Unable to access certificate store - ssl

I have a xmpp server (openfire 3.9.3) and trying to secure my non-ssl connection to ssl connection.
that's why i have created a self-signed certificate using java keytool as
keytool -genkey -keystore keystore -alias example.com
and i filled the several pieces of information required for the certificate.
the certificate successfully created. and i configured my server to access the keystore file but when restart my xmpp server it says
Unable to access certificate store. The keystore may be corrupt
what should i do for fixing the same issue ?
thanks in advanced

You can :
Delete certs in AdminWEB interface.
Restart openfire
Delete /opt/openfire/resources/security/keystore file
Generate new cert from web interface.
References : http://www.igniterealtime.org/builds/openfire/docs/latest/documentation/ssl-guide.html
Hope this help...:)


Wildfly 9 SSL/HTTPS: What certificates are needed?

I am trying to get SSL working on a Wildfly 9.0.1 standalone server, but am unsure what certificates if any should be in the keystore created. I have ran the following command from the Wildfly 9 admin guide:
keytool -genkey -alias server -keyalg RSA -keystore server.keystore -validity 365
However, this server exists behind a corporate proxy for which many client applications require us to set certifications. I've done this in the past by saving them with Certificate Export Wizard through Google Chrome, then importing them using keytool.
The Certification path contains a root cert, a sub cert below root, another sub cert for the local URL used by some of our applications, and finally a cert for the URL of the site being accessed.
So, my questions are thus: Which if any of the above certs are necessary for SSL/HTTPS on Wildfly? Do they belong in the same "server.keystore" created by that command, or should the exist separately? And would additional information beyond the certs and the steps outlined in the Admin Guide be necessary to enable SSL/HTTPS on Wildfly 9 when operating within a proxy?

Can't build keystore: [Private key missing (bad password?)] - SOAPUI

I got a serious problem while making an SSL request to the server with SOAPUI. I am a newbie in SoapUI and maybe I did something wrong while I'm trying to import the certificate into SOAPUI.
My client sends me:
Root CA
Intermediate CA
Private Key
I am using keytore to generate keystore with password by command
keytool -genkey -alias soapui -keyalg RSA -keystore soapui.keystore
And then I tried to export the this keystore with my SSL CA
keytool -export -alias soapui -file SSL.cer -keystore soapui.keystore
And then I import this into Keystores in the SoapUI.
However, I got the error
ERROR:java.security.KeyStoreException: Can't build keystore: [Private key missing (bad password?)]
I have no idea where am I wrong?
Could anyone please indicate what are the steps I should work on to make the SSL request to SoapUI?
Please help
Thank you.
I assume you need to make a Two-Way SSL connection with client cetificate.
Firstly you need to make a keystore (JKS) containing:
your private key
all certificates upwards including the root CA
Maybe using https://keystore-explorer.org/ may help you to understand and verify the content of your keystore.
There are multiple ways to configure the client certificate in SoapUI:
If you use the global configuration (File - Preferences - SSL Settings), there is only one password to be set. Make sure your keystore password and key password are equal.
If you use the setup on the project level, you are allowed to enter two passwords.

Is Keytool certificate is for free?

In our application we are creating Client and server that talks with each other using SSL authentication. I done a POC which downloads certificate using following commnand:
keytool -genkey -keystore yourKEYSTORE -keyalg RSA
Need to know if the certificate created by above command is free to use ?
It's free to use but it is self-signed, which makes it basically useless unless you can go through all the steps required to get the peers to trust it.
Failing that, you need to generate a certificate request from this, get it signed, and import the resulting signed certificate into that keystore using the same alias you used here.

Glassfish Admin Console stopped after change keystore.jks

I use GF and now I need to configure a Lets Encrypt SSL certificate for my webapp. After I changed the default keystore.jks with the new including the Lets Encrypt cert, my webapp worked fine, but Admin Console no.
The server.log file arises this error because it needs the default keytore.jks file:
[#|2016-05-17T11:31:15.344-0400|SEVERE|glassfish3.1.2|org.glassfish.admingui|_ThreadID=72;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target;
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target;
restRequest: endpoint=https://localhost:4848/management/domain/anonymous-user-enabled
I am 3 years late, but who knows maybe someone reads it anyway :)
The reason for your problem is that the certificate the admin-listener uses, is not within your new keystore.
The default certificate the admin-listener (Port 4848) uses has the Alias-Name 's1as' and is provided with the Glassfish installation.
This certificate is within the Default-Keystore keystore.jks.
If you changed the keystore with a new one, then Glassfish can't find the certificate he uses for the admin-listener.
This is most probably the solution to your problem:
Easy one:
Stop glassfish
Go to domain.xml in Path ./glassfish/glassfish/domains/domain1/config and whereever you find an attribute with the name 'cert-nickname' change the value to the Alias-Name of your Let's Encrypt Certificate.
Restart Glassfish
Harder but more sophisticated:
Find out which certificate your admin-listener used before.
For that temporarily change back to your old keystore.jks.
Login into the
Admin console and go look for the Certificate NickName under
The default certificate Glassfish uses has the Name s1as.
a) If its a fresh Glassfish installation and the admin-listener still uses the default certificate s1as then i would suggest you switch over to your new Certificate.
Just change the Certificate NickName to the Alias-Name of your Lets' Encrypt certificate and click the save button.
Stop Glassfish
Switch over to your new Keystore
Start Glassfish
b) If you insist on keeping the old certificate then you have to extract it from your 'old' keystore via keytool and import it into your new keystore.
Stop Glassfish
Extract the old certificate with this command:
keytool -export -alias myOldCertificateNickname -keystore keystore.jks -file myOldCertificate.crt
Replace myOldCertificateNickname with the Certificate NickName you found in Step 1!
Import your freshly exported old certificate into your new keystore
keytool -import -alias myOldCertificateNickname -file myOldCertificate.crt -keystore myNewKeystore.jks
Start Glassfish
Now this is most important!!
For all this to work you need to know the password for both keystore's and the certifcates as well! And the MasterPW of Glassfish too!
Because Glassfish insist that all 3 Passwords have to be the same (MasterPW, Keystore Password, Password for the certificate)
And here a really good online guide for Installation of certificate in Glassfish

Getting SSL handshake error

I am consuming third party web service in my application. It has https url which requires handshake. I am using Weblogic application Server and I want to configure the certificate in my server.
Can anyone please provide me steps to configure that certificate?
Also What is Identity and Trust on Weblogic Console?
Please help!!
Update the cacerts file for the JVM used by WebLogic. Using the WebLogic console, select the server. Then use the Configuration > Keystores tab to find the cacerts file location labeled Java Standard Trust Keystore on this page.
You will want to import the certificate from the web service into this cacerts file. If you are a Windows user, I use a free tool called Keystore Explorer (http://keystore-explorer.sourceforge.net/). This application allows to directly import the certificate using the URL. Do this by opening your cacerts file in KeyStore Explorer then use the Examine SSL option to import the certificate.
I resolved this by using keytool command provided in Jdk bin folder.
I just went to demotrust.jks and imported the third party certificate in it and it worked for me.
I used below command.
${ORACLE_HOME}/product/jrockit-jdk1.6.0_20-R28.1.0-4.0.1/bin/keytool -import -alias [AliasForYourCertificate] -keystore ${ORACLE_HOME}/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/DemoTrust.jks -file /home/oracle/[YourCertFile].crt