reboot VM (run on vbox) into specific (compiled) kernel from shell - virtual-machine

Im running ubuntu 14.04 with vbox . In this machine I compiled and run kernel 3.14 which I choose from the grub menu when ubuntu load on vbox.
The host also run on ubuntu 14.04.
I wanted to ask - is there a way to load the guest ubuntu into specific kernel with a command on shell?
I can start running a vm on vbox trough command line with this command :
VBoxManage startvm ubuservloc --type headless
but its not quite exactly what I need.

I don't know of any way to directly communicate from the host to the guest's GRUB, but there are several indirect ways you could go:
mount the /boot filesystem from the host and drop a file there that is read by the guest's grub.cfg.
VBoxManage controlvm keyboardputscancode to type a hotkey which is assigned to the correct kernel in GRUB (shortly after starting the VM)
Configure GRUB to listen to a (virtual) serial port and select the kernel by writing to that file
In case a second reboot is acceptable (first boot into default kernel and then reboot into desired kernel) there are also several ways (you can use the grub-set-default command from guest to choose your desired kernel and issue a reboot). Some I can think of here:
VBoxManage guestcontrol run to call a shell script from host in the guest (after guest additions have been loaded)
VBoxManage guestproperty to set a property from host and VBoxControl guestproperty to read it from an init script and decide from there
Just SSH into the guest and reboot from there :D
Obviously, if you always want to boot that kernel, why not make it default? And in case always you want to alternately boot two different kernels, you can also set the default for next boot to another one direclty from grub.cfg.


Boot QEMU KVM with libvirt/sVirt but without using virt-install tool in command line

Can anyone help me on how to boot QEMU KVM with libvirt/sVirt but without using virt-install tool in command line.
or using virsh tool
In order to use virt-install, you need to install the following:
yum install qemu-kvm qemu-img libvirt libvirt-python libvirt-client virt-install virt-viewer bridge-utils tigervnc-server
Then, you can start the daemon:
systemctl start libvirtd
Now, download the OS you want to install, and then copy it to the folder shown below:
cp CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1708.iso /var/lib/libvirt/images/
Finally, run virt-install. Here is an example of what the script should look like:
os="--os-type=linux --os-
cpu="--vcpus 2"
ram="--ram 2048"
disk="--disk /dev/mapper/centos_192- root,size=40"
type="--virt-type qemu"
network="--network network=default"
graphics="--graphics none"
virt-install $os $network $disk $location $cpu $ram $type $disk $graphics --name=$name
After running virt-install, verify that the VM is running using virsh:
virsh list
Id Name State
4 centos7 running
Virt-install command-line options
Below are some command-line options, but this isn't an extensive list, so I encourage you to do some research in order to fully take advantage of this tool.
os="--os-type=linux --os-variant=centos7.0" --
Some of these commands have main options, as well as sub options. For example, if you type os-type=linux, then you need to further specify --os-variant=centos7.0. You can get a list of OSes that virt-install supports by typing osinfo-query os.
This is where you've copied the ISO image file containing the OS you want to install.
cpu="--vcpus 2"
The CPU command-line option enables you to specify the number of vCPUs assigned to the VM. In this example, I'm assigning two vCPUs.
ram="--ram 2048"
The RAM command-line option enables you to specify the amount of memory assigned to the VM. In this example, I'm assigning 2,048 MBs -- or 2 GBs.
The name command-line option enables you to assign a name to the VM. In this example, I'm naming the VM centos7.
disk="--disk /dev/mapper/centos_192-root,size=40"
This is where the VM will be installed and the size, in gigabytes, to be allocated. This must be a disk partition and not a mount point. Type df -h to list disk partitions.
type="--virt-type qemu"
The type command-line enables you to choose the type of VM you want to install. You can use KVM, QEMU, Xen or KQEMU. Type virsh capabilities to list all of the options. In this example, I'm using QEMU.
network="--network network=default"
Use network=default to set up bridge networking using the default bridge device. This is the easiest method, but there are other options.
graphics="--graphics none"
The graphics command-line option specifies that no graphical VNC or SPICE interface should be created. Use this for a kickstart installation or if you want to use a ttyS0 serial connection.

Raspberry Pi is not able to subscribe to ros topic published from base PC but vice-verse is working?

I am using the ubiquityrobotics Raspberry Pi image for the RPi 3B+, which is Ubuntu Xenial and ROS Kinetic. My base computer is running Ubuntu 18.04 and has ROS Melodic installed.
I created subo_base workspace in the base PC and subo_rpi workspace in the RPi (assessing the RPi via ssh).
Then I created a package in both the base PC and RPi and added the Publisher and Subscriber ( files in each of the packages.
When I run the publisher from the RPi, the base PC is able to subscribe but when I publish from the base PC, the RPi does not show any output and remains stuck (even though the Topic is visible on RPi using rostopic list).
Base PC is able to subscribe to RPi
RPi unable to subscribe to topic from PC
Some of the code is used in base PC
aakash#aakash:~$ mkdir -p ~/subo_base/src
aakash#aakash:~$ cd ~/subo_base/
aakash#aakash:~/subo_base$ catkin_make
aakash#aakash:~/subo_base$ source devel/setup.bash
aakash#aakash:~/subo_base$ echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
aakash#aakash:~/subo_base$ cd ~/subo_base/src/
aakash#aakash:~/subo_base/src$ catkin_create_pkg motion_plan std_msgs rospy roscpp
To connect to RPi
aakash#aakash:~/subo_base/src/motion_plan/scripts$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://ubiquityrobot.local:11311
aakash#aakash:~/subo_base/src/motion_plan/scripts$ export ROS_IP='hostname -I'
Further, I am able to transfer files from and to the base PC via ssh scp so I guess netwkr might not be the issue?
The issue is most likely the hostname resolution and/or ROS network variable configuration.
I dislike using the hostname in the variables, so I will give the examples using just IPs.
Also the 'hostname -I' is definitely not suitable for setting your ROS_IP variable in all cases. So that might also be one source of your problem.
From hostname man page
-I, --all-ip-addresses>
Display all network addresses of the host. This option enumerates all configured addresses on all network interfaces. The loop‐back interface and IPv6 link-local addresses are omitted. Contrary to option -i, this option does not depend on name resolution. Do not make any assumptions about the order of
the output.
You will want to use whatever specific ip address you need, so just use that or find a better way to determine which ip to set. echo $ROS_IP or printenv | grep ROS will tell you what your variables are currently set to so you can verify it is set correctly.
For minimal proof that things are working you could try the following:
Lets say your RPi ip is and PC ip is
You will need to decide which machine will be the master, for this example I will assume the PC will be the master.
In a terminal on the PC run the following commands:
in a different terminal run (this is used instead of the subscriber/publisher node to test if things work)
rostopic pub /test/topic std_msgs/String 'Hello World from PC' -r 1
Now on the SSH terminal on the RPi run:
export ROS_MASTER_URI= && export ROS_IP=
now you should be able to echo the topic published on the PC from the SSH window.
rostopic echo /test/topic
ctrl+c out of the echo and you can try publishing some message on the RPi like:
rostopic pub /test2/topic std_msgs/String 'Hello World from RPi' -r 1
Now open a new terminal on the PC and try to echo the topic from RPi, any terminal sourced with the ROS installspace, usually source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash, should work:
rostopic echo /test2/topic
ROS wiki page on running ROS on multiple machines
ROS answer regarding setting up multiple machines
Machine1 [MASTER]:
Will run roscore, but don't run it yet till configurations are done.
Has an IP of
1- Run the following in the terminal:
1.1- export ROS_MASTER_URI=
1.2- export ROS_IP=
2- Now, run roscore.
Machine2 [SLAVE]
Will NOT run roscore.
Has and IP
1- Run the following in the terminal:
1.1- export ROS_MASTER_URI=
1.2- export ROS_IP=
2- Now, you are connected to the Master.
ROS2 will populate the information on the LAN out of the box without any configuration.

Booting raw-disk windows 10 vm in virtualbox boots to grub shell

I have a dual-boot setup with Windows 10 and Kubuntu 18. Following instructions found from here and there I managed to get the Windows to run as guest in Kubuntu host as a VM using VirtualBox.
sudo usermod -a -G disk $USER
VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename "/path/to/vm/win10.vmdk" -rawdisk /dev/sda -partitions 1,3,4 -relative
The first line is to avoid running VirtualBox as superuser.
When I boot the VM, I briefly see an error message
Boot Failed. EFI DVD/CDROM
SystemBootOrder not found. Initializing defaults.
Creating boot entry "Boot0003" with label "ubuntu" for file "\EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi"
and then end up in grub shell. Now, when I run the commands
insmod chain
set root=(hd0,gpt1)
chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
Windows boots and works just fine but entering these every time is not exactly smooth workflow. Any idea how to permanently fix this?
Please note that I'd still like to be able to physically boot into both OS's.
I had the same problem. I fixed it, but then updated my kernel and so grub re-un-fixed it for me! Figuring it out for the second time was quicker, but I figured it'd be even quicker next time to find my answer on StackOverflow!
My grub.cfg file in /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu looked like this:
search.fs_uuid 47d6233f-c0ae-4f89-bf18-184452eac803 root hd0,gpt6
set prefix=($root)'/boot/grub'
configfile $prefix/grub.cfg
Because we have setup the VirtualBox vmdk file with only the selected partitions for Windows to work, the search.fs_uuid command was failing, $root was empty and so grub can't find $prefix/grub.cfg (/boot/grub/grub.cfg in my linux rootfs which is on sda6==gpt6)
I automated it by changing the EFI grub.cfg, note my EFI System partition is 2 not 1 as in your example:
search.fs_uuid 47d6233f-c0ae-4f89-bf18-184452eac803 root hd0,gpt6
set prefix=($root)'/boot/grub'
if [ -f $prefix/grub.cfg ]
configfile $prefix/grub.cfg
insmod chain
set root=(hd0,gpt2)
chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
Now if grub can find the cfg file it will give me the menu to select the boot as before, but if it can't - when I'm in VirtualBox - it'll just boot straight into Win10.
Hope this helps!

Req. Ovftool command to overwrite memory size and CPU count described in ova file during deployment of VM

I have a OVA file(MyOvafile.ova) which contain MemorySize=16GB and CPU count=4.
I have deployed the Ovftool on VMware ESXi server.
I am using the following command to deploy the VM:
/vmfs/volumes/DataStore1/vmware-ovftool/ovftool --memorySize:15360 --name=Test_VM -dm=thin -ds=DataStore1 /vmfs/volumes/DataStore1/OVA_V5.1_BSI-8/MyOvafile.ova
Now the problem i am facing:
As i am giving MemorySize of 15360MB but after deployment VM has the same values as defined in ova file (MyOvafile.ova i.e 16GB)
My Question:
How can i change the value of MemorySize and CPU count through ovftool command?
Apparently, this seems a bug in OVFTOOL (and documentation as well).
CPU and memory cannot be overridden by OVFTOOL's corresponding parameters.
However, there is hack by modifying it in VMX file of VM (and then using reconfigure command).
1) Get VMXfile Location (ending with .vmx) :
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
Vmid Name File Guest OS Version Annotation
72 Test_vm [datastore2] VM_name/VM_name.vmx rhel6_64Guest vmx-08
2) Modify vmx file (for example, using awk) for changing 'vCPUS=REQ_CPUs' entry.
3) Reconfigure .vmx file
vim-cmd vmsvc/reload <VM_ID>
Issue reported in VMware community:

Vagrant stuck in "Waiting for VM to Boot"

I want to preface this question by mentioning that I have indeed looked over most if not all vagrant "Waiting for VM to Boot" troubleshooting threads:
Things I've tried include:
vagrant failed to connect VM
And more.
Here's how I setup my Vagrant:
Note: We are using Vagrant 1.2.2 since we do not at the moment have time to change configs to newer versions. I am also using VirtualBox 4.2.26.
My office has an /official/ folder which includes things such as Vagrantfile inside. Inside my Vagrantfile are these custom settings: = "my_box"
config.ssh.private_key_path = "~/.ssh/github_rsa"
config.ssh.forward_agent = true
config.ssh.forward_x11 = true
config.ssh.max_tries = 300
config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "/etc/init.d/networking restart"
I installed our custom box (called via vagrant box add my_box absolute_path/ which went without a hitch.
Running vagrant up, I would look at the "preview" of the VirtualBox, and it would simply be stuck at the login page. My Terminal would also only say: Waiting for VM to boot. This can take a few minutes. As far as I know, this is an SSH issue. Or my private key issues, though in my Vagrantfile I explicitly pointed to my private key location.
Interesting Notes:
Running dhclient within the VirtualBox GUI, it says command no found. Running sudo dhclient eth0 was one of the suggested fixes.
This fix: of "modify the /etc/rc.local file to include the line sh /etc/init.d/networking restart just before exit 0." did nothing to fix the issue.
Having tried to re-install everything thinking I messed up a file, it did not seem to ameliorate the issue. I am unable to work with this issue. Could someone give me some insight?
So after around twelve hours of dejected troubleshooting, I was able to (finally) get the VM to boot.
Setup your private/public keys using the link provided. My box is a Debian Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64, so instead of /root/.ssh/, you have to use /home/vagrant/.ssh/ (and the respective id_rsa path for the private key).
Note: make sure your files have the right permissions. Check using ls -l path, and change using chmod. Your machine may not have /home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys, so generate that file with touch /home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys.
Boot your VM using the VirtualBox GUI using (through either Vagrantfile boot-GUI command, or starting your VM using VirtualBox). Login using vagrant and vagrant when prompted.
Within the GUI, manually start dhclient using sudo dhclient eth0 -v. Why is it off by default? I have no idea. I found out that it was off when I tried to wget the private/public keys in the tutorial above, but was unable to.
Go to your local machine's command line and reload vagrant using vagrant reload. It should boot, and no longer hang at "Waiting for VM to Boot."
This worked for me. Though it may be different for other machines, for whatever reason Vagrant likes to break.
Suggestion: can this be saved as a script so we don't need to manually do this everytime?
EDIT: Update to the latest version of Vagrant, and you will never see this issue again. About time, huh?