libtls: select() and tls_read() working together - libressl

I want to add an ssl support to an old chat application I wrote years ago. I did a lot of reading on OpenSSL and LibreSSL and I decided to try a new libtls API. I think developers did a really great job on this one.
I found it to be very easy to use - almost no changes to my existing code where required. But here is one thing I need to figure out now:
Back in a day, I was using select() to monitor sockets and recv() to read a data. This was easy, because both of those functions are working on file descriptors.
Now, with libtls, function tls_read() requires a tls context as a first argument. This means I need to search the list of clients to get an appropriate tls context every time I have a descriptor ready to be read. This is not that hard but maybe someone knows a better solution? I will appreciate all comments and code samples.

Unless I'm misreading the documentation, it seems to me that if you create the sockets yourself, and then use tls_connect_fds/tls_connect_socket/tls_accept_fds/tls_accept_socket afterwards, you'll have normal file handles available you can trivially use with select()/poll()/etc. You'd still need to keep around some sort of file descriptor to context mapping to actually issue the tls_read/tls_write once you were ready, but that's just your choice of linked list or hashtable, depending on what language you're using and what stdlib you have available.


how to fix the problem of downloading fasttext-model300?

I'm using windows 10 and python 3.3. I tried to download fasttext_model300 to calculate soft cosine similarity between documents, but when I run my python file, it stops after arriving at this statement:
fasttext_model300 = api.load('fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300')
There are no errors or not responding, It just stops without any reaction.
Does anybody know why it happens?
I'd recommend against using the gensim api.load() functionality. It dynamically runs new, unversioned source code from remote servers – which is opaque in its operations & suboptimal for maintaining a secure local configuration, or debugging any issues which occur.
Instead, find the actual exact data files you trust and download them as plain data. Then, use specific library operations, like the KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format() method, so instantiate exactly the model you need, using precise local-file paths you understand.
Following those steps may make it clearer what, if anything, is going wrong. If it doesn't, try also enabling logging at the INFO level to gather more information about what progress is made before failure (and add any new details as a comment or to your question).
python3 -m gensim.downloader --download fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300
Try using this. Source :

Detect USB - Insert/Remove - VB.NET on Windows CE 6.0

I'm becoming mad trying to figure out how to resolve this task. My goal is pretty easy, copy a file on the USB stick every time that it is inserted and then release the USB stick turning off the LED. What is the best way to solve it?
1) I found this article
but I can't translate it on VB.NET project.
2) Then I read that is enough to use RequestDeviceNotifications for block devices. But How can I do that in VB.NET?
I would like to avoid OpenNetCF if possible.
Thank you
Since you don't want to "use OpenNETCF" I assume that you don't want to use any libraries or capabilities not built in to the CF. We'll skip the argument of that silliness and the "value of your time" discussion and take that as a requirement.
What you need to do is:
Use P/Invoke to call CreateMsgQueue. That's going to give you back a Handle. You'll probably want to do CloseMsgQueue as well for completeness
P/Invoke RequestDeviceNotifications and pass it the handle returned from #1 above along with the DEVCLASS GUID value for the device notifications you want - probably STORE_MOUNT_GUID. Again, adding StopDeviceNotifications for completeness is a good idea.
At that point you'll get a message on the queue whenever a insert or remove happens. You then call ReadMsgQueue to get the DEVDETAIL data in the message.
Parse the DEVDETAIL and look at the fAttached member.
It'd take me a while to write that for you, so you'll need to do this on your own.
Start writing the project, find P/Invoke routines for the calls you need (like FindFirstFile and CreateProcess). On SO, have a look at Storage Card Problem In windows mobile and How to register form for WM_DEVICECHANGE message in windows mobile.
You are only going to be dead in the water if you can not find a particular call that you can't make.
As you work through your project, post (or search for) the actual problems you run into.
Otherwise, it sounds like you are asking someone to write the project and hand it to you.

Secure data in VB.NET?

My VB.NET application has a very important boolean variable. I need to be able to save it "somewhere" and read it back in the future (even if the application is closed).
Currently, I store the variable as a .bin file somewhere. But I fear that the user can simply grab the file and do some magic to edit the value.
I need to make this value completely unavailable from the user's eyes. Or at least, make it impossible to edit. What is the best way to hide such value?
I managed to store the variable in my online MySQL database. But honestly, that doesn't work very well for my purposes. I need to store it locally...
Any ideas?
Theoretically, you can never hide this variable at all. However, you can make it harder to find or read. To know how to hide the variable, you must first know some common ways of retrieving it.
Typical problems and solutions
How others could theoretically retrieve your variable value
Decompiling your program with a single click using .NET Reflector or any other .NET Decompilation program.
Analyze the memory of the PC while the program is running, and retrieve the value from there.
If your value was saved in a file, the user could easily find it by analyzing harddrive IO activity through a hook or a dump comparison.
If your value was saved in the registry, a simple registry hook or registry dump comparison tool could figure out where the value is stored.
If your value is encrypted, method #1 (decompiling the program) could be used to figuring out how a decryption could be done.
Solving the possible issues above
A general obfuscation program can be used to make it harder to decompile applications. For this, I suggest SmartAssembly. Other than that, there's a tool called Spoon Studio (previously called PostBuild) which will recompile your application into assembly code (and also make it run without the .NET Framework installed).
The SecureString class could be used to make it harder to find and decrypt the value while it's in the memory. This class also cleans itself up after usage, but is generally slightly slower to use than a normal string.
Storing things in a file is not nescessarily a bad idea (even if people can sniff file activity), since you can always store the variable in a non-pretty way. For instance, you could have a file called IsFullScreen.bin, that contained the value of your boolean variable (1 or 0, or true or false), even though it has nothing to do with full-screen rendering. This would make it a bit confusing, but also not very pretty programming-wise.
For the registry, everything in solution #3 still applies.
Encryption is not a bad idea either, and it is hard to decrypt some encryption types (for instance public/private key encryption if you have a server), or hashing (such as MD5 or SHA1).
In your scenario, could you store the value on a server instead?
So to summarize ...
You can't protect your application entirely. But you can use some of the solutions above (or combine them) for a better protection making it harder.
Of course, premature security is bad. If that boolean isn't VERY important, then some simple encryption would be fine too in my opinion.
There's more ...
Edit 1
I just noticed that you've commented on your own answer saying that the file should not be "valid" after copying it to another computer and reading it from there.
If that's the case, you could use some key-based encryption such as XOR encryption, and then use the MAC-address of the PC or the motherboard serial number as key for that encryption.
Being on the computer that the file was created on would then be needed to read the file as well. If you're interested in this, add a comment and I'll give you a code example.
I would store it in the registry in a non-obvious way. For example, make the name of the registry entry appear to be important and store a random numeric value then ensure it ends in 0 or 1 or contains a 0 or 1 embedded at a fixed position in the number.
You can then read the value from the registry and extract the 0 or 1 from the appropriate location.
Encrypt the value before storing it. Use .NET Cryptography Model. For more on how to implement something using that model see

Change dwm colorization - Windows 7

I'm currently trying to write a program in VB.NET which fluidly changes the DWM window colorization colors in Windows 7.
I first tried to edit Registry values directly, but I had to restart the UXSMS service. This solution was unsatisfying, because of the toggle of the taskbar.
I'm now searching for a function in a DLL such as user32.dll or themecpl.dll which can reproduce the behaviour of control panel when setting the window color.
I'm now on IDA, searching for the adquate function (CColorCplPage::SetDwmColorizationColor seems good!). If anyone has one, please share it!
(If anyone need screens or code, please ask. Sorry for my poor English.)
Your first attempt failed because manually editing the Registry is never the correct way to change system settings. As you found out, lots of Windows components (and other applications!) read those configuration values once and cache them, preventing your changes from being propagated. Another problem (and you'd be surprised how often I see this) is applications that attempt to muck around in the Registry generally end up corrupting things.
Instead, you should call the documented API to change the settings. There's almost always a documented way of doing this, and if there isn't, well then you shouldn't be doing it.
This appears to be one of those cases. There's a documented DwmGetColorizationColor function, but there's no corresponding DwmSetColorizationColor function, as one might expect.
The reason is that the user is supposed to be the only one who can change their colorization settings, not other applications. You might promise not to abuse this, and to only make such changes at the user's explicit request, but not all applications can be trusted to do this. Lots of people would use it maliciously, so these functions have not been documented and exposed.
But as usual, if you press on, you can usually find an undocumented way of doing things. The problem with using undocumented functions is that there's no guarantee they'll work or continue to work. They've been intentionally left undocumented because they're liable to change on new versions of Windows. You should only use them at your own risk.
In this case, if you use a program like DumpBin to obtain a list of all the exported functions from the DWM DLL (dwmapi.dll), you'll see a number of undocumented exported functions.
The ones you're interested in are DwmGetColorizationParameters and DwmSetColorizationParameters. Both of these functions take a COLORIZATIONPARAMS structure as an argument that contains the values they need.
So, you need to reverse engineer these functions and obtain the appropriate definitions. Then, you can call the DwmGetColorizationParameters function, passing in a COLORIZATIONPARAMS structure to obtain the current configuration settings; modify the member of the structure that contains the current colorization color; and then pass that modified version of the structure to the DwmSetColorizationParameters function.
Did I mention that I don't recommend doing this?

Automatic screenshot uploading on Mac like Cloud App

Cloud App has this neat feature wherein it automatically uploads new screenshots as they are added to the Desktop. Any ideas how this is done?
You can do similar things yourself without much in the way of programming. In OSX, you can configure "Folder Actions" to run a script, for example, when a new item appears in a folder, including the Desktop. You can then use the script to do whatever you want with the new files.
This article at TUAW includes an example of uploading files to a web server when they hit a particular folder.
So, basically, the answer is "Folder Actions", or "something's keeping an eye on the folder and sending notifications", at some level. Whether Cloud App uses Folder Actions or watches the folder itself at a lower level, using FSEvents/NSWorkspace, or the kqueue mechanisms (for which there's a nice wrapper class called UKKQueue, if I remember correctly -- don't know how current my knowledge is on that one though!) is another matter...
You could implement this at several different levels, depending on the outcome you want, how you want to design whatever it is you're actually doing, and even what kind of filesystem you're targeting. Fundamentally, in Cocoa/Objective C, I think you probably want to start looking at FSEvents.
Once you've got notifications of the file changes, I'd probably use something like ConnectionKit to do the uploading -- any library at all, really, that means you don't have to bother with the sockets level yourself -- but again, there's a lot of different ways.
Depends, really, what level you're looking to solve the problem at, and whether you want to build something for other people or get something working for yourself. If I just wanted to bash something together for myself, I could probably have something cobbled together using Coda's Transmit app, and Folder Actions, or maybe Hazel, and a minimal bit of Applescript, in a half-hour at most, that would do the job well enough for me...
I am not sure what you are asking for exactly. If you are asking for a way to take a screenshot programmatically in MacOSX, I suggest you have a look at the "screencapture" command (in the terminal, type "man screencapture" for doc).
If you want to do it the "hard" way, you should look at this.