Getting "Unable to set CurrentPage property of PivotField class" error - vba

I'm trying to use VBA to automatically update the pivot table filter based off the user's selection from a cell entry. I believe everything is working correctly up to line 11 which says "Field.CurrentPage = NewCat". This is where the issue lies. The code clears my filter as instructed in the previous line but when it gets to the code instructing it to select the new data I get the error that reads "Run-time error 1004. Unable to set CurrentPage property of PivotField class".
Below is the what I have so far and I'm just looking how to revise row 11 so it selects the new input to use in the pivot table filter. I appreciate any help I can get on this. I'm very new to vba & have struggled with this for far too long!
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("C3:C4")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim Field As PivotField
Dim NewCat As String
Set pt = Worksheets("Pivot").PivotTables("PivotTable1")
Set Field = pt.PivotFields("[Range].[Site].[Site]")
NewCat = Worksheets("Interface").Range("C3").Value
With pt
Field.CurrentPage = NewCat
End With
End Sub

Hoping this will be beneficial to someone who is experiencing the same "1004 error" when attempting to set the "CurrentPage" property of the PivotField class.
For me, it finally worked when I replaced the "CurrentPage" property with "CurrentPageName" as such:
With pf
MsgBox "The PivotField is: " & pf.Value
MsgBox "The current PivotField value is: " & .CurrentPageName
.CurrentPageName = NewCat
End With
My pivot table have what was called "page level filters":
enter image description here

The answer is just a matter of syntax.
If you change:
With pt
Field.CurrentPage = NewCat
End With
With Field
.CurrentPage = NewCat
End With
It will work.
Notice, that I work directly with the Field in the With Block.
To illustrate further, if you change it to the following, it will work as well:
With pt.PivotFields(Field.Name)
.CurrentPage = NewCat
End With
So, you basically need to work directly with objects and you need to qualify the objects, properties, methods / etc. with a .

I used the following code and changed the fields name and range value:
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("pvtTest").PivotFields("Week")
.PivotFilters.Add Type:=xlCaptionEquals, Value1:=ActiveSheet.Range("K1").Value
End With

I had a similar problem and found a solution that worked for me as none of the above seemed to. This is what I would change:
NewCat = Worksheets("Interface").Range("C3").Value
With pt
Field.CurrentPage = NewCat
End With
NewCat = Array("[Range].[Site].&[" & Worksheets("Interface").Range("C3").Value & "]")
With pt
Field.VisbleItemsList = NewCat
End With

I tried several answers here with no luck. Then I ran a loop through the PivotItems collection under the PivotField to inspect the PivotItems properties in the Locals window.
If you first set the field to a variable like myField then you can loop through as such:
For Each pItem in myField.PivotItems
debug.print "Item Caption: """ & pItem.Caption """"
debug.print "Item Name: """ & pItem.Name """"
What this showed me is that my field had extra spaces at the end, so the value I was trying to set at the filter was not exactly what I had in my list.
This led to the multiple-values option:
For Each pItem In myField.PivotItems
If Not pItem.Caption Like myFilterValue & "*" Then
pItem.Visible = False
pItem.Visible = True
End If
However, since I really only wanted one value I went back and dealt with the unwanted spaces.
There could be other things, but this may be one thing to check.

Removing the variable declaration of NewCat worked for me. Either delete the line or comment it out
'Dim NewCat As String


Excel VBA: Error 1004 When Trying To Add Hyperlink

The series of commands seems to result in Runtime Error: 1004 I would like to know what the cause of this error is.
If I do not have the Activesheet.Hyperlinks.add line the cell values get set correctly, just missing the hyperlink... which would make me think I've lost the xCell reference but I've placed debug statements just before the hyperlink.add and it seems to be accessible.
Example URL:
For Each xCell In Selection
Url = xCell.Value
If Url = "" Then
'Do Nothing
ElseIf IsEmpty(xCell) = True Then
'Do Nothing
ElseIf IsEmpty(Url) = False Then
splitArr = Split(Url, "/")
sku = splitArr(UBound(splitArr))
xCell.Value = "" & sku
'Error happens on next command
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=xCell, Address:=xCell.Formula
End If
Next xCell
Don't both with .ValueDon't use .Formula:
Sub demo()
Dim s As String, xCell As Range
s = ""
Set xCell = Range("B9")
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=xCell, Address:=s, TextToDisplay:=s
End Sub
is a typical working example.
There is always another possibilty, that your sheet may be locked and you have to grant permission to do so when locking the sheet.
I know this is not the solution for the problem described here, but the non-deterministic error messages provided by Microsoft VBA is the same. I came here looking for the solution of my problem, an others might bump in this and find my comment relevant.

Excel VBA error handler not working for 'run-time error 13: type mismatch'

I am running the sub below for an Excel file containing about 10 worksheets, each containing a pivottable linked to the same data source. I have two versions of the 'Market' and 'Region' fields in my data (i.e. 'Market (SC)', 'Market (AN)', 'Region (SC)', 'Region (AN)'), and need to be able to switch between them easily. I set up the code to first bring the corresponding slicers to the front (they are superimposed so that will hide the other), then loop through each pivottable and swap the other 'Market' and 'Region' fields (maintaining the same position, etc.).
Since I'm using the property ".SourceName" to identify the field, the loop runs into an error when the "Values" PivotField is compared to my string. I've put in "On Error Goto next_fld" to tell it to skip to the next field when this occurs, but this only works for 8 of the 10 worksheets -- for the other two I get the error "Run-time error '13' Type Mismatch" and the debug screen highlights the " *** " line. If I use "On Error Resume Next", it assumes that the If statement was True and carries out a lot of unwanted actions (messes up various PivotTables).
I'm self-taught and do not have a complete understanding of the error handler, but from the resources I've come across to fix this error, the handler should be taking care of this (which it does work for 8/10 worksheets).
Here is my code:
Sub SwapMktRegFields()
Dim ws As Worksheet, shp As Shape
Dim i As Integer
Dim target As String, repl As String
target = Sheet5.Range("E3").value
'Identify current field, use other as repl(acement)
Select Case target
'AN slicers selected
Case Is = "AN"
target = "(AN)"
repl = "(SC)"
Sheet5.Range("E3").value = "SC"
'SC slicers selected
Case Is = "SC"
target = "(SC)"
repl = "(AN)"
Sheet5.Range("E3").value = "AN"
End Select
'Bring replacement slicers to front (some are in shape groups)
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each shp In ws.Shapes
Select Case shp.Type
Case Is = msoGroup
For i = 1 To shp.GroupItems.Count
If shp.GroupItems(i).Name Like "Market " & target & "*" Or shp.GroupItems(i).Name Like "Region " & target & "*" Then shp.GroupItems(i).ZOrder msoSendToBack
Next i
Case Else
If shp.Name Like "Market " & target & "*" Or shp.Name Like "Region " & target & "*" Then shp.ZOrder msoSendToBack
End Select
Next shp
Next ws
'Replace old PivotFields with replacement PivotFields
Dim pvt As PivotTable
Dim fld As PivotField
Dim orient As Long, pos As Long
On Error GoTo next_fld
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each pvt In ws.PivotTables
For Each fld In pvt.PivotFields
If fld.SourceName = "Market " & target And fld.Orientation <> xlHidden Then
orient = fld.Orientation
pos = fld.Position
fld.Orientation = xlHidden
With pvt.PivotFields("Market " & repl)
.Orientation = orient
.Position = pos
End With
ElseIf fld.SourceName = "Region " & target And fld.Orientation <> xlHidden Then
orient = fld.Orientation
pos = fld.Position
fld.Orientation = xlHidden
With pvt.PivotFields("Region " & repl)
.Orientation = orient
.Position = pos
End With
End If
Next fld
Next pvt
Next ws
'A custom function to clear filters and re-apply a default
End Sub
The weirdest part is that the error is EXACTLY THE SAME as the other 8 sheets that work with this code. If I remove the error handler completely, I get the exact same pop-up and line highlighted for the other sheets... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
Tim, this was very helpful and answered my question. I updated the end of my code to the following:
Exit Sub
Resume next_fld
End Sub
and updated my error handling enabling line to "On Error Goto err_handler". Working now. Thank you!

Select/Deselect all Pivot Items

I have a pivot table, and I am trying to select certain pivot items based on values in an array. I need this process to go faster, so I have tried using Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual and PivotTables.ManualUpdate = True, but neither seem to be working; the pivot table still recalculates each time I change a pivot item.
Is there something I can do differently to prevent Excel from recalculating each time?
Or is there a way to deselect all items at once (not individually) to make the process go quicker?
Here is my code:
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'code to fill array with list of companies goes here
Dim PT As Excel.PivotTable
Set PT = Sheets("LE Pivot Table").PivotTables("PivotTable1")
Sheets("LE Pivot Table").PivotTables("PivotTable1").ManualUpdate = True
Dim pivItem As PivotItem
'compare pivot items to array.
'If pivot item matches an element of the array, make it visible=true,
'otherwise, make it visible=false
For Each pivItem In PT.PivotFields("company").PivotItems
pivItem.Visible = False 'initially make item unchecked
For Each company In ArrayOfCompanies()
If pivItem.Value = company Then
pivItem.Visible = True
End If
Next company
Next pivItem
It seems that you really want to try something different to significantly reduce the time it takes to select the required items in pivotttable.
I propose to use a “MirrorField”, i.e. a copy of the “Company” to be used to set in the sourcedata of the pivottable the items you need to hide\show.
First you need to add manually (or programmatically) the “MirrorField” and named same as the source field with a special character at the beginning like “!Company” the item must be part of the sourcedata and it can be placed in any column of it (as this will a “programmer” field I would place it in the last column and probably hidden as to not creating any issues for\with the users)
Please find below the code to update the pivottable datasource and to refresh the pivottable
I’m also requesting the PivotField to be updated just make it flexible as it then can be used for any field (provided that the “FieldMirror” is already created)
Last: In case you are running any events in the pivottable worksheet they should be disable and enable only to run with the last pivottable update
Hope this is what you are looking for.
Sub Ptb_ShowPivotItems_MirrorField(vPtbFld As Variant, aPtbItmSelection As Variant)
Dim oPtb As PivotTable
Dim rPtbSrc As Range
Dim iCol(2) As Integer
Dim sRC(2) As String
Dim sFmlR1C1 As String
Dim sPtbSrcDta As String
Rem Set PivotTable & SourceData
Set oPtb = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
sPtbSrcDta = Chr(34) & oPtb.SourceData & Chr(34)
Set rPtbSrc = Evaluate("=INDIRECT(" & sPtbSrcDta & ",0)")
Rem Get FieldMirrow Position in Pivottable SourceData (FieldMirrow Already present SourceData)
With rPtbSrc
iCol(1) = -1 + .Column + Application.Match(vPtbFld, .Rows(1), 0)
iCol(2) = Application.Match("!" & vPtbFld, .Rows(1), 0)
End With
Rem Set FieldMirror Items PivotTable SourceData as per User Selection
sRC(1) = """|""&RC" & iCol(1) & "&""|"""
sRC(2) = """|" & Join(aPtbItmSelection, "|") & "|"""
sFmlR1C1 = "=IF(ISERROR(SEARCH(" & sRC(1) & "," & sRC(2) & ")),""N/A"",""Show"")"
With rPtbSrc.Offset(1).Resize(-1 + rPtbSrc.Rows.Count).Columns(iCol(2))
.Value = "N/A"
.FormulaR1C1 = sFmlR1C1
.Value = .Value2
End With
Rem Refresh PivotTable & Select FieldMirror Items
With oPtb
Rem Optional: Disable Events - In case you are running any events in the pivottable worksheet
Application.EnableEvents = False
With .PivotFields("!" & vPtbFld)
.Orientation = xlPageField
.EnableMultiplePageItems = False
Rem Optional: Enable Events - To triggrer the pivottable worksheet events only with last update
Application.EnableEvents = True
.CurrentPage = "Show"
End With: End With
End Sub
It seems unavoidable to have the pivotable refreshed every time a pivotitem is updated.
However I tried approaching the problem from the opposite angle. i.e.:
1.Validating the “PivotItems to be hidden” before updating the pivottable.
2.Also making make all items visible at once instead of “initially make item unchecked” one by one.
3.Then hiding all the items not selected by the user (PivotItems to be hidden)
I ran a test with 6 companies selected out of a total of 11 and the pivottable was updated 7 times
Ran also your original code with the same situation and the pivottable was updated 16 times
Find below the code
Sub Ptb_ShowPivotItems(aPtbItmSelection As Variant)
Dim oPtb As PivotTable
Dim oPtbItm As PivotItem
Dim aPtbItms() As PivotItem
Dim vPtbItm As Variant
Dim bPtbItm As Boolean
Dim bCnt As Byte
Set oPtb = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
bCnt = 0
With oPtb.PivotFields("Company")
ReDim Preserve aPtbItms(.PivotItems.Count)
For Each oPtbItm In .PivotItems
bPtbItm = False
For Each vPtbItm In aPtbItmSelection
If oPtbItm.Name = vPtbItm Then
bPtbItm = True
Exit For
End If: Next
If Not (bPtbItm) Then
bCnt = 1 + bCnt
Set aPtbItms(bCnt) = oPtbItm
End If
ReDim Preserve aPtbItms(bCnt)
For Each vPtbItm In aPtbItms
vPtbItm.Visible = False
End With
End Sub

Loop through workbook slicer names using VBA

I have tried Googling and searching for this one but just can't quite get it. All I am trying to do is loop through the slicers on an activeworksheet and delete the slicer if it exists.
At the moment I have 6 slicers sitting there. Previously I had
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Market Segment Name 2", "Line of Business 2" _
, "Customer Name", "Product Group Name", "Product Type Name", "Product Code") _
But this was no good if I had already deleted the slicers.
Now I am trying (note wb is set as a global variable in a module named "Public")
Option Explicit
Dim sl As Slicer
Dim slName As String
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
For Each sl In wb.SlicerCaches
If sl.Name = "Market Segment Name 2" Or _
sl.Name = "Line of Business 2" Or _
sl.Name = "Customer Name" Or _
sl.Name = "Product Group Name" Or _
sl.Name = "Product Type Name" Or _
sl.Name = "Product Name" Then
slName = sl.Name
End If
Next sl
To me it seems like it should work. I have gotten it to work if I go down to SlicerItem level but I just can't figure out how to access it at Slicer level...
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
If this fails I will have a go at building the array and deleting that way but I would still need a way of testing whether the slicer currently exists or not.
There are two ways that I can think of.
One is the Force method. Here we don't check if the slicer exists. We simply delete it if it exists. For example
On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range("Market Segment Name 2").Delete
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range("Line of Business 2").Delete
'~~> And so on
On Error GoTo 0
And the other method is to actually check if the slicer exists and then delete it. For example
Dim sl As SlicerCache
On Error Resume Next
Set sl = ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Market Segment Name 2")
On Error GoTo 0
If Not sl Is Nothing Then sl.Delete
'For Each sl In ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches
'Debug.Print sl.Name
Followup from comments.
Converting the first code into a loop.
Sub Sample()
Dim sSlicers As String
Dim Myar
Dim i As Long
'~~> Slicers you want to delete
sSlicers = "Market Segment Name 2,Line of Business 2"
sSlicers = sSlicers & "," & "Customer Name,Product Group Name"
sSlicers = sSlicers & "," & "Product Type Name,Product Code"
'~~> Split the names using "," as a delimiter
'~~> If your slicer names have "," then use a different delimiter
Myar = Split(sSlicers, ",")
For i = LBound(Myar) To UBound(Myar)
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
End Sub
Here is another peice of code I have finally figured out to do what I was originally trying to achieve.
Sub LoopSlicerNames()
Dim slCaches As SlicerCaches
Dim slCache As SlicerCache
Set slCaches = ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches
For Each slCache In slCaches
'MsgBox (slCache.Name & " is used for " & slCache.PivotTables.Item(1).Name)
If slCache.PivotTables.Item(1).Name = "PTDashboard" Then
'MsgBox ("Slicer has been deleted")
End If
'If slCache.Name = "Slicer_Market_Segment_Name2" Then slCache.Delete
Next slCache
End Sub
The difference with this one is that I targeted the slicer based on its parent pivottable being on the worksheet so I wouldn't need to add the exact name of the slicer into the code. If I did want to add the name of the slicer into the code I can just switch around the commenting.
Thanks again Siddarth. You got me over the initial hurdles and provided good solutions. I think my initial problem was thinking that the slicer was the child of the slicercache. Looking into it now it seems to go slicerCaches, SlicerCache then SlicerItem and the 'slicer' as I referred to in my original question was the 'SlicerCache' level... so that picture I linked just confused the hell out of me haha.

Loop through PivotItems: runtime error 91

I have a dataset in a worksheet that can be different every time. I am creating a pivottable from that data, but it is possible that one of the PivotItems is not there. For example:
.PivotItems("Administratie").Visible = False
If that specific value is not in my dataset, the VBA script fails, saying that it can't define the item in the specified Field. (error 1004)
So I thought a loop might work.
I have the following:
Dim pvtField As PivotField
Dim pvtItem As PivotItem
Dim pvtItems As PivotItems
For Each pvtItem In pvtField.pvtItems
pvtItem.Visible = False
But that gives me an 91 error at the For Each pvtItem line:
Object variable or With block variable not set
I thought I declared the variables well enough, but I am most likely missing something obvious...
I've got it! :D
Dim Table As PivotTable
Dim FoundCell As Object
Dim All As Range
Dim PvI As PivotItem
Set All = Worksheets("Analyse").Range("A7:AZ10000")
Set Table = Worksheets("Analyse").PivotTables("tablename")
For Each PvI In Table.PivotFields("fieldname").PivotItems
Set FoundCell = All.Find(PvI.Name)
If FoundCell <> "itemname" Then
PvI.Visible = False
End If
Thanks to MrExcel, the answer was there after all, though deeply buried.
For Each pvtField In Worksheets("my_sheet").PivotTables("my_table").PivotFields
For Each pvtItem In pvtField.PivotItems
Debug.Print vbTab & pvtItem.Name & ".Visible = " & pvtItem.Visible
/*.PivotItems(pvtItem).Visible = False*/
.PivotItems("certain_Item").Visible = True
That doesn't work still... all the variables are still visible. No error is shown, it compiles yet the values are still there.
The commented line I added there was my own "invention" but it's is not valid.
Edit: Quicky question: Can I use an IF statement to check if a certain PivotItem is actually in the PivotTable Data? Something like
If PivotItem("name_of_the_thing") = present Then {
When I implement the code posted by Patrick, an -
Unable to set the visible property of the PivotItem class
- error is thrown.
Microsoft admits there's a bug: M$ help
But just hiding the line... is not an option ofcourse.
Try something like this:
Public Function Test()
On Error GoTo Test_EH
Dim pvtField As PivotField
Dim pvtItem As PivotItem
Dim pvtItems As PivotItems
' Change "Pivot" to the name of the worksheet that has the pivot table.
' Change "PivotTable1" to the name of the pivot table; right-click on the
' pivot table, and select Table Options... from the context menu to get the name.
For Each pvtField In Worksheets("Pivot").PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields
Debug.Print "Pivot Field: " & pvtField.Name
For Each pvtItem In pvtField.VisibleItems
pvtItem.Visible = False
Exit Function
Debug.Print pvtItem.Name & " error(" & Err.Number & "): " & Err.Description
Resume Next
End Function
If you want a function to just test for the existence of a pivot item, you can use something like this:
Public Function PivotItemPresent(sName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo PivotItemPresent_EH
PivotItemPresent = False
For Each pvtField In Worksheets("Pivot").PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields
For Each pvtItem In pvtField.VisibleItems
If pvtItem.Name = sName Then
PivotItemPresent = True
Exit Function
End If
Exit Function
Debug.Print "Error(" & Err.Number & "): " & Err.Description
Exit Function
End Function
You can call this from your code like this:
If PivotItemPresent("name_of_the_thing") Then
' Do something
End If
The error is thrown at the end of the loop.
I combined both answers from Patrick into the following:
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Table").PivotFields("Field")
Dim pvtField As Excel.PivotField
Dim pvtItem As Excel.PivotItem
Dim pvtItems As Excel.PivotItems
For Each pvtField In Worksheets("Sheet").PivotTables("Table").PivotFields
For Each pvtItem In pvtField.PivotItems
If pvtItem.Name = "ItemTitle" Then
pvtField.PivotItems("ItemTitle").Visible = True
pvtField.PivotItems(pvtItem.Name).Visible = False
End If
End With
If the Item matches a particular string, that Item is set True. Else; Item set False. At the False condition the error is thrown.
I know there is exactly one match for the True condition. Though when I 'F8' my way through the macro, the True condition is never entered...
And that explains the error, everything is set False. (thanks Patrick!)
Leads me to the question... what exactly IS a PivotItem?
Idea of the thing:
It solves (or should solve) the following: a set of Data with a variable size where, for this specific table, one column is of interest. From that column I need the count of a value and have that put in a table. There are some conditions to the table, and a combination with another column is needed as well, so PivotTable is the best solution.
The problem is: in some datasets that one specific value does not appear. The values that DO appear are different every time.
The PivotItems are the individual values in a field (column, row, data). I think of them as the "buckets" that hold all the individual data items you want to aggregate.
Rather than go through all the pivot table fields (column, row, and data), you can just go through the fields you're interested in. For example, this code will show only the specified pivot items for the specified field:
Public Sub ShowInPivot(Field As String, Item As String)
On Error GoTo ShowInPivot_EH
Dim pvtField As PivotField
Dim pvtItem As PivotItem
Dim pvtItems As PivotItems
For Each pvtItem In Worksheets("Pivot").PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields(Field).PivotItems
If pvtItem.Name = Item Then
pvtItem.Visible = True
pvtItem.Visible = False
End If
Exit Sub
Debug.Print "Error(" & Err.Number & "): " & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End Sub
Suppose I have a pivot table showing the count of issues per customer release and where they were detected in our SDLC. "Customer" and "Release" are column fields and "Phase" is a row field. If I wanted to limit the pivot table to counting issues for CustomerA, Release 1.2 during QA I could use the sub above like this:
ShowInPivot "Customer", "CustomerA"
ShowInPivot "Release", "1.2"
ShowInPivot "Phase", "QA"
You can't say ".PivotItems(pvtItem).Visible" outside a "With" block. Say "pvtField.PivotItems(pvtItem.Name).Visible = False" instead.
I also edited my original answer to include error handling for when Excel can't set the Visible property. This happens because the Pivot table needs at least one row field, one column field and one data item, so the last of each of these can't be made invisible.
You 'll also get the 1004 errror when trying to access a pivot item that is already invisible; I think you can ignore those.
I had same error message too when trying to set pivotitem visible true and false .. this had worked previously, but wasn't working any more ... i was comparing two values, and had not explicitly changed string to integer for comparison .. doing this made error disappear..
.. so if you get this message, check if any values being compared to make the item visible or not are being compared properly .. otherwise pivotitem is null and it can't make that visible or not.
I had an error that said "unable to set the visible property of the pivot item class"
at this line:
For Each pi In pt.PivotFields("Fecha").PivotItems
If pi.Name = ffan Then
pi.Visible = True
pi.Visible = False '<------------------------
End If
Next pi
Then i read on internet that I had to sort manual and then clear the cache. i did that but the error still appeared..... then i read that it was because i had date on that pivot field so i change it firs my colum to general number then the date i wanted to set visible i change it to general number too. then no problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... here it is.... i hope this can be helpfull because i was desperate!!!
Dim an As Variant
an = UserForm8.Label1.Caption 'this label contains the date i want to see its the pivot item i want to see of my pivot fiel that is "Date"
Dim fan
fan = Format(an, "d m yyyy")
Dim ffan
ffan = Format(fan, "general number")
Sheets("Datos refrigerante").Activate 'this is the sheet that has the data of the pivottable
Dim rango1 As Range
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Set rango1 = Selection
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Select
Selection.NumberFormat = "General" 'I change the format of the column that has all my dates
'clear the cache
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pc As PivotCache
'change the settings
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each pt In ws.PivotTables
pt.PivotCache.MissingItemsLimit = xlMissingItemsNone
Next pt
Next ws
'refresh all the pivot caches
For Each pc In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches
On Error Resume Next
Next pc
'now select the pivot item i want
Dim pi As PivotItem
Set pt = Sheets("TD Refrigerante").PivotTables("PivotTable2")
'Sets Pivot Table to Manual Sort so you can manipulate PivotItems in PivotField
pt.PivotFields("Fecha").AutoSort xlManual, "Fecha"
'Speeds up code dramatically
pt.ManualUpdate = True
For Each pi In pt.PivotFields("Fecha").PivotItems
If pi.Name = ffan Then
pi.Visible = True
pi.Visible = False
End If
Next pi
pt.ManualUpdate = False
pt.PivotFields("Fecha").AutoSort xlAscending, "Fecha"
Use Caption instead of Name.
For Each pvtItem In ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Something").PivotItems
If Not pvtItem.Caption = "Example" Then
pvtItem.Visible = False
End If