Remove table border in powerpoint - vba

The code is successfully removing table borders and is fine on screen.
While printing or print previewing, its showing some table border. How to fix it?
Sub Tableformatting ()
Dim r As Long, c As Long
Dim t As Table
Set t = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Table
For r = 1 To t.Rows.Count
For c = 1 To t.Columns.Count
With t.Cell(r, c)
.Borders(ppBorderTop).Transparency = 0
.Borders(ppBorderTop).Weight = 0
.Borders(ppBorderBottom).Transparency = 0
.Borders(ppBorderBottom).Weight = 0
.Borders(ppBorderLeft).Transparency = 0
.Borders(ppBorderLeft).Weight = 0
.Borders(ppBorderRight).Transparency = 0
.Borders(ppBorderRight).Weight = 0
End With
Next c
Next r
End Sub

Try using
Sub Tableformatting()
Dim r As Long, c As Long
Dim t As Table
Set t = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Table
For r = 1 To t.Rows.Count
For c = 1 To t.Columns.Count
With t.Cell(r, c)
.Borders(ppBorderTop).Transparency = 1
.Borders(ppBorderBottom).Transparency = 1
.Borders(ppBorderLeft).Transparency = 1
.Borders(ppBorderRight).Transparency = 1
End With
Next c
Next r
End Sub
For some reason .Transparency = 0 only works for what is actively seen, but .Transparency = 1 works for everything you asked for. It might be a bug on Microsoft's end because I don't see why this method or .Borders.Visible = msoFalse wouldn't work just for print/print preview.
Either way I hope this helped!


Looping though Series collection in MS Chart

I have a chart which I would like to change the color of its columns if the label value on the SeriesCollections DataLabels is greater than the Value
on its sister DataLabel
For example if SeriesCollection(1) with DataLabel(1) > DataLabel(2) Then .SeriesCollection(1).Points(1).Interior.Color = RGB(250, 0, 0)
I have this code which misses out some SerieCollections and also changes the color of the columns regardless of the DataLabel.Caption Value
Dim labelCaption As Currency
Dim k As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim c As Object
Set c = myChart.Object
With c
For k = 1 To .SeriesCollection.Count
For j = 1 To .SeriesCollection(k).Points.Count
labelCaption = .SeriesCollection(k).Points(j).DataLabel.Text
If labelCaption > .SeriesCollection(k).Points(j).DataLabel.Text Then
.SeriesCollection(k).Points(j).Interior.Color = RGB(250, 0, 0)
.SeriesCollection(k).Points(j).Interior.Color = 65280
End If
Next j
Next k
End With
The RowSource of myChart is:
Me.myChart.RowSource = "SELECT [AreaDonor],[NetDonation],[DonationLimit] FROM [qryDonationComparison];"
In other words if the value of NetDonation is greater than the value of DonationLimit then change the color of colunm corresponding to that DataLabel with NetDonation to red else leave it green.
This is the sample data.
This is the Chart I am getting:
This works for me:
With c
For j = 1 To .SeriesCollection(1).Points.Count
If CDbl(.SeriesCollection(1).Points(j).DataLabel.Text) > CDbl(.SeriesCollection(2).Points(j).DataLabel.Text) Then
.SeriesCollection(1).Points(j).Interior.Color = RGB(250, 0, 0)
.SeriesCollection(1).Points(j).Interior.Color = 65280
End If
Next j
End With

Excel VBA: "Next Without For" Error

I am getting the "next without for" error. I checked other questions on this and looked for any open if statements or loops in my code, but could find none. I'm need an extra set of eyes to catch my error here.
I am trying to loop through this code and advance the torque value 3 times each times it gets to the 30th i.
'This is Holzer's method for finding the torsional natural frequency
Option Explicit
Sub TorsionalVibrationAnalysis_()
Dim n As Integer 'position along stucture
Dim m As Integer
Dim i As Long 'frequency to be used
Dim j As Variant 'moment of inertia
Dim k As Variant 'stiffness
Dim theta As Long 'angular displacement
Dim torque As ListRow 'torque
Dim lambda As Long 'ListRow 'omega^2
Dim w As Variant
Dim s As Long
'equations relating the displacement and torque
n = 1
Set j = Range("d2:f2").Value 'Range("d2:f2").Value
Set k = Range("d3:f3").Value
'initial value
Set w = Range("B1:B30").Value
For i = 1 To 30
'start at 40 and increment frequency by 20
w = 40 + (i - 1) * 20
lambda = w ^ 2
theta = 1
s = 1
Do While i = 30 & s <= 3
torque = lambda * j(1, s)
s = s + 1
m = n + 1
theta = theta - torque(i, n) / k(n)
torque(i, m) = torque(i, n) + lambda * j(m) * theta
If m = 4 & i < 30 Then
w(i) = 40 + (i - 1) * 20
lambda = w(i) ^ 2
ElseIf m = 4 & i >= 30 Then
Cells([d], [5+i]).display (i)
Cells([e], [5+i]).display (theta)
Cells([f], [5+i]).display (torque)
End If
If m <> 4 Then
n = n + 1
End If
Next i
End Sub
You are trying to terminate your While with an End instead of Loop
Try changing your End to Loop in your Do While loop. I think you are terming the loop when you hit that End
Proper indentation makes the problem rather apparent.
You have:
For i = 1 To 30
Do While i = 30 & s <= 3
If m = 4 & i < 30 Then
ElseIf m = 4 & i >= 30 Then
End If
If m <> 4 Then
End If
Next i
But run it through Rubberduck's Smart Indenter and you get:
For i = 1 To 30
Do While i = 30 & s <= 3
If m = 4 & i < 30 Then
ElseIf m = 4 & i >= 30 Then
End If
If m <> 4 Then
End If
Next i
End Sub
Notice how the End other answers are pointing out, is clearly not delimiting the Do While loop.
The Next i is inside the Do While block, which isn't terminated - when the VBA compiler encounters that Next i, it doesn't know how it could possibly relate to any previously encountered For statement, and thus issues a "Next without For" compile error.
Use an indenter.

Where is my error in this visual basic Bubblesort

I am currently making a highscore table - reading the times from a .csv file and sorting them from lowest to highest. The list only becomes partially sorted after the code runs.
All the data inputs correctly but when it goes to sort it sorts the data out incorrectly.
Private Sub BeginnerProcess(ByRef player() As pe_player, ByVal x As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim temp As Object
For i = x To 0 Step -1
For j = 0 To i - 1
If player(j).playerTime > player(j + 1).playerTime Then
temp = player(j)
player(j) = player(j + 1)
player(j + 1) = temp
End If
Dim k As Integer
For k = 1 To x
player(k).position = k
End Sub
Here's the output
Adapting the classic bubble-sort to your case, I think i should be something like the code below:
For i = 0 To x - 1
For j = i + 1 To x
If player(i).playerTime > player(j).playerTime Then
temp = player(i)
player(i) = player(j)
player(j) = temp
End If

Connect Four Horizontal winner

I'm creating a connect four game and I'm having some trouble with the horizontal loop. The loop below works and it's for a vertical win. I have a two labels for each row and two labels for each column one for the color blue and one for the color red. When I add in my other labels I cant seem to find where I take the step-1 in order to change labels and go upwards with the next label. I have also tried adding a whole new loop below that just dedicated to the horizontal winnings.
For i = 5 To 0 Step -1`
If board(i, 0) = 0 Then
board(i, 0) = pturn
If pturn = 1 Then
Labelboard(i, 0).BackColor = Color.Red
CounterB = 0
lblcounterBlue.Text = "Matches = " & CounterB
CounterR = CounterR + 1
lblCounterRed.Text = "Matches = " & CounterR
ElseIf pturn = 2 Then
Labelboard(i, 0).BackColor = Color.Blue
CounterR = 0
lblCounterRed.Text = "Matches = " & CounterR
CounterB = CounterB + 1
lblcounterBlue.Text = "Matches = " & CounterB
End If
pturn = pturn + 1
If pturn = 3 Then pturn = 1
If CounterR = 4 Then
MsgBox("Game Over")
End If
If CounterB = 4 Then
MsgBox("Game Over")
End If
Exit Sub
End If
I don't quite understand your setup, but hopefully this will get you close enough for you to get things working. I'm having to make a few assumptions, but I've tried to declare a constant each time I have to make the code more readable and easier for you to adapt to what you've already written.
What I've written is a function that lets you know if a specific space is part of winning streak. It assumes board() is public. If pturn is also public, you could make this even more efficient as long as you call it every turn, as noted in the comments. If you know which space was the last one played, you can maximize efficiency by only calling the function for that space (assuming you call it at the end of every player turn). If you don't know which space was played last, you can loop through every space in board() and test each one.
Function winner(rowNum As Integer, colNum As Integer) As Integer
'Returns 0 if space does not create a win, or the winning player number if it does
'Change to winner(...) As Boolean <--To only test current player
Dim minRow As Integer = LBound(board, 0)
Dim maxRow As Integer = UBound(board, 0)
Dim minColumn As Integer = LBound(board, 1)
Dim maxColumn As Integer = UBound(board, 1)
'These are the values I assume are in board()
'(I don't actually use them in the code)
Const emptySpace As Integer = 0
Const red As Integer = 1
Const blue As Integer = 2
Dim player As Integer
Dim streak As Integer
Dim r As Integer, c As Integer 'loop placeholders
Dim v As Integer, h As Integer 'control search direction
For v = 0 To 1
For h = -1 To 1
If v = 1 Or h = 1 Then
'These loops and test check each direction (vertical, horizontal and
'both diagonals) for a win exactly once.
player = board(rowNum, colNum)
If player > 0 Then 'If player = pturn <-- to only check current player
streak = 1
'check positive direction
r = rowNum + h
c = colNum + v
Do While r >= minRow And r <= maxRow And c >= minColumn And c <= maxColumn
If board(r, c) = player Then
streak = streak + 1
If streak = 4 Then
Return player 'True <--If testing only current player
r = r + h
c = c + v
End If
Exit Do
End If
'check negative direction
r = rowNum - h
c = colNum - v
Do While r >= minRow And r <= maxRow And c >= minColumn And c <= maxColumn
If board(r, c) = player Then
streak = streak + 1
If streak = 4 Then
Return player 'True <--If testing only current player
r = r - h
c = c - v
End If
Exit Do
End If
End If
End If
Next h
Next v
Return 0 'Function has completed and no winner was found
'Return False <-- If only testing current player
End Function

Run function for multiple data sets and output results to different cells

I have been trying forever to try and figure this out. I have a set of data in a certain sheet in my Excel file. I have written code so that it outputs some of that information to another sheet. I don't know how to get the function to loop through all the different data sets and output them into the "Output" sheet in my excel file on different rows.
This is what I have so far. Can someone please help?
How do I get the function to run through about 6 data sets that include 5 cells in the column until there are 2 blank cells?
How do I output those different results to another sheet? I already have them outputting the first data set and it works fine. I just need to know how to do the other ones.
Thank you!
Sub EstBatch()
Dim N As String
Dim D As Date
Dim P As Integer
Dim H As Single
Dim NS As Integer
Dim NL As Integer
Dim BP As Currency
Dim OH As Single
Dim OC As Currency
Dim TP As Currency
Dim PPBR As Currency
Dim EHP As Single
Dim batches As Range
N = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("A1").Value
D = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("B1").Value
P = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("A2").Value
H = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("A3").Value
PPBR = Sheets("User Form").Range("C22").Value
EHP = Sheets("User Form").Range("C23").Value
OH = H - 5
If P > 120 Or P < 20 Then
MsgBox ("Cannot Accommodate Group")
ElseIf P >= 20 And P <= 25 Then
NS = 1
NL = 0
ElseIf P >= 26 And P <= 50 Then
NS = 2
NL = 0
ElseIf P >= 51 And P <= 60 Then
NS = 0
NL = 1
ElseIf P >= 61 And P <= 85 Then
NS = 1
NL = 1
ElseIf P >= 86 And P <= 120 Then
NS = 0
NL = 2
End If
If OH > 4 Then
OH = 4
OC = BP * OH * EHP
ElseIf 0 < OH <= 4 Then
OC = BP * OH * EHP
ElseIf OH <= 0 Then
OC = 0
End If
TP = BP + OC
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("A2").Value = N
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("B2").Value = D
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("C2").Value = P
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("D2").Value = H
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("E2").Value = PPBR
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("F2").Value = EHP
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("G2").Value = NS
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("H2").Value = NL
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("I2").Value = BP
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("J2").Value = OH
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("K2").Value = OC
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("L2").Value = TP
End Sub
Welcome to StackOverflow. Great first question.
I think what you're reaching for is how to use loops in solving a problem like this.
One easy way to do loops is with a counter, as in the examples I've given below. If appropriate, you can also use a range of cells to loop through data, as described in this answer:
Starting with your second question: if you want a separate sheet for each output you can use Sheets.Add and paste into that new sheet. To do this you will want to use a variable naming convention like Sheets("Batch Output" & X).Range. In this way you can Dim X as Integer and loop through the process incrementing the X integer with each loop. Here's some sample code you can adapt for your purpose:
Sub ExampleAddSheets()
Dim intX As Integer
intX = 1
Dim wsBatchOutput As Worksheet
For intX = 1 To 6
Set wsBatchOutput = Worksheets.Add 'adds a worksheet and tags it to a variable
wsBatchOutput.Name = "BatchOutput" & intX 'names the worksheet
wsBatchOutput.Range("A1").Value = "Data here. Example " & intX
Next intX
Set wsBatchOutput = Nothing
End Sub
I don't know what your data source looks like, but hopefully it is set up in a way that you can turn the inputs aquisition into a loop. For example, if the data came into the system in rows (which your example does not seem to do) you could just increment the row number, something like this:
Sub ExampleSetInputs()
Dim N As String
Dim D As Date
Dim P As Integer
Dim H As Single
Dim PPBR As Currency
Dim EHP As Single
Dim intRow As Integer
intRow = 2
For intRow = 2 To 7
N = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("A" & intRow).Value
D = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("B" & intRow).Value
P = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("C" & intRow).Value
H = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("D" & intRow).Value
Next intRow
End Sub
I hope this helps with your challenge.