A method can only be called after the object is initialized - how to proceed? - oop

I am finding a recurring pattern in my day-to-day coding, as follows:
var foo = new Foo();
In these cases, foo.Initialize is absolutely needed so that it can actually DoSomething, otherwise some foo properties would still be null/non-initialized.
Is there a pattern to it? How to be safely sure DoSomething will only/always be called after Initialize? And how to proceed if it doesn't: should I raise an exception, silent ignore it, check some flag...?

Essentially you're saying Initialize is a constructor. So that code really should be part of the constructor:
var foo = new Foo(params);
That's exactly what a constructor is for: it's code which is guaranteed to run before any of the object methods are run, and its job is to check pre-conditions and provide a sane environment for other object methods to run.

If there really is a lot of work taking place in the initialization, then I can certainly see the argument that it's "too much to put in a constructor". (I'm sure somebody with a deeper familiarity of language mechanics under the hood could provide some compelling explanations on the matter, but I'm not that person.)
It sounds to me like a factory would be useful here. Something like this:
public class Foo
private Foo()
// trivial initialization operations
private void Initialize(SomeType params)
// non-trivial initialization operations
public static Foo CreateNew(SomeType params)
var result = new Foo();
return result;
And the consuming code becomes:
var foo = Foo.CreateNew(params);
All manner of additional logic could be put into that factory, including a variety of sanity checks of the params or validating that heavy initialization operations completed successfully (such as if they rely on external resources). It would be a good place to inject dependencies as well.
This basically comes down to a matter of cleanly separating concerns. The constructor's job is to create an instance of the object, the initializer's job is to get the complex object ready for intended use, and the factory's job is to coordinate these efforts and only return ready-for-use objects (handling any errors accordingly).


Testing private methods in Raku

Is there a way to test private methods in Raku?
I understand that one should ideally define their tests targeting the public methods, but is there a way to do it "the wrong way"? :)
I initially thought about defining a subclass for the Testing that inherited from the class I wanted to test and do the tests there, but it seems that private methods are not inherited.
Then I saw the 'trusts' routine, but I wouldn't want to reference a Testing class on any of the classes of the code.
Is there something like changing the 'private' property of a method via introspection?
What would be the best way to call/test a private method?
This can be done using introspection.
Consider this is the class you want to test:
class SomeClass {
has Int $!attribute;
method set-value(Int $value) returns Nil {
$!attribute = $value;
method get-value returns Int {
return $!attribute;
# Private method
method !increase-value-by(Int $extra) returns Nil {
$!attribute += $extra;
You may create a test like this:
use Test;
use SomeClass;
plan 3;
my SomeClass $some-class = SomeClass.new;
my Method:D $increase-value = $some-class.^find_private_method: 'increase-value-by';
$some-class.set-value: 1;
$increase-value($some-class, 4);
is $some-class.get-value, 5, '1+4 = 5';
$increase-value($some-class, 5);
is $some-class.get-value, 10, '5+5 = 10';
my SomeClass $a-new-class = SomeClass.new;
$a-new-class.set-value: 0;
$increase-value($a-new-class, -1);
is $a-new-class.get-value, -1, '0+(-1) = -1; The method can be used on a new class';
You first create an instance of the class and the use ^find_private_method to get its private Method. Then you can call that Method by passing an instance of a class as the first parameter.
There's a more complete explanation on this answer:
How do you access private methods or attributes from outside the type they belong to?
A fresh cup of tea and #Julio's and #JJ's answers inspired the following:
class SomeClass { method !private ($foo) { say $foo } }
use MONKEY-TYPING; augment class SomeClass { trusts GLOBAL }
my SomeClass $some-class = SomeClass.new;
$some-class!SomeClass::private(42); # 42
My solution tweaks the class using monkey typing. Monkey typing is a generally dodgy thing to do (hence the LOUD pragma). But it seems tailor made for a case just like this. Augment the class with a trusts GLOBAL and Bob's your Uncle.
Raku requires the SomeClass:: qualification for this to work. (Perhaps when RakuAST macros arrive there'll be a tidy way to get around that.) My inclination is to think that having to write a class qualification is OK, and the above solution is much better than the following, but YMMV...
Perhaps, instead:
augment class SomeClass {
multi method FALLBACK ($name where .starts-with('!!!'), |args) {
.(self, |args) with $?CLASS.^find_private_method: $name.substr: 3
and then:
$some-class.'!!!private'(42); # 42
I've used:
A multi for the FALLBACK, and have required that the method name string starts with !!!;
A regular method call (. not !);
Calling the method by a string version of its name.
The multi and !!! is in case the class being tested already has one or more FALLBACK methods declared.
A convention of prepending !!! seems more or less guaranteed to ensure that the testing code will never interfere with how the class is supposed to work. (In particular, if there were some call to a private method that didn't exist, and there was existing FALLBACK handling, it would handle that case without this monkey FALLBACK getting involved.)
It should also alert anyone reading the test code that something odd is going on, in the incredibly unlikely case that something weird did start happening, either because I'm missing something that I just can't see, or because some FALLBACK code within a class just so happened to use the same convention.
Besides using introspection, you can try and use a external helper role to access all private methods and call them directly. For instance:
role Privateer {
method test-private-method ( $method-name, |c ) {
class Privateed does Privateer {
method !private() { return "⌣" }
my $obj = Privateed.new;
say $obj.test-private-method( "private" );
The key here is to call a method by name, which you can do with public and private methods, although for private methods you need to use their special syntax self!.

'this' is not defined in this context

How can I solve the following case?
interface I
class A(i: I)
class C : I, A(this) // << --- 'this' is not defined in this context
In short, I want to pass the class instance to super class constructor.
Is it possible in Kotlin?
All the answers are good and technically correct. But let's give a concrete example:
interface Pilot {
fun informAboutObstacle()
abstract class Car(private val pilot: Pilot) {
fun drive() {
while (true) {
// ....
if (haveObstacleDetected()) {
// ....
fun break() {
// stop the car
class AutopilotCar : Pilot, Car(this) { // For example, Tesla :)
override fun informAboutObstacle() {
break() // stop the car
This example don't look too contrived, and why can't I implement it with OOP-friendly language?
No, this is not possible on the JVM. this is only available after the super class has been initialized.
The instance initialization method (§2.9.1) for class myClass sees the new uninitialized object as its this argument in local variable 0. Before that method invokes another instance initialization method of myClass or its direct superclass on this, the only operation the method can perform on this is assigning fields declared within myClass.
So the bytecode instruction aload 0 to push this on the stack is forbidden before the super-class constructor is called. That's why it cannot be passed as an argument to the super-constructor.
Kotlin was born as a JVM language and aims for maximum interoperability with Java code and a minimum overhead of its language features. While Kotlin could have chosen to orchestrate object initialization in a different way, it would create problems in mixed Java-Kotlin class hierarchies and add significant overhead.
In the good tradition of OOP languages such as Java, C# or Swift, Kotlin doesn't allow you to leak the this reference before the call to superclass initialization has completed. In your special case you're just storing the reference, but in just a slightly different case the superclass code might try to use the received object, which at that point is still uninitialized.
As a specific example of why languages don't allow this, consider a case where A is a class from a library you use and this rule is not in effect. You pass this like you do and things work fine. Later you update the library to a newer version and it happens to add something as benign as i.toString() to its constructor. It has no idea it's actually calling an overridden method on itself. Your toString() implementation observes all its invariants broken, such as uninitialized vals.
This design suffers from other problems, not just the circular initialization dependency you are struggling with now. In a nutshell, the class A expects this:
But instead you create this:
The class A has a dependency on a collaborator object of type I. It doesn't expect itself as the collaborator. This may bring about all kinds of weird bugs. For example your C.toString() may delegate to super.toString() and A.toString() (A is the super of C) may call into I.toString(), resulting in a StackOverflowError.
I can't say from your question whether A is designed for extension, which would make the C : A part correct, but you should definitely disentangle A from I.

Specifying method's behaviour via EXPECT_CALL vs in body

From what I understand gmock (and I'm new to it) EXPECT_CALL allows for specifying how a method will behave when it's called (in this case I'm mostly interested in what it will return). But I could just as well define the method explicitly with its body. Example:
class Factory
int createSomething();
class MockFactory : public Factory
MOCK_METHOD0(createSomething, int());
int main()
int something(5);
MockFactory mockFactory;
EXPECT_CALL(mockFactory, createSomething()).WillRepeatedly(Return(something));
class MockFactory : public Factory
int createSomething()
return 5;
Now, if createSomething were to behave differently (return different things) in different scenarios then obviously I should use EXPECT_CALL. But if it's going to always return the same thing wouldn't it be better to just explicitly define the method's body? (Note that other methods in the mocked class might still use EXPECT_CALL.)
When you define a method you miss all the flexibility that mocking that method can give you in the tests.
If you need to assert in a test that createSomething gets called, you can only do it if you have mocked it, not if you have a standard method definition. Not in this case, but in case of methods taking parameters, it's even better to have a mock.
If you need to set up a default action that your method should perform, even when you don't set any expectations on it, do so using ON_CALL macro in the SetUp member function of a TestFixture.

using a private variable for the lock of synchronized block

hi there i am working on threads and implement some simple examples with them. In addition, i know how to lock and use a synchronized statement but i saw an example like this;
private List<Foo> myList = new ArrayList<Foo>();
private Map<String,Bar) myMap = new HashMap<String,Bar>();
public void put( String s, Bar b ) {
synchronized( myMap ) {
myMap.put( s,b );
// then some thing that may take a while like a database access or RPC or notifying listeners
so how and why can be a variable used as a lock of a synchronized block_?. i always using "this" word for accessing to the statement.
You can use any reference type that does not have a weak identity to lock a block of code. It is a general practice to use the this pointer. But whether you should use a member variable depends on the behavior of your class.
For instance if you have four methods out of which two use var1 and the other two use var2. Now if you want to synchronize these methods only based on these variables then you could choose to use the variables to lock instead of this.
In Java, each object instance has a lock associated with it.
You need a object's reference in order to do a synchronized block statement.
It's not necessary to use the same object for a synchronized block. You would be perfectly fine with this:
private Map<String,Bar) myMap = new HashMap<String,Bar>();
private Object lockObj = new Object();
public void put( String s, Bar b ) {
synchronized( lockObj ) {
myMap.put( s,b );
// then some thing that may take a while like a database access or RPC or notifying listeners
But the trick now, is to make sure you use the same object whenever you access myMap object.
So it's a good practice to use the same object that you operation on, to act as a lock..
This is used when you want to do a small synchronized block and don't bother creating a new object for it.. this will work fine for that.
I hope that helped you understand java's synchronization approach.
this is a pointer to the current object, but myMap is also an object, an instance of the class HashMap which implements the Serializable interface

Why Finalize should be put protected?

Reading this MSDN article, I came across that simple example, which is really fitted for me since I making some RAII classes over some native c++ interfaces doing the whole job: (and I do it for the first time)
ref class Wrapper {
Native *pn;
// resource acquisition is initialization
Wrapper( int val ) { pn = new Native( val ); }
// this will do our disposition of the native memory
~Wrapper(){ delete pn; }
void mfunc();
// an explicit Finalize() method—as a failsafe
!Wrapper() { delete pn; }
This class corresponds exactly to what I have written so far. Save that I had not implemented the Finalize method. But while wondering about its peculiarity and usage, and before I can grasp it much deeper... I was wondering if it is general use and good habit to put the Finalizer method in protected scope.
The access modifier for a finalizer is essentially ignored as there are special rules for finalizers:
They can't be called directly (even from within the class itself).
When called by the system, they automatically call their base class finalizers.
Officially, the finalizer is a protected virtual method declared on Object: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.object.finalize.aspx. In C# you cannot place an accesibilty modifier on the finalizer.
In C++/cli, you can specify any access modifier, but it is essentially ignored. That is, making it public or private changes nothing: the special rules are still enforced.
So, I'd say, just continue to make it protected just based on convention.