VBA FormulaR1C1 property across new sheet and multiple columns - vba

I'm afraid I can't wrap my head around the FormulaR1C1 property when trying to find multiple columns in another sheet, I have these formulas currently (very slowly) autofilling:
LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("F2:F" & LastRow).FormulaR1C1 = "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(R2,LU!C[1]:C[5]),"""")"
Range("F2:F" & LastRow).Formula = _
Range("G2:G" & LastRow).Formula = _
Range("H2:H" & LastRow).Formula = _
Range("I2:I" & LastRow).Formula = _
Range("J2:J" & LastRow).Formula = _
"=COUNTIF(A:A,'Pivot Counter'!A7)"
You can see in the top formula, I've attempted it to no success. I keep getting an application defined error, but don't know enough about the property to fix it.

The formula
Range("F2:F" & LastRow).Formula ="=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,LU!A:E,2,true),"""")"
converted to R1C1 reference style is
Range("F2:F" & LastRow).FormulaR1C1 = "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(RC[-5],LU!C[-5]:C[-1],2,True),"""")"
To understand it completely considering the following:
the cell location where you enter the formula is the starting point
starting column is F
column A is 5 columns to the left of F, so A2 converts to RC[-5] (same row, 5 columns to the left of starting point (or think of 6th column (F) and move -5 from there))
same principle for the range lookup. You want to look in columns A:E in sheet LU. So -5 columns from column F (remember starting point is column F, even though it's now looking at a different sheet) to -1 column
Knowing this, you can convert the other formulas, even the COUNTIF.
Also, if you get stuck again, following #BruceWayne's suggestion of turning R1C1 reference style under Excel > Options > Formulas to see what the formula would be when you type in manually.


CountIf referencing named range and starting on row 3

I am trying to do a countif formula in a cell on sheet 'B'. So far my formula is:
=COUNTIF('Consol List'!R[-3]C[-3]:R[-1]C[-3],""<>0"")-COUNTBLANK('Consol List'!R[-3]C[-3]:R[-1]C[-3])
however, I need the two Consol List ranges to reference a named column of LastColumn and the row to start at 3 and down to LR.
For some reason I can not figure out how to do this. help is appreciated.
the only issue is it is giving an application defined or object defined and I’m not sure why..?
"=COUNTIF('Consol List'!" & Range(Cells(3, LastColumn), Cells(LR, LastColumn)).Address(0, 0) & """<>0"")-COUNTBLANK('Consol List'!" & Range(Cells(3, LastColumn), Cells(LR, LastColumn)).Address(0, 0) & ")"
use A1 notation:
"=COUNTIF('Consol List'!" & Range(Cells(3,LastColumn),Cells(LR,LastColumn)).Address(0,0) & ",""<>0"")-COUNTBLANK('Consol List'!" & Range(Cells(3,LastColumn),Cells(LR,LastColumn)).Address(0,0) & ")"

Writing a formula as Syntax in VBA

I want to run a rank formula across a range of cells. I am scratching my head as to why it's not working. Lastrow is just the formula that counts the number of rows.
Range("B1:B" & Lastrow).Formula = "=RANK(A1,Offset(" & Chr$(36) & "A1" & Chr$(36) & "," & Lastrow & ",0))"
I feel like it's something wrong with Chr$(36), but when I try Chr(36) it doesn't work either. (removing these chr(36)'s and just having Offset(A1... etc) works fine).
Thanks in Advance!
It's hard to see what you want to do. The line of VBA code below will, at least, work.
Range("B1:B" & LastRow).Formula = "=RANK(ROW(),$A1:$A$" & LastRow & ",0)"
Your issue seems to be with the RANK() function. It has 3 arguments, (1) the rank, (2) the range in which to find the rank and (3) Ascending/Descending. In your formula the first argument is missing and your "Offset(" & Chr$(36) & "A1" & Chr$(36) & "," & LastRow" doesn't describe a range, read as Offset($A1$,300 with closing bracket missing.
My above formula suggests the Row number as rank, meaning 1 for Row 1, 2 for Row 2 etc. but descending, as indicated by the 3rd argument (taken from your formula) and, as second argument a range in column A between A1 and the LastRow. It probably isn't what you wanted but I hope you will be able to tweak it.

Application.VLookup function always returns #N/A

I am trying to use the Application.VLookup function in Visual Basic to find a value in a different workbook. However, whenever I use it, it always returns #N/A.
This is the layout of my function. LastRow() just returns the row number of the last row. SHORTAGE_SBT is a variable containing the source workbook name. SBT_Last is the last row of SHORTAGE_SBT. The ID that I'm searching with in in the B column, hence why I use "B" & ind to refer to it.
For ind = 4 To LastRow()
Range("H" & ind).Select
ActiveCell.Value = Application.VLookup("B" & ind, Workbooks(SHORTAGE_SBT).Sheets(1).Range("A14:DZ" & SBT_Last), Range("DZ1").Column, False)
I have tried recording a macro for VLookup to see if it would help me understand the problem. The macro gave me this function, which worked but could not be used because it contains the hardcoded file name instead of using the variable.
Range("H" & ind).FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-6],'[filename.xls]Sheet1'!R14C1:R2382C130, COLUMN(R[-3]C[122]), FALSE)"
I cannot see any significant difference between the way the macro lays out the arguments of the function as opposed to mine, other than using more direct references. I have tried using direct numbers in my code but doing so hasn't helped either.
Application.VLookup("B" & ind, Workbooks(SHORTAGE_SBT).Sheets(1).Range("A14:DZ" & SBT_Last), Range("DZ1").Column, False)
"B" & ind will be searched for "literally"; it will not be transformed into a range address because it is interpreted here by VBA, not by Excel. Try:
Application.VLookup(Range("B" & ind), Workbooks(SHORTAGE_SBT).Sheets(1).Range("A14:DZ" & SBT_Last), Range("DZ1").Column, False)
' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Combine the two approaches:
Range("H" & ind).FormulaR1C1 = _
& "=VLOOKUP(RC[-6],'[" & Workbooks(SHORTAGE_SBT) _
& "]Sheet1'!R14C1:R2382C130, COLUMN(R[-3]C[122]), FALSE)"

putting a string from a cell into the middle of my index-match VBa script

I am trying to use the index-match formula to reorganize data such that all of the names in column J that have a matching value in column A will be placed in the same spot. I'm going to do this for 5 different columns so that the 5 names on a team will be in the same row as the name of the corresponding client.
My issue is that the index-match formula needs to be able to dynamically shorten or lengthen the size the arrays it uses based on how many clients there are when the VBA script is run.
I can dynamically determine what numbers I need in the formula using COUNTA, but the code will not compile when I try to put it in my formula. My formula is below
ActiveCell.Formula = "=INDEX('test sheet two'!" & Range("J3") & ",MATCH(Sheet1!A5,'test sheet two'!" & Range("J1") & ",0)"
As you can see I need the strings in cells J3 and J1 to be used as the arrays for the index match. J3 = $J$2:$J$2369 and J1 = $A$2:$A$1113
When I run the code it gives me a "Application-Defined or Object-defined error."
You need to use the Range member of worksheet
so use 'test sheet two'!Range("J2:J2369") rather than 'test sheet two'!("J2:J2369").
The following runs
ActiveCell.Formula = _
"=INDEX('test sheet two'!Range(""" & Range("J3") & """) _
,MATCH(Sheet1!A5,'test sheet two'!Range(""" & Range("J1") & """),0))"
Your formula was not including the column criteria for the INDEX Function.
ActiveCell.Formula = "=INDEX('test sheet two'!" & Range("J3") & "," & _
"MATCH(Sheet1!A5,'test sheet two'!" & Range("J1") & ",0), 1)"
Notice the additional , 1)" on the end of the formula.
Also, you do not have to first Select the cell which you want to enter the formula in, you could just use:
Range("B7").Formula =

Calculating formulas in excel cells with VBA?

I have a series of Excel files all in the same format. The amount of data in each excel file differs. I am making a code that will loop through a folder and perform calculations with all excel files.
I am using the following code in VBA to determine the number of rows in an excel file:
i = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
I am using the following formula to perform calculations on a range of cells:
With .Range("D2:D" & i)
.Formula = "=Log(B2)"
End With
How would I calculate the sum of all values in the "D" column in the next available cell in D? This is how the formula would look in theory
j = i + 1
With .Range("D" & j)
.Formula = "=Sum(D2:D & i)"
End With
How would I use the D cell with the sum for future calculations? Lets say I wanted E1 "=(D2-$D$ & j)^2"
Sorry for the vague title, I didn't know how to describe this problem.
As follow up from comments, this one works:
With .Range("D" & j)
.Formula = "=SUM(D2:D" & i & ")"
End With