properties of albums"];
NSAppleEventDescriptor *d = [script executeAndReturnError:nil];
NSLog(#"photo library count: %ld", (long)[d numberOfItems]);
for (int i = 0; i < [d numberOfItems]; i++)
NSAppleEventDescriptor *albumDesc = [d descriptorAtIndex:i];
NSString *albumName = [[albumDesc descriptorForKeyword:'pnam'] stringValue];
NSLog(#"%#", albumName);

Mac OS X Text-To-Speech Genders

I'm making an application, in which I am trying to get all the different voices in Mac OS X, and then sort them by gender. I've created three mutable arrays to put the voices of each gender (Male, Female, Novelty) in, and I'm using enumeration to go through each one and put it in the correct array. Unfortunately, It's not working. All but the novelty arrays come up empty, and the novelty array only has one voice, Zarvox. Does anybody see what I'm doing wrong? I've posted the code below:
NSArray* voices = [NSSpeechSynthesizer availableVoices];
for(NSString* x in voices){
NSDictionary* voiceInfo = [NSSpeechSynthesizer attributesForVoice:x];
NSString* voiceName = [voiceInfo objectForKey:NSVoiceName];
NSString* voiceGender = [voiceInfo objectForKey:NSVoiceGender];
maleVoices = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
femaleVoices = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
noveltyVoices = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
if (voiceGender == NSVoiceGenderMale){
[maleVoices addObject:voiceName];
} else if (voiceGender == NSVoiceGenderFemale) {
[femaleVoices addObject:voiceName];
} else {
[noveltyVoices addObject:voiceName];
Allocate maleVoices, femaleVoices, and noveltyVoices outside of the for loop. You're just creating a new, empty array with each iteration of the loop.
Direct equality comparison with strings is usually unreliable. Use the -isEqualToString: method:
if([voiceGender isEqualToString:NSVoiceGenderMale]){
// etc.

Using a String representing the name of a variable to set the variable

This is a basic example that I know can be simplified, but for testing sake, I would like to do this in such a way. I want to set a variable based on an appending string (the variables "cam0" and "pos1" are already declared in the class). The appending string would essentially be an index, and i would iterate through a loop to assign cameras (cam0, cam1..) to different positions (pos0, pos1..).
cam0 is defined as an UIImageView
pos1 is defined as a CGRect
This works for a NSString Variable named coverIndex:
NSString* text = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#""];
NSLog(#"%#",(NSString *)[self performSelector:NSSelectorFromString([text stringByAppendingString:#"coverIndex"])]);
The correct string that I set for coverIndex was logged to the Console.
Now back to my UIImageView and CGRect. I want this to work.
NSString* camText = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"cam"];
NSString* posText = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"pos"];
[(UIImageView *)[self performSelector:NSSelectorFromString([camText stringByAppendingString:#"0"])] setFrame:(CGRect)[self performSelector:NSSelectorFromString([posText stringByAppendingString:#"1"])]];
My error is "Conversion to non-scalar type requested"
This is the only way I found to do this sort of thing (and get the NSLog to work), but I still believe there is an easier way.
Thank you so much for any help :)
Use KVC, it's an amazing piece of technology that will do just what you want:
for (int index = 0; index < LIMIT; index++) {
NSString *posName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"pos%d", index];
CGRect pos = [[self valueForKey:posName] CGRectValue];
NSString *camName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"cam%d", index];
UIImageView *cam = [self valueForKey:camName];
cam.frame = pos;
One way you can do this would be to create your cameras in a dictionary and use those special NSStrings to key in to it. Like,
NSMutableDictionary *myCams;
myCams = [[myCams alloc] init];
[myCams addObject:YOUR_CAM0_OBJECT_HERE forKey:#"cam[0]"];
[myCams addObject:YOUR_CAM1_OBJECT_HERE forKey:#"cam[1]"];
NSString camString = #"cam[0]"; // you'd build your string here like you do now
id theCamYouWant = [myCams objectForKey:camString];

Best way to implement multiple levels within Objective-C roguelike?

I'm working on a roguelike using Objective-C/Cocoa to learn more. I've gotten most of the basic functionality out of the way, but I still have one problem I've been trying to figure out.
Here's a breakdown of the process:
First, the map is loaded:
NSString* mapPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:mapFileName ofType:mapFileType];
NSURL* mapURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: mapPath];
currentMap_ = [[Map alloc] initWithContentsOfURL: mapURL];
worldArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
itemArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self populateMap];
Then, in the populateMap function, it goes through each cell of the loaded map, using NSPoints and a loop, and creates objects based on the data from the map in WorldArray. For items, normal floor is put in where the item is, and an item is then made in itemArray. Both arrays are 30x30, as determined by the height of the map.
Here is the populateMap code:
- (void)populateMap
NSPoint location;
for ( location.y = 0; location.y < [currentMap_ height]; location.y++ )
for ( location.x = 0; location.x < [currentMap_ width]; location.x++ )
char mapData = [currentMap_ dataAtLocation: location];
for ( GameObject *thisObject in worldDictionary )
//NSLog(#"char: <%c>", [thisObject single]);
if ( mapData == [thisObject single])
NSString* world = [thisObject className];
//NSLog(#"(%#) object created",thisObject);
[self spawnObject:world atLocation:location];
for ( Item *thisObject in itemDictionary )
//NSLog(#"char: <%c>", [thisObject single]);
if ( mapData == [thisObject single] )
NSString* item = [thisObject className];
NSString* floor = [NormalFloor className];
//NSLog(#"(%#) object created",thisObject);
[self spawnItem:item atLocation:location];
[self spawnObject:floor atLocation:location];
if ( mapData == '1'
&& [player_ stepsTaken] <= 0)
//NSLog(#"player spawned at (%f, %f)",location.x,location.y);
player_ = [[Player alloc] initAtLocation: location];
if ( mapData == '1' )
//NSLog(#"floor created at (%f, %f)",location.x,location.y);
[worldArray addObject:[[NormalFloor alloc] initAtLocation: location]];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
This is what is called when things are spawned:
- (void)spawnObject: (NSString*) object atLocation: (NSPoint) location
//NSLog(#"(%#) object created",thisObject);
[worldArray addObject:[[NSClassFromString(object) alloc] initAtLocation: location]];
- (void)spawnItem: (NSString*) item atLocation: (NSPoint) location
//NSLog(#"(%#) object created",thisObject);
[itemArray addObject:[[NSClassFromString(item) alloc] initAtLocation: location]];
worldArray and itemArray are what the game works on from that moment onwards, including the drawing. The player is inside of worldArray as well. I'm considering splitting the player into another array of characterArray, to make it easier when I add things like monsters in the not so distant future.
Now, when I load a new level, I had first considered methods like saving them to data and loading them later, or some sort of savestate function. Then I came to the realization that I would need to be able to get to everything at the same time, because things can still happen outside of the player's current scope, including being chased by monsters for multiple floors, and random teleports. So basically, I need to figure out a good way to store worldArray and itemArray in a way that I will be able to have levels of them, starting from 0 and going onward. I do need a savestate function, but there's no point touching that until I have this done, as you shouldn't actually be allowed to save your game in roguelikes.
So to reiterate, I need to have one set of these arrays per level, and I need to store them in a way that is easy for me to use. A system of numbers going from 0-upward are fine, but if I could use something more descriptive like a map name, that would be much better in the long run.
I've figured out my problem, I'm using an NSMutableDictionary for each and storing them with the keys that correspond to each level. Works like a charm. Bigger problems elsewhere now.
I figured it out, I'm using NSMutableDictionaries, one for each array (objects, items, eventually characters). They're stored using the name of the level. Works like a charm.