Manually changing Google Custom Search's search box and button - google-custom-search

I want to make my own custom search box and button for GCSv2.
Here is my code:
(pastebin because I am too lazy to make my code look right)
And the code I want the search box and button to be linked too,

i was trying to find a way to do it as well but i couldn't
on google webpage there isn't enough information about modifying the GCSE
i would like if someone already customize it to share it with us


How to delete a form from a cell in a Google Colab notebook?

I might be going crazy, but I believe I read all the existing documentation on Google Colab and I couldn't figure this one out. Maybe it's not possible, but I find this to be very weird.
I am aware that the form can be hidden, and that I can simply copy paste the contents of the cell and just paste it in a new cell that doesn't have a form, but these are hacks and not how a regular user would try to do it.
I am wondering if I'm going crazy and I just can't see the delete form button, or did someone at google colab UX simply forgot about the delete form menu? (or maybe they chose to not add it for a reason I can't understand)
You specify the form with ##param. Forms are simply interpretable Python comments.
For example
i = 0 ##param {type:'slider', max: 10}
To remove the form, just remove all ##param, including the initial ##title
i = 0
The "Add a form" menu simply inserts the ##title parameter. There is no menu to remove this line.

OneNote 2016: How to: selected text in a page & subscribe to the onClick event

I want to implement a COM OneNote Add-In (for OneNote Desktop) with the following functionality:
User selects some text and then clicks the FORMAT button exposed by the add-in: the add-in will format the selected text in some specific way (e.g. surround the text with "<<>>" and change its background and foreground color.
Later on when the user clicks on a text that was formatted as described above the add-in kicks in and copies the text in clipboard
I am new to COM add-ins, and I wasn't able to find a good API documentation. I've started with VanillaAddIn ( and now I need to add my functionality. I would really appreciate any help with the following:
How to get the selected text from a page?
How to subscribe to the OnClick event?
Is there a good/decent OneNote API documentation? I found some links but I still hope there is a better one that I missed so far.
To get selected text from a page, look at the GetPageContent API. You can see it used here:
From the page content xml, you can find some elements that are "selected".
OnClick event: There's no way to know when someone clicks on some text on the page, unfortunately.
One site that can help with parsing the page content is the OneNote XSD. Here:

PassBook + ios 6

In Pass.Json file, how to write a code for adding button and how to add hyperlink text, which dynamically update the link, after user click the hyperlink text?
Please let me know if someone come across with same requirement.
You cannot add a button or hyperlink to a pass.
There is a fairly clumsy workaround to update a pass based off a user action that takes advantage of the fact the URLs, phone numbers, dates and addresses that appear on the back of the pass are automatically made clickable.
So while you cannot add a button or hyperlink text per-se, you could add a link to a script that when clicked on, triggers a push update that updates the pass with your new content. This pass contains a good example, and the source code is available here.

Change text in masterpage based on the language selected

In my master page along with the search box I have label "Search". Now it is hard coded and
is working fine. But when I change language the text should change to "Rechercher". This should happen in master-page, how can I achieve this. There few mote other texts which also needs to be changed based on the language change.
Thanks in advance for the help
I would recommend using an EncodedLiteral control with an out of the box Resource string. If your master page was based on an out of the box master page like v4.master, you should be able to see many examples of this control in use.
To include a language aware label for search, I might use the following:
<SharePoint:EncodedLiteral runat="server"

Using VSTO to perform an action via selected e-mail text in Outlook

This should be pretty a pretty common scenario, but I have not found a solution yet.
I would like to highlight some text within the body of an e-mail and then click on something (context menu, toolbar button, etc) to perform a URL navigation using the selected text. For example, highlight the Fex Ex tracking number and then navigate to their web site using it as a query parameter (like "").
How can you capture the selected text within an e-mail and then perform an action? I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or examples.
Thank you!
For Outlook 2007-2010 (or previous versions using WordMail), you can retrieve a Word object from the Inspector.WordEditor property. Then you can work with Word.Selection to access the selected text.
However, for Plain Text or Rich Text scenarios with Outlook 2000-2003, you have to use the SafeInspector object with Redemption ( to access the selected text. I can't remember, but for HTML format messages with Outlook 2003-2003 you may be able to access the selected text with the IHTMLDocument object retrieved from SafeInspector.
I appreciate it's 588 days since you asked your question Loki70, but if somebody else Googles up this page (like I did, looking for how to create a selected text right-click context menu entry) then this may be an answer for you.
I have been using AutoHotKey, which works not just in Outlook, but everywhere in Windows, and have been writing utilities to Google the selected text, open an SSH session in PuTTY to the selected hostname, and similar.
If you don't mind running an extra application on your PC to capture the hotkey combination that you send, then this would do exactly what you're asking.
Here is my post on the AutoHotKey forum with a link to my code:
It would be trivial to adapt this to do the FedEx query you've mentioned.
I hope this helps.