Converting SQL dates to different formats - sql

I have a task which should be easy, just converting dates in to a specfic format
(yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+[timezone offset]) which I later export to an Excel template that requires this type for format.
Looking at the database table where all the data is stored I noticed the column where the dates are stored under is of Varchar(20) datatype. As far as I know, it's a bad thing to save dates like that.
So basically what I need is to convert the following:
To a yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+[timezone offset] format, but TIMESTAMP has the datatype of varchar(20)
Anyone can help with this?
The dates are stored atm like this 23.12.2015 17:08:18

In SQL Server it is something like this:
EDIT: Try it like this:
DECLARE #dtString VARCHAR(100) = '23.12.2015 17:08:18';
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),#dt,126)+'+08:00';
The reason why I tried the direct cast was your "The dates are stored atm like this". I thought, if the occur in different formats it might be better not to specify it...
Old Code:
DECLARE #dtString VARCHAR(100) = '23.12.2015 17:08:18';
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),#dt,126)+'+08:00';
EDIT: the third parameter of CONVERT is 126. This will create a ISO8601 compliant date equivalent
The result:
EDIT: According to your comment you might implement this like here.
DECLARE #tbl TABLE(TimeStamp VARCHAR(100),item INT);
('23.12.2015 17:08:18',1123)
,('23.12.2015 19:08:18',1123)
,('24.12.2015 17:08:18',1123)
,('22.12.2015 19:08:18',3233)
SELECT item, CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),CONVERT(DATETIME,TimeStamp,104),126)+'08:00' AS ConvertedDate
FROM #tbl
WHERE item IN (1123,3233,2342);


UPDATE SET FORMAT not working in SQL Server 2016?

FORMAT instruction works in a SELECT but has no effect in an UPDATE:
CREATE TABLE #t(DateMin datetime);
INSERT INTO #t VALUES ('2019-13-01 00:00:00')
UPDATE #t SET DateMin = FORMAT(DateMin, 'dd/MM/yyyy');
SELECT #DateMin AS a, FORMAT(#DateMin, 'dd/MM/yyyy') AS b
A type like DATETIME isn't stored with a format.
So if one updates a DATETIME with a string in a certain format, it doesn't matter for the stored value in the DATETIME field.
The formatted string is implicitly converted to a datetime. At least if it's in a format that's valid.
The function FORMAT, which returns a NVARCHAR is rather used for representation of the datetime field in a query.
Or if one wants to INSERT/UPDATE a string field with a datetime in a certain format. But that should be avoided, because it's much easier to work with a datetime than a string.
If you want to change that format for the user use this:
set dateformat dmy;
By running this statement:
you will see your dateformat is ydm so you can alway back it up to that if this is not what you wanted :)
You cannot set the output format of a datetime in the datetime itselfs.
If you need to output the datetime as formatted char/varchar, you need to use the convert-function when you select the data:
SELECT CONVERT(char(10), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 101) -- format: MM/dd/yyyy
SELECT CONVERT(char(10), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 103) -- format: dd/MM/yyyy
In your case:
SELECT #DateMin AS a, CONVERT(char(10), #DateMin, 103) AS b
That works as expected.
If you want to have a mutable data-type, you need to declare it as sql_variant:
CREATE TABLE #t(DateMin sql_variant);
INSERT INTO #t VALUES ('2019-01-13T00:00:00')
UPDATE #t SET DateMin = FORMAT(CAST(DateMin AS datetime), 'dd''/''MM''/''yyyy');
Also, your format-expression needs to explicitly put the / into quotation marks, aka 'dd''/''MM''/''yyyy', otherwise sql-server replaces it with the date-separator specific to the current culture, which would be . in my case.
Just use convert with option 103 instead, it works on all versions of sql-server and it's probably faster.
Also, your insert-statement fails on some versions of sql-server, because iso-date-format is 2019-01-13T00:00:00 and not 2019-13-01 00:00:00
Correct is:
INSERT INTO #t VALUES ('2019-01-13T00:00:00')
is sql-server 2016+ only, otherwise you need
And post sql-server 2005, you should use datetime2 instead of datetime.
You shouldn't use datetime anymore, because datetime uses float, and as such is imprecise - if you insert an iso datetime value, it can do funny things because of the float-point-machine-epsilon, e.g. set it to the next day if you have 23:59:59.999, just as a scary example.
I advise you to never use the sql_variant type. If you have a temp-table with defined columns, just create another column where you will write the char/varchar value to.

Temporarily change format of a date column in SQL Query output MM/YY -> MM/DD/YYYY

I have data on my SQL Server that is formatted like so:
I would like to manipulate it so that all the dates are displayed as MM/DD/YYYY. So as the previous example it would look like:
I was wondering if there is some sort of function that I can run in my query to display the date column differently in my output? I don't want to actually alter the way in which the Column is formatted on the back end, I just want to change how it is presented to the user in the results of a single query.
Thank you for your help!
declare #var varchar(64) = '06/21 '
select stuff(#var,4,0,'01/20')
So for your table.
select stuff(yourColumn,4,0,'01/20')
From yourTable
Just replace / with 01/20:
declare #yourDate varchar(10) = '06/21'
select replace(#yourDate ,'/','/01/20')
But it is probably wiser to cast it to a proper date type:
declare #yourDate varchar(10) = '06/21'
select cast(replace(#yourDate ,'/','/01/20') as date)
you can use this solution
it works with all years 1998, .. 2000,2001 ...
declare #theDate varchar(10) = '06/21'
select convert(date,'01/'+ #theDate ,3)

Convert date string to date sql server

I have a table tbl with column cln varchar(50).
Data is stored in format 'January-2008', February-2009, March-2010 etc(full month name)
I want to convert it to date (for comparison, sort etc).
please try below query
DECLARE #v varchar(20)
SET #v='January-2008'
Since you don't get the day data and only -, we'll add '01-' to complete the date day part.
sql fiddle link:!6/6f326/7
Use Convert with Style to avoid errors in different date settings
DECLARE #v varchar(20)
SET #v='January-2008'

How to compare smalldatetime in stored procedure

I'm writing stored procedure to compare dates but it's not working properly. How can I make it so it compares only the dates but not the time? What I'm trying to do is compare the times and if the Id is null than insert a new entry with the same name but new time. I'm keeping multiple entries with same name but different test time.
#Name varchar(30),
#Test_Time smalldatetime,
#ID INT output
Declare #UpdateTime smalldatetime
SELECT #ID=ID FROM Info_User WHERE Name=#Name AND UpdateTime= #Test_Time
INSERT INTO Info_User (Name, UpdateTime) VALUES (#Name, #UpdateTime)
there are a lot of solutions to this depending on what type of DBMS, however here is one:
SELECT #ID=ID FROM Info_User WHERE Name=#Name AND floor(cast(#UpdateTime as float))= floor(cast(#Test_Time as float))
this works because smalldatetime's date is stored a whole numbers, where the time is stored as decimals.
I would cast the dates to a plain date which makes this solution independent of implementation details
select #ID=ID
from info_user
where Name = #Name
and cast (UpdateTime as Date) = Cast(#TestTime as Date)
However, I would either add the date part of the UpdateTime as an additional (calculated) column or split the information into a date and a time part. This makes it much easier to query entries by the plain date.
As a rule of thumb: The type of columns (in general: the table layout) greatly depends on the type of query you usually run against your data.
Edit: As attila pointed out, the date datatype only exists in version 2008 and up

How to enter a Date into a table in TSQL? (Error converting data type varchar to datetime)

I want to enter 30/10/1988 as the date to a DOB column in a table using a procedure
alter procedure addCustomer
#userName varchar(50),
#userNIC varchar(50),
#userPassword varchar(100),
#userDOB datetime,
#userTypeID int,
#userEmail varchar(50),
#userTelephone int,
#userAddress char(100),
#userCityID int,
#status int output
declare #userID int
declare #eid int
declare #tid int
declare #aid int
execute getLastRaw 'userID','tblUserParent', #userID output
insert into tblUserParent values (#userID, #userName, #userNIC, #userPassword, #userDOB, #userTypeID)
execute getLastRaw 'addressID','tblAddress', #aid output
insert into tblAddress values (#aid, #userAddress, #userID, #userCityID)
execute getLastRaw 'emailID','tblEmail', #eid output
insert into tblEmail values (#eid, #userEmail, #userID)
execute getLastRaw 'telephoneID','tblTelephoneNO', #tid output
insert into tblTelephoneNO values (#tid, #userTelephone , #userID)
insert into tblUserCustomer values (#userID, #eid , #tid, #aid)
...but it gives an error when i enter like this '30/10/1988'
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure addCustomer, Line 0 Error converting data type varchar to datetime.
...but when I enter like only the 30/10/1988
Incorrect syntax near '/'
How do I fix this?
If you would truly like to avoid the possibility of ambiguous dates based, then you should always enter it in one of the two unambiguous date formats Answer has already been selected and it's valid but I'm a believer in spreading the knowledge ;)
As noticed by #cloud and my post representing a younger, and less wise me with a link only answer, I'll pop the contents of the archive of Jamie Thompson's answer for unambiguous date formats in TSQL
yyyyMMdd HH24:mi:ss
One of the most commonly used data types in SQL Server is [datetime]
which unfortunately has some vagaries around how values get casted. A
typical method for defining a [datetime] literal is to write it as a
character string and then cast it appropriately. The cast syntax looks
something like this: DECLARE #dt NVARCHAR(19) = '2009-12-08 18:00:00';
SELECT CAST(#dt AS datetime);
Unfortunately in SQL Server 2005 the result of the cast operation may
be dependent on your current language setting. You can discover your
current language setting by executing: SELECT ##LANGUAGE To
demonstrate how your language setting can influence the results of a
cast take a look at the following code: ALTER DATABASE tempdb
SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = 90 ; --Behave like SQL Server 2005
USE tempdb
dateString NVARCHAR(19)
INSERT #t (dateString)
VALUES ('2009-12-08 18:00:00') --'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss'
, ('2009-12-08T18:00:00') --'yyyy-MM-ddThh24:mi:ss'
, ('20091208 18:00:00') --'yyyyMMdd hh24:mi:ss'
SELECT 'french' AS lang
, DATENAME(MONTH,q.[dt]) AS mnth
, q.[dt]
SET LANGUAGE us_english;
SELECT 'us_english' AS lang
, DATENAME(MONTH,q.[dt]) AS mnth
, q.[dt]
)q; We are taking the value which can be described in words as “6pm on 8th December 2009”, defining it in three different ways, then
seeing how the ##LANGUAGE setting can affect the results. Here are
those results: french language datetime Notice how the interpretation
of the month can change depending on ##LANGUAGE. If
##LANGUAGE=’french’ then the string '2009-12-08 18:00:00' is
interpreted as 12th August 2009 (‘août’ is French for August for those
that don’t know) whereas if ##LANGUAGE=’us_english’ it is interpreted
as 8th December 2009. Clearly this is a problem because the results of
our queries have a dependency on a server-level or connection-level
setting and that is NOT a good thing. Hence I recommend that you only
define [datetime] literals in one of the two unambiguous date formats:
yyyy-MM-ddTHH24:mi:ss yyyyMMdd HH24:mi:ss That was going to be the end
of this blog post but then I found out that this behaviour changed
slightly in SQL Server 2008. Take the following code (see if you can
figure out what the results will be before I tell you): ALTER
SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = 100 ; --Behave like SQL Server 2008
USE tempdb
DECLARE #dt NCHAR(10) = '2009-12-08 18:00:00'; --Ambiguous date
SELECT CAST(#dt AS datetime) AS [ExplicitCast]
, DATENAME(MONTH,#dt) AS [MonthFromImplicitCast]
, DATENAME(MONTH,CAST(#dt AS datetime)) AS
[MonthFromExplicitCast]; Here we are doing three different things with
our nchar literal: explicitly cast it as a [datetime] extract the
month name from the char literal using the DATENAME function (which
results in an under-the-covers implicit cast) extract the month name
from the char literal using the DATENAME function after it has been
explicitly casted as a [datetime] Note that the compatibility level is
set to SQL Server 2008 and ##LANGUAGE=’french’. Here are the results:
image (Were you correct?) Let’s take a look at what is happening here.
The behaviour when we are explicitly casting as [datetime] hasn’t
changed, our nchar literal is still getting interpreted as 12th August
rather than 8th December when ##LANGUAGE=’french’. The
[MonthFromExplicitCast] field is interesting though, it seems as
though the implicit cast has resulted in the desired value of 8th
December. Why is that? To get the answer we can turn to BOL’s
description of the DATENAME function syntax: image The implicit cast
is not casting to [datetime] at all, it is actually casting to [date]
which is a new datatype in SQL Server 2008. The new date-related
datatypes in SQL Server 2008 (i.e. [date], [datetime2], [time],
[datetimeoffset]) disregard ##LANGUAGE and hence we get behaviour that
is more predictable and, frankly, better. These new behaviours for SQL
Server 2008 were unknown to me when I began this blog post so I have
learnt something in the course of authoring it, I hope it has helped
you too. No doubt someone somewhere is going to get nastily burnt by
this at some point, make sure that it isn’t you by always using
unambiguous date formats: yyyy-MM-ddTHH24:mi:ss yyyyMMdd HH24:mi:ss
regardless of which version you are on!
The following works in both SQL Server and MySql without ambiguity: yyyy-mm-dd, like so:
INSERT INTO TableName(DateColumn) VALUES ('1988-10-30'); an added benefit there's no question of whether it's a US or European style date on days like the fourth of March...
See if there is a culture setting that you can change to allow you to use dd/mm/yyyy. I believe it is expecting mm/dd/yyyy.
A potentially easy way around the problem is to use a date format with no ambiguity between mm/dd/yyyy and dd/mm/yyyy such as dd-mmm-yyyy, eg: 30-OCT-1988