sql query to display unavailable number? - sql

i have some list of numbers with me, i want to check that numbers in a specified table available or not, if any number is not available in the table from the list of given numbers, then that unavailable number need to be display

I didnt sure that i understad your query correctly,
but it seems you mean somthing like this:
select *
where t.COLUMN_NAME not in (1,2,3.... (#your list values#))

save the list of number first:
Create table list(id int);
insert into list(id)values(1);
insert into list(id)values(2);
insert into list(id)values(3);
insert into list(id)values(4);
Create sample table
Create table chck_list(id int,name varchar2(10));
insert into chck_list(id,name)values(1,'Micheal');
insert into chck_list(id,name)values(2,'John');
insert into chck_list(id,name)values(8,'Jack');
Query to check if there are id in list not showed in chck_list
select list.id
from list lst
where not exists(select 1 from chck_list chck where chck.id=lst.id)


SQL Server Insert Into Table containing a column "Timestamp (Rowversion)"

I'm creating a C# Winforms application for recipe management in an industrial environment.
I created a SQL Server table with 130 columns. The table contains a column called CheckData (of datatype Timestamp), which I use to detect changes made to a row.
If I insert a new row to that table all works fine. The code I use is:
INSERT INTO tablename (Column1, column2, column3, column4)
VALUES (value1, value2, value3, value4)
I just assign values to major columns, the others get their default value. I do not assign a value to the timestamp field since it's written by the system.
Additionally, I want to copy a row from this table to the same table (duplicate a data record).
I copy the source row to a temporary table, drop the ID (primary key) and the timestamp fields in that temporary table and try to insert that only row in the temporary table into the table. This fails.
Here's the code:
INTO #temptable
FROM tablename
WHERE Recipe_No = 8;
UPDATE #temptable
SET Recipe_No = 9, Recipe_Name = 'Test'
WHERE Recipe_No = 8;
INSERT INTO tablename
SELECT * FROM #temptable;
I don't understand where the difference is between inserting a new row thru INSERT INTO xxx (yyy) VALUES (zzz) and INSERT INTO xxx SELECT * FROM yyy. In both cases I don't try to write the timestamp value in the new row.
Does anybody have an idea what I'm missing here?
I don't understand where the difference is between inserting a new row thru INSERT INTO xxx (yyy) VALUES (zzz) and INSERT INTO xxx SELECT * FROM yyy.
With this,
you are failing to specify the column mappings from the SELECT to the target table. You should always use
INSERT INTO xxx (Column1, Column2, . . .)
SELECT (Column1, Column2, . . .)
FROM yyy
Here's a simplified example of what you're attempting:
drop table if exists t
create table t(id int, a int)
insert into t(id,a) values (1,1)
select * into #t from t where id = 1
alter table #t drop column id
insert into t select * from #t
and it will fail with
Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Line 12
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
because the temp table doesn't even have the same number of columns. And even if it did, you wouldn't know for sure that the column mappings were correct.
It is failing because essentially your command
INSERT INTO tablename SELECT * FROM #temptable;";
Is telling SQL - "Insert everything into this table from this temp table."
While you can work around this, I would say why don't you just try inserting into only the columns made available in your current table with only the values you would like to include. Instead of needing to drop the columns/values, you just don't import it to begin with.
An alternative - if you can write to a helper table, it may be beneficial to INSERT INTO that helper table, as opposed to a temp table, the values you have. Then transform that helper table, and THEN you can do INSERT INTO final_table SELECT * FROM helper. This should give you the results you're looking for.
I hope this is helpful, and I hope it explains why your current command is failing.

Matrix table index SQL Server 2008

I have a table with two columns built from another table of names, one identity and one a name like this:
...down to however many
Could be 10 rows, could be 100. This will vary depending on input from other tables that are always changing but never be over 160 or so.
Now, pairings of names will have some meaning and thus a decimal data type score will be associated with said pairing (how at this point doesn’t matter, just need to build it for now...numbers just illustrative). I envision a matrix kind of like this:
ID------Name------Mike-------Jeff--------Robert-------- ...out to however many
1 -------Mike-------NULL------100.1------5.4-------- ...out to however many
2 -------Jeff---------100.1------NULL-----21.23--------- ...out to however many
3 ------Robert-------5.4--------21.23-----NULL---------...out to however many
…down to however many happen to be in the first table…
Maybe this isn’t quite the most optimal way to go (Yes, I know there are duplicates in the table but I plan to structure the queries such that the duplicates are ignored) but at this point am not aware of many viable options. After searching around, I thought maybe I wanted a pivot but that doesn’t seem to fit what I have here because I’m leaving the names in the column and associating them as column heads for a paired score. Then I thought maybe I wanted to store a variable as the value of each row and then add them as the columns. That was no help. My latest iteration was maybe creating a temp table as an exact copy with and identity column, then trying to select the specific name by the identity and looping through them but I can’t even seem to grab the first name and make it a column name in addition to a row value under the name column...see below
--create a table of names with an identity column
Name VARCHAR(5),
--add names to the table from a different table
INSERT INTO myTable1 (Name)
FROM myTable1
--create a temp table with the same values
INTO #new
FROM myTable2
--insert name from first row as a column head
INSERT INTO myTable2 (SELECT Number FROM #new WHERE ID =1)
So, in the last bit there, INSERT INTO”, I want to copy the names, in this instance “Mike” and make it ALSO a column head in the same table where it is a row (like in my second table). I get an error message that the syntax is not correct for the statement. Why isn’t this allowed? How can I get it to do what I want? It also has been suggested by someone that knows way more about this stuff than me, that maybe instead of building the table as a matrix, build it as below. It is possible here to get rid of the duplicates this way and I would except I have no idea where to even begin doing this…
Name1-----------Name2-----------Calculated Value
Any help suggestions or pointing of me in the right and most appropriate direction would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: Here's how I solved my problem. Looks like the Cartesian product was the way to go. Thanks #Alex Kudryashev
--create a table of cross joined names
Name1 VARCHAR(5),
Name2 VARCHAR(5),
--create two temporary tables from a source table of names
SELECT Name AS Name1
INTO #name1
FROM names
SELECT Name AS Name2
INTO #Name2
FROM names
--populate the Cartesian table
SELECT * FROM #name1 CROSS JOIN #name2
--get rid of the temp tables
--add columns and populate calculated scores
It looks like you want to create a Cartesian Product. There is very easy way to do so.
declare #tbl table(name varchar(10))
insert #tbl(name) values('MIke'),('Jeff'),('Robert')
select t1.name name1,t2.name name2, some_udf(t1.name,t2.name) calc_value
from #tbl t1 cross join #tbl t2

how to re-insert all of the existing fields but only change one field data in postgresql?

I have bunch of data in one table, for example lets say I have a table with four columns.
id stays the same but all the other fields changes. i.e it will look something like this.
id name age address
1 steve 20 test address 1
1 mark 21 test address 2
and now I want to have the same data set but only change the id, for example everything will stay the same but only the id changes to look something like this:
id name age address
1 steve 20 test address 1
1 mark 21 test address 2
2 steve 20 test address 1
2 mark 21 test address 2
but I don't want to insert it one field at a time, because I have 100's of fields and to do it like that will waste so much time.
so my question is how can i do this as easily as possible in Postgres?
I forgot to mention the other fields are not set by default and I want to copy the data from a specific field id, so in general it should be like. first I want to grab all the fields from a specific id, then insert these fields again but now with the new id which is 2 for example.
insert into table(id,name,age,address) select 2,name,age,address from table
create table list (id int,name text,age int,address text);
insert into list values (1,'steve',20,'AAAAAAAAA');
insert into list values (1,'mark',21,'BBBBBBBBB');
Now create a function for the INSERT Operation:
create or replace function ins_list(_updateID int ,_getID int) returns void as
-- _updateID : - the new ID that you want to insert(ex. 2)
-- _getID : - the ID that you need to search to get values from name,age,address (ex.1)
insert into list (id,name,age,address) select _updateID,name,age,address from list where id = _getID
language sql
to Insert you just need to call like
select ins_list(2,1);

Retrieve inserted row ID in SQL

How do I retrieve the ID of an inserted row in SQL?
Users Table:
Column | Type
ID | * Auto-incrementing primary key
Name |
Age |
Query Sample:
insert into users (Name, Age) values ('charuka',12)
In SQL Server:
In Oracle:
In PostgreSQL:
SELECT lastval();
(edited: lastval is any, currval requires a named sequence)
Note: lastval() returns the latest sequence value assigned by your session, independently of what is happening in other sessions.
In SQL Server, you can do (in addition to the other solutions already present):
INSERT INTO dbo.Users(Name, Age)
VALUES('charuka', 12)
The OUTPUT clause is very handy when doing inserts, updates, deletes, and you can return any of the columns - not just the auto-incremented ID column.
Read more about the OUTPUT clause in the SQL Server Books Online.
In Oracle and PostgreSQL you can do this:
INSERT INTO some_table (name, age)
('charuka', 12)
When doing this through JDBC you can also do that in a cross-DBMS manner (without the need for RETURNING) by calling getGeneratedKeys() after running the INSERT
I had the same need and found this answer ..
This creates a record in the company table (comp), it the grabs the auto ID created on the company table and drops that into a Staff table (staff) so the 2 tables can be linked, MANY staff to ONE company. It works on my SQL 2008 DB, should work on SQL 2005 and above.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertNewCompanyAndStaffDetails]
#comp_name varchar(55) = 'Big Company',
#comp_regno nchar(8) = '12345678',
#comp_email nvarchar(50) = 'no1#home.com',
-- The '#recID' is used to hold the Company auto generated ID number that we are about to grab
DECLARE #tableVar TABLE (tempID INT)
-- The line above is used to create a tempory table to hold the auto generated ID number for later use. It has only one field 'tempID' and its type INT is the same as the '#recID'.
INSERT INTO comp(comp_name, comp_regno, comp_email)
OUTPUT inserted.comp_id INTO #tableVar
-- The 'OUTPUT inserted.' line above is used to grab data out of any field in the record it is creating right now. This data we want is the ID autonumber. So make sure it says the correct field name for your table, mine is 'comp_id'. This is then dropped into the tempory table we created earlier.
VALUES (#comp_name, #comp_regno, #comp_email)
SET #recID = (SELECT tempID FROM #tableVar)
-- The line above is used to search the tempory table we created earlier where the ID we need is saved. Since there is only one record in this tempory table, and only one field, it will only select the ID number you need and drop it into '#recID'. '#recID' now has the ID number you want and you can use it how you want like i have used it below.
INSERT INTO staff(Staff_comp_id)
-- So there you go. I was looking for something like this for ages, with this detailed break down, I hope this helps.

large insert in two tables. First table will feed second table with its generated Id

One question about how to t-sql program the following query:
Table 1
I insert 400.000 mobilephonenumbers in a table with two columns. The number to insert and identity id.
Table 2
The second table is called SendList. It is a list with 3columns, a identity id, a List id, and a phonenumberid.
Table 3
Is called ListInfo and contains PK list id. and info about the list.
My question is how should I using T-sql:
Insert large list with phonenumbers to table 1, insert the generated id from the insert of phonenum. in table1, to table 2. AND in a optimized way. It cant take long time, that is my problem.
Greatly appreciated if someone could guide me on this one.
What version of SQL Server are you using? If you are using 2008 you can use the OUTPUT clause to insert multiple records and output all the identity records to a table variable. Then you can use this to insert to the child tables.
DECLARE #MyTableVar table(MyID int);
INSERT MyTabLe (field1, field2)
INTO #MyTableVar
select Field1, Field2 from MyOtherTable where field3 = 'test'
--Display the result set of the table variable.
Insert MyChildTable (myID,field1, field2)
Select MyID, test, getdate() from #MyTableVar
I've not tried this directly with a bulk insert, but you could always bulkinsert to a staging table and then use the processs, described above. Inserting groups of records is much much faster than one at a time.