apt::source definition works only with Source, not with Source.gz - repository

I use this manifest:
apt::source { 'repo.universe-factory':
location => 'http://repo.universe-factory.net/debian/',
release => 'sid',
repos => 'main',
key => '16EF3F64CB201D9C',
key_server => 'pgpkeys.mit.edu';
Now I cannot install packages from it, because there exists only a Source.gz and not

The problem is not the missing gz ending, the problem is somewhere else:
puppet cannot follow the redirect to the https site:
redirects to
If you change the code to
apt::source { 'repo.universe-factory':
location => 'http://repo.universe-factory.net/debian/',
and ensure, that the package apt-transport-https is installed, it works!


Puppet conditional only if file exists in a particular directory

I have the following file resource in my puppet manifest:
path => "/path/to/example.dat",
owner => devops,
mode => "0644",
source => "/path/to/example.txt"
I want to run the above snippet only when the .txt file is present in a particular directory. Otherwise, I do not want the snippet to run.
How do I go about doing that in puppet?
In general, you would create a custom fact that returns true when the directory in question satisfies your condition. For example:
Facter.add('contains_txt') do
setcode do
! Dir.glob("/path/to/dir/*.txt").empty?
Then you would write:
if $facts['contains_txt'] {
file { 'example.dat':
path => "/path/to/example.dat",
owner => devops,
mode => "0644",
source => "/path/to/example.txt",

Install a package from tarball using puppet

I'm trying to install ActiveMQ using puppet. this package comes in tar ball. how can I make sure each and every file is being pushed (recursively) from puppet and it makes sure the service is running. As it has its own executable in 'bin' dir.
I would ask is it essential to install activemq from a Tarball? It'd probably be easier to manage as a package, such as a yum or apt install.
Managing tarballs is always going to be more difficult, especially when updating versions, or dealing with issues like downloads failing.
I would recommend using an existing activemq module from the forge:
To give you a general idea of how it might look, here's some basic code that could work:
$activemq_home = "/usr/local/activemq"
ensure => installed;
$activemq_version = "5.4.3"
user {"activemq":
ensure => present,
home => $activemq_home,
managehome => false,
shell => "/bin/sh",
group {"activemq":
ensure => present,
require => User["activemq"],
Exec{path => ["/usr/local/bin","/usr/bin","/bin"]}
$puppet_cache = "/usr/local/src/gitorious"
file {$puppet_cache:
ensure => directory,
owner => "root",
group => "root",
exec { 'download_amq_src':
unless => '/usr/bin/test -e ${activemq_home}/apache-activemq-${amq_version}-bin.tar.gz',
command => 'cd /tmp && /usr/bin/wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/activemq/apache-activemq/${amq_version}/apache-activemq-${amq_version}-bin.tar.gz',
require => File[$activemq_home],
# Unpack the archive in the amq user directory
exec { 'unpack_amq_src':
onlyif => '/usr/bin/test -d ${activemq_home}/apache-activemq-${amq_version}-bin',
command => 'cd $amq_home && /bin/tar -xf /tmp/apache-activemq-${amq_version}-bin.tar.gz',
require => Exec['download_amq'],
file {"/etc/init.d/activemq":
ensure => file,
mode => 755,
owner => "root",
group => "root",
content => template("activemq/etc/init.d/activemq.erb"),
require => File["/etc/activemq.conf"],
enable => true,
ensure => running,
require => File["/etc/init.d/activemq"],
file { "activemq.xml":
path => "$activemq_home/conf/activemq.xml",
ensure => present,
mode => 644,
owner => "activemq",
group => "activemq",
content => template("activemq/activemq.xml.erb"),
require => File["/etc/init.d/activemq"],
notify => Service["activemq"],

Puppet - Adding default nodes

I'm new to Puppet and following this tutorial to get into it:
I created an SSH module (/modules/ssh/manifests/init.pp) and added the following in the base node.pp (puppet/manifests/)
node default {
include ssh
The ssh module loks ike this:
class ssh {
include ssh::install, ssh::config, ssh::service
class ssh::install {
package {"ssh":
ensure => present,
class ssh::config {
file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config":
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 600,
source => "puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config",
notify => Class["ssh::service"],
class ssh::service {
service { "ssh":
ensure => running,
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,
enable => true,
Class["ssh::install"] -> Class["ssh::config"] -> Class["ssh::service"]
On the puppet I linked the module path with:
sudo puppet apply --modulepath=/vagrant/modules /vagrant/manifests/site.pp
which works.
If I then apply the nodes.pp I get the error:
Could not find class ssh for precise32 at /vagrant/manifests/nodes.pp:2 on node precise32...
Everything looks right, but I don't know where my error is.
It worked before as I installed SSH on the puppet yesterday, but I must have messed up something

How to use Vagrant & Puppet with https

I am trying for hours, but I just can't figure it out, how to enable a https connection with vagrant and puppet.
I have a folder files/htdocs which contains different configs-files. Like vhosts. It was a preset, with an empty ssl and empty vhosts_ssl folder. It put my ssl certificate in the ssl folder and my httpd-ssl.conf in the vhosts_ssl folder. Those files where working lokal with my MAMP Webserver.
In the Puppet config I wrote the following:
file { "/etc/httpd/vhosts":
replace => true,
ensure => present,
source => "/vagrant/files/httpd/vhosts",
recurse => true,
file { "/etc/httpd/vhosts_ssl":
replace => true,
ensure => present,
source => "/vagrant/files/httpd/vhosts_ssl/httpd-ssl.conf",
file { "/etc/httpd/ssl":
replace => true,
ensure => present,
source => "/vagrant/files/httpd/ssl",
recurse => true,
The normal vhosts are working, therefore I thougt I can copy the structure and just enter the new paths for ssl and vhosts_ssl.
But its not working. Maybe you know how to fix this.
I think I found a solution, but I have no time to test it right know.
Here is the link to the possible solution.
I will update my Questing/Answere when I tried it.

Enabling .htaccess files via puppet

I'm trying to enable .htaccess files in Apache using Vagrant and Puppet. When I add the "override" parameter to my vhost config and run "vagrant up", I get an error:
Invalid parameter override in [...]
When I remove that line, the vm boots perfectly and runs. Except, .htaccess files are ignored.
Here's my vhost config:
apache::vhost { 'local.testsite':
server_name => 'local.testsite',
serveraliases => [],
docroot => '/var/www/',
port => '80',
env_variables => [],
priority => '1',
override => ["All"],
Why am I getting this error and how can I fix it?
If you are using the latest version of the puppetlabs-apache module
I see an *allow_override* attribute and not override