Continued issue using OrderBy and Take() with Included relations -

I'm aware of numerous issues raised on the EF7 Github repo, and these still appear to be present with the latest RC2 nightly builds.
The issue appears to be when using OrderBy and Take() when you're trying to Include relations within your query. I believe, according to previous issues raised on Github that the SQL generated within the join is incorrect and does not take into account the OrderBy. After reading replies, people have suggested using Skip(0).Take(x) as a workaround, but unfortunately in my scenario, this didn't work.
In my specific scenario, I'm querying a model based on an ancestor PK. So, in order to work around this, instead of passing the PK straight into the query, I've added the ancestor model to a List<T> and used the following code in the query instead:
Before (not working when Including nested relations): p => p.examplePK == id
After (appears to be working):
p => myList.Select(c => c.myId).Contains(p.examplePK)
I'm not entirely sure why the 2nd example works and I would be grateful of any info that can be given - could there potentially be some client side evaluation going on here instead? From what I gather, the 2nd example will be performing a SQL IN statement, will it not?
Thanks in advance!


NHibernate query with restriction on child collection

I've looked at plenty of examples on this site, but I'm still not sure how to do this:
For illustration, let's say I have persistent Venues, each of which has a collection of Events, where each Event has ReservationDate. If I want to get all the Venues whose next Event is of type "Wedding", how would I go about it? It requires selecting based on a value of a specific element (in this case the first ReservationDate > Today) in the child collection, that element being determined by a different restriction (Type == "Wedding").
I've looked at various queries using CreateCriteria, QueryOver, DetachedCriteria, JoinOver and the whole gamut of NH query options (I don't want to use HQL), but I'm still at a loss.
Your help is appreciated.
I've created very detailed example how to handle these situations. Please see all the details here:
Query on HasMany reference
The point is to create few Subqueries represented as DetachedCriteria. Using aliasing we can communicate among them (passing the ID).
At the end, we can SELECT clean/flat structure of the ROOT entity... while having full power of filtering based on referenced collecitons.
This approach has the biggest advantage in the fact, that we can apply the paging (Take(), Skip()) because the final select is on top of the root table

Scala 22param limit trying to find a workaround and still use for comprehensions instead of plain SQL in Slick

I'm working with 23 fields here, at last count. I've generally thrown my hands up with trying to count them after reducing from a 31-fielded table by using a foreign-key.
All the good links
Fundamental explanation of how to read and understand Slick's schema code provided by one very good Faiz.
On 22+ parameters...
Stefan Zeigar has been immensely helpful in the example code he's written in this discussion and also more directly linked to here on Github
The good Stefan Zeigar has also posted here on plain SQL queries
What this post is about
I think the above is enough to get me on my way to a working refactoring of my app so that CRUD is feasible. I'll update this question or ask new questions if something comes up and stagnates me. The thing is...
I miss using for comprehensions for querying. I'm talking about Slick's Query Templates
The problem I run into when I use a for comprehensions is that the table... will probably have
object Monsters extends Table[Int]("monster_table"){
// lots of column definitions
def * = id /* for a Table[Int] despite
having 21 other columns I'm not describing
in this projection/ColumnBase/??? */
and the * projection won't describe everything I want to return in a query.
The usual simple for comprehension Slick query template will look something like this:
def someQueryTemplate = for {
m <- Monsters
} yield m
and m will be an Int instead of the entire object I want because I declared the table to be a Table[Int] because I can't construct a mapped projection of 22 params because of all the code that needs to be generated for compiler support of class generation for each tuple and arbitrariness
So... in a nutshell:
Is there any way to use Query Templates in Slick with 22+ columns?
I stumbled on this question after answering a similar question a couple days ago. Here's a link to the question. slick error : type TupleXX is not a member of package scala (XX > 22)
To answer the question here, you are able to use nested tuples to solve the 22 column limit. When solving the problem myself, the following post was extremely helpful.!msg/scalaquery/qjNW8P7VQJ8/ntqCkz0S4WIJ
Another option is to use the soon-to-be-released version of Slick which uses HLists to remove the column count limitation. This version of Slick can be pulled from the Slick master branch on Github. Kudos to cvogt for pointing out this option.

And Condition Django Query Using Same Keyword

I have a Django application with a Publication model and a Tag model. Each publication has one or more Tags associated with it. I want to query the database with a set of two Tags and have returned only publications that have BOTH of those tags.
I cannot seem to find the syntax for this although I am certain it is readily available - I suppose I am not using the correct language to search. What I have tried already is:
pubs_for_tags = Publication.objects.filter(tags__title__istartswith=q, tags__title__istartswith=q2)
But this gives me an error "keyword argument repeated". I've also tried some variations of this, but nothing has worked so far. Can someone enlighten me on the correct syntax for this?
pubs_for_tags = Publication.objects.filter(tags__title__istartswith=q).filter( tags__title__istartswith=q2)
pubs_for_tags = Publication.objects.filter(Q(tags__title__istartswith=q), Q( tags__title__istartswith=q2))
I know this is old, but I just ran into the same problem and realized it points at an (as far as I know) undocumented aspect of using Django filters across one-to-many or many-to-many relations. Two conditions made within the same filter apply to the same related object. Two conditions made in separate filters can match two separate related objects.
Another way to think of this is that each complete filter only looks at a single related object at a time, removing a result if all of its related objects fail that filter. Given this, it is extremely rare that you would want two conditions in the same filter using the same keyword.
Consider the following query:
pubs_for_tags = Publication.objects.filter(
pubs_for_tags = Publication.objects.filter(
The first query finds publications that each have a single tag that both starts with q and ends with q2. When the keyword is the same (note I used two different keywords in my example), you also get the "keyword argument repeated" error.
The second query finds publications that each have a tag that starts with q and have a tag that ends with q2, but it can be two different tags for each publication. From your post, it sounds like this is very close to what you need (just change the "iendswith" to "istartswith"). The only part that could break is if q and q2 are the same or one is a substring of the other. In that instance, a publication could have a single tag that would satisfy both conditions.
Note that all this means using Q objects (which nnmware and Gaurav gave as a possible solution) will not give you the result you want. Having two Q objects in a single filter forces behaviour the same as the first example, but gets around the "keyword argument repeated" error.
pubs_for_tags = Publication.objects.filter(
Q(tags__title__istartswith=q) & Q(tags__title__istartswith=q2)
try this
from django.db.models import Q
pubs_for_tags = Publication.objects.filter(Q(tags__title__istartswith=q) & Q( tags__title__istartswith=q2))
check this link

Doctrine - strange moved parenthesis in the query

I have tested and done quite some research online, but still no luck. Did anyone ever encounter this problem ?
Say, I have a doctrine query set up like:
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->set('id_path', "CONCAT(?, RIGHT(id_path, LENGTH(id_path)-?))", array($newPath, $lenOld))
->where("id_path like '$oldPath%'");
// and I print the query out
$qstr = $q->getSqlQuery(array($newPath, $lenOld));
Instead of giving me:
UPDATE pck_folder SET id_path = CONCAT(?, RIGHT(id_path, LENGTH(id_path)-?)) WHERE (id_path like '1/2//%')
Doctrine gave me:
UPDATE pck_folder SET id_path = CONCAT(?, RIGHT(id_path, LENGTH(id_path-?))) WHERE (id_path like '1/2//%')
please note this part RIGHT(id_path, LENGTH(id_path)-?)
(Note: I'm assuming you're using Doctrine 1.2. I haven't used Doctrine 2.0 yet.)
I had not encountered that specific bug before, but I have found numerous problems with the implementation of update() in Doctrine_Query. Essentially anything but the most very straightforward update queries will cause the parser to generate wrong or invalid queries. For example, it can't handle sub-selects within an update.
Try writing a Raw SQL query, or else use a less efficient but fully-functional workaround: Select the records you want to update using Doctrine_Query, then iterate over them and set the field in PHP, then call save() on each one.
By the way, there's a big GOTCHA inherent with use of UPDATE queries and Doctrine that sort of forces you to use that workaround in many cases anyway. That is, if you or your plugins have made use of the nifty Doctrine hook methods within your models but you execute a SQL-level update that affects those records, the hooks will get silently circumvented. Depending on your application, that may wreck your business logic processing.

NHibernate Lazy="Extra"

Is there a good explanation out there on what exactly lazy="extra" is capable of?
All the posts I've seen all just repeat the fact that it turns references to MyObject.ItsCollection.Count into select count(*) queries (assuming they're not loaded already).
I'd like to know if it's capable of more robust things, like turning MyObject.ItsCollection.Any(o => o.Whatever == 5) into a SELECT ...EXISTS query.
Section 18.1 of the docs only touches on it. I'm not an NH developer, so I can't really experiment with it and watch SQL Profiler without doing a bit of work getting everything set up; I'm just looking for some sort of reference describing what this feature is capable of.
Thank you!
for version 2.x it is only used to translate a collection.Count() into a select count and as far as i can see in the source, it will also allow the construct collection[5] to fetch that particular entity (with index 5) instead of hydrating the whole collection.
For version 3.x i didn't see anything related in the release notes
Just tried calling Any() on a Collection Customer.Orders mapped with lazy="extra"
and the resulting SQL statement looked something like this (simplified):
FROM Order
WHERE CustomerId = 120
Whereas when calling
customer.Orders.Count > 0
the resulting SQL looked like this:
SELECT count(*)
FROM Order
WHERE CustomerId = 120
The lazy = extra allow to count the element of a collection without needing of fetching it, since the lazy entity is decorated with a proxy, when the client code ask for the .Count on the collection, a proper "select count" query is issued to the database. Without lazy=extra the collection is read from the database.