Conditional based on whether Codeception test passes or not - codeception

I want to run a PHP program where the program flow control is a conditional based on whether a Codeception test passes or not. So that:
if ( some cept or cest passes){do something...}
How do I do this?


In TestCafe, there is a way to get a list of all test cases of a project filtering by metadata

I need the information of an specific set of tests before running them. Can be all available tests, of some tests with a certain parameter in metadata.
Something like:
[Test xxx] - Perform actions......
[Test xxx] - Something ....
Environment details:
testcafe version: 1.8.1
node.js version: 10.16.1
What I've done is output data from the filter method, which provides pretty much any information about the test (before running) that you can get.
At that point, you can use that information to only run specific tests, or return true to not filter anything and only use the filter method for printing information.

Does JMeter measure server response using junit sampler?

I want to integrate some functional tests to the performance tests using JMeter. And if I use JUnit sampler and run tests with starting the browser and execute some actions in the browser(clicks, entering text), what I will get in the JMeter listener: response time including browser speed OR only time of server response without browser execution?
What I do in JMeter:
When I add JUnit sampler and open exported jar file of my test, and run it - test executes like usual web-driver test with browser start and loading UI elements, entering text and clicks. Will loading elements affect the time of the response?
JMeter will measure the time of the whole test case. If it assumes initialisation, launching browser, etc. - it will all be counted of course including the time required for the page to load / elements to render.
If you need to split your test into lesser chunks - consider migrating to WebDriver Sampler, if you choose groovy as the scripting language you will be able to re-use your existing Java code and have better control over what's going on, add sub-results for logical actions, group separate actions together using the Transaction Controller and execute tests in parallel.

Intern: Execute HelperFunction for after every single functional Test

I'm currently trying to execute a specific helperFunction after every testcase.
The problem with the beforeEach Function is, that the test is already flagged as successfully/passed (TestLifeCycle already finished).
Is their any configuration possibility to execute a helper Function after every testcase, without pasting it in every single test case?
I'm using the Intern Testframework with the BDD Testinterface.
The docs for the BDD interface used for Intern tests are here:
You can use the afterEach() method to execute whatever you like once each test in your suite has finished.

How do you get access to the current filtered trait in xUnit

In xUnit, is there a way to get access to the current trait filter during the test execution? For example, during our build process we setup a task to run our tests with a given trait (i.e. browser type). In our test setup code, I would like to know if the requested test run has received a trait filter, so I can use that to determine what Selenium web driver to use for that test run.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Preventing asserts from failing tests in Codeception

I've just started exploring automated testing, specifically Codeception, as part of my QA work at a web design studio. The biggest issue I'm experiencing is having Codeception fail a test as soon as an assert fails, no matter where it's placed in the code. If my internet connection hiccups or is too slow, things can become difficult. I was wondering if there were methods to provide more control over when Codeception will fail and terminate a test session, or even better, a way to retry or execute a different block or loop of commands when an assert does fail. For example, I would like to do something similar to the following:
if ( $I->see('Foo') )
echo 'Pass';
echo 'Fail';
Does anyone have any suggestions that could help accomplish this?
You can use a conditional assertion:
$I->cantSeeInField('user[name]', 'Miles');
The codeception documentation says:
Sometimes you don't want the test to be stopped when an assertion fails. Maybe you have a long-running test and you want it to run to the end. In this case you can use conditional assertions. Each see method has a corresponding canSee method, and dontSee has a cantSee method.
I'm not sure, if I understand it correctly, but I think, you should try to use Cest.
$ php codecept.phar generate:cest suitename CestName
So you could write one test in one test function. If a test fails, it will abort. You can also configure codeception, that it will not abort and show only the one test which fails in a summary at the end of all tests.
See here in the documentation:
Maybe it's better to use: