Filtering DBpedia disambiguation page - sparql

I have a SPARQL Query, and I want to eliminate all disambigution resources. How can I do this? This is my query:
prefix rdf:<>
prefix rdfs: <>
prefix foaf: <>
select distinct ?Nom ?resource ?url where {
?resource rdfs:label ?Nom.
?resource foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ?url.
FILTER (langMatches( lang(?Nom), "EN" )).
?Nom <bif:contains> "Apple".

You can add the following prefix and filter to your query:
prefix dbo: <>
filter not exists {
?resource dbo:wikiPageRedirects*/dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates ?dis
This says to exclude resources and resources that redirect to a resources that disambiguate some articles. That gives you a query like this:
prefix rdf:<>
prefix rdfs: <>
prefix foaf: <>
prefix dbo: <>
select distinct ?Nom ?resource ?url where {
?resource rdfs:label ?Nom.
?resource foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ?url.
FILTER (langMatches( lang(?Nom), "EN" )).
?Nom <bif:contains> "Apple".
filter not exists {
?resource dbo:wikiPageRedirects*/dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates ?dis
SPARQL results
Now, even though that removes all the disambiguation pages, you may still have results that include "disambiguation" in the title. For instance, one of the results is:
The Little Apple (disambiguation)"#en
Even though that has "disambiguation" in the name, it's not a disambiguation page. It doesn't have any values for dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates. it does redirect to another page, though. You may want to filter out things that redirect to something else, too. You can modify the filter though:
filter not exists {
?resource dbo:wikiPageRedirects|dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates ?dis
That says to filter out any resource that either redirects to something, or that disambiguates something. This is actually a simpler filter, really. This makes your query:
prefix rdf:<>
prefix rdfs: <>
prefix foaf: <>
prefix dbo: <>
select distinct ?Nom ?resource ?url where {
?resource rdfs:label ?Nom.
?resource foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ?url.
FILTER (langMatches( lang(?Nom), "EN" )).
?Nom <bif:contains> "Apple".
filter not exists {
?resource dbo:wikiPageRedirects|dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates ?dis
SPARQL results


SPARQL Query for list of ALL Classes related to Person

I want to make a SPARQL query which returns a list of all Ontology classes/properties which are related to Person. For eg., like the subclasses (derived from) of Person
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
or have a domain/range of Person
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource=""/>.
For example, the results like "" & "" should be returned by the query, as the first one has rdfs:domain Person while the second one was a rdfs:subClassOf Person.
Here's the query I've written:
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
select distinct ?s
where {
?s rdfs:domain dbo:Person .
?s rdfs:range dbo:Person .
?s rdfs:subClassOf dbo:Person .
Now, this query returns a list of all the classes that explicitly mention Person in their Properties, but miss out classes like Singer, which is a subclass of MusicalArtist, which is in the domain of Person.
I want a query that lists out all such classes/properties, which are related to Person, directly or by "inheritance". Any suggestions?
It seems, you confuse classes with properties... Read carefully RDFS 1.1, it is short.
If you want to retrieve both classes and properties "related to" dbo:Person, use property paths:
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
?s (rdfs:subPropertyOf|owl:equivalentProperty|^owl:equivalentProperty)*/
dbo:Person .
BIND (rdfs:domain AS ?p)
?s (rdfs:subPropertyOf|owl:equivalentProperty|^owl:equivalentProperty)*/
dbo:Person .
BIND (rdfs:range AS ?p)
?s (rdfs:subClassOf|owl:equivalentClass|^owl:equivalentClass)*
dbo:Person .
BIND (rdfs:subClassOf AS ?p)

Finding resource label

I'm currently learning SPARQL, and I'm exploring the data from dbpedia. Why does this query work:
PREFIX dbr: <>
dbr:Leipzig rdfs:label ?label.
} LIMIT 20
But this does not (i.e. id does not return anything)
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX dbr: <>
?label ?lat
dbr:Leipzig rdfs:label ?label.
dbr:Leipzig geo:lat ?lat.
} LIMIT 20
Because the protocol of the WGS 84 Geo namespace is http and not https, i.e.

Sparql - Conditional Output

I am very new to the semantic web and sparql. I have an internal ontology that uses SmartLogic in order to manage the data.
I am writing some simple queries to get started.
PREFIX skos: <> # Simple Knowledge Organization System -
PREFIX skosxl: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
prefix owl: <>
prefix ap: <>
?subjectPrefLabel ?p ?o ?oL
?subject skosxl:prefLabel ?subjectLabel .
?subjectLabel skosxl:literalForm ?subjectPrefLabel .
?subject ?p ?o .
OPTIONAL {?o skos:prefLabel ?oL}
FILTER regex(?subjectPrefLabel, "Trump", 'i')
} order by ?subjectPrefLabel
This query returns results that look like :
I am trying to merge the ?o and ?oL fields, so that it will replace the ?o field, if and only if there is a valid ?oL Field
I haven't been able to figure it out quite yet. If there is any suggestions please let me know.
A bit difficult without data for testing the query, but in SPARQL 1.1 you can use BIND(IF(condition,then,else) as ?result ):
PREFIX skosxl: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX ap: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?subjectPrefLabel ?p ?o
{ ?subject skosxl:prefLabel ?subjectLabel .
skosxl:literalForm ?subjectPrefLabel .
?subject ?p ?o_tmp
{ ?o_tmp skos:prefLabel ?oL }
BIND(if(bound(?oL), ?oL, ?o_tmp) AS ?o)
FILTER regex(?subjectPrefLabel, "Trump", "i")
ORDER BY ?subjectPrefLabel

How to query DBpedia SPARQL by resource uri?

I'm querying DBpedia types in SPARQL ( by resource's label
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX ru: <>
PREFIX dbpedia2: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
SELECT ?type ?superType WHERE { {
?res rdfs:label "HarryPotter"#en.
?redir dbo:wikiPageRedirects ?res .
?redir rdfs:label "HarryPotter"#en .
?res rdf:type ?type .
?type rdfs:subClassOf ?superType .
It works fine.
But what if I know the exact resource - I tried something like:
?res a :Harry_Potter.
But it does not work.
How to query DBpedia types and supertypes if I know the resource URI? I can't figure out which property or operator I should use (e.g., rdfs:Resource, a, etc., which do not work)
When you write
?res a :Harry_Potter.
It doesn't work, because this means "a resource, which is of type :Harry_Potter". It is equivalent to
?res rdf:type :Harry_Potter.
:Harry_Potter identifies a resource and not the type, thus it should be used in place of ?res.
Also I think you mean Harry_Potter_(character), because that is the actual identifier and not redirect.
You query would be as simple as
SELECT ?type ?superType WHERE
# give me ?type of the resource
<> rdf:type ?type .
# give me ?superTypes of ?type
?type rdfs:subClassOf ?superType .
You can just put the URI as the subject in there WHERE conditions.
SELECT ?title, ?releaseDate
<> dbp:title ?title .
<> dbo:releaseDate ?releaseDate .

How to get such data as abstraction, location and link for image in Dbpedia?

I am trying to get some data about museum but it is not successfull. This is my code. I know the name of the museum, so I want to get data about this museum
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>
PREFIX dbpprop: <>
SELECT ?abstract ?location WHERE {
?architectural_structure rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Museum .
?architectural_structure dbpedia-owl:location dbpedia:Taganrog .
?architectural_structure dbpprop:name dbpedia:Chekhov_Shop .
The dbpprop:name that you have selected (dbpedia:Chekhov_Shop) is in fact a string. If you look at the dbpedia page it has been defined as The Chekhov Shop. Therefore, my suggestion is to filter your query based on the name you like to be displayed:
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>
PREFIX dbpprop: <>
?architectural_structure rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Museum .
?architectural_structure dbpedia-owl:location dbpedia:Taganrog .
?architectural_structure dbpprop:name ?name.
Filter (str(?name)="The Chekhov Shop")
And if you need more information about this specific architectural structure, you start exploring. For example,
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>
PREFIX dbpprop: <>
SELECT distinct * WHERE {
?architectural_structure rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Museum .
?architectural_structure dbpedia-owl:location dbpedia:Taganrog .
?architectural_structure dbpprop:name ?name.
?architectural_structure dbpprop:location ?location.
?architectural_structure dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract.
Filter (str(?name)="The Chekhov Shop")
In general, when you are faced with a triple store try to find all ?o ?p ?s and then see where you need to put a specific predicate.