Express routes parameters - express

I am trying to create two routes in my express app. One route, without a parameter will give me a list of choices, the other one with a parameter will give me the choice related to the id.
router.get('/api/choice', choice_controller.get_choices);
router.get('/api/choice/:id', choice_controller.get_choice);
When I go to .../api/choice/?id=1 the api returns the list of choices, and therefore follows the route without the param (/api/choice). How do I make sure that the router does not omit the parameter?
Thanks in advance.
It seems that it does not fire the /api/choice/:id route. If I remove the one without the param, it gives a 404 so. Could someone explain to me why /api/choice/?id=1 is not getting picked up by /api/choice/:id?

Basically, your declared routes are documented in the Express documentation.
The second route is resolved by a URL like /api/choice/hello where 'hello' is mapped into the req object object as:
router.get('/api/choice/:id', function (req, res) {
console.log("choice id is " +;
What you are actually trying is mapping query parameters.
A URL like /api/choice/?id=1 is resolved by the first router you provided.
Query parameters are easy to get mapped against the request as:
router.get('/api/choice', function (req, res) {
console.log('id: ' +;
//get the whole query as!
const queryStuff = JSON.stringify(req.query);


Quickly calling this.$router.replace in a row causes race condition

I have a filter setup in my VueJs 3 app. I am using the router to update the query, like this:
this.$router.replace({ path: window.location.pathname, query }).catch(err => { console.log(err); });
The query is generated by the value of some computed properties. When I want to "reset" the filter, I just set all these values to their default value. This will call the router replace method for each property change. This doesn't work, as it seems like there is a race between the calls to replace. Resulting in the query not looking as it should. Here is a console log screenshot, showing how to query value is not consistent between calls to replace.

Loopback 4: Authorization decoration of CRUDRestController - is it in anyway possible?

Wondering if anybody in the community has any experience or guidance on how one could use
Authorization decorators (or any custom decoration?)( on CrudRestController endpoints? (
Looked at the src for crud-rest.controller.ts and it just seems like there is no way to really do it.
It seems like it's not easily possible to use any decoration of endpoints in a CrudRestController without taking a very hacky approach and/or wholesale duplicating the code in crud-rest.controller.ts and that we'll have to basically write every endpoint for every model by hand.
Maybe someone has come up with something or has some guidance on an approach? Is the only way to use auth with CrudRestController with the AuthorizationComponent as of now to use Authorizer functions (
Seems like one part lies in this :
* Allow access only to model owners, using route as source of truth
* eg. #post('/users/{userId}/orders', ...) returns `userId` as args[0]
if (currentUser[securityId] === authorizationCtx.invocationContext.args[0]) {
return AuthorizationDecision.ALLOW;
So I ended up doing :
async authorize(
context: AuthorizationContext,
metadata: AuthorizationMetadata,
) {
const parent = context.invocationContext?.parent
const request = parent?.getBinding("rest.http.request").getValue(parent)
const givenUserId = request?.body?.userId
// next line finds out the user id in the JWT payload
const jwtUserId = context?.principals[0]?.payload?.sub
if (!jwtUserId || (givenUserId && givenUserId != jwtUserId)) {
return AuthorizationDecision.DENY;
} else {
return AuthorizationDecision.ALLOW;
as my userId is provided in the http parameters (post form or get parameters)
I also use a custom JTWService to read the payload and make it available in the UserProfile.
This may not be the best way to do it, but so far it works. I am still working on finding out how to deal with read requests and add a filter on all of them by userId too using decorators I will post my finding here, if nothing better show up first here.

How to attach multiple parameters to an API request?

I built my own simple REST API with Express and now I'm consuming it from my client (Vue.js)
So in my page I access all the data from this endpoint: GET /api/books, and it works fine
Now I also have a "sort by" button where I want to get the data by the latest entries. I don't know if that's a good way or if I have to handle this in the backend but what I do is calling the same endpoint which is GET /api/books and sorting the data to get them the right way
For ex:
sortByLatest() {
.then(res => {
const books =;
const sortedBooks = books.sort((a, b) => b.createdAt > a.createdAt ? 1 : -1
this.books = sortedBooks;
// catch block
I do that for everything. If I need a limited number of results or a specific property from the data I have to write some logic in the axios .then block to sort or filter what I want. Is this bad practice?
But that's not my actual problem
My problem is, in addition of sorting by the latest entries, I also want to filter the results by a specific property. The problem is when I click the A button it's gonna filter the books by a specific property, and when I click the B button it's gonna sort them buy the latest entries, but not both at the same time!
And what if I want additionnal things like limit the number of results to 10, filter by other properties etc... I want to be able to create requests that ask all those things at once. How can I do that? Do I have to build that in the backend?
I saw some websites using url parameters to filter stuff, like /genre=horror&sort=latest, is that the key of doing it?
Thank you for your time

how to populate keystoneJS relationship

in keystoneJs's doc:
Populating related data in queries
You can populate related data for relationship fields thanks to Mongoose's populate functionality. To populate the author and category documents when loading a Post from the example above, you would do this:
Post.model.findOne().populate('author categories').exec(function(err,post) {
// the author is a fully populated User document
my question is that there is any options I can configure so these List APIs can populate the many relationship automatically.
mike so
I think not. This is how I do it when I use Keystone as an API (using .populate).
exports.getStoreWithId = function (req, res) {
.populate('productTags productCategories')
.exec(function (err, item) {
if (err) return res.apiError('database error', err);
store: item,
Pretty sure the short answer here is no. If you want to populate you'll need to include the .populate.
That being said, keystone gives you access to the mongoose schema, so the answer here should work. Obviously their mongoose.Schema is done by your Post.add stuff so I think you can ignore their first snippet, and you should be able to add the hooks as Post.schema.pre(... for the second snippet.
The Post.schema.pre('save',... hooks definitely work with keystone, so I assume the pre-find hooks work too, however I've not actually tested this. (I'd be interested to know the outcome though!)
Finally, if that works, you could also have a look at the mongoose-autopopulate package, and see if you can get that to play nicely with keystone.

How to define complex routes with named parameters in express.js?

I want to set up some more complex routes that can include a number of optional parameters. Preferably, I would like to use named parameters for ease of access. Here is an example of what I'm trying to achieve:
// The following routes should be matched based on parameters provided:
// GET /books/:category/:author
// GET /books/:category/:author/limit/:limit
// GET /books/:category/:author/skip/:skip
// GET /books/:category/:author/limit/:limit/skip/:skip
// GET /books/:category/:author/sort/:sortby
// GET /books/:category/:author/sort/:sortby/limit/:limit
// GET /books/:category/:author/sort/:sortby/skip/:skip
// GET /books/:category/:author/sort/:sortby/limit/:limit/skip/:skip
app.get('/books/:category/:author/(sort/:sortby)?/(limit/:limit)?/(skip/:skip)?', myController.index);
As you can see, I'm trying to group the optional parameters with (paramKey/paramValue)?. That way I was hoping to be able to "mix and match" the optional parameters while still making use of the parameter naming. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work.
Is there any way to get this working without having to write straight regular expressions and adding additional logic to parse any resulting index-based parameter groups?
Basically, I'm looking for an easy way to parse key/value pairs from the route.
It looks like you want to re-implement the query string using the URL path. My guess is that if you really wanted that, yes, you would have to write your own parsing/interpreting logic. AFAIK express path parameters are positional, whereas the query string is not. Just use a query string and express will parse it for you automatically.
That will enable you to do
You may be able to get express to do 1/2 of the parsing for you with a regular expression path like (:key/:value)* or something along those lines (that will match multiple key/value pairs), but express isn't going to then further parse those results for you.
you can send data to view as follow:
//in the server side ...
app.get('/search/:qkey/:qvalue', function(req, res){
and in the client side... call to ajax
success: function(data){
var string = eval("(" + data + ")");
//you access to server response with
console.log(string.qkey+" and "+ string.qvalue);