Sharing information between Polymer 1.0 modules - module

I have two components inside a parent, one component shows me a list, and I want the other component to show me the details of an item of the list. I'm using the List of this demo
since I have these two components
<list-view data="[[fileData]]" on-item-click="_onItemClick"></list-view>
<full-view on-close="_onClose"></full-view>
I would like to pass the Id of an item clicked on list-view to the full-view. So what would be the best way to execute an event on "full-view" when an item of "list-view" is clicked? I need to pass information from list-view to full-view.
Thank you.

What about of databinding? #SG_ answer is ok, but it can does using simple databinding, as follows:
<list-view data="[[fileData]]" on-item-click="_onItemClick" selected-id="{{idSelected}}"></list-view>
<full-view on-close="_onClose" selected-id="{{idSelected}}"></full-view>
Each element models should have a property "Selected ID", to make it possible to perform databinding. In <full-view> you must need to add a property as follows:
selectedId:{type:String, observer:"selectedIdChanged"}
So, when selectedId changes in <list-view> will also change in <full-view>
Now, you only need to add a new function in <full-view> to do something with this changed selectedId
selectedIdChanged: function(newValue, oldValue){
if(newValue!= undefined && newValue!=null){
//do something with selected Id

You could give an id for both list-view and full-view, then define & set data attribute/property for <full-view> from the _onItemClick.
<list-view id='l_view' data="[[fileData]]" on-item-click="_onItemClick"></list-view>
<full-view id="f_view" data="{}" on-close="_onClose"></full-view>
And in the script of parent.
_onItemClick: function() {
this.$ = this.$.l_view.selected;//or any attribute of the selected item
this.$.pages.selected = 1;


<b-form-select-> v-model change isn't reflected in the selected value

So i have a b-form-select with a v-model i need to change dynamically my issue is when i change the v-model to another element of the list the :options are taken from the selected value doesn't change
Code example :
<b-form-select :options="ListA" v-model="Depart" value-field="Livreur" text-field="Livreur"></b-form-select>
my method is simply :
this.Depart = this.ListA[0]
the list is structured as such :
as far as i know it should change the selected value of the b-form-select but instead nothing at all happens , any ideas ? thank you in advance
Your value-field should probably be id not Livreur, except if Livreur is a unique identifier as well.
Relevant part in the documentation:
this.Depart should also not be an object, but the value of the identifier you chose in the value-field property. In your case it should be:
if value-field is id:
this.Depart = this.ListA[0].id
if value-field is Livreur:
this.Depart = this.ListA[0].Livreur

bind dynamically to this vuejs

Hey guys I have the following function its working ok but I think it could be better.
methods: {
onFileChange(e, filedName) {
const file =[0];
const fileToCheck=document.getElementById(filedName);
this.thumbnail1 = fileToCheck;
this.thumbnail1Url= URL.createObjectURL(file);
} else {
this.thumbnail2Url = URL.createObjectURL(file);
} else {this.thumbnail2=fileToCheck; this.thumbnail2Url=null;}
Instead of checking the value for
if(fieldName == "something"){
this.something = URL.createObjectURL(file)
I would simply pass in a string of the fieldName and bind to it dynamically by just typing this.fieldName (filedName could equal thumbnail1 or thumbnail2 or chicken for all I care I just want to be able to pass in the name of the data atrribute and bind to it that way) but when ever I do this it doesn't work. Any help here would be great.
It's not completely clear to me what you want to accomplish, but I think you're asking about creating a dynamic data property for a view component. If that's the case, there are a couple of things to consider.
First, the example you cite, this.fieldName is not correct JavaScript syntax if fieldName is a string that contains a property name. The correct version is this[fieldName].
Note, though, that you can't simply define a new data property for a Vue component by setting it to a value. That's a limitation of JavaScript that's described in the Vue documentation. If data[fieldName] is an existing property that's defined in the component's data object, then you'll be okay. Even if you don't know the value of the property, you can initialize it, for example, with a value of null and then update the value in your method. Otherwise, you'll need to add the property to an existing non-root-level property as the documentation explains.

How to alphabetically sort a list of options in Vue.js / Buefy form?

Currently I display a list of hotels for each city in a Vue.js / Buefy form using:
v-for="h in cities[form.cities[i].index].Hotels.Hotel"
What should I add to sort them alphabetically? I'm at loss, as I don't know Vue / Buefy so well and I'm modifying a code somebody else wrote.
It is important to understand what your code is doing so that you know where you need to make changes.
Your loop v-for is iterating over your array cities[form.cities[i].index].Hotels.Hotel (the naming seems odd to me).
Within this array, there is a key #attributes which holds an object with a key Name, which is probably what you want to use for sorting.
Normally I would go with computed properties for these things but since you have the array based on a parameter (form.cities[i].index) I am not sure that would work so easily. So instead you can use a method to get a sorted version of your array. In your Vue instance, add the following to the "methods" property:
methods: {
sortedHotels: function(hotels) {
tmp =;
tmp.sort(function(a,b) {
return (a['#attributes'].Name > b['#attributes'].Name) ? 1 : ((b['#attributes'].Name> a['#attributes'].Name) ? -1 : 0);
return tmp;
Then, instead of looping through the normal array, you loop through the result of the function call of that array:
v-for="h in sortedHotels(cities[form.cities[i].index].Hotels.Hotel)"

Update item in DataSet

I can't find a way to update an item of my item array.
What I want to do is to remove an item before pushing it into the list if this item already exists. What I don't want to do is to iterate through all items to find witch one i have to delete, if there is one.
I tryied to use a watcher :
watch: {
list: function (list, oldList) {
but since I get the old and new list, I still need to iterate.
Checking the documentation I found a $remove method that :
will search for that value in the array and remove the first occurrence.
So I tryied this.list.$remove(item.Id) but it doesn't work.
I tryied to use JQuery.grep() to select the right item but it needs to iterate so, that's a no.
Is there any way in vue.js to perform what I am trying to do ?
I can select the right item to delete with the $eval method :
var expr = "list | filterBy " + value.Id + " in 'Id'";
var item = this.$eval(expr);
But now that I have my item, the $remove method seems to not do it's job. Am I using it wrong or something ?
Isn't this.list.$remove(item) enough? Vue will search array for you and remove proper item. Actually that is exactly what you are doing with $eval method.

Modifying item created with rallyaddnew

I'm creating a portfolio item with a rallyaddnew button, but I'd like to modify it before it is created. For example, I'd like to add a particular parent, and add some tags.
I'm guessing I can modify the object in perhaps the beforeCreate() event. But if I do so what methods do I use? I see that modifying actually seems to work, but what is the correct way to do it?
For something like parent or tags, I figure I need a Rally.util.Ref object. But again, what is the correct way to modify the object? Doing a in response to a beforeCreate event again seems a bit direct...
Using the beforeCreate listener, you're given the record to modify:
var addNew = Ext.widget('rallyaddnew', {
recordTypes: ['User Story'],
ignoredRequiredFields: ['Name', 'ScheduleState', 'Project'],
listeners: {
beforeCreate: function(addNewComponent, record) {
record.set('Name', 'new name');
record.set('Parent', '/hierarchicalrequirement/123.js')
So, use the record.set function to set data, and for properties that are references like Parent you should use the ref string, like /hierarchicalrequirement/123.js (if you have a record, you can get the ref with record.get('_ref').