how to send in app request in windows phone 8.1 - notifications

I'm building an application where a user could send in requests(invites sort of) to other specified users.Once an invitee receives an invite,he/she could accept or decline the request.Then the invitee's response is then sent to the inviter as a message and recorded in a separate table in azure mobile service. Any idea how this use case could be achieved using windows phone 8.1 and azure mobile service?


Sonos Authorization API - Client Credentials

Is there a maximum limit of client credentials my control integration can use ?
I would like to control the sonos devices via a small IOT device that has it's own event callback URL without using an external server.
Is this possible ?
In the client credentials I can only configure one event callback url.
I would build a tiny webservice in the IOT device that receives event callbacks for status changes. (Volume changes / Playback states / group states)
Every IOT device needs a different callback url (and different client credentials).
Is this possible ?
If this is possible can we use a self-signed certificate for our IOT webservice ?
Is there a maximum limit of client credentials my control integration
can use?
There's no maximum limit. But note that your application uses the API key and secret, not the customer, therefore you should not need more than one. You don't need to create a unique API key and secret for each customer. You may need to create multiple credentials if you wish to have a one for your development app and one for your production app.
I would like to control the sonos devices via a small IOT device that
has it's own event callback URL without using an external server. Is
this possible?
We do not currently support a redirect URI to a local device or app (for example - a Redirect URI that opens an app on the device).

Device authentication in Web API using Serial Number

I'm developing a web app using ASP MVC 5 and Identity for user authentication. The users have some devices that I'm going to sell them. In the web app I can manage devices, setting device's serial number, customer (web users) and other information.
These devices have to download content related with the customer. I don't know if it is good idea to save customer's username and password in the device (app code or configuration file,...). So I thought that using device's serial number would be a good choice to authenticate the device.
So, is there any way to develop a Wep API service using the serial number or something similar to authentication process?

send sms to mobile numbers through windows application using GSM modem

I have developed a windows application in and now my client wants to add sms feature in that application. i have never used sms feature before so don't have any idea how to get it done. Can anyone tell me how to use GSM modem in order to send sms to recipients through application?
So far i have designed a GUI with NumberTextBox and SMSBodyTextBox and SendSMSButton. The sms should be sent to number entered in the NumberTextBox including the SMSBody when the user clicks SendSMSButton.
PS: SMS will be sent only by GSM Modem using Local network Sim Card.
Any support regarding this will be highly appreciated.

Multiple apps using a single Azure Mobile Service for Live Authentication?

I have two separate apps and one Azure Mobile Service. Is there a way to link both apps to use Live Connection through the same Azure Mobile Service. The service allows associating one app to my Azure Mobile Service domain, but when I try to associate another app to the same service, I get an error that it is already in use (which is correct, but intended!).
One Azure Mobile Service
2x Different Client Apps
Live Auth
Is there a way around this or am I forced to create a new mobile service for each app client type I have. This seems silly as they're all using the same back end service.
This is not currently possible. If you look at the Identity settings for a Microsoft Account, one of the requirements is the Client ID which is tied to each individual Windows 8 app ID.

Cannot register in sample BlackBerry push application

I am developing a BlackBerry application in which I need to use PUSH API. I already have registered with RIM and they have sent me the credentials for evaluation service. In my BlackBerry device, I installed sample push API application just to test that the push messaging works. After setting the content provider URL which is publicly accessible, I entered all the details for the sample application to register the it for receiving notification messages. When trying to register it asks for username and password but I don't know what they are for. In the email received from RIM, there are passwords for server application and content provider admin portal applications but not for the push client.
When I added an arbitrary username and password it fails with the message that java.lang.Exception Registration with Push API failed, caused by port is unavailable. But when I unregister it successfully unregisters the user with the given arbitrary username and password. By the I use the port given in the RIM's email.
I have no idea why this happens and I appreciate immediate response from you. Thank you.
The first thing to point out is that the RIM sample push application is ridiculously overcomplicated. The username and password you are referring to are used to authenticate against the sample push initiator web application which runs on your tomcat server. It doesn't matter what you put in there, they are not used for authentication. I can only assume they were added to show you that you can send a username and password to a web based service.
The only things you need in your BlackBerry app to register for the push service are:
Push Application ID (e.g. 2672-c870l6c924r1i298O4o33cc5391y0e75134)
Push Port (e.g. 31940)
BlackBerry Push Server URL (e.g.
The port is unavailable message you're receiving is probably because the device you're using has not been provisioned for BlackBerry Internet Services (BIS). Make sure it has a SIM with an active BlackBerry data plan.