sql separate one field into columns depending on value of initial field - sql

I am trying to separate one field in one table, into two columns in a report, populating each column depending on the value of that initial field. Here is how the tables are structured. TABLES VIEW I am quite new to sql, and am learning slowly, but have tried cases, and sub-queries, but no luck... I do hope some kind sole will be able to help me. :P
My database is structured like this:
This is the query I am using
Insurance_Folder.code, Rating_Section.rating_section_type_id, Rating_Section.sum_insured, Rating_Section_Type.description
Left Outer Join dbo.Rating_Section_Type ON
Rating_Section.rating_section_type_id = Rating_Section_Type.rating_section_type_id
Left Outer Join dbo.Insurance_Folder
Left Outer Join dbo.Insurance_File ON
Insurance_Folder.insurance_folder_cnt = Insurance_File.insurance_folder_cnt
Left Outer Join dbo.insurance_file_risk_link ON
Insurance_File.insurance_file_cnt = insurance_file_risk_link.insurance_file_cnt and insurance_file_risk_link.risk_cnt = Rating_Section.risk_cnt
Rating_Section.rating_section_type_id = 219 or Rating_Section.rating_section_type_id = 228
This gives me the following result ( I can not post another image)
-All the codes from Insurance folder, with each rating section type for each code, on a row. I want to separate the row with second value, and have it put in the same row of the code, in a separate column, depending on the value of rating_section_type_id
And these are the results I am looking for:


Natural Joins Creating More Records Than Desired

I have the following tables populated with these records:
I have created a view that looks like this and have selected all records from it:
However, the results are not as expected. Each store location is matched with each craft item, even if they are not supplied to that store.
Even regions that don't have recorded stores display records:
I imagine this has something to do with the natural join being mixed with the left outer join, but I don't understand why.
And based on all the comments others have provided, and you may not be comfortable explicitly with the syntax, think of LEFT side as the first table of a query and right is the second. So a left join implies everything from the left-side table regardless of a match on the other, but if one exists, it only exists based on the matching criteria/condition. For what you have, you are probably looking for something like...
create or replace view detailedCraftRegaion as
CraftStore cs
JOIN CraftRegion cr
on cs.CraftRegionID = cr.CraftRegionID
JOIN CraftShipItems csi
on cs.CraftStoreID = csi.CraftStoreID

Duplicate Rows when self joining tables in SQL

I am trying to self join a table together based on the column "Warehouse Number". The goal is to list part numbers, descriptions, and item class of any pairs of parts that are in the same item class and same warehouse. Below is an example of the desired output and starting data.
However, when that self join happens, there aren't "exact" duplicates but the pairs appear twice in the table.
I have tried most iterations of UNION, INNER JOIN, and other join methods. Is it possible to remove the pairs since it isn't technically an exact duplicate of another row?
Current SQL Code
You may alter your join condition to check that the first part number is strictly less than the second one:
The problem with using FIRST.PARTNUMB <> SECOND.PARTNUMB is that it would report two different part numbers twice, once on the left/right side and vice-versa. By using a strictly less than inequality, we exclude "duplicates," as you view them.

Alternate solution for the query - Used INTERSECT function in oracle plsql

I am working on the query. I have two tables one is detail table where not grouping happen and its like including all the values and other table is line table which has important column grouped together from detail table.
I want to show all the column from line table and some column from detail table.
I am using below query to fetch my records
SELECT ab.*,
FROM xxx_line ab,
xxx_detail cd
WHERE cd.reference_number = ab.reference_number
AND cd.org_id = ab.org_id
AND cd.request_id = ab.request_id
AND ab.request_id = 13414224
SELECT ab.*,
FROM xxx_line ab,
xxx_detail cd
WHERE cd.reference_number = ab.reference_number
AND cd.org_id = ab.org_id
AND cd.request_id = ab.request_id
AND ab.request_id = 13414224
The query is working fine...
But I want to know is there any other way for I can achieve the same result by not even using Intersect.
I purpose is to find out all possible way to get the same output.
The INTERSECT operator returns the unique set of rows returned by each query. The code can be re-written with a DISTINCT operator to make the meaning clearer:
FROM xxx_line
JOIN xxx_detail
ON xxx_line.reference_number = xxx_detail.reference_number
AND xxx_line.org_id = xxx_detail.org_id
AND xxx_line.request_id = xxx_detail.request_id
WHERE xxx_line.request_id = 13414224
I also replaced the old-fashioned join syntax with the newer ANSI join syntax (which makes relationships clearer by forcing the join tables and conditions to be listed close to each other) and removed the meaningless table aliases (because code complexity is more directly related to the number of variables than the number of characters).

How to get names present in both views?

I have a very large view containing 5 million records containing repeated names with each row having unique transaction number. Another view of 9000 records containing unique names is also present. Now I want to retrieve records in first view whose names are present in second view
select * from v1 where name in (select name from v2)
But the query is taking very long to run. Is there any short cut method?
Did you try just using a INNER JOIN. This will return all rows that exist in both tables:
select v1.*
from v1
on v1.name = v2.name
If you need help learning JOIN syntax, here is a great visual explanation.
You can add the DISTINCT keyword which will remove any duplicate values that the query returns.
use JOIN.
The DISTINCT will allow you to return only unique records from the list since you are joining from the other table and there could be possibilities that a record may have more than one matches on the other table.
FROM v1 a
ON a.name = b.name
For faster performance, add an index on column NAME on both tables since you are joining through it.
To further gain more knowledge about joins, kindly visit the link below:
Visual Representation of SQL Joins

Speeding up a SQL query with generic data information

Due to a variety of design decisions, we have a table, 'CustomerVariable'. CustomerVariable has three bits of information--its own id, an id to Variable (a list of possible settings the customer can have), and the value for that variable. The Variable table, on the other hand, has the information on a default--in case the CustomerVariable is not set.
This works well in most situations, allowing us not to have to create an insanely long list of information--especially in a case where there are 16 similar variables that need to be handled for a customer.
The problem comes in trying to get this information into a select. So far, our 'best' solution involves far too many joins to be efficient--we get a list of the 16 VariableIds we need information on, setting them into variables, first. Later on, however, we have to do this:
CROSS JOIN dbo.Variable v01
LEFT JOIN dbo.CustomerVariable cv01 ON cv01.customerId = c.id
AND cv01.variableId = v01.id
CROSS JOIN dbo.Variable v02
LEFT JOIN dbo.CustomerVariable cv02 ON cv02.customerId = c.id
AND cv02.variableId = v02.id
-- snip --
CROSS JOIN dbo.Variable v16
LEFT JOIN dbo.CustomerVariable cv16 ON cv16.customerId = c.id
AND cv16.variableId = v16.id
v01.id = #cv01VariableId
v02.id = #cv02VariableId
-- snip --
v16.id = #cv16VariableId
I know there has to be a better way, but we can't seem to find it amidst crunch time. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If your data set is relatively small and not too volatile, you may want to use materialized views (assuming your database supports them) to optimize the lookup.
If materialized views are not an option, consider writing a stored procedure that retrieves that data in two passes:
First retrieve all of the CustomerVariables available for a particular customer (or set of customers)
Next, retrieve all of the default values from the Variables table
Perform a non-distinct union on the results merging the defaults in wherever a CustomerVariable record is missing.
Essentially, this is the equivalent of:
SELECT variableId,
CASE WHEN CV.variableId = NULL THEN VR.defaultValue ELSE CV.value END
FROM Variable VR
LEFT JOIN CUstomerVariable CV on CV.variableId = VR.variableId
WHERE CV.customerId = c.id
The type of query you want is called a pivot table or crosstab query.
By far the easiest way of dealing with this is to create a view based off of a crosstab query. This will flip the columns from being vertical to being horizontal like a regular sql table. Once that is done, just query the view. Easy. ;)