Module coupon in ubercart drupal8? - ubercart

After installing Ubercart for Drupal 8, I find a coupon module but not seen. Please help me this problem, thank you.

There is no Coupon module for Ubercart in Drupal 8 Version. - Only for Drupal 7 Version


Install B2B Customer module (deprecated). In VirtoCommerce

B2B Custumer module give migration error after install and restart module.
My Virtocommerce platform version is 2.13.35 community.
I hope some can help you to solve this error.
Thanks In Advance...
As you said, this module is obsolete and is no longer supported.
All the necessary b2b functionality is built into other modules in the new version platform.

Migrate customers to Prestashop 1.7

First of all thank you for taking a look the the problem that I'm facing today.
I'm currently working on a project that includes prestashop 1.7. What I'm trying to do is as following. I want to migrate my prestashop 1.6.11 to 1.7. Now I know that there is currently no support on this option but I really want to upgrade it for some important reasons. I did migrate the customers and there invoices to 1.7 but when I try log in on the new website nothing happens(I made a test account on 1.6). There is no error or anything but the page refreshes and that's it. I did look on multiple websites for a solution but that came out blank.
Is what I am trying to do even possible or does anybody have an idea where to look or what to change.
Hope that somebody has a solution.
There is a _COOKIE_KEY_ in PrestaShop that is used to encrypt the password before saving them to the database. The _COOKIE_KEY_ for each PrestaShop installation. The _COOKIE_KEY_ is unique for each and every PrestaShop installation.
You can find the _COOKIE_KEY_ in following paths:
/app/config/parameters.php (in PrestaShop 1.7)
/config/ (in PrestaShop 1.6)
You should set the passwords for your users on your new PrestaShop 1.7 store again using the updated _COOKIE_KEY_
You can take a look at Tools::encrypt() function to find out how it is encrypted.
Note: This _COOKIE_KEY_ is called 'secret' in PrestaShop 1.7
Migrating from Prestashop 1.6 to Prestashop 1.7 requires you to use Prestashop Migrator. This is its Github project:
The steps are very simple:
Just download Prestashop Migrator ( then follow 3 simple steps below
Step 1: Install Prestashop connector on the source website (your old website.)
Step 2: Install a fresh Prestashop 1.7 website (target website) then install Prestashop migrator on the website you just installed.
Step 3: Start migrating your data from the source website to target website. Wait a few minutes and enjoy your new Prestashop 1.7 website.

Custom Content Element with fluid for TYPO3 6.2

I like the way how to build custom content elements with fluid_styled_content under TYPO3 7.x
I would like to know how to do it with TYPO3 6.2.x
I'm not talking about to use DCE...
In TYPO3 7 you would do something like
lib.myElement < lib.fluidContent
I tried with fluid_content extension but I'm struggling that the lib.fluidContent does not exist in 6.2
I tried already to build lib.fluidContent by my own, based on how its done in TYPO3 7 - but without luck.
Does anybody did it successfully or found any tutorial for that?
Have you already tried the backport of fluid_styled_content for TYPO3 6.2? You can find it on TER and on Github. This should allow you to do nearly the same as in TYPO3 7. As you can see on Github, some features are missing, but Patrick is actively developing the extension. Give it a try ;)

Plugin or upgrade for interspire isc

Has anyone got or created an upgrade to Sagepay v3 for the old Interspire ISC ? We need it to keep an existing site working while we build its replacement.
There is a new Unofficial upgrade for Interspire Shopping Cart version 7 at Hope that helps. There is also an addon shop at

What is the difference between OpenERP and Odoo?

What all are the difference between OpenERP and Odoo.
I know Odoo(v8) is lastest version of OpenERP(v7)
and also explain something about Odoo V9. Here difference in the sense it means what are all the additional feature available in Odoo and also about extra feature included in Odoo v9.
In OpenERP V7:
There have no any kind of website interface and E commerce faciality in this version so that the new territory comes in the market and new revolution for new API and also added new modules for Odoo 8.0
OpenERP V7 To Odoo 8.0
New Features for Odoo 8.0
For Odoo 9.0
By Febian Pianker
By netjunky
You can check for the above reference links to understand the OpenERP 7.0 To Odoo 8.0 To Odoo 9.0
I hope my answer may help you :)
You have the Release Notes of Odoo v8 in the oficial website with all the changes. And you can see what's new in these Odoo v9 videos
before the odoo v8 the product were named openerp "as it was fully open source"
they've introduced a brand new ORM API for their framework and they introduce the web client and so on, then they rename the product to it's current name "Odoo" and every year or so they introduce an new version of it.
one major change happened after version 10 they toke off the accounting module and the community version left off with invoicing system.