VBA Match value from listbox object to range - vba

I am trying to check items in a listbox according to a range of cells (that matches)
This is what I've done so far.
Dim j As Integer
Dim lItem As Long
Dim rowx as Long
rowx = 12
j = 0
For lItem = 0 To Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").ListBoxPlot.ListCount
If Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").ListBoxPlot.List(lItem) = Worksheets("Liste").Cells(rowx, 40 + j) Then
Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").ListBoxPlot.Selected(lItem) = True
j = j + 1
End If
Next lItem
This does what I want, checking the items in the list that are in range_pr_el but it throws an error at :
If Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").ListBoxPlot.List(lItem) = Worksheets("Liste").Cells(rowx, 40 + j) Then
Telling me "Error 381 : Impossible to read List property. Index of the property table not valid". And I don't understand why, because it does enter the loop, and it does do what it's supposed to. What is missing to correct the error?
Thank you in advance

Try using
For lItem = 0 To Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").ListBoxPlot.ListCount - 1
When going through the for loop the last iteration will have lItem equal the number of list items. However, the list index starts at 0 so there should be a difference of 1.
For example if you had 1 list item the .ListCount method would give you 1 so the for loop will try to access list item with index 0 and list item with index 1. This would give you an error because the list box doesn't have 2 items.


How to output info to a listbox?

This code gives me
"data member not found"
when trying to output my info to a listbox.
Dim ClassYoga(5) As Integer
Dim NumOfAttend As Integer
Dim index As Integer
'initialize array
index = 0
Do Until index > 4
ClassYoga(index) = 0
index = index + 1
'first input from user
NumOfAttend = InputBox("How many people will be attending class? (555 to quit")
Do Until NumOfAttend = 555
ClassYoga(NumOfAttend - 1) = ClassYoga(NumOfAttend - 1) + 1
NumOfAttend = InputBox("How many people will be attending class? (555 to quit")
index = 0
lstYoga.RowSource = vbNullString
Do Until index > 4
lstYoga.AddItem ((index + 1) & "Attendants :" * ClassYoga(index))
It returns errors on the .rowsource and .additem functions.
How can I output my results?
In the last do-loop you do not increment index,

Excel VBA Getting a multiple selection from a listbox

I have a listbox which I set to selectmulti
I am trying to get the values of the selected items with this :
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim lItem As Long
Dim nboc As Integer
Dim c As Integer
nboc = Worksheets("BDD").Range("IQ2").Value
c = 0
For lItem = 0 To ListBox2.ListCount - 1
If ListBox2.Selected(lItem) = True Then
c = c + 1
Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").Range("G15:G" & 14 + c) = ListBox2.List(lItem)
ListBox2.Selected(lItem) = False
End If
End Sub
This works as long as I have one item selected. If I have x items selected, it returns x times the first item.
Can you help me?
(I am fairly new to VBA and am trying to learn on my own)
With this line:
Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").Range("G15:G" & 14 + c) = ListBox2.List(lItem)
you override the values previously printed by this function.
In first iteration you print the value in each cell of range G15:G15 (a single cell in this case), in second iteration you print the value in each cell of range G15:G16 (so you override the value printed in first iteration) and so on.
You need to change this line like below:
Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").Range("G14").Offset(c, 0) = ListBox2.List(lItem)
Your problem is in the line:
Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").Range("G15:G" & 14 + c) = ListBox2.List(lItem)
It simply assigns the whole range to the last found value. Here is something that works for you, you may use it somehow further and change it.
Option Explicit
Sub btn()
Dim lItem As Long
Dim c As Long
For lItem = 0 To Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").ListBox2.ListCount - 1
If Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").ListBox2.Selected(lItem) = True Then
c = c + 1
Worksheets("BDD").Cells(15 + c, 7) = Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").ListBox2.List(lItem)
'Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").Range("G15:G" & 14 + c) = Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").ListBox2.List(lItem)
Worksheets("Bordereau Prep").ListBox2.Selected(lItem) = False
End If
Next lItem
End Sub
Last but not least, you try not to use Integers in VBA, but longs. Enjoy it!

Randomly select an item from a list based on a class, repeat number of times based on different numbers

I am not familiar with using macro's, but I think that what I would like excel to perform is best handled with a macro. So I can use all the input you may have!
I have these headers;
ID Tag Pen Sex Weight Class Inside range
With 450 rows of data. Based on the distribution of the weight data, I have in two other columns (class and number) the number of rows I want to select within each class. The selected rows must have the value "Yes" in the column "Inside range".
I want to randomly select the rows, based on the number needed for each class, and copy these rows to a new sheet. It sums up to 30 rows in the new sheet.
I hope you have a suggestion how to complete this action!
can you try the following, you will need to add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime library:
Const rowCount = 450
Public Sub copyRows()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim classes As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim source As Worksheet
Dim colNumber As Integer
Dim colClassName as Integer
Dim colInsideRange As Integer
Dim allSelected As Boolean
Dim randomRow as Integer
Dim sumRemaining as Integer
allSelected = False
Set source = Worksheets("YourWorksheetName")
colClassName = 6 'this is the column number where class names are entered. I am assuming 6
colNumber = 7 'this is the column number where number of rows to be selected are entered. I am assuming 7
colInsideRange = 8 'this is the column number where "Inside Range" values are entered. I am assuming 9
For i = 2 to rowCount + 1 'assuming you have a header row
classes(CStr(source.Cells(i, colClassName))) = CInt(source.cells(i, colNumber)
Next i
Do until allSelected
randomRow = Int ((Rnd * 450) + 2) 'assuming you have a header row, + 1 if you don't
If classes(CStr(source.Cells(randomRow, colClassName))) = 0 Then
With classes
sumRemaining = 0
For j = 1 to .Count - 1
sumRemaining = sumRemaining + .Items(j)
If sumRemaining > 0 Then Exit For
Next j
allSelected = (sumRemaining = 0)
End With
source.Cells(randomRow, colInsideRange) = "Yes"
classes(CStr(source.Cells(randomRow, colClassName))) = classes(CStr(source.Cells(randomRow, colClassName))) - 1
End If
'Enter your code to copy rows with "Inside Range" = "Yes"
End Sub
Sorry if there are some errors or typos, I wrote from my mobile phone.

Find Common Values From Datagridview

I Have about 10 (DatagridView Count may varies As per User Selected Files From 2 to 10) Datagridview ,So How can i find common value from all Datagridviews ??
Comment If you need more brief details
Below is mine but It find common from 2 -2 datagridviews
For i As Integer = 1 To dgvCont
For j As Integer = 0 To Main.DGVM(i).Rows.Count - 1
For Each Val As DataGridViewRow In Main.DGVM(i + 1).Rows
If Val.Cells(0).Value = Main.DGVM(i).Rows.Item(j).Cells(0).Value Then
Dim cm As String = Val.Cells(0).Value
If cm = "" Then
End If
End If
I understand that you want to set two nested loops accounting for an undetermined number of elements (items in an array of DataGridView, I presume), performing the checks you want:
For count1 As Integer = 1 To dgvCont 'Assuming indices from 1 to dgvCont
For row1 As Integer = 0 To Main.DGVM(count1).Rows.Count - 1
If (Main.DGVM(count1).Rows(row1).Cells(0).Value Is Nothing) Then Continue For
Dim val1 As String = Main.DGVM(count1).Rows(row1).Cells(0).Value
Dim found As Boolean = False
For count2 As Integer = 1 To dgvCont 'Assuming indices from 1 to dgvCont
If (count2 = count1) Then Continue For
For row2 As Integer = 0 To Main.DGVM(count2).Rows.Count - 1
If (Main.DGVM(count2).Rows(row2).Cells(0).Value Is Nothing) Then Continue For
Dim val2 As String = Main.DGVM(count2).Rows(row2).Cells(0).Value.ToString()
If val1 = val2 Then
Dim cm As String = val1
If cm = "" Then
End If
found = True
Exit For 'By assuming that you want to stop searching after finding a match
End If
If (found) Then Exit For 'By assuming that you want to stop searching after finding a match
Your code is not too clear (neither what you want); but this should give you a good enough start to carry out the implementation you are looking for. Bear in mind that this code (like yours) only considers one column (first one); in case of wanting to iterate through all the columns, you would have to add further nested loops accounting for that.

automating a mundane task

I have a simple task that i need to automate.
I get a email in a very specific format from another application based on a trigger.
What i want is that out look "reads" the data in that email and compare two cells. if one cell is greater than the other, then i want the email forwarded to a specified address otherwise delete the email.
the folowing vba code was attempted, but gives a run time error. please guide
Sub GetLines()
Dim msg As Outlook.mailItem
Dim rows As Variant
Dim numberofColumns As Long
Dim numberofRows As Long
Dim headerValues As Variant
Dim headerRow() As String
Dim data() As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
' get currently selected email
Set msg = ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(1)
' tokenize each line of the email
rows = Split(msg.Body, vbCrLf)
' calculate array size
numberofColumns = Len(rows(0)) - Len(Replace(rows(0), Chr(9), ""))
numberofRows = UBound(rows) + 1
' put header row into array
ReDim headerRow(1 To numberofColumns)
headerValues = Split(rows(0), Chr(9))
For i = 1 To numberofColumns
headerRow(i) = Trim$(headerValues(i - 1))
Next i
' calculate data array size
numberofRows = numberofRows - 1
' put data into array
ReDim data(1 To numberofRows, 1 To numberofColumns)
For i = 1 To numberofRows
For j = 1 To numberofColumns
data(i, j) = Trim$(Split(rows(i), Chr(9))(j - 1))
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Your code makes too many unnecessary assumptions about the data and will give errors most of the time. Firstly you need to use F8 to step through the code to isolate the error in a particular line.
I suggest you change
Dim data() As String
Dim data As Variant
data = Array()
I'm not an expert in how VBA manages memory but I know that I get a lot less grief when I make things variants.
You are most likely to have a problem here:
For i = 1 To numberofRows
For j = 1 To numberofColumns
data(i, j) = Trim$(Split(rows(i), Chr(9))(j - 1))
Next j
Next i
What if not every row is perfectly formed?
Instead, try this:
For i = 1 To numberofRows
For j = 1 To Ubound(Split(rows(i), Chr(9))) + 1
data(i, j) = Trim$(Split(rows(i), Chr(9))(j - 1))
Next j
Next i
This allows your code to "survive" a blank line or some other error in the data.