access 2016 System resource exceeded - vba

I am try to migrate from access 2003 to 2016 When I am importing my objects everything is fine. Only,on the process of importing 3 tables, I am getting this error.
System resource exceeded
They are big tables too.
There is no hotfix for access 2016, Total table quantity around 100 tables
If you help me I really appreciate

Found solution here:
In short:
task manager/processes tab, find msaccess, right click and select set affinity.... option. I had 6 CPUs ticked (0 to 5). I un-ticked them all and just ticked the 0 CPU.

Since currently there is no hot fix for 2016 version you have to merge either to 2010 or 2013. Then you can try merging to 2016.
Please check this link:

Not sure if this will help you, but I've managed to resolve this error by wrapping fields referenced in the WHERE clause with Nz e.g.
instead of
WHERE ReportDate = Date
WHERE Nz(ReportDate,ReportDate) = Date
It's strange but it seems to work for me, I've found the issue is often related to indexed fields, so I always add it to those fields first


"Property Not Found" Access Error When Querying With a Null Field

I have an odd problem with MS Access 2013 at the moment. It keeps returning "Property Not Found" when I query it with a null field.
The query I've created should allow users to enter some, all or none of a postcode and return the matching records. On my laptop (running Access 2016) this query runs fine in all forms, but returns the aforementioned error when the field is left blank.
The query (in SQL mode) is:
WHERE ((Left([Carer Contact Details]![Postcode],Len([Forms]!
[AgeRangeQueryForm]![PostcodeSearch])))=[Forms]![AgeRangeQueryForm]![PostcodeSearch])) OR ((([Forms]![AgeRangeQueryForm]![PostcodeSearch]) Is Null));
There are some extra parts to the query, relating to other parts of the form but they are not relevant here as all other parts of the query are functioning.
I suspect this is an compatibility issue between Access 2016 and 2013. The database was originally made in Access 2016, but I had to port it onto an older system which runs 2013. This is the only difference I can ascertain, and I can't figure out any other reason why it might work on one machine and not the other!
Any help would be appreciated!
Try using Nz:
(Left([Carer Contact Details]![Postcode], Len(Nz([Forms]![AgeRangeQueryForm]![PostcodeSearch]))) = Nz([Forms]![AgeRangeQueryForm]![PostcodeSearch]))
([Forms]![AgeRangeQueryForm]![PostcodeSearch] Is Null);

SQL71501 - How to get rid of this error?

We're using two schemas in our project (dbo + kal).
When we are trying to create a view with the following SQL statement, Visual Studio shows as an error in the error list.
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[RechenketteFuerAbkommenOderLieferantenView]
r.Id as RechenkettenId,
[kal].[Rechenkette] r
[kal].[RechenketteTerm] rTerm ON rTerm.RechenketteId = r.Id
[kal].[Basisrechenkette] br ON rTerm.BasisrechenketteId = br.Id
[kal].[Rechenkettenschema] rs ON rs.Id = br.Id
r.RechenkettenTyp = 0
The error message looks like this:
SQL71501: Computed Column: [dbo].[RechenketteFuerAbkommenOderLieferantenView].[AbkommenId] contains an unresolved reference to an object. Either the object does not exist or the reference is ambiguous because it could refer to any of the following objects:
[kal].[Basisrechenkette].[r]::[AbkommenId], [kal].[Rechenkette].[AbkommenId], [kal].[Rechenkette].[r]::[AbkommenId], [kal].[Rechenkettenschema].[r]::[AbkommenId] or [kal].[RechenketteTerm].[r]::[AbkommenId].
Publishing the view and working is just fine, but its quite annoying to see the error message all the time when building our project having all the serious errors get lost in the shuffle of those sql errors.
Do you have any idea, what the problem might be?
I just found the solution. Although I can't read your (what appears to be German) enough to know if you're referring to system views, if so, a database reference to master must be provided. Otherwise, adding any other required database references should solve the problem.
This is described here for system views: Resolve reference to object information schema tables
and for other database references.
Additional information is provided here: Resolving ambiguous references in SSDT project for SQL Server
For me I was seeing SQL71501 on a user defined table type. It turned out that the table type's sql file in my solution wasn't set as build. As soon as I changed the build action from None to Build, the error dissapeared.
I know this is an old question but it was the first one that popped up when searching for the error.
In my case the errors were preventing me from executing the SqlSchemaCompare in Visual Studio 2017. The error however was for a table/index of a table that was not part of the solution any more. A simple clean/rebuild did not help.
A reload of the visual studio solution did the trick.
We have a project that contains a view that references a table valued function in another database. After adding the database reference that is required to resolve the fields used from the remote database, we were still getting this error. I found that the table valued function was defined by using "SELECT * FROM ..." which was old code created by someone not familiar with good coding practices. I replaced the "*" portion with the enumerated fields needed and compiled that function, then re-created the dacpac for that database to capture the resulting schema, and incorporated the new dacpac as the database reference. Woo Hoo! the ambiguous references went away! Seems that SSDT engine cannot (or does not) always have the ability to reach down into the bowels of the referenced dacpac to come back with all the fields. For sure, the projects I work on are normally quite large, so I think it makes sense to give the tools all the help you can when asking them to validate your code.
Although this is an old topic, it is highly ranked on search engines, so I will share the solution that worked for me.
I faced the same error code with a CREATE TYPE statement, which was in a script file in my Visual Studio 2017 SQL Server project, because I couldn't find how to add a user-defined type specifically from the interface.
The solution is that, in Visual Studio, there are many programmability file types, other than the ones you can see through a right-click > Add. Just select New Element and use the search field to find the element you are trying to create.
From the last paragraph of the blog post Resolving ambiguous references in SSDT project for SQL Server, which was linked in the answer :
In my case, when I double clicked the file and opened it I found that
one of the references to ColumnX was not using the two part name and
thus SSDT was unable to determine which table it belonged to and
furthermore whether the column existed in the table. Once I added the
two part name. Bingo! I was down to no errors!
In my case, I got this error when I was trying to export the datatier application. The error was related to the link on a database user. To solve the problem, you need to log in to the server with read rights on system users.
In my case I just double click on the error and it will take me to the exact error on procedure and I noticed that table column is deleted or renamed but in SP its still using the old column name.
If you build an SSDT project you can get an error which says:
“SQL71502: Function: [XXX].[XXX] has an unresolved reference to object [XXX].[XXX].”
If the code that is failing is trying to use something in the “sys” schema or the “INFORMATION_SCHEMA” schema then you need to add a database reference to the master dacpac:
Add a database reference to master:
Under the project, right-click References.
Select Add database reference….
Select System database.
Ensure master is selected.
Press OK.
Note that it might take a while for VS to update.
(Note this was copied verbatim from the stack overflow question with my screenshots added:… - I will explain more if you get past the tldr but it is quite exciting! )
I like this question on stack overflow as it has a common issue that anyone who has a database project that they import into SSDT has faced. It might not affect everyone, but a high percentage of databases will have some piece of code that references something that doesn't exist.
The question has a few little gems in it that I would like to explore in a little more detail because I don't feel that a comment on stack overflow really does them justice.
If we look at the question it starts like this:
If you're doing this from within Visual Studio, make sure that the file is set to "Build" within the properties.
I've had this numerous times and it really gets me everytime. SQL Build is case sensitive even though your collation isn't. Check the case is correct in agreement with the object and schema names that are referenced!

SQL OPENROWSET Not returning all columns

Everyone. Really need helps to solve my problem.
I've 2 excel file with .xls extension (nota.xls and agt.xls). The first one have 30 columns and the other one only 2 columns. I want to read those from SQL Server with this code:
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=C:\nota.xls;IMEX=1;HDR=YES;','SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]')
But the result from that code is only showing one column. Actually the nota.xls have 2 columns.
The result:
It happens too with the agt.xls. Which have 30 columns but only shown 29. I've searching the solution but no ones work. Some site said to change the HDR properties to NO. HDR=NO. But it is not work at all. :(
Try inserting it as .CSV (See Above Answer)
And try to upgrade your architecture as soon as you can i.e. Excel 2007 / SQL Server 2008R2, or higher.

Empty XML Columns during SQL Server replication

We have a merge replication setup on SQL Server that goes like this: 1 SQL server at the office, another SQL server traveling around the world. The publisher is the SQL server at the office.
In about 1% of the cases, two of our tables with a column of XML Data type (not bound to a schema) are replicated with rows containing empty XML columns. ( This only happened when data is sent from the "traveling server" back home, but then again, data seems to be changed more often there ). We only have this in prod. environment ( WAN replication ).
Things i have verified:
The row is replicated, as the last modification date on the row is refreshed but the xml column is empty. Of course it is not empty on the other SQL Server.
No conflicts are displayed in the replication conflicts UI.
It is not caused by the size of the data inside the XML Column as some are very small.
Usually, the problem occurs in batch. ( The xml column of 8-9 consecutive rows will be empty )
The problem occurs if a row was inserted OR updated. No pattern there.
The problem seems to occur, but this is pure speculation on my part when the connection is weaker. ( We've seen this problem happen more often when the server was far away as compared to when it was close by. )
Sorry if i have confused some things, I am not really a DBA, more of a DEV with knowledge of SQL but since the application using the database keeps getting blamed for the problems ( the XML column must not be empty!! ) I have taken it at heart to try and find the problem instead of just manually patching the data each time ( Whats the use of replication if you have to do that? )
If anyone could help out with this problem, or at least suggest some ways of being able to debug / investigate this it would be greatly appreciated.
I did search alot on google and I did find this: Hot Fix . But we do have the latest service pack and the problem seems a bit different.
fyi: We have a replication setup locally here but the problem never occurs. We will be trying a WAN simulator on it as well to see if that can help.
Edit: hot fix is now available for my issue:
After logging this issue with Microsoft, we were able to reproduce the problem without a slow link ( Big thanks to the competent escalation engineer at Microsoft ). The repro is a bit different from our scenario, but highlights the timing issue we were getting perfectly.
Create 2 tables – One parent one child (have a PK-FK relationship)
Insert 2 rows in the parent table
Set up replication – configure merge agent to run ON DEMAND
Once all is replicated:
On the PUBLISHER: delete one row from the parent table
On the SUBSCRIBER: Insert 2 rows of data that references the parentid you deleted above
Insert 5 rows of data that references the parentid that will stay in the table
Sync, Merge agent will fail, Sync again, Merge agent will succeed
Missing XML data on the publisher on the 5 rows.
Seems it is a bug that is in SQL Server 2005/2008 and 2008R2.
It will be addressed in a hot fix in 2008 and up. ( As SQL Server 2005 is no longer being altered )
You may want to start out by slapping a bandaid on this perplexing situation to buy some time to fully investigate and fix (or more likely get MS to fix it). SQL Data Compare is an excellent tool that might help.
Figured i'd put an update here as this issue got me a few gray hairs and I am somewhat closer to a solution now.
I finally had some time to work on this and managed to reproduce this issue in our test environment, using a WAN simulator and slowing down the link and injecting some random packet loss. ( to best simulate the production environment where the server is overseas on a really bad line ).
After doing some SQL tracing, and some verbose logging here are my conclusions:
When replicating a row with an XML column, the process is done in 2 steps. First an insert is done of the full row but with an empty string for the XML column. Right after, an update is done this time with the XML column having data. Since the link is slow, in some situations a foreign key violation occured.
In this scenario, Table2 depends on Table1. After finishing replicating table1, and starting to replicate table2 (Enumration of insert/updates which takes time on a slow link), some entries were added to table1 and table2. Therefore some inserts on Table2 failed because Table1 entries were not in the database and were only going to be replicated next batch. The next time the replication occured, no more foreign key violations occured, however when it tried to insert the row that had previously failed in Table2 ( XML column row ), the update part of it was missing ( I could see that in the SQL profiler ) and that is why the row ended up after all was done with an empty XML.
Setting "Enforce for replication" to false on the foreign keys seems to address the problem, however I do still think that this whole process should work with the option set to true.
I logged a support call with Microsoft for this. I have sent the traces and logs to Microsoft and will see what they have to say.
I've read this article: But for me, setting this option to false is kind of a work around, no?
What do you guys think?
ps: Hope this is clear, tried to explain it the best I could. English is not my first language.

SQL Server 2005 Management Studio - Recover Accidentally Closed Tab

Is there a way to do this if an unsaved tab gets accidentally closed?
I was able to recover a query I was working on after accidentally closing the tab. If you actually ran the query, it should be in SQL Server's query cache. Query the query cache and order the results by creation date. More info on the SQL Server query cache:
Modify a query like this one (found at
SELECT cp.objtype AS PlanType,
OBJECT_NAME(st.objectid,st.dbid) AS ObjectName,
cp.refcounts AS ReferenceCounts,
cp.usecounts AS UseCounts,
st.text AS SQLBatch,
qp.query_plan AS QueryPlan
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS cp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle) AS qp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle) AS st;
to get your desired result. The "st.text" column will have the query that was run on the database server.
I also found at MSDN website that it is not possible to recover these files, but I would give a try to this (it worked for me):
Take a look in the folder C:\Users\YOURUSERIDHERE\Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Backup Files\Solution1 and choose files for date when machine restarted or crash happened.
Take a look in the folder C:\Users\”[your username goes here]“\AppData\Local\Temp\ (this wasn't work for me because my .sql files had 0KB and .tmp files had something, but I couldn't find the way to 'extract' code from these .tmp files). Suppose that sometimes can be helpful, depending on reason of system reboot/crash.
I'm not sure that there is, but using TimeSnapper can be a help to show what was previously in the window.
I don't believe so. I checked on the msdn website and there's a thread about this and the answer is no.
Navigate to My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio Express\Backup Files\Solution1 you will find the Recovered backlogs.This is the only solution.
1.Take a look in the folder C:\Users\YOURUSERIDHERE\AppData\Local\temp, then sort files by date modified and pick the last .sql that has a size greater than 0 bytes. That worked for me.
Unfortunately SSMS currently does not have the Undo Closed Tab feature. I have created the following Connect Item so Microsoft will hopefully add this in a future version: