How to assign a value of selection field to other selection field in a onchange method in odoo? - odoo

Just working on the following code to autofill a Selection field
calendar.event has a location field which is a selection field, trying to autofill it in my custom module based upon an onchange method.
I wanted to get the selected value in that selection field for a particular record into 'loc' field which is also a selection field in my custom module
def get_meet_dets(self, cr, uid, ids, meet_ref, context=None):
val = {}
res = []
if meet_ref:
for det in self.pool.get('calendar.event').browse(cr,uid,meet_ref,context=context):
for asst in det.attendee_ids:
emp_id = self.pool.get('hr.employee').search(cr, uid, [('user_id','in',user_id)])
val = {
'empname' : emp_id[0],
'loc' : det.location,
and 'loc' is a selection field in current class. Anyone having any idea on this?

You need to pass an existing id for your loc field, you can try 'loc' :,. I hope this can be helpful for you.


How to use get default method on a selection field based on condition odoo 12?

What im trying to do is fetching a element from the selection field based on the state of the record.
def _get_next_step(self):
for rec in self:
if rec.state == 'draft':
return rec.write({'next_step': 'waiting_room'})
elif rec.state == 'waiting_room':
return rec.write({'next_step': 'start_consultation'})
elif rec.state == 'start_consultation':
return rec.write({'next_step': 'finish_consultation'})
next_step = fields.Selection([
('waiting_room', 'To Waiting Room'),
('start_consultation', 'Start Consultation'),
('finish_consultation', 'Finish Consultation'),
('follow_up', 'Follow-Up'),
], string='Next Step', copy=False, index=True, track_visibility='onchange', defult='_get_next_step')
what i tried to do here is that,applying default in the selection field and wrote a function for the default method,But the field next_step is not getting updated.
The default execution environment will never have records, self is always an empty recordset. The api.model decorator is telling you that already.
You could just change the field next_step to a computed field and trigger the recomputation on state. When you store the computed field, everything like searches/grouping will work like on normal fields.

Is it possible to change the value of a selection field dynamically in Odoo 10?

I would like to have my selections depend on the value of a Char field, for instance, a Char field defined as such:
my_char = fields.Char("Enter Something", readonly = False)
so I suppose the selection field should call a function, something like "_get_value"
my_selection = fields.Selection(selection = ' _get_value')
def _get_value(self):
my_list = [('key1','value1')]
#no idea how to assign the value of my_char to value1
return my_list
Eventually, I would like to have the selections in the drop down list vary as the user input different strings in my_char.
Is this achievable in Odoo? Because if it's not, I should better start reorganizing my structure. Thanks a lot.
As far is i know, it isn't possible with field type Selection. But you can use a Many2one field for such a behaviour.
class MySelectionModel(model.Models):
_name = "my.selection.model"
name = fields.Char()
class MyModel(models.Model):
_name = "my.model"
my_char = fields.Char()
my_selection_id = fields.Many2one(
comodel_name="my.selection.model", string="My Selection")
def onchange_my_char(self):
return {'domain': {'my_selection_id': [('name', 'ilike', self.my_char)]}}
Or without a onchange method:
my_selection_id = fields.Many2one(
comodel_name="my.selection.model", string="My Selection",
domain="[('name', 'ilike', my_char)]")
To let the Many2one field look like a selection, add the widget="selection" on that field in the form view.
How the domain should look like, should be decided by you. Here it is just an example.
No need to write method here. Just declare the dictionary to a variable and call it in selection field.
VAR_LIST = [('a','ABC'),
my_selection = fields.Selection(string="Field Name",VAR_LIST)

Custom field default value - populate with other entries from same field

I have created a custom module with extra fields on the product screen. I am trying to have the default value be a drop down with all of the entries already submitted to that field or the option to create a new entry (same as the default value when adding a product to a BOM).
class product_part_detail(osv.osv):
_inherit = 'product.template'
_columns = {
'x_mfrname1': fields.char('P/N'),
_defaults ={
'x_mfrname1': get_default_name,
def get_default_name(self):
return "test"
I tried creating a many2one field that refers to a field in a different table but I keep getting an error when trying to install the module. Below is the updated code that I am having issues with. Thanks in advance!
class product_part_detail(osv.osv):
_inherit = 'product.template'
_name = 'product.part.detail'
_columns = {
'x_mfrname1': fields.many2one('product.part.detail.fill', 'x_mfrname1id'),
'x_mfrname2': fields.many2one('product.part.detail.fill', 'x_mfrname1id'),
class product_part_detail_fill(osv.osv):
_name = 'product.part.detail.fill'
def _sel_func(self, cr, uid, context=None):
obj = self.pool.get('product.part.detail')
ids =, uid, [])
res =, uid, ids, ['x_mfrname1', 'x_mfrname2'], context)
res = [(r['x_mfrname1'], r['x_mfrname2']) for r in res]
return res
_columns = {
'x_mfrname1id': fields.one2many('product.part.detail', 'x_mfrname1', 'x_mfrname2', selection=_sel_func),
A couple of things. The idea of a drop down of the values they have previously entered requires a many2one field. You would create another model and then make x_mfrname1 a many2one to that table. As long as the user has create access on that table they will get a create option on the drop down to key new values.
One other item, as you are using the pre-8 API, the method signature of your default method should be:
def get_default_name(self, cr, uid, context=None):

how to get value of a field in fields_view_get?

I want to get a value of a field in fields_view_get method in openerp 7.0.
I tried the following:
1- send the value of the field in the context attribute as following:
< field name="employee_id" context="{'employee_id':employee_id}" />
and in the fields_view_get I get it as following:
print "employee_id in the context value is %s"%(context.get('employee_id', False))
but it always the the context.get(...) returns False. so I tried the following:
2- on the onchange method of the field I send the value of the field in the context as following:
def onchange_employee_id(self, cr, uid, ids, employee_id):
return {'context': {'employee_id': employee_id}}
and in the fields_view_get I get it as following:
print "employee_id in the context value is %s"%(context.get('employee_id', False))
but also the same thing always the context.get(..) returns False.
How can I get the value of a field in fields_view_get function ?
Maybe this answer is too late for you, but perhaps someone will find it useful.
If you need the dynamic view just on form view, you should write a tree view and you can put the selected record id to the with the context id, you can read the fields.
But fields_view_get is not too easy. Dont forget about update the return dictionary (the two very important keys: fields, arch).
If you want to use invisible or readonly tag, you should use modifiers tag like attrs.
def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=False, view_type='tree', context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False):
fields =, uid, context['working_id'], [])
actualView = super(ModelName, self).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id, view_type, context, toolbar, submenu)
# you can write default view in xml and dynamic complete with some field in this method
actualView['fields'].update({'field_name':{'type': 'text', 'string': 'Name'}})
arch = minidom.parseString(actualView['arch'])
#for example: triggered to <newline/> field
newlineField = arch.getElementByTagName('newline').item(0)
element = arch.createElement('field_name')
element.setAttribute('name', 'Name')
newlineField.insertBefore(element, 0)
actualView['arch'] = arch.toxml("utf-8")
return actualView

How to use field value of one object in another using self.pool.get in openerp?

This is my code in .py file.I want to fetch value of field list_price in product.product and use it in my custom module which inherits sale.order.
Can i store the value of list_price field in my custom field i.e qty_available?
When i print value of wg_qty_avail it shows None even list_price is having value 2000
class practice(osv.osv):
_inherit = 'sale.order'
_columns = {
'qty_available': fields.float('Quantity'),
def get_val(self, cr, uid, id, product, context=None):
wg_qty_avail = self.pool.get('product.product').browse(cr, uid,product,context=context).list_price
print "---------------------------", wg_qty_avail
result['qty_available'] = wg_qty_avail
xml file is calls the method get_val by a button click.
Please help.Where am i wrong..
You are not assigning the value to 'qty_available' field correctly
Remove result['qty_available'] = wg_qty_avail
return {'value': {'qty_available':wg_qty_avail}}
Hope this helps...