Awk editing with field delimiter - awk

Imagine if you have a string like this Inc.:181,37:184,22
and you do awk -F':' '{print $1 ":" $2 ":" $3}' then it will output the same thing.
But can you declare $2 in this example so it only outputs 181 and not ,37?
Thanks in advance!

You can change the field separator so that it contains either : or ,, using a bracket expression:
awk -F'[:,]' '{ print $2 }' file
If you are worried that , may appear in the first field (which will break this approach), you could use split:
awk -F: '{ split($2, a, /,/); print a[1] }' file
This splits the second field on the comma and then prints the first part. Any other fields containing a comma are unaffected.


Sed/awk for String to integer conversion of a csv column in shell

I need 7th column of a csv file to be converted from float to decimal. It's a huge file and I don't want to use while read for conversion. Any shortcuts with awk?
"xx","x","xxxxxx","xxx","xx","xx"," 00000001.0000"
"xx","x","xxxxxx","xxx","xx","xx"," 00000002.0000"
"xx","x","xxxxxx","xxx","xx","xx"," 00000005.0000"
"xx","x","xxxxxx","xxx","xx","xx"," 00000011.0000"
Tried these, worked. But anything simpler ?
awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS="\",\""} {$7 = sprintf("%.0f", $7)} 1' $test > $test1
awk '{printf("%s\"\n", $0)}' $test1
With your shown samples, please try following awk program.
awk -v s1="\"" -v OFS="," '{$NF = s1 ($NF + 0) s1} 1' Input_file
Explanation: Simple explanation would be, setting OFS as , then in main program; in each line's last field keeping only digits and covering last field with ", re-shuffle the fields and printing edited/non-edited all lines.
Another simple awk solution:
awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS="\",\""} {$NF = $NF+0 "\""} 1' file
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {gsub(/"/, "", $7); $7="\"" $7+0 "\""; print}' file
gsub(/"/, "", $7): removes all " from $7
$7+0: Reduces the number in $7 to minimal representation

awk returning whitespace matches when comparing columns in csv

I am trying to do a file comparison in awk but it seems to be returning all the lines instead of just the lines that match due to whitespace matching
awk -F "," 'NR==FNR{a[$2];next}$6 in a{print $6}' file1.csv fil2.csv
How do I instruct awk not to match the whitespaces?
I get something like the following:
this should do
$ awk -F, 'NR==FNR && $2 {a[$2]; next}
$6 in a {print $6}' file1 file2
if you data file includes spaces and numerical fields, as commented below better to change the check from $2 to $2!="" && $2!~/[[:space:]]+/
Consider cases like $2=<space>foo<space><space>bar in file1 vs $6=foo<space>bar<space> in file2.
Here's how to robustly compare $6 in file2 against $2 of file1 ignoring whitespace differences, and only printing lines that do not have empty or all-whitespace key fields:
awk -F, '
key = (NR==FNR ? $2 : $6)
gsub(/[[:space:]]+/," ",key)
gsub(/^ | $/,"",key)
key=="" { next }
NR==FNR { file1[key]; next }
key in file1
' file1 file2
If you want to make the comparison case-insensitive then add key=tolower(key) before the first gsub(). If you want to make it independent of punctuation add gsub(/[[:punct:]]/,"",key) before the first gsub(). And so on...
The above is untested of course since no testable sample input/output was provided.

awk ternay operator, count fs with ,

How to make this command line:
awk -F "," '{NF>0?$NF:$0}'
to print the last field of a line if NF>0, otherwise print the whole line?
Working data
dept math, bogota
awk -F, '{ print ( NF ? $NF : $0 ) }' file
Actually, you don't need ternary operator for this, but use :
awk -F, '{print $NF}' file
This will print the last field, i.e, if there are more than 1 field, it will print the last field, if line has only one field, it will print the same.

How to remove field separators in awk when printing $0?

eg, each row of the file is like :
1, 2, 3, 4,..., 1000
How can print out
1 2 3 4 ... 1000
If you just want to delete the commas, you can use tr:
$ tr -d ',' <file
1 2 3 4 1000
If it is something more general, you can set FS and OFS (read about FS and OFS) in your begin block:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=","; OFS=""} ...' file
You need to set OFS (the output field separator). Unfortunately, this has no effect unless you also modify the string, leading the rather cryptic:
awk '{$1=$1}1' FS=, OFS=
Although, if you are happy with some additional space being added, you can leave OFS at its default value (a single space), and do:
awk -F, '{$1=$1}1'
and if you don't mind omitting blank lines in the output, you can simplify further to:
awk -F, '$1=$1'
You could also remove the field separators:
awk -F, '{gsub(FS,"")} 1'
Set FS to the input field separators. Assigning to $1 will then reformat the field using the output field separator, which defaults to space:
awk -F',\s*' '{$1 = $1; print}'
See the GNU Awk Manual for an explanation of $1 = $1

Adding columns with awk. What is wrong with this awk command?

I want to add two columns to a file with ~10,000 columns. I want to insert as the first column the nr 22 on each row. Then I want the original first column as the second column, then as the third column I want to insert the line nr (NR), and after that I want the rest of the original columns to be printed. I thought I could do that with the following awk line:
awk '{print 22, $1, NR; for(i=2;i<=NF;++i) print $i}' file
It prints the first three columns (22, $1, NR) well, but after that, there is a new line started for each value, so the file is printed like this:
22 $1 NR
instead of:
22 $1 NR $2 $3 $4 etc...
What did I do wrong?
How about using printf instead since print adds a newline.
awk '{printf("%d, %d, %d, ", 22, $1, NR); for(i=2;i<=NF;++i) printf("%d, ", i)}' file
Or you can play with the ORS and OFS, the Output Record Separator and the Output Field Separator. Normally you add those in a BEGIN statement like this:
awk 'BEGIN { ORS = " " } {print 22, $1, NR; for(i=2;i<=NF;++i) print $i}{print "\n"}' file
Note that an extra printf "\n" is needed, else everything ends up on one line...
Read more in gawk manual output separators
For more precise control over the output format than what is provided by print(which print a newline by default), use printf.