Kubernetes: get real client source IP of incoming packet - iptables

I want to get the actual IP using which the client sent out the packet in my app sitting in a kubernetes pod.
I did some searches and found that this was not supported earlier but supported later.
I ungraded my setup and here is the current setup version:
$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"1", GitVersion:"v1.1.3", GitCommit:"6a81b50c7e97bbe0ade075de55ab4fa34f049dc2", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"1", GitVersion:"v1.1.3", GitCommit:"6a81b50c7e97bbe0ade075de55ab4fa34f049dc2", GitTreeState:"clean"}
$ kubectl api-versions
I also ran:
$ for node in $(kubectl get nodes -o name); do kubectl annotate $node net.beta.kubernetes.io/proxy-mode=iptables; done
This now gives:
error: --overwrite is false but found the following declared
annotation(s): 'net.beta.kubernetes.io/proxy-mode' already has a value
error: --overwrite is false but found the following declared
annotation(s): 'net.beta.kubernetes.io/proxy-mode' already has a value
I also rebooted all the boxes.
However, I still get IP of docker0 interface of the worker node when the packet is received inside my application.
Here, I read:
But that will not expose external client IPs, just intra cluster IPs.
So, the question is how to get the real, external client IP when I get a packet.
The packets are not http/websocket packets, but plain TCP packets if this is relevant to get an answer.
I also tried following this comment but did not get lucky. App continued to get packets with docker0 interface IP as source IP. May be I could not copy-paste the stuff. I don't know how to get kube-proxy IP and just used worker machine IP there. I am just getting started with Kubernetes and CoreOS.


In Cloud Foundry, how do I create a service to run my Apache web server?

I'm on Ubuntu 18, running the following version of Cloud Foundry ...
$ cf -v
cf version 7.4.0+e55633fed.2021-11-15
I would to set up several containers, running off Docker image. First is an Apache web server. I have the following Dockerfile
FROM httpd:2.4
COPY ./my-httpd.conf /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
COPY ./my-vhosts.conf /usr/local/apache2/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
COPY ./directory /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/directory
How do I set this up in Cloud foundry? I tried creating a service but got these errors
$ cf cups apache-service -p "localhost, 80"
No API endpoint set. Use 'cf login' or 'cf api' to target an endpoint.
When I tried to create this API endpoint I got
$ cf api "http://my_ip_address"
Setting API endpoint to http://my_ip_address...
Request error: Get "http://my_ip_address": dial tcp my_ip_address:80: connect: connection refused
TIP: If you are behind a firewall and require an HTTP proxy, verify the https_proxy environment variable is correctly set. Else, check your network connection.
I'm thinking I'm missing something rather substantial but don't know what the right questions to ask are.
The error message you are providing (dial tcp my_ip_address:80: connect: connection refused ) is related to the cf api $address not responding.
Ensure that your Cloud Foundry API Endpoint is still active and you don't have any firewall preventing you from accessing the API. (port is open, the process is running, and the firewall is allowing traffic from your IP if applicable)

Can't establish TCP connection, RabbitMQ

I'm new to RabbitMQ and I want to run a RabbitMQ server instance on centOS7 using the following command:
sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server
The command seemed to take forever and when I stopped the process and checked the log files, everything was ok and it said that rabbit is up and running. But when I try to execute any command using rabbitmqctl I'm getting the following error:
Error: unable to perform an operation on node 'rabbit#hostname'. Please see diagnostics information and suggestions below.
Most common reasons for this are:
* Target node is unreachable (e.g. due to hostname resolution, TCP connection or firewall issues)
* CLI tool fails to authenticate with the server (e.g. due to CLI tool's Erlang cookie not matching that of the server)
* Target node is not running
In addition to the diagnostics info below:
* See the CLI, clustering and networking guides on https://rabbitmq.com/documentation.html to learn more
* Consult server logs on node rabbit#hostname
* If target node is configured to use long node names, don't forget to use --longnames with CLI tools
attempted to contact: [rabbit#hostname]
* connected to epmd (port 4369) on hostname
* epmd reports node 'rabbit' uses port 25672 for inter-node and CLI tool traffic
* can't establish TCP connection to the target node, reason: timeout (timed out)
* suggestion: check if host 'hostname' resolves, is reachable and ports 25672, 4369 are not blocked by firewall
Current node details:
* node name: 'rabbitmqcli-806330-rabbit#hostname'
* effective user's home directory: /var/lib/rabbitmq
* Erlang cookie hash: KgAE7WR3dl5/FGAyWKE5LA==
I tried killing the processes manually but it didn't work.
every needed port is listening and I can telnet them. Can you please help me on where the problem might be?
The client machine cannot resolve the hostname pointing to the rabbitmq server.
If the IP address isn't publicly propagated, you have to put the IP/host combination in /etc/hosts file.
You could also try to connect to the IP address instead of the hostname to clear any other network related issues.

How to CURL an instance of OpenStack from another Instance

I have running devstack on my machine and created an instance of Alpine Linux which runs a Rails API (IP on port 3000 (also tried 80, 8080). Then I created a simple CirrOS client instance (IP to access the /test endpoint of the API. However, i find that I can Å•un:
from the CirrOS instance and receive response of packets. However, when I try:
curl -XGET
I receive the error:
curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
The two instances belong to the private network and the security group policy allows any Ingress and Egress of any kind of protocol.
The /test endpoint works locally on the API instance.
I also tested that I'm able to make an ssh connection from one instance to another.
What configuration could I be missing? Thanks!
Found the solution.
It wasn't a wrong configuration on openstack side.
I needed to run rails with the flag -b to allow any IP. Rails on default only serves the localhost IP.
rails s -b
You could always try telneting on the particular port which server is running on to locate the issue whether it's networking issue or it is any other configuration issue.

TURN server broken - Coturn

Just a bit of background first.
I have installed coturn server in my local machine (Behind a firewall and with local IP).
I have created a port forwarding for cotrun server lets say my local ip is: is mapped with my public ip
When I use some online utility to check my public IP has this port open it? that utility shows that it is open.
I am trying to test this server using this fiddle: Code to test TURN server
I removed the stun configuration from it, and added my live ip and port. And when I try to test it, it says your TURN server is broken in console on web browser. And I see failed as output.
I have also used following commands to create a user from this link.
Wiki to Coturn Configuration
// created test user
sudo turnadmin -a -u test -r test -p test
// enabling admin support in web (not sure how to access it in browser)
sudo turnadmin -A -u test -p test
I start the turn server using following command:
turnserver -L -a -f -v -X -r test
I have enabled the "TURNSERVER_ENABLED"
Screenshot of my about:webrtc:
Please find the below attached Screen shot for my about:webrtc. I am not sure what is missing.
I can also see the incoming packet message processed, error 401: Unauthorized in the console of TURN server
I resolved the TURN server related issue, added the turn server in client code as well, still facing issue, call is not going through,
Here is what I found, the reason why it wasn't working earlier was due to a defective router in the network. This thing has harassed me for almost a month (however the internet used to work fine). But I found that there is a loss of packets and I switch to LAN cable I even avoided the firewall of the organization and there it was working just fine. Then I configured the rules in firewall and it started working as well.
A few issues that might be causing this:
The -X option requires an argument - the external IP if the TURN server is behind a NAT.
If you are setting all your parameters on the command line, you should include -n to ensure that it does not load an unrelated configuration file.
TURNSERVER_ENABLED=1 is to start turnserver with default configuration at system boot. You do not want this if you are starting turnserver manually from the command line.
" I have created a port forwarding for CoTurn server lets say my local ip is: is mapped with my public ip"
Now surely you are aware that the private address-spaces in IPV4 are (private IP ranges): – – –
So, your first IP is in the last private IP range, and your so-called "public IP" is in the first private IP-range. Now you need to find your TRUE REAL public-IP address to try to connect to it from outside. I would say that it looks like your ISP has you behind a NAT. So your TURN server might be behind two NATs. Which is kind of ironic situation for a server designed to help penetrate NATs of webRTC-clients. You might want to try to put CoTurn somewhere where it is possible for it to work like AWS (special case of CoTurn friendly NAT).
Just recently got (well with lots of help -- that even did the most of the work) CoTurn to work in cloud and on local Ubuntu ;-) (never stopped me from bragging though). Though there is troubling few srflx-call-successes yet (mostly local network or relay(TURN) calls). :-D

- Restcomm Olympus WebRTC WSS error,

We are trying to use RESTCOMM OLYMPUS by making few customizations as part of our application. The main customization is that we have deployed OLYMPUS war on our Apache TOmcat web server and the OUTBOUND PROXY is properly pointed to the same server where RESTCOMM is running.
So far all is good, but recently we got the issue that "getUserMedia()" deprecation issue because of insecure origin issue by chromium fix.
So, it means we need to use HTTPS and WSS. I can see that just around 7 days back OLYMPUS code has been updated on GITHUB to use WSS if HTTPS has been used in browser location bar.
So first we have installed self signed CERT and enabled SLL config on TOMCAT so that our customized OLYMPUS UI is accessed via https from Tomcat. And then we used WSS protocol to connect to OUTBOUND PROXY. Bt we got the below error
"WebSocket connection to 'wss:/:5082/' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_TIMED_OUT
WSMessageChannel:createWebSocket(): websocket connection has failed:[object Event]"
Then we thought that in addition to TOMCAT ( where WAR is deployed) we need to install self singed cert and SSL config on RESTCOMM as well. So we did it by following http://docs.telestax.com/restcomm-enable-https-secure-connector-on-jboss-as-7-or-eap-6/ and also we have used WSS protocol.
But this time also we got the error but with a different error code though
"WebSocket connection to 'wss:/:5083/' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
WSMessageChannel:createWebSocket(): websocket connection has failed:[object Event]"
Can i request the forums to explain if we are missing any thin here?
Thanks in advance
I would suggest to use the mobicents RestComm docker image instead of using the zip bundle, because for docker image all settings are handled automatically and https/wss should work out of the box. Here are some quick steps to get you started:
Install docker in your Ubuntu if not already there
Download RestComm docker image:
$ docker pull mobicents/restcomm:latest
Start docker image:
$ docker run -e SECURE="true" -e SSL_MODE="allowall" -e USE_STANDARD_PORTS="true" -e VOICERSS_KEY="VOICERSS_KEY_HERE" --name=restcomm -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 9990:9990 -p 5060:5060 -p 5061:5061 -p 5062:5062 -p 5063:5063 -p 5060:5060/udp -p 65000-65535:65000-65535/udp mobicents/restcomm:latest
Now you should be able to reach your RestComm instance Admin UI at:
https://<host ip address>/
Make sure that you don't have any servers running in your host at the ports used by the docker container above, or you'll have to use different ports (please refer to the docker hub page for such options)
Best regards,
Antonis Tsakiridis