Can I have multiple outputs in an OpenShift Origin build? - openshift-origin

I'm building several base images for our infrastructure and would like to mimic the Docker Hub nomenclature for the image tags. For example, Java image on Docker Hub includes several aliases for the same image, e.g. 8 and latest is the same image.
If I were to replicate this system in ImageStreams, I would need to create a BuildConfig with an output specification like this:
"output": {
"to": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag"
"name": "jdk:8"
Obviously, this only includes one tag, so even if I were to write
"output": {
"to": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag"
"name": "jdk:8"
"to": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag"
"name": "jdk:latest"
only the latest definition would actually be executed.
Is there any proper way to push the same image into different tags apart from creating a different BuildConfig (which would probably "build" from Docker image to Docker image)?

There is a card on the trello board to do this: .
You should also be able to do this using oc tag to avoid having to run the same build twice.


BIM 360 and the Revit API

Im trying to learn more about the Revit API as it works with BIM 360. I know I can determine isCloudInModel (which is available in the 2019 API, not the 2018 - and hopefully its available intentionally this time) and get the path using these strategies .
BIM 360 models don't seem to subscribe to Sync events, Im struggling to understand if I can subscribe to any events that have to do with synchronization, saving, opening or anything else.
Is there a reference for API and Limitations of models that are hosted on BIM 360?
Through the Application/ControlledApplication classes you have methods for this. You just need to have the logic for seeing if the application that is triggering the DocumentSynchronizing, DocumentSaving type Events is a BIM360 model. Which you can do with how you find the path.
With the Forge API, through the Data Management API, you can use the PostModelJob endpoint which has this functionality:
Every time you synchronize the current model with the central model, it sets the data attribute to null. When you publish the latest version to BIM 360 Docs (using the PublishModel command), it sets the status to processing or complete.
This will give you the information on if the model has been synced. You also have to be using BIM 360 Docs and not BIM 360 Team.
Successful Retrieval of C4R Publish Status - Model Needs Publishing (200)
Note that if you have updated the central model, the data attribute is set to null until you publish it.
curl -X POST -v "" -H "Authorization: Bearer kEnG562yz5bhE9igXf2YTcZ2bu0z" -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" -d '
"jsonapi": {
"version": "1.0"
"data": {
"type": "commands",
"attributes": {
"extension": {
"type": "commands:autodesk.bim360:C4RModelGetPublishJob",
"version": "1.0.0"
"relationships": {
"resources": {
"data": [ { "type": "items", "id": "urn:adsk.wip:dm.file:hC6k4hndRWaeIVhIjvHu8w" } ]
Show Less
"data": null
"jsonapi": {
"version": "1.0"

Accessing a Word(.docx) file's content with Microsoft Graph REST API?

Is there a way to obtain the content of a Word document stored in the cloud through the Microsoft Graph API without having to download the file locally?
The goal is to build an app that analyzes a Word document's inner content and produce some interesting data from it. However after searching through Microsoft's Dev Center, Graph Explorer, and their API's documentation repository, I can't find any API endpoints that can serve me that data.
I can find some endpoints that deal with manipulating Excel's contents, but not one that deals with Word. Does Microsoft Graph not support retrieving a Word document's content?
EDIT: For example, I know I can read the contents of a "message" and even apply a search on it through query parameters, as demonstrated by one of Microsoft's samples. But I can't seem to find how to do this with Word documents.
Well, it's possible to download the content of the document.
See: Download the contents of a DriveItem.
For example:
GET /v1.0/me/drive/root:/some-folder/document.docx:/content
But you'll get the entire docx, with embedded images and all. Don't know if this is what you are looking for.
As an example, see the helix-word2md project that fetches a docx and converts it to markdown.
I'm afraid you can't direly access word content. What you can do is use web URL property of a DriveItem opening a document the associated Word Online or native world if it is installed.
You can use this below to show specific item or all items:
GET /users/{userId}/drive/items/{itemId}
GET me/drive/root/children/
This is the result below:
"#microsoft.graph.downloadUrl": "",
"createdDateTime": "2018-08-10T01:43:00Z",
"eTag": "\"{00000000-3E94-4161-9B82-0000000},2\"",
"id": "00000000IOJA4ONFB6MFAZXARX7L7RU4NV",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-08-10T01:43:00Z",
"name": "daily check.docx",
"webUrl": "https://xxxxxxx",
"cTag": "\"c:{00000000-3E94-4161-9B82-37FAFF1A71B5},2\"",
"size": 26330,
"createdBy": {
"user": {
"email": "",
"id": "000000-93dc-41b7-b89b-760c4128455a",
"displayName": "Chris"
"lastModifiedBy": {
"user": {
"email": "",
"id": "00000000-93dc-41b7-b89b-00000000",
"displayName": "Chris"
"parentReference": {
"driveType": "business",
"id": "00000VN6Y2GOVW7725BZO354PWSELRRZ",
"path": "/drive/root:"
"file": {
"mimeType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-
"hashes": {
"quickXorHash": "OSOK7r2hIVSeY1+FjaCnlOxn2p8="
"fileSystemInfo": {
"createdDateTime": "2018-08-10T01:43:00Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-08-10T01:43:00Z"

Bigcommerce stencil what is customLayouts used for?

I noticed that after using the command stencil init to generate a .stencil file for a new stencil project, the generate file contains a customLayouts attribute. For example, the file might contain this:
"normalStoreUrl": "",
"port": 3000,
"username": "Stencil",
"token": "11223344556677889900",
"customLayouts": {
"products": {},
"search": {},
"brands": {},
"categories": {}
Can someone please explain the purpose of this customLayout object and how it can be used?
It isn't presently in use. It will be available for use to have customized templates per each of those types of pages once we have finished some engineering work. It is a placeholder at this time.

AWS data pipeline activity with multiple inputs

As part of an Amazon AWS data pipeline, I have a hive activity using two unstaged S3 data nodes as input. What I want is to be able to set two script variables on the activity, each pointing to an input data node, but I can't get the syntax right. With the single input, I could write the following and it would work just fine:
When I add the second input, I run into a problem of how to reference them since they are now an array of inputs, as you can see in the pipeline definition below. Essentially, I want to achieve the following, but can't figure out the correct syntax:
Here's the activity portion of the pipeline definition:
"id": "ActivityId_7u1sR",
"input": [
"ref": "DataNodeId_iYnxf"
"ref": "DataNodeId_162Ka"
"schedule": {
"ref": "DefaultSchedule"
"scriptUri": "#{myS3ScriptLocation}calculate-results.q",
"name": "Perform Calculations",
"runsOn": {
"ref": "EmrClusterId_jHeiV"
"scriptVariable": [
"output": {
"ref": "DataNodeId_2jY6v"
"type": "HiveActivity",
"stage": "false"
I plan to keep the tables unstaged and take care of table creation in the hive script so that it's easier to run each Hive activity in isolation as well as in the pipeline itself.
Here's the error I see when using array syntax:
Unable to resolve input[1].directoryPath for object ActivityId_7u1sR'
As it stands now, this scenario is not supported, but a feature request was added to support it in the future.

Xbmc Database Path

I am working with XBMC. I have installed XBMC in my system(Windows 7, 32 bit). Xbmc is working fine in my system. I have developed an application in order to control the Xbmc remotely from Ipad. In order to retrieve the music files or video files from Xbmc, I am unable to. By searching the forums of xbmc, I found that we can write an sql query to get them out. But, the thing is I am unable to make out where the database is located in my system. Someone help me out where I can find it.
The database itself
By default the location of the database is that described on the wiki page XBMC databases
but the actual location can be changed by the user, or a different database technology can be used entirely.
The settings that would affect this are located in advancedsettings.xml.
But in general it is advised by the XBMC developers to never access the database directly.
In order to help with interacting with the database XBMC has supported the JSONRPC queries, the one downside of these is that XBMC needs to be running at the time to respond to these queries. The major advantage is that it XBMC will find the database for you and expose access to it with a common interface.
JSONRPC support was first added to XBMC in "Darhma" (v10), became really useful in "Eden" (v11) and will support almost everything possible in "Frodo" (v12). Information about the use of JSONRPC can be found in the wiki.
An example
In this example I'm assuming that you are targeting "Eden", the current stable release of XBMC. Also I have formatted the following with new lines, these are not required and are not present in the response from XBMC.
If you were to use JSONRPC the request you would need to send would look something like:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies",
"params": {
"properties": [
"limits": {
"start": 0,
"end": 2
"id": 1
Note: If you wanted different information about each movie you could use other properties listed here.
*Note: You probably want to omit the "limits" part to get all movies.*
The response to this would be something like:
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"limits": {
"end": 2,
"start": 0,
"total": 47
"movies": [
"label": "Label for movie",
"movieid": 1,
"title": "Title of movie",
"year": 2012
"label": "Label for another movie",
"movieid": 2,
"title": "Title of another movie",
"year": 2010
"label": "Label for a third movie",
"movieid": 3,
"title": "Title of a third movie",
"year": 2012
What to do now?
You have a choice at this point, you can either:
Add "file" to the list of properties, this will return the "file" property, the location of the video file.
Use JSONRPC to tell xbmc to play a movie.
Using this method is best when you don't want to play the file locally (on the iPad) but instead on XBMC.
Playing a movie on XBMC via JSONRPC
This is quite simple, use the "movieid" you received earlier in the following request:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "Player.Open",
"params": {
"item": {
"movieid": 2
"id": 1
Lastly I would note that there are equivalent commands for TV episodes as shown for movies.