Access crash dumps (Error Reporting) on Windows Phone 10 device - windows-phone

Bing and Google came up with nothing.
I've activated the developer tools on the device (Lumia 950) and are saving as many crash dumps as possible.
When checking the file system on the device there is literally no logs there.
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

Found it, according to this article Enable your device for development
You can find the dumps in your phone's storage in the Documents\Debug
However, dumps are collected for developer-signed apps only


Debugdiag not working with Windows store apps

Trying "monitor for leaks" with any windows store app (including the built-in apps) using debugdiag2 update 2 fails.
I get a "Failed to monitor for leaks in .... Please make sure that everyone has read and execute permissions for ...leaktest.dll" message.
I've changed the permissions as indicated and followed the suggestion at:
Troubleshooting native memory leaks in Windows Store applications using DebugDiag and LeakTrack
But no luck.
Works fine for non store apps.
Anyone have this working?

Accessing application's documents from device through USB?

I'm working with a Windows Phone 8 application that writes logs to a file on the device. Is there a way to get access to that file? If not, what are my alternatives to seeing log information outside of using Visual Studio?
Yes you can read the file from isolated storage as long as it's a developer app installed on a developer unlocked phone. I use the Windows Phone Power Tools to do this, and there is a command line tool that comes with the SDK itself as well called IseTool.exe.
For your own access you can just use the advice in Paul's answer. If you want to get the files from other users you can use the Email Task and attach the log file to the email and have it sent to you or use some form of server logging.

Win8 Metro: Collect debug and diagnostics information

We are planning to develop a metro app and wanted to find out what kind of support/programming model is available in Windows8 RT to collect debug/diagnostic log data. This should quickly help/diagnose app errors in the field.
Can we log debug data as we do traditionally in Windows apps and ask user to send the log file when encountering an error ?
For Ex. If the app misbehaves when loaded on the QA/end user machines, we can request QA/end user to attach the log files with the issue.
You don't have to collect any data, windows store is doing that for you. In windows store app Dashboard, under quality you have reports about chrashes and app unresponsive states, these are *.cab files with debug informations.
You can open this file (*.dmp) with Visual Studio, here are the details :
Have you checked this MSDN sample : Logging Sample for Windows Store Apps (ETW Logging in WinRT) ?

Mac app sandboxing and forkpty()

I'm looking to sandbox an app to comply with the March 1st sandboxing requirement of the Mac App Store. My app includes a built-in terminal emulator which utilizes a forkpty() call to launch processes in a pseudo-tty environment. Unfortunately, this call fails under the sandbox with the error "Operation not permitted", although the fork() call works just fine. Presumably the forkpty() call requires read/write access to the /dev/ directory to create a pseudo-tty (according to the man page). I've tried adding a temporary sandboxing entitlement ( with read/write access to /, and I now can indeed read and write files anywhere on the file system, but the forkpty() call still fails with the same error. Does anyone know how I might get forkpty() to work under the sandbox?
My app is a programming text editor with a built-in terminal emulator and file browser, so it essentially needs to have access to the entire file system. Apart from the forkpty() problem, this temporary entitlement seems to do what I need. But will Apple accept an app with such a loosely defined temporary exception entitlement?
Thanks in advance guys. I really hope I can get this sandboxing up and running so I continue to distribute my app through the App Store.
It is impossible to implement a useful terminal emulator in a sandboxed application -- even after you add entitlements for the PTY devices, the shell ends up in the same sandbox as the app, preventing it from doing very much.

iPad Camera Connection kit?

Does anyone know if it is possible to access the iPad's camera connection kit? I would like to read the files off the connected mass storage device. Would this be possible or is this something that only Apple can do in their apps.
I know this is an old question, but google brought me here so I thought I'd add this link for the next person to come along.
The good news is this. USB drives do mount properly and show up in the system as /dev/disk2s1. Yay. You can even add more drives via a hub. The iPad supports both FAT and HFS+ drives.
The bad news is this. As iPhone developer Dustin Howett discovered,
that mount point is sandboxed away from normal developer use. You
cannot read from or write to that disk using standard iPhone SDK