How to get Column Data types of particular table in SSAS using MDX - sql

I have a query where I'm getting all tables and column names, but how to get Data Types and length values of columns of particular table?
FROM $system.MDSchema_levels
WHERE CUBE_NAME ='Adventure Works'
AND level_origin=2

The query would probably be somewhat like :
where [Dimension_Unique_Name] = '[Accident Cause]'
and [Property_Name] = 'MEMBER_VALUE'
and [CUBE_NAME] = 'Adventure Works'
To understand what the values in column DATA_TYPE mean, refer this msdn link.


Spatial Query Postgis

I have a polygon city and polygon data that I import into PostgreSQL, PostGIS. These intersect with cities. The first thing I need to do is to print the id from the city table to the other table, but while doing this, it needs to get the id of the city where the polygon is located. I tried a few functions to do this but got an error. Can you help me design the SQL command line?
update maden_polygon set objectid = maden_polygon.ilce_id
from (SELECT maden_polygon.ilce_id as id ,ankara_ilce.objectid as ilce_id
FROM maden_polygon , ankara_ilce
WHERE st_intersects(maden_polygon.geom, ankara_ilce.geom)) as maden_polygon
where maden_polygon.ilce_id = anakara_ilce.object_id
(ERROR: table name "maden_polygon" specified more than once )
What I want to do is to print the objectid column in the ankara_ilce table to the mine_polygon ilce_id table.
While doing this,
Write the object_id of which mine is within the boundaries of which county.
maden_polygon.ilce_id as id ,
ankara_ilce.objectid as ad ,
ankara_ilce.adi as adi
from maden_polygon , ankara_ilce
where St_intersects(ankara_ilce.geom , maden_polygon.geom ) as sorgu
where = ;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "as"
LINE 6: ...ntersects(ankara_ilce.geom , maden_polygon.geom ) as sorgu
I think the query is a simple as this:
UPDATE maden_polygon set objectid = ilce_id
FROM ankara_ilce
WHERE st_intersects(maden_polygon.geom, ankara_ilce.geom)
BUT - note that the st_intersects can return multiple records per maden_polygon if your polygons overlap, and that might give you inconsistent results. You could try using st_contains instead (being aware that some records might not update that way). OR, you could match on the centroid of the one polygon e.g.
UPDATE maden_polygon set objectid = ilce_id
FROM ankara_ilce
WHERE st_within(st_centroid(maden_polygon.geom), ankara_ilce.geom)
Good luck!

How can I count all NULL values, without column names, using SQL?

I'm reading and executing sql queries from file and I need to inspect the result sets to count all the null values across all columns. Because the SQL is read from file, I don't know the column names and thus can't call the columns by name when trying to find the null values.
I think using CTE is the best way to do this, but how can I call the columns when I don't know what the column names are?
WITH query_results AS
select count_if(<column_name> is not null) FROM query_results
If you are using Python to read the file of SQL statements, you can do something like this which uses pglast to parse the SQL query to get the columns for you:
import pglast
sql_read_from_file_here = "SELECT 1 foo, 1 bar"
ast = pglast.parse_sql(sql_read_from_file_here)
cols = ast[0]['RawStmt']['stmt']['SelectStmt']['targetList']
sum_stmt = "sum(iff({col} is null,1,0))"
sums = [sum_sql.format(col = col['ResTarget']['name']) for col in cols]
print(f"select {' + '.join(sums)} total_null_count from query_results")
# outputs: select sum(iff(foo is null,1,0)) + sum(iff(bar is null,1,0)) total_null_count from query_results

How to extract a substring as a new column using Impala SQL

I want to extract names from two columns in one table and join it with another table. If the name in the 'name' column is 'NOT FOUND', I would like to extract it from the 'Description' column.
The 'Description' column will follow 3 patterns:
Name was not found. Name :ab33c and client
So in this case I want to extract ab33c out.
Name j2fc_being was not found:j2fc_being_decom_2017
I want to extract j2fc out.
Name w3fkk was not found:Summary:
I want to extract w3fkk out.
Below are the codes I write:
SELECT, inc.Description, inc.new_name, srv.dv_category, srv.virtual,
SELECT, inc.Description,
WHEN inc.Description LIKE '%Name :%' THEN REGEXP_REPLACE(inc.Description, '.*Name :(.+)(\s).*','\1')
WHEN inc.Description LIKE 'Name%being%' THEN REGEXP_REPLACE(inc.Description, '.*(\s)(.+)_.+','\1')
WHEN inc.Description LIKE 'Name%was%' THEN REGEXP_REPLACE(inc.Description, '.*(\s)(.+)(\s).+','\1')
END as new_name
FROM incident inc
) inc
LEFT JOIN server srv
ON inc.new_name = srv.dv_name
The context will be Impala SQL.
Could I get some help on how to extract? Thank you very much.

multiplying modified colums to form new column

I want a query like:
select tp.package_rate, sum(sell) as sold_quantity , select(tp.package_rate * sold_quantity ) as sell_amount from tbl_ticket_package tp where tp.event_id=1001
here the system firing error while doing the multiplication as
sold_quantity is invalid column
another problem is that in multiplication I want to use package_rate which got by select query from tp.package_rate but it multiplying with all package_rate of the table but I want only specific package_rate which was output of select query
What would you suggest? I want to bind this query in gridview . is there any way to do it using gridview?
Your problem is that you are referring to sold_quantity here :
select(tp.package_rate * sold_quantity )
The alias is not recognized at this point.You will have to replace it with sum(sales). You will also have to group by tp.package_rate.
Your query should ideally be like :
select tp.package_rate, sum(sell) as sold_quantity ,
(tp.package_rate * sum(sell) ) as sell_amount from tbl_ticket_package tp
where tp.event_id=1001 group by tp.package_rate;
I am guessing that tp.package_rate is unique for a given event_id, from latter part of your question. If that's not the case, the sql you have written makes no sense.

SQL Server 2005 Issue Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition

I wish to DELETE the data from a table before performing an INSERT INTO, however I keep recieving an error stating:
Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
I've also tried defining the columns the data should be entered into as part of the INSERT INTO statement, but then get issues with column names, even though they are correct. I have a feeling the issues relates to me selecting 2 PostCode entries and converting them into 1, but if someone could shed light on this it would be a big help.
My code can be found below, if you want me to add the code where I was sepcifing column names let me know. So you know the fields selected are all the fields in the Course table other than AutoNum which is a auto number primary key and SSMA_TimeStamp, which is a TimeStamp.
DELETE dbo.Course
INSERT INTO dbo.Course
RTRIM( CAST (sd.[RefNo] AS nvarchar(50))) AS 'Student Ref No',
sd.[FirstForeName] AS Forename,
sd.[DateOfBirth] AS DOB,
sd.[PostCodeOut] + ' ' + sd.[PostCodeIn] AS 'Post Code',
o.[Name] AS 'Course Name',
o.[Code] As 'Course Code',
e.[StartDate] AS 'Start Date',
e.[ExpectedGLH] AS 'Exp GLH',
e.[ExpectedEndDate] AS 'Expected End Date',
e.[ActualEndDate] AS 'Actual End Date',
e.[Grade] AS 'Grade',
ou.[Description] AS Outcome,
cs.[Description] AS 'Completion Status',
sd.[Tel1] AS 'Tel 1'
FROM [xxxxxxx].[xxxxxx].[dbo].[StudentDetail] sd
INNER JOIN [xxxxxxx].[xxxxxx].[dbo].[Enrolment] e
ON sd.[StudentDetailID] = e.[StudentDetailID]
Inner JOIN [xxxxxxx].[xxxxxx].[dbo].[Offering] o
ON o.[OfferingID] = e.[OfferingID]
INNER JOIN [xxxxxxx].[xxxxxx].[dbo].[CompletionStatus] cs
ON cs.[CompletionStatusID] = e.[CompletionStatusID]
INNER JOIN [xxxxxxx].[xxxxxx].[dbo].[Outcome] ou
ON ou.[OutcomeID] = e.[OutcomeID]
WHERE sd.[AcademicYearID] = '09/10'
o.[Code] LIKE '%-ee%'
o.[Name] LIKE '%-%dl%'
It sounds like your 'Course' table does not match your insert statement, either in the number or names of the columns specified (as per the error message).
Could you add the create table code for the 'Course' table as that will show where the discrepancy lies.
I would explicitly list the columns in the course table that you are inserting into - this may solve your problem/help find your issue, but also reduce maintenance problems in the future.
To fix this issue you need explicitly specify list of the table's columns in the INSERT INTO statement.
you should add a list of columns to the INSERT statement, see below, where you explicitly list each column from dbo.Course that you intend to populate in your INSERT:
INSERT INTO dbo.Course
(col1, col2, col3, col4, clo5....) ---<<<<<Add this here
RTRIM( CAST (sd.[RefNo] AS nvarchar(50))) AS 'Student Ref No',
sd.[FirstForeName] AS Forename,
sd.[DateOfBirth] AS DOB,
sd.[PostCodeOut] + ' ' + sd.[PostCodeIn] AS 'Post Code',
o.[Name] AS 'Course Name',
o.[Code] As 'Course Code',
e.[StartDate] AS 'Start Date',
e.[ExpectedGLH] AS 'Exp GLH',
e.[ExpectedEndDate] AS 'Expected End Date',
e.[ActualEndDate] AS 'Actual End Date',
e.[Grade] AS 'Grade',
ou.[Description] AS Outcome,
cs.[Description] AS 'Completion Status',
sd.[Tel1] AS 'Tel 1'
FROM ....
then make sure that each column in the SELECT list matches each of these columns and in order. From your error, it sounds like you have too many any or too few returned columns in the SELECT.