Account Google Developer Console deleted - Lost my project - google-cloud-messaging

I have a huge issue...
I had a project defined on a Google Developer Console account in order to use GCM.
Unfortunately, the administrator of my company google apps account deleted this account so I lost access to the console to manager the project!
I cannot modify my app which used GCM because it is signed by Samsung so I cannot just create a new project and change SENDER_ID on the app...
Is there any solution ? for example to migrate the project to another account !
Thanks in advance !


I find no way to set the visibility of the GSuite Marketplace API to PUBLIC

When I try to publish my app on the Gsuite Marketplace via GCP, I find no way to change the setting 'Visibility'. Event if the app has never been published.
Between the two options (My Domain - Public), My domain is selected and can't be switched to Public, so nobody has access to my app.
Any help?
I've tried to contact the support and find help on forums but no answer at all.
First step, I'd recommend reviewing Choosing where to publish to ensure that you've published to the correct location. As noted under Publish your app (before you publish), your app is reviewed to determine if it meets the requirements for the relevant store. Additionally, your application may also have to undergo OAuth verification (I think this could be the problem) , and security assessment if it accesses user data, such as Gmail, Drive, Contacts, or Calendar
If your app is exempt from verification or if you've already undergone assessment and been approved, and your issue persists, I'd recommend contacting Marketplace Developer Support, via the below steps, who can assist you with your publishing issue.
Navigate to the new Developer Dashboard.
Click Contact Us.
The Developer Support contact us form is displayed.
I've tried to contact the support and find help on forums but no answer at all.
How did you contact Google Support? They have many teams and sometimes agents are not aware of the scope of support. Personally I would contact GCP Support first to verify your App in GCP, once they confirm everything is working from their end they need to route the case to GSuite with an Admin Console specialist to debug the problem

Cannot add users to Google Console Project

I am attempting to add a project owner within Google Developer Console under Permissions. The original project was created with a domain user (Google Apps for Work) and I can add other domain users but cannot add external users (other gmail or different Google Apps domain user).
I receive a 504 error in the Console logs and a message saying "The server has timed out while trying to process your request."
Has anyone seen or resolved this issue? Or perhaps know of a way to contact Google support regarding this?
I realized that the this happens for two of our projects and both projects have a prefix on the project ID:
I am not sure if this is linked but is the primary domain for our Google Apps account.

GCM Config file and account required to create it

Have a question regaring GCM and the google-services.json file creation. When you go to the website trying to create this file, you need to crete or specify a project. I can't find anywhere if this project must be created from the Google account used to publish the application in Google Play or any Google account would do.
Any ideas?
All accounts used are developer accounts. Just want to understand if it is a requirement to use the same Google account for the app in Google Play.
If you have already added the project to your google publication list then it should be in the pull down list. if not then you need to create it from the dash board here
you will need to have a paid developer account to do this. Which ever account you are logged in as needs to have the project in the dash board otherwise you wont get access to it

How to publish google apps script to cloud for public?

I have a apps script that uses bigquery service to fetch data from my bigquery account and builds visualizations/tables etc. I publish the app with following options
Execute App as: User accessing web app
Who has access to this app: Anyone
When I open the link (one ending in exec not dev) in chrome incognito, I expect it to show the web app but it asks for google credentials.
When I entering credentials of my other (different from the one hosting the project) account, I get a permissions error.
I added this other account from my primary one under permissions option of google console - even that wasn't enough.
I had to create a dummy project as this other user to accept the invitation from my primary account. After that the app showed up on this other account.
My question is, how do I publish my app for the consumers (even public) of this info without them having to create dummy project/accept my invite etc?
You have two errors:
1) Publish to run as you not the user, and2) make it anonymous access. *
People might consume your daily/per second quotas thou.
(*) anonymous access option might not be present if the google apps administrator disabled anonymous sharing in the console.

Can I submit an application to iTunes Connect that is signed by another Apple Developer account?

I have a question regarding app submission.
Situation: We have an iPhone Developer account and our customer has an iTunes Connect account. Is it possible that we hand them the signed, zipped application (that is signed with a provisioning profile from OUR account) and they upload it on their account?
Or is it REQUIRED that they give us acces with the "technician" role?
From my first impression, i think it should be possible that both accounts are not in any way connected, but i am not sure.
Any help is appreciated. If it is possible, please post references, Thanks =)
I think the short answer to the question in the title is "No".
See the iTunesConnect > FAQs > Manage your applications
I sold my app to another developer and
can no longer distribute on the App
Store. Can I transfer the app to the
new developer's iTunes Connect
account? At this time, applications
cannot be transferred to another
developer account. If you would like
the application to be sold through
another developer account, you will
need to remove the app from sale in
the current iTunes Connect account and
upload the app under the new iTunes
Connect account.
Not exactly your question, but sounds similar enough.
We had a need to resign a 3rd party developer supplied app with our signing keys - which sounds similar to what you want to do:
1) Use Xcode's Build > Build and Archive feature to create the version of the app to had off to your customer.
2) Select that build in the Archived Applications source in the Organizer
3) Choose Reveal Archived Application in Finder from the contextual menu
4) Select and compress the enclosing folder
5) Send that zip archive to your customer.
Your customer would then unzip and expand that archive in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Archived Applications. That will make it available in the Xcode Organizer. Your customer can then use the Share Application… and/or Submit to iTunes Connect… buttons to re-sign and distribute the app using your customer's distribution provisioning profile.
EDIT: A follow up that may not be clear from the info above.
To be able to do this, the 3rd party developer needs to build the app with your development profile; e.g. they need to be a "Team Member" of your account. They can do nothing more than build the app and sign it with development keys. Then they can deliver a build that has been compiled with your development keys at which point you can re-sign this with your distribution keys and submit.
If you need to, you can remove them and revoke their information from the iOS Provisioning Portal after successful app deployment.
EDIT2: With the Xcode 4 .xarchive bundles, you can just copy the .xarchive bundle into ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/[date]/ folder. Then it will show up in the Organizer under the Archives section - validate, share and submit from there.