Why can a factory method call an instance method? - objective-c

As we all know, factory methods can't call instance methods. Why does the code below work?
// .m file implementation DemoClass
// custom instance init method
- (instancetype)initWithDate:(NSDate *)date {
if (self = [super init]) {
self.lastTime = date;
return self;
// custom factory method
+ (instancetype)DemoClassWithDate:(NSDate *)date
//here calling instance method initWithDate:
return [[self alloc] initWithDate:date];

[self alloc] will return an instance. initWithDate is just an instance method. No reason why a class method wouldn't be allowed to call an instance method on an instance.
PS. I would highly recommend that you check your compiler settings and tell the compiler to give you a warning if the result of '=' is used as a boolean value. This will prevent many hard to find bugs. You'll have to change the if to
if ((self = [super init]) != nil)

Because it has a reference to the, newly created, instance:
return [[self alloc] initWithDate:date];
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// reference


Class method successfully called instance method

Everything I know about programming says that instance methods can call class methods, but class methods cannot call instance methods.
This post agrees...
Call instance method from class method
Yet miraculously the class method sharedInstance manages to call instance method init. What am I missing ??
static iRpDatabase *sharedDatabase;
#implementation iRpDatabase
if(sharedDatabase == nil)
sharedDatabase = [[self alloc] init];
return sharedDatabase;
// this is an instance method, called from class method above.
if (self = [super init]) {
someInstanceVariable = XYZ;
[self someInstanceMethod];
return self;
The statement that a class method can't call instance methods means that the class method can't call instance methods on self since self represents the class, not an instance of the class.
In the sharedInstance method you are calling an instance method but it is being called on a specific instance of the class. That's fine.
Think of this example:
+ (void)someClassMethodOfiRpDatabase {
NSString *str = #"Hello";
NSInteger len = [str length]; // look - I called an instance method
This example in no different than your sharedInstance method question. It's fine to call instance methods on a specific instance of an object, even if you happen to be in some class method.

Designated initializer should only invoke a designated initializer on 'super'

This code is a modified version of Ordered Dictionary implemented here.
Interface -> OrderedDictionary.h
#interface OrderedDictionary : NSMutableDictionary
Implementation -> OrderedDictionary.m
// This is the new method added.
- (instancetype)init
return [self initWithCapacity:0];
- (instancetype)initWithCapacity:(NSUInteger)capacity
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
// Allocate here.
return self;
The code works fine but I get following warnings in "- (instancetype)init".
Designated initializer should only invoke a designated initializer
on 'super'
Designated initializer missing a 'super' call to a
designated initializer of the super class
What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it?
Made following changes to the code to fix the problem
// This is the new method added.
- (instancetype)init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
// Allocate here.
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithCapacity:(NSUInteger)capacity
self = [super initWithCapacity:capacity];
if (self != nil)
// Allocate here.
return self;
try adding
- (instancetype)initWithCapacity:(NSUInteger)capacity NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
To the #interface block. All initialization paths should flow through the designated initializer - in your case initWithCapacity: is the obvious choice since init calls it. You may still run into problems, the designated initializer must call the super class's designated initializer. If the super class defines designated initializers those must be implement by your class as well...
In general subclassing NSMutableDictionary is considered bad practice because NSMutableDictionary is the public facing piece of a class cluster. This may be part of the cause of the compiler warnings.
As you can read in NSMutableDictionary documentation, there are two designated initializer for this class:
initWithCapacity: Designated Initializer
init Designated Initializer
Here you are calling from initWithCapacity in your class to super.init. That's the reason the compiler warns you.
This code maybe is better:
// This is the new method added.
- (instancetype)init
return [self initWithCapacity:0];
- (instancetype)initWithCapacity:(NSUInteger)capacity
self = [super initWithCapacity:capacity];
if (self != nil)
// Allocate here.
return self;
I'd bet some of you are tripping over this warning message when you have Xcode convert your code to "Modern Objective-C Syntax."
I've seen cases where Objective-C header files have been modified by the converter to have two designated initializers:
- (instancetype) init NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; // DO NOT USE
- (instancetype) initWithFileset: (NSArray *) fileset NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; // use this to instantiate
If you modify this code to a single initializer, you may find the warning message goes away:
- (instancetype) init; // DO NOT USE
- (instancetype) initWithFileset: (NSArray *) fileset NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; // use this to instantiate
In short, check the header and the source file when you see this warning message.
You should only call the super of your own function.
So replace
self = [super init];
self = [super initWithCapacity:capacity];

Followup to returning nil from a [[class alloc] init]

As follow-up of sorts to Is returning nil from a [[class alloc] init] considered good practice?, there's a case that I haven't seen any discussed much: what to do with an init that fails some preconditions before it can call the next init?
Example, suppose in this initWithStuff: method being passed nil or in general having no value to pass to initWithValue: is an absolute failure and we definitely want to return nil.
- (id)initWithStuff:(Stuff *)inStuff {
if (!inStuff || ![inStuff hasValidValue])
// can't proceed to call initWithValue: because we have no value
// so do what?
return nil;
NSInteger value = [inStuff integerValue];
return [super initWithValue:value];
Perhaps a clearer example is if the designated initializer method we wrap takes an object pointer and throws an exception if its passed nil. We definitely need to short-circuit that init call that would cause an exception.
My guess: init by any means possible, and only then release self before returning nil. If necessary, call bare init or any other initializer that will work to finish putting self into a known state before releasing it.
// can't proceed to call super's initWithValue: because we have no value
// so do what? do this:
self = [super init]; // or initWithValue:0
[self release];
return nil;
And if there were no such initializer that will work without valid data, I guess one would need to construct some valid, dummy data. Or complain to its author and until then just return nil and live with the leak :^)
Also, how does ARC affect the situation?
My guess: still finish init by any means possible, then just return nil. You'd think setting self might be redundant, but in some cases it's not. In any case, it but it needs to be there to silence a compiler warning.
// can't proceed to call super's initWithValue: because we have no value
// so do what? do this:
self = [super init]; // finish init so ARC can release it having no strong references
return nil;
Are my guesses wrong in any way?
Ideally, if a precondition fails, you don't call [super init…]. You just release self (if not using ARC) and return nil:
- (id)initWithStuff:(Stuff *)stuff {
if (!stuff || ![stuff isValid]) {
[self release]; // if not using ARC
return nil;
if (self = [super init]) {
// initialization here
return self;
The release takes care of deallocating self under MRC. Under ARC, the compiler will insert the release for you.
However, there is a potential problem with this approach. When you release self (or when ARC releases it for you), the system will send the dealloc message to the object. And your dealloc method will call [super dealloc]. You could suppress the [super dealloc] under MRC, but you can't avoid it with ARC.
So the danger is that your superclass might assume that one of its instance variables has been initialized, and rely on that initialized value in its dealloc. For example, suppose this is the superclass:
#interface SomeSuperclass : NSObject
#implementation SomeSuperclass {
CFMutableBagRef bag;
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
bag = CFBagCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeBagCallBacks);
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
The problem here is that CFRelease requires its argument to not be nil. So this will crash during deallocation if you don't call [super init] in your subclass.
Given this problem, I have to change my initial recommendation. If you know that your superclass's dealloc doesn't have this sort of problem (because, for example, it checks pointers before dereferencing them or passing them to CFRelease), then you can safely not call [super init].
If you don't know that your superclass's dealloc is safe, then my recommendation is that you move your preconditions out of init and into a class factory method.
In other words, don't treat alloc/init as part of your class's public interface. Provide a class method for creating instances:
// The class factory method. Declare this in your header file. This is how you
// or any user of this class should create instances.
+ (id)myObjectWithStuff:(Stuff *)stuff {
if (!stuff || ![stuff isValid])
return nil;
// self here is the class object, so it's appropriate to send `alloc` to it.
// You don't want to hardcode the class name here because that would break
// subclassing.
return [[self alloc] initWithStuff:stuff];
// This is now considered a private method. You should not declare it in your
// header file, though in Objective-C you can't prevent the user from calling it
// if he's determined to.
- (id)initWithStuff:(Stuff *)stuff {
// Precondition was already checked in myObjectWithStuff:.
if (self = [super init]) {
// initialization here...
return self;

Objective-C, class identity

I have the following situation, i can't resolve:
#interface Deck : NSObject
#interface MasterDeck : Deck
#interface PlayerDeck : Deck
Inside MasterDeck class, as part of initialization, i call
[self cutDeckImageIntoCards]; // We don't get to execute this method
Call results in an error [PlayerDeck cutDeckImageIntoCards]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
Indeed, PlayerDeck does not have this method .. but why is it being called at all?
After looking at MasterDeck's initialization i added a few debugging statements:
static MasterDeck *gInstance = NULL;
+(MasterDeck *) instance {
#synchronized(self) {
if (gInstance == NULL) {
gInstance = [[self alloc] init];
return gInstance;
-(id) init {
if (gInstance != NULL) {
return gInstance;
// MasterDeck
self = [super init];
// PlayerDeck
if (self) {
// Lots of stuff
[self cutDeckImageIntoCards]
// Some more stuff
gInstance = self;
return gInstance;
Ok, so MasterDeck is PlayerDeck because' Deck thinks it is a PlayerDeck ... Deck confirms
Deck is created as follows:
static Deck *gInstance = NULL;
+(Deck *) instance {
#synchronized(self) {
if (gInstance == NULL) {
gInstance = [[self alloc] init];
return gInstance;
-(id) init {
if (gInstance != NULL) {
return gInstance;
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Do something
NSLog(#"Deck thinks it's a %#", [[self class ]description]); // PlayerDeck
gInstance = self;
return gInstance;
So, again
#interface Deck : NSObject
Assuming above Singleton Implementation, why would Deck think it's actually a PlayerDeck?
So the way you've written this, if you create the PlayDeck instance first, then the Deck instance is now a PlayDeck.
And then if you go to create the MasterDeck instance, your call to [super init] dutifully returns that previous PlayDeck instance.
So why is Deck a singleton at all? Deck has two subclasses that are singletons, but are you really looking for a singleton Deck also?
At a minimum, you can make this sort of work by not setting gInstance from within each init. Let the class method do that. Just return self from each of the init's. Also, remove the check for gInstance being not null, other Deck's init will always return Deck's instance once you have an instance of Deck.
But beyond that, I would rethink this idea a bit. Hope that helps.
You'll probably want to separate your singleton class from the actual class.
Try implementing it as in this example,
+(id) instance {
static dispatch_once_t pred;
static MasterDeck *sharedInstance = nil;
dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
sharedInstance = [[MasterDeck alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
What happens if you replace [[self alloc] init] with [[MasterDeck alloc] init]?
It may be that somehow self is PlayerDeck. To make sure, you could NSLog([self description]) just before calling + alloc.
I assume that the interesting part of the code you have above is part of the #implementation of MasterDeck. My suggestion would be to try a lot more logging, including determining what super and [self class] are before calling [super init], although these may be misleading...
Also, as a side note, I believe that you should call [self release] in init if you are returning the previously-created instance.
What does the [super init] method look like? Can you step into it, or is it the default initializer?
Edit 2
I think you're doing singletons wrong. If you initialize a PlayerDeck, that would create a singleton in Deck which is an instance of PlayerDeck. Then later, when you initialize a MasterDeck, calling [super init] will return the instance already created by the PlayerDeck.
It looks like you try to be clever, but fact is - often the computer is even smarter. :)
Your deck class caches an instance in gInstance - in fact, it looks like it may store a Deck, a PlayerDeck, or a MasterDeck, depending on what and how you call / instantiate first. After that, this very instance is returned by that init method.
I strongly suggest to get this code clean and readable. I bet there are numerous problems with this code - but your problem is already a good example. Your logic (which should be simple, I guess) can surely be implemented much easier.
Note - I'm not against singletons, but this sort of code stacking is an absolute no-go. It's hard to get more dependency logic into those lines. ;)

Is this valid code to create a NIB-instantiated singleton?

Assume that I instantiate an object of class MyGreatClass in my NIB (as usual by simply dragging an "Object" to the NIB and settings its class to MyGreatClass).
I want access to that instance anywhere in my codebase, without introducing coupling, i.e. without passing objects around like crazy, and without having an outlet to it in, say, [NSApp delegate]. (The latter would make AppDelegate terribly bulky with time.)
I ask: Is the following considered a good code to accomplish this?
static MyGreatClass *theInstance = nil;
#implementation MyGreatClass
+ (MyGreatClass *)sharedInstance
NSAssert(theInstance != nil, #"instance should have been loaded from NIB");
return theInstance;
- (id)init //waking up from NIB will call this
if (!theInstance)
theInstance = self;
return theInstance;
// ...
If this work as expected, I would after the app is loaded be able to access my instance via sharedInstance.
What do you think?
UPDATE: Hmm, on the second thought, the above init method maybe overkill. This is way simpler to think about:
- (id)init
NSAssert(!theInstance, #"instance shouldn't exist yet because only "
#"the NIB-awaking process should call this method");
theInstance = self;
return theInstance;
Again, what do you think?
The proper way to create a singleton is to override allocWithZone: to ensure another object cannot be created. Overriding init allows the new object to be created, but not initialized. It is thrown away because the init method simply ignores it and returns the object that has been created already. Here is how I would do it:
+ (MyGreatClass *)sharedInstance {
NSAssert(theInstance != nil, #"instance should have been created from NIB");
return theInstance;
+ (MyGreatClass *)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
if(theInstance) return theInstance;
return [[self alloc] init];
- (id)init {
if(theInstance) return theInstance;
if(self = [super init]) {
theInstance = self;
// other initialization
return self;
- (void)release {}
- (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc]; // Prevent compiler from issuing warning for not calling super
I overrode release and dealloc to ensure that the singleton would not be deallocated. If you don't do this, you should retain and autorelease it in the sharedInstance method. If you want to support multithreading, you should also synchronize access to the theInstance variable.