How to use synonym stored procedures in ssrs? - sql

I want to make a SSRS report using a stored procedure from another sql database.
I made a synonym via SQL Server:
Use DataBase1;
CREATE SYNONYM StoredProcedure1 FOR DataBase2.dbo.StoredProcedure1;
In SSRS Design I could not find "StoredProcedure1" in DataBase1. How I can access it?

My fellow colleague in the same team got stuck at the same situation and no solution seems working. So my solution was the, create sp in the database which directly used by SSRS and call the synonym inside that sp. Worked there correctly. But need to know proper solution.
The given case create new SP like here.
USE [DataBase1]
EXEC StoredProcedure1
Then use the newly created sp in SSRS.


Using MSDB stored procedures in application's database stored procedure

This seems like it would be trivial, but I have not been able to come up with a solution to this small problem.
I am attempting to create a stored procedure in my application's database. This stored procedure just executes a job that has been set up in the SSMS on the same server (seemed to be the only way to programmatically execute these jobs).
The simple code is shown below:
USE ApplicationsDatabase
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[procedure]
EXEC dbo.sp_start_job N'Nightly Download'
When ran as is, the procedure technically gets created but cannot be executed due to it not being able to find the 'sp_start_job' since it is using the ApplicationsDatabase. If I try to create the procedure again (after deleting previously created) but updating the USE to MSDB, it tries to add it to that system database for which I do not have permissions to do. Finally, I attempted to keep the original create statement but added the USE MSDB within the procedure (just to use the 'sp_start_job' procedure), but it would error saying USE statements cannot be placed within procedures.
After pondering on the issue for a little (I'm obviously no SQL database expert), I could not come up with a solution and decided to solicit the advice of my peers. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
You will have to fully qualify the path to the procedure. Of course, you can only execute this is the application has permissions.
Try this:
USE ApplicationsDatabase
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[procedure]
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job N'Nightly Download'

sql server trigger to update another database whenever a sproc is created

Is there a way to update another database with the newly created stored procedure whenever a stored procedure is created in the main database?
For example, i have two databases, DB1 and DB2.
When I create a stored procedure in DB1, i want that same procedure to created in DB2 automatically? Is there a trigger that can do this?
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[TestSproc]
I know a use [DB2] statement will do the job, but i want this to be done automatically. Any thought?
Thanks for the help!
This might be a bit evil, but in SQL Server you are able to create DDL triggers which fire when you create/alter/drop tables/procedures etc. The syntax to fire when a procedure is created is:
CREATE TRIGGER <proc-name>
--Your code goes here
In a DDL trigger you get access to an object called EVENTDATA. So to get the text of the procedure you created:
SELECT EVENTDATA().value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand/CommandText)[1]','nvarchar(max)')
Now all you need to do is keep that value and execute it in your secondary database. So your query becomes something like this, though I leave the code to update the secondary database down to you as I don't know if it's on the same server, linked server etc.:
DECLARE #procedureDDL AS NVARCHAR(MAX) = EVENTDATA().value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand/CommandText)[1]','nvarchar(max)')
--Do something with #procedureDDL
As this is not tested, there's probably a few gotchas. For example, what happens if you create procedure with full name (CREATE PROC server.database.schema.proc)
No simple solution for this unless you want to execute the same statement twice, once on each target database,
One thing that comes to my mind is that you can Set up Replication and only publish Stored Procedures to your second database which will be the subscriber in this case.
Following is the window where you select which Objects you want to send over to your secondary databases.

Create Stored Procedure in Access 2007

Is it possible to create an Stored Procedure in Access 2007? If it is, how can i do it?
You could save queries with parameters that works much like a SP.
You can created stored procedures in Access. I use Access 2007. I'm not sure of the capability in Access 2003. I've created stored procedures using the following process:
Create a query that performs the action you wish to take (Create(MakeTable), Read(Select), Update, Delete). Setup parameters if used. This query is for use as a template. You don't need to keep.
Switch query to SQL View and copy the query.
Use Cntl-G to switch over to Visual Basic. Use either the immediate window or create a subroutine using Insert | Procedure.
Paste your query and setup the following syntax to create the stored procedure.
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "CREATE PROC sp_storedProcedureName (parm1 Text, parm2 Integer, whatever other parms & datatypes) AS sqlStatementFromQueryGoesHere;"
Run from immediate window or procedure. It should run clean if no errors.
Then go back to the Navagation pane and refresh (the stored proc won't show originally without refresh). Once refreshed, you have your stored proc showing in the queries category

Possible to create a SQL stored procedure for use for all databases

I have a stored procedure, in one database within my SQL server, that sets permissions to all stored procedures at once for that particulat database. Is there a way to create this stored procedure in a way were I can call it easily from any database within the SQL server and if so how do I go about doing such a thing
While the best solution to this specific question of granting execute to all procedures is the one provided by marc_s, the actual question was is there a way to create a single stored procedure and make it available to all databases.
The way to do this is documented at
Create the stored procedure in the master database.
It must be named to start with sp_, e.g. sp_MyCustomProcedure
Execute sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject passing the name of the procedure, e.g. EXEC sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_MyCustomProcedure
Here is a simple example which just selects the name of the current database:
use master
create procedure dbo.sp_SelectCurrentDatabaseName as begin
select db_name()
execute sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_SelectCurrentDatabaseName
Calling exec dbo.sp_SelectCurrentDatabaseName on any database will then work.
To mark the procedure as not a system object, there a some nasty hacks suggested at but it is safest and easiest to just drop and re-create the procedure.
Of course creating system procedures like this is breaking the common rule of not naming your own procedures as sp_xxx, due to the possibility of them conflicting with built-in procedures in future versions of SQL Server. Therefore this should be done with care and not just create a load of randomly named procedures which you find useful.
A common simple way to avoid this is to add your own company/personal prefix to the procedure which Microsoft is unlikely to use, e.g. sp_MyCompany_MyCustomProcedure.
I have a stored procedure, in one database within my SQL server, that
sets permissions to all stored procedures at once for that particular
You could archive the same result much easier:
create a new role, e.g. db_executor
CREATE ROLE db_executor
grant that role execute permissions without specifying any objects:
GRANT EXECUTE TO db_executor
This role now has execute permissions on all stored procedures and functions - and it will even get the same permissions for any future stored procedure that you add to your database!
Just assign this role to the users you need and you're done....
Have you tried a 3 or 4 part name?
That procedure could in turn reference objects in other databases using the same conventions. So you could parameterize the name of the database to be operated on and use dynamic SQL to generate 4 part names to reference objects such as system tables.

Stored procedure scope: using sp from another database

I hava a stored procedure named PROC_fetchTableInfo (simple select from sys.tables) in a database named
I would like use this procedure in a another database named
I tried to execute this sp in this database using command
EXECUTE Cust.dbo.PROC_fetchTableInfo
but as a result I get tables from the database Cust. How to get this procedure to work in database Dept?
A stored procedure is tighly bound to the objects in its code. If Cust.dbo.PROC_fetchTable references a table T, that is stricly the table T in schema dbo in database Cust. You can invoke the procedure from any other place, it will always refer to this table.
If you need to run the same procedure in another table on another database then the best solution, by far, is to have a new procedure: Dept.dbo.PROC_fetxTableInfo. This is better than the alternative of using Dynamic-SQL. While this seems counteruintuitive from a DRY and code reuse perspective, T-SQL is a data access language is not a programming language, leave your C/C# mind set at the door when you enter the database. Just have another procedure in the Dept database.
Your procedure, Cust.dbo.PROC_fetchTableInfo looks at data in the Cust database. Sounds like you need a copy of it in the Dept database.
Alternately (and quite unsatisfactory to me) you can add a parameter that controls which database to query by building the query in the sproc dynamically.
Perhaps you could create it in some "Common" database and call it like EXEC Common..PROC_fetchTableInfo #databaseName='Dept'
This is possible (if you are trying to write some utility function that you can use across all databases). You can create it in the master database, give it a sp_ prefix and mark it as a system object.
use master
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_sys_tables_select
SELECT * FROM sys.tables
EXEC sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject 'dbo.sp_sys_tables_select'
EXEC tempdb.dbo.sp_sys_tables_select
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_sys_tables_select