How to enable module in Orchard migration? - module

I want to enable a specific module in a migration but the module is not enabled immediately.
The issue here seems to be the state of the module, it is set to Rising in table Orchard_Settings_ShellFeatureStateRecord. In this case I cannot enable the module manually in Admin anymore, I need to restart the web server after the migration has been executed to get the module to state Up.
The migration code looks like
public class Migration: Orchard.Data.Migration.DataMigrationImpl
// public
public Migration(Orchard.Environment.Features.IFeatureManager aFeatureManager)
mFeatureManager = aFeatureManager;
public int UpdateFrom1()
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Orchard.Environment.Extensions.Models.FeatureDescriptor> lFeatures =
mFeatureManager.GetAvailableFeatures().ToDictionary(m => m.Id, m => m);
if (lFeatures.ContainsKey("Orchard.Taxonomies"))
mFeatureManager.EnableFeatures(new string[] {"Orchard.Taxonomies"}, true);
// private
private readonly Orchard.Environment.Features.IFeatureManager mFeatureManager;
I also tried using IModuleManager, did not work. Then I tried enabling another simple feature like Orchard.Alias.UI, did not work either.
Is this intended behavior or what might be wrong in the code?

If your feature has a dependency on taxonomies, enabling it will also enable taxonomies. You don't need to do anything else. That is, unless the dependency is something new that you're adding with the new version. In that case, I'd probably display a warning asking the user to enable it, and I'd make the code resilient to taxonomies not being enabled (which is a good idea no matter what)

Change this line:
mFeatureManager.EnableFeatures(new string[] {"Orchard.Taxonomies"},true);
to this one:
mFeatureManager.EnableFeatures(new string[] {"Orchard.Taxonomies"});


Permission defaults ignored in Orchard

I try to set permissions for my new module. Otherwise they seem to work, but the defaults are ignored, nothing is checked for role-permission pairs I've set in the code. My code (Permissions.cs) seems OK:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Orchard.Environment.Extensions.Models;
using Orchard.Security.Permissions;
using Orchard.Environment.Extensions;
using My.Module.Utils;
namespace My.Module
public class Permissions : IPermissionProvider {
public static readonly Permission AccessMyModule = new Permission {
Description = Constants.AccessAddon, Name = "AccessMyModule"
public virtual Feature Feature { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Permission> GetPermissions() {
return new[] {
public IEnumerable<PermissionStereotype> GetDefaultStereotypes() {
return new[] {
new PermissionStereotype {
Name = Constants.MyModuleAdministratorRole,
Permissions = new[] { AccessMyModule }
I double checked that all the constants stored in Constants and the references for them are valid. The code snippet here is simplified, in fact I have more permissions and more roles in my project, but I confirmed commenting out everything but one permission and one role doesn't fix the problem. The defaults for the other modules in the same solution work fine, though there's no bug reported by IntelliSense and everything else in the module seems to work. So where else could be the root of the problem?
EDIT: I followed #mdameer's comment and confirmed that GetDefaultStereotypes() really runs only after reinstall. However, an error occurred while enabling the module after reinstall, so the defaults were not loaded. I know that the supposed way is to check the role - permission name in the dashboard, but I would like to find another workaround, because
I would like to solve the error that occurred and not to risk it happenning on the production server as well, and I can't delete and reinstall this rather complex module several times just to debug this. It was likely caused by the reinstall process, nowhere in the permission initialization, but I can't know without running the code.
there are tens of roles affected, so relying on someone to click the permissions by hand each time means that there will likely be errors due to human factor.
The GetDefaultStereotypes() method is being called from class DefaultRoleUpdater in Orchard.Roles. It is called automatically from somewhere deep in the Orchard core, so simply mimicking the call and running it on startup isn't that easy. I also tried to mimic the whole function and placed it into my permissions class (or into a custom service), but now I got lost on how to run it. It is not static, but it either is part of or refers to my Permissions class, which doesn't allow for ordinary referencing by default (it has no proper constructor) and I don't want to mess it even more by changing the class to something it is not and shouldn't be.
Just set the default permissions you need in a migration instead of using GetDefaultStereotypes(). Here is a short example:
public class MyMigration: Orchard.Data.Migration.DataMigrationImpl
// public
public MyMigration(Orchard.Roles.Services.IRoleService aRoleService)
mRoleService = aRoleService;
public int Create()
//mRoleService.UpdateRole("MyRoleName", MyPermissions)
return 1;
// private
Orchard.Roles.Services.IRoleService aRoleService mRoleService;

Resolving constructor dependency on service used in NancyFX

I have the following bootstrap
public class NancyBootStrapper: DefaultNancyBootstrapper
protected override void ConfigureRequestContainer(TinyIoC.TinyIoCContainer container, NancyContext context)
base.ConfigureRequestContainer(container, context);
var ravenSession = container.Resolve< IRavenSessionProvider >().GetSession();
container.Register( ravenSession );
When my Nancy app tries to instantiate BlogService using the following constructor
public BlogService(IDocumentSession documentSession)
this.documentSession = documentSession;
the application blows up stating that it can't resolve document session, I have also tried the following within my test method (removing the constructor injection).
public void BuildCategories()
var container = TinyIoCContainer.Current;
documentSession = container.Resolve< IDocumentSession >();
documentSession.Store(new Category{Title = "test"});
documentSession.Store(new Category{Title = ".net"});
This also blows up, pointing out that it can't resolve documentSession.
Now this is the first time I have used either NancyFX or TinyIoC so I could be doing something fundamentally wrong though I should mention that the documentSession does resolve within a Nancy module..
Can any one offer a fix or some suggestions?
When is the BlogService supposed to be instantiated? -My guess would be once for the application, in which case I believe you are registering the session in the wrong bootstrapper method, and should do it in ConfigureApplicationContainer.
I've been playing & digging into both NancyFx and the TinyIoC code bases and have figured out how to fix this issue... I don't like the fix... but hay it works :)
Basically, I am creating a RavenDB document session in the bootstrapper method configureRequestContainer as it is best practice to use the request as your unit of work scope.
Unfortunately anything that is auto wired by tinyIoC within configureApplicationContainer does not have any constructor injection performed using the child container being used by the Nancy request (this includes those that are marked as MultiInstance or as PerRequestSingleton.
To get around this, you need to re-register any components that depend on your per request components within the same child container.
As I said, I don't like the fix, but it is ultimately a fix :)

How do you set the Customvalidation in Metadata file, If the Metadata is in different Model project

My silverlight solution has 3 project files
Silverlight part(Client)
Web part(Server)
Entity model(I maintained the edmx along with Metadata in a seperate project)
Metadata file is a partial class with relavent dataannotation validations.
public partial class User
[CustomValidation(typeof(UsernameValidator), "IsUsernameAvailable")]
public string UserName { get; set; }
Now my question is where I need to keep this class UsernameValidator
If my Metadata class and edmx are on Server side(Web) then I know I need to create a .shared.cs class in my web project, then add the proper static method.
My IsUserAvailable method intern will call a domainservice method as part of asyc validation.
public bool IsUsernameAvailable(string username)
return !Membership.FindUsersByName(username).Cast<MembershipUser>().Any();
If my metadata class is in the same project as my domain service is in then I can call domain service method from my UsernameValidator.Shared.cs class.
But here my entity models and Metadata are in seperate library.
Any idea will be appreciated
Jeff wonderfully explained the asyc validation here
but that will work only when your model, metadata and Shared class, all are on server side.
There is a kind of hack to do this. It is not a clean way to do it it, but this is how it would probably work.
Because the .shared takes care of the code generation it doesn't complain about certain compile errors in the #if brackets of the code. So what you can do is create a Validator.Shared.cs in any project and just make sure it generates to the silverlight side.
Add the following code. and dont forget the namespaces.
using WebProject.Web.Services;
using System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client;
UserContext context = new UserContext();
InvokeOperation<bool> availability = context.DoesUserExist(username);
//code ommited. use what logic you want, maybe Jeffs post.
The compiler will ignore this code part because it does not meet the condition of the if statement. Meanwhile on the silverlight client side it tries to recompile the shared validator where it DOES meet the condition of the if-statement.
Like I said. This is NOT a clean way to do this. And you might have trouble with missing namespaces. You need to resolve them in the non-generated Validator.shared.cs to finally let it work in silverlight. If you do this right you can have the validation in silverlight with invoke operations. But not in your project with models and metadata like you would have with Jeff's post.
Edit: I found a cleaner and better way
you can create a partial class on the silverlight client side and doing the following
public partial class User
partial void OnUserNameChanging(string value)
//must be new to check for this validation rule
if(EntityState == EntityState.New)
var ctx = new UserContext();
ctx.IsValidUserName(value).Completed += (s, args) =>
InvokeOperation invop = (InvokeOperation) s;
bool isValid = (bool) invop.Value;
ValidationResult error = new ValidationResult(
"Username already exists",
new string[] {"UserName"});
This is a method generated by WCF RIA Services and can be easily partialled and you can add out-of-band validation like this. This is a much cleaner way to do this, but still this validation now only exists in the silverlight client side.
Hope this helps

Change application.conf runtime?

I want to set the database connection at run time for my Play project. I know that I can set a property run time with the following code:
#OnApplicationStart public class Bootstrap extends Job
#Override public void doJob()
// now set the values in the properties file
Play.configuration.setProperty("db.driver", dbDriver);
Play.configuration.setProperty("db.url", dbUrl);
Play.configuration.setProperty("db.user", dbUsername);
Play.configuration.setProperty("db.pass", dbPassword);
But when executing the code above the file is not actually changed, I think just in memory.
How can I set the database properties and force Play! to use this properties in order to connect to the right database onApplicationStart?
UPDATE 2012-01-29
Solution is possible via a plugin. In this plugin I have to override onConfigurationRead() and apply the properties to the configuration file at that moment. I will try to post some code as soon as I have time for this.
By the time you change the properties, the DB plugin is already initialized. You need to write a plugin and overwrite the onConfigurationRead() method, then put your new settings there. Paly's dbplugin will init later on.
I faced with the necessity of programmatically obtaining values from aws secret manager in runtime before using that values in play framework configuration. You can override initial default values from application.conf and add new.
Work for play framework v2.7.3
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigValueFactory;
import play.api.Configuration;
import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder;
import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationLoader;
public class ExtendedGuiceApplicationLoader extends GuiceApplicationLoader {
public GuiceApplicationBuilder builder(Context context) {
Configuration configuration = new Configuration(
return super.builder(
new Context(context.environment(),
DonĀ“t forget add this string to application.conf
Are you sure this is what you really intend to do?
Play offers the possibility to add different configurations in your application.conf
for example you could have:
And then start the app with play start --%uat or play start --%prod

Eclipse: Within a plug-in, how to access another plug-ins preference store?

I have an Eclipse plug-in with a checkbox in the plug-in's preference page.
This checkbox is used for enabling and disabling an editor, which is being launched from this plug-in.
However, the problem is, I would also like to be able to enable and disable this 'editor-launch' from another plug-in, by having actions which change the value of the checkbox in the above mentioned preference page.
Here's the problem, how do I access that local preference store from another plug-in?
I've tried things like..
View myView = (View) PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().findView("ViewID");
But this 'myView' always seems to be null.. And also, what would I do with the view since it's the Plug-in I want.
Same here, want the Plugin, not the bundle corresponding to is.
No matter what I try nothing seems to work.
Does anyone have any ideas?
There are two ways of doing this:
Please refer to
Using .getPluginPreferences(). For example, there is a plugin class "" which extends org.eclipse.ui.plugin.AbstractUIPlugin.Plugin, in order to get access to the preferences of TestPlugin. The plugin code could be below:
public class TestPlugin extends AbstractUIPlugin {
private static TestPlugin plugin;
public static final String PREF_TEST = "test_preference";
* The constructor.
public TestPlugin() {
plugin = this;
* This method is called upon plug-in activation
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
* This method is called when the plug-in is stopped
public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
plugin = null;
* Returns the shared instance.
public static TestPlugin getDefault() {
return plugin;
To access the preference of TestPlugin, the code could be:
Or have a look at this answer: Writing Eclipse plugin to modify Editor Preferences
This thread recommend the use of a Service tracker:
ServiceTracker tracker = new ServiceTracker(ToolkitPlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getBundleContext(),
IProxyService.class.getName(), null);;
proxyService = (IProxyService) tracker.getService();
This may work.
Prefs stores are found per plugin. This is one way to get a prefs store for the plugin whose activator class is ActivatorA.
IPreferenceStore store = ActivatorA.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
If you want another plugin to refer to the same store, perhaps you could expose some api on ActivatorA for it to get there, e.g.
public IPreferenceStore getSharedPrefs() {
return ActivatorA.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
The second plugin would find the shared store by doing this
IPreferenceStore sharedPrefs = ActivatorA.getSharedPrefs();
Good luck.