Select Where Like regular expression - sql

I need to create a SQL Query.
This query need to select from a table where a column contains regular expression.
For example, I have those values:
TABLE test (name)
I want to select all the data who have "HRT" after 1 char (value 1, 2 and 3 - Values who looks like "-HRT---") but not those who might have "HRT" after 1 char (value 5).
So I'm not sure how to do it because a simple
FROM test
will return value 1, 2, 3 and 5.
Sorry if I'm not really clear with what I want/need.

You can also change the pattern. Instead of using % which means zero-or-more anything, you can use _ which means exactly one.
SELECT * FROM test WHERE name like '_HRT%';

You can use substring.
SELECT * FROM test WHERE substring(name from 2 for 3) = 'HRT'

Are the names always 7 letters? Do:
SELECT substring (2, 4, field) from sometable
That will just select the 2-4th characters and then you can use like "%HRT"


How to replace characters at specific position in several words using REGEX_REPLACE

I have a query similar to this:
and it returns several records: typically 1 but sometimes 2 or 3. The returned records look like this: 2018FOO, 2019BAR
I need to get the matching previous year of the returned codes. For instance:
2018FOO becomes 2017FOO
2019BAR becomes 2018BAR
Looking for something similar to:
REGEX_REPLACE(SELECT YEAR_CODE FROM YEAR_CODES, 4th character, 4th character minus 1)
You don't need regexp_replace(), using substr() string operator with concat() function (or concatenation operators ||) is enough :
with year_codes(year_code) as
select '2018FOO' from dual union all
select '2019BAR' from dual
select concat(substr(year_code,1,4) - 1,substr(year_code,-3)) as year_code
from year_codes;
to_number() conversion is redundant, since Oracle implicitly considers a string as a number which is completely composed of digits for an arithmetic operation.
You can do use string operations:
with c as (
<your query here>
from year_code yc
where to_number(substr(yc.code, 1, 4)) = to_number(substr(c.code)) - 1 and
substr(yc.code, 5) = substr(c.code, 5)

Where x character equal value

How can I select records where in the column Value the 5th character is letter A?
For example the following records:
ID Value
1 1234A5636A6363
2 1234A4343B6363
3 1234B5353A6363
if I run
select * from table
where Value like '%A%'
this will return all records
but all I want is the first 2 where the 5th character is A, regardless if there are more A characters in the text or not
select *
from your_table
where substring(Value, 5, 1) = 'A'
The LIKE operator, in addition to %, which matches any number of any character, can use _, which matches any one single character. You may try:
FROM yourTable
WHERE Value LIKE '____A%'; -- 4 underscores here
use like below by using _(underscore)
LIKE '____A%'
SQL Server
select *
from YourTableName
where CHARINDEX('A', ColumnName) = 5
Note:- This finds where string 'A' starts at position 5
AND specify Your ColumnName

get last _ position values in sql server

Hi I have one doubt in sql server .
how to get first position to right side specific character position.
table : empfiles
I want output like below:
I tried like below :
select SUBSTRING(filename,1,CHARINDEX('2',filename) - 1) as filename from empfiles
above query is not given expected result please tell me how to write query to achive this task in sql server .
If last position has always numeric values then you can use patindex():
select *, substring(filename, 1, patindex('%[0-9]%', filename)-2) as NewFile
from empfiles e;
If you want to get characters after than _ to right sight of string then you can use combo to reverse() and substring()
select *,
reverse(substring(reverse(filename),charindex('_', reverse(filename))+1, len(filename)))
from empfiles e;
Another way is to use reverse in combination with STUFF.
create table f(filename nvarchar(100));
insert into f values
from f
Try This
SELECT [filename],
SUBSTRING([filename],0,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',[filename])-1) AS ExpectedResult
FROM #Data
filename ExpectedResult
ab_re_uk_u_20101001 ab_re_uk_u
ax_by_us_19991001 ax_by_us
abc_20181002 abc
Well, obviously the last position value is a date, and the format is YYYYMMDD so its 8 characters, plus, added by underscore character, so that makes its 9 character.
Assumed by the above statement applied, the following logic of the query should work
SELECT SUBSTRING(ColumnText, 1, LEN(ColumnText) - 9)
Which means, only display characters from character position 1, to character position LEN - 9, which LEN is the length of characters, and 9 is the last 9 digit of number to be removed
Try with this ..
select [filename],SUBSTRING([filename],1,PATINDEX('%_[0-9]%',[filename])-1) from empfiles
Individual Select records
SELECT SUBSTRING('ab_re_uk_u_20101001',1,PATINDEX('%_[0-9]%','ab_re_uk_u_20101001')-1)
SELECT SUBSTRING('ax_by_us_19991001',1,PATINDEX('%_[0-9]%','ax_by_us_19991001')-1)
SELECT SUBSTRING('abc_20181002',1,PATINDEX('%_[0-9]%','abc_20181002')-1)

sql, strategies to find out string contains certain texts

I want to select any data that contains 800, 805, 888... (there are 8 pattern texts) in the column.
Do I have to use like statement 8 times for each one or is there a faster way?
SELECT * FROM caller,
WHERE id LIKE '%805%' OR id LIKE'%800' OR ... ;
(PS. I am not allowed to create another table, just using sql queries.)
LIKE is for strings, not for numbers. Assuming id is actually a number, you first need to cast it to a string in order to be able to apply a LIKE condition on it.
But once you do that, you can use an array for that:
FROM caller
WHERE id::text LIKE ANY (array['%805%', '%800', '81%']);
Use any() with an array of searched items:
with test(id, col) as (
(1, 'x800'),
(2, 'x855'),
(3, 'x900'),
(4, 'x920')
select *
from test
where col like any(array['%800', '%855'])
id | col
1 | x800
2 | x855
(2 rows)
This is shorter to write but not faster to execute I think.

Searching Technique in SQL (Like,Contain)

I want to compare and select a field from DB using Like keyword or any other technique.
My query is the following:
SELECT * FROM Test WHERE name LIKE '%xxxxxx_Ramakrishnan_zzzzz%';
but my fields only contain 'Ramakrishnan'
My Input string contain some extra character xxxxxx_Ramakrishnan_zzzzz
I want the SQL query for this. Can any one please help me?
You mean you want it the other way round? Like this?
Select * from Test where 'xxxxxx_Ramakrishnan_zzzzz' LIKE '%' + name + '%';
You can use the MySQL functions, LOCATE() precisely like,
SELECT * FROM WHERE LOCATE("Ramakrishnan",input) > 0
Are the xxxxxx and zzzzz bits always 6 and 5 characters? If so, then this is doable with a bit of string cutting.
with Test (id,name) as (
select 1, 'Ramakrishnan'
select 2, 'Coxy'
select 3, 'xxxxxx_Ramakrishnan_zzzzz'
Select * from Test where name like '%'+SUBSTRING('xxxxxx_Ramakrishnan_zzzzz', 8, CHARINDEX('_',SUBSTRING('xxxxxx_Ramakrishnan_zzzzz',8,100))-1)+'%'
Results in:
id name
1 Ramakrishnan
3 xxxxxx_Ramakrishnan_zzzzz
If they are variable lengths, then it will be a horrible construction of SUBSTRING,CHARINDEX, REVERSE and LEN functions.