Weblogic has input localhost: 7001 which directory is in? - weblogic

Tomcat enter localhost: 8080 in webapp directory。Then the weblogic has input localhost: 7001 which directory is in?

I am assuming you want to know where would Weblogic keep the deployed apps.
Weblogic keeps them in $WEBLOGIC_HOME/application directory
$WEBLOGIC_HOME ---> install location of your WebLogic software


CAS server - can't acces CAS address after the copy of the war file generated in /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/

I am currently setting up a CAS server in a local network which will have to authenticate users belonging to ldap directories so that they can then connect to a web server.
A Windows Server 2019 Active Directory is the gateway to the WAN.
Windows Server 2019 with Active Directory and DHCP, routing and DNS installed which make the link between the WAN and the LAN; IP:
LDAP Server on Centos 7 on the LAN registred on the Active Directory (no ssl certificate generated); IP:
CAS Server on Debian 11 on the LAN (no ssl certificate generated for tomcat and cas); IP:
All pinging between each other;
I'm following this process to install and configure the cas server:
This is my build.gradle configuration file:
This is my cas.properties configuration file:
After the copy of the war file generated in /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/; i restart tomcat9 service.
The problem is that i can't access the cas address:
When i check the status of Tomcat service, i got this error:
Can anyone enlighten me? I can't see what's going wrong.
Moreover, if someone has a detailed procedure, which describes the environment and the prerequisites, recent and educational to install a CAS server for Centos 7, I am strongly interested
Thank you in advance!
When I remove the CAS dependencies in build.gradle and LDAP authentication config in cas.properties, I can access the CAS login screen.

Weblogic NodeManager Start Failure

I've setup a weblogic cluster with 2 managed servers.In order to configure node manager on both nodes i've followed the related article :
with the following configuration :
Machine-0 :
Machine-1 (the second managed server) has the same configuration with the exceptions of ports (5557) and name.
Although node manager is successfully started on both machines (startNodeManager.sh on machine-0 and machine-1) from admin console on Machine-0 the following error occurs and node manager doesnt start :
nodemanager.log of Machine-0 has no indications of errors or any helpful stuff.
Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance
These are the things that I usually check when I am setting up a new WebLogic domain:
It is possible that the Listen Address of Machine-1 is not correct. Check the Listen Address of the machine from the WebLogic Domain Configuration. It should match the host's machine name. Using localhost might not work because the Admin Server is trying to connect to the Machine-1, which can be on the other server.
Make sure to check if the port is reachable from the Admin Server's machine.
Check that the Node Manager configuration uses Plain instead of SSL connection, as stated in your nodemanager.properties file. Under Environments > Machines, click the machine and go to Configuration Tab, Node Manager. Check if the Type is Plain and not SSL. Changing this will require a restart of the Admin Server.
Please verify the items below before you start nodemanager.
Check if the nodemanager.domains has your domain name listed.
Try to see if the ports are listening using the commands below.
netstat -an|grep 5557
netstat -an|grep 5558
Also, check if the nodemanager is reachable in weblogic console.

Nexus Sonatype Dashboard not loading

I have installed nexus sonatype from below url. http://bneijt.nl/blog/post/nexus-on-ubuntu-12.10-installation/ in my EC2 instamce . I have SVN, Jenkins, nexus in the same instance. Apache is running on port 80. Jenkins is running on 8080. I have configured nexus to 9999 port from nexus.properties files. Nexus is running but I am not able to access the dashboard from browser..
I forgot to add the port no in aws security group.

How to set up SSL on WildFly 9 Domain Mode?

I currently have a WildFly 9 cluster up and running with access to my application over port 8080, I would like to set up SSL and have access only on port 8443, but I cannot seem to find any documentation for where the security realm and https listener are placed in Domain mode.
I have the keystore and certificate all set up and was able to get https working in a demo using standalone mode, but I need to be able to do it in domain mode.
Can anyone help me out and share how they've accomplished this?
Solved it! It turns out for some reason JBoss was not registering my Security Realm and HTTPS listener. To do this you need to use bin/jbosscli and the commands:
---where SSLRealm is the name of the realm
/host=master/core-service=management/security-realm=SSLRealm/server-identity=ssl/:add(keystore-path=Keystore.jks, keystore-relative-to=jboss.domain.config.dir, keystore-password=password)
---this assumes the keystore lives in the domain/configuration directory
Restart the server.
I then ran into issues figuring out the command to register the HTTPS listener, but I found the WildFly web console at serverURL:9990 has a way to do it too:
Once logged in to the webconsole
Configuration->Profiles->for each profile which is used->Undertow->HTTP->View
From there
HTTP Server->default-server->view
HTTPS Listener->ADD enter a name like: default-https, Security Realm: the name chosen for the security realm (for this example SSLRealm), Socket Binding: https and click save
Restart again
You should now have access at your serversURL:8443
To set it up on slave servers you should only need to copy the keystore to each slave servers domain/configuration and then add the security realm replacing /host=master/ with /host=slave/ in the command. And then restart the server.
Double check the Domain.xml file on the slave has the https listener you created originally in the webconsole (it should automatically be put into all of the clusters domain.xml files)

Overriding the way JMX works in a Docker WLS container

I have a WebLogic docker container. The WLS admin port is configured at 7001. When I run the container, I use --hostname=[hosts' hostname] and expose the 7001 port at a different host port using -p 8001:7001 for example. The reason I do the port mapping is because I would want to run multiple WLS containers on the same host.
I have some applications that I deploy on this WebLogic. These applications use an external SDK (which I don't control) to get the application url using JMX (getURL operation of RuntimeServiceMBean).
This is where it gets wrong. The URL comes out as http://[container's IP]:7001. I would want it to retrieve http://[hosts' hostname]:8001 - i.e. the hostname I used to start the container and the port at which 7001 is mapped i.e. 8001.
Is there a way this could be done?
When the container is started, you should start WebLogic after adjusting the External Listen Address of your AdminServer. You can use WLST Offline for that from within a shell script, passing parameters with docker run -e KEY=VALUE, then later read these from inside the WLST script. Modify your AdminServer External Listen Address, exit(), then you can start AdminServer.
Here's an example on how to create the extra Network Channel with proper External Listen Address.