How to add code to new objects created by code VB.NET -

I'm trying to create a text writing program, and when I create a new page I want to create a new sub for that text box. This is what I want to do.
Sub textBox1KeyDown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
makeChanged() ' makeChanged() is just a sub to change something in the tab title.
End Sub
Is there anyway to add that sub onto a text box made by code :
Dim p As New TextBox 'Is there any way to add that sub onto this?

What you need to do is add a handler to the KeyDown event like this:
Dim p As New TextBox
AddHandler p.KeyDown, Sub(sn As Object, args As KeyEventArgs) makeChanged()


VB: adding object to a tabcontrol tab which doiesnt exist at this time

i want to add a tabcontrol tab by pressing on a button:
Dim inp As String
inp = TextBox6.Text
and when i open this tabpage some object should be already created like a button and a textbox, etc.
i havent found any type of onload events for a tabpage so i tried to add this with:
TabPage8.Controls.Add(New Button())
tabpage8 would be the name of the new created tabpage but like vb already told me, i cant add objects to a tabpage which doesnt exist at that time.
is there any way i can do that or have you any other ideas which could help me?
Your code is close. Try the following:
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim tp = TabControl2.TabPages(TabControl2.TabPages.Count - 1)
Dim b = New Button()
b.Text = "My Button"
AddHandler b.Click, AddressOf MyButton_Click
End Sub
Private Sub MyButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
MessageBox.Show("MyButton clicked")
End Sub
This code grabs the last page added and adds a button to it. It also configures the button as needed and adds an event handler.

Creating different Textboxes programmatically

I'm trying to create a non-definite number of textboxes in my program, place them in my form and later retrieve information from them.
I want to add one textbox at a time when I press a button.
I can add one textbox like this:
Private Sub Addsystem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Addsystem.Click
Dim mytext As New TextBox()
mytext.Location = New Point((OBstartfreq.Location.X), (OBstartfreq.Location.Y + 30))
End Sub
Like this I can get only the text from the mytext textbox.
How can I make it that every time I press the button a new textbox will appear?

Basic solution for adding list item to combo box via code on load

What I need:
I was a basic equivalent of a select box i.e. a combobox of dropdown list style (that preferably doesn't allow text input).
I need to add the list items by code rather than the property box.
What I have:
Private Sub Form_Load ()
ComboStaffMember.AddItem "John Murphy"
End Sub
...produces "...add item is not a member of".
Private Sub Form_Load ()
ComboStaffMember.Items.Add("John Murphy")
End Sub
...produces no result.
My question:
Why is the item not adding? The form name is FrmStaffLogIn and it's in Form1.vb. Should Form_Load correspond to either of these or is my code incorrect elsewhere?
Try to put combo add statement in following format in form load event :
Private Sub Form_Load ()
Me.ComboStaffMember.Items.Add(New DictionaryEntry("Text to be displayed", 1))
End Sub
Are you sure your code line ComboStaffMember.Items.Add("John Murphy") doesn't work? it should work just fine.
The Add() method On Item collection expects object parameter and string as well can be passed as argument to it. Like below [C# code sample]:
new string[] {"SomeText","SomeOtherText","LastText"});
Also, you probably don't see any item cause you haven't set a default selected item. Just expand the dropdown and you will see the items. To set the default selected item
this.comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0;
Working code:
Private Sub FrmIdentCust_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ComboStaffMember.Items.Add("John Murphy")
End Sub
I was missing (sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load.

combobox not being populated

I have a windows form project with a main form. There is a textbox leave event that opens a new form. In that new forms load event i have a combobox item loop that populates the combobox items. It works perfectly fine if run on the main form but doesnt work on the second form. Why doesn't the comboboxes on the secondary form populate when that form is opened via a textbox_leave event from the main form?
this is the leave event
Private Sub tbChartTitle_Leave(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles tbChartTitle.Leave
If Not tbChartTitle.Text = Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
This is the code that populates one of the comboboxes on the second form (it works if run on a combobox on the main form)
Private Sub frmTitleAttributes_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub
Private Sub AddFonts()
' Get the installed fonts collection.
Dim allFonts As New Drawing.Text.InstalledFontCollection
' Get an array of the system's font familiies.
Dim fontFamilies() As FontFamily = allFonts.Families
' Display the font families.
For i As Integer = 0 To fontFamilies.Length - 1
End Sub
make sure that the Load handler is hit after you show your form (use break point)
also you can try to call it in the Shown event
Private Sub frmTitleAttributes_Shown(sender as Object, e as EventArgs) _
Handles frmTitleAttributes.Shown
End Sub

add on click event to picturebox

I have a flowLayoutPanel which I am programatically adding new panelLayouts to. Each panelLayout has a pictureBox within it. It's all working nicely, but I need to detect when that picture box is clicked on. How do I add an event to the picture? I seem to only be able to find c# examples....
my code to add the image is as follows...
' add pic to the little panel container
Dim pic As New PictureBox()
pic.Size = New Size(cover_width, cover_height)
pic.Location = New Point(10, 0)
pic.Image = Image.FromFile("c:/test.jpg")
'add pic and other labels (hidden in this example) to the big panel flow
So I assume somewhere when I'm creating the image I add an onclick event. I need to get the index for it also if that is possible! Thanks for any help!
Use the AddHandler statement to subscribe to the Click event:
AddHandler pic.Click, AddressOf pic_Click
The sender argument of the pic_Click() method gives you a reference to the picture box back:
Private Sub pic_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim pic As PictureBox = DirectCast(sender, PictureBox)
' etc...
End Sub
If you need additional info about the specific control, like an index, then you can use the Tag property.
Substitute PictureBox1 with the name of your control.
Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click
'executes when PictureBox1 is clicked
End Sub