apache 2.4.7 (easyphp) vs 2.4.9 (wamp) compatibility? - apache

Recently I decided to make some improvements on my sadly abandoned website I've developed using easyphp. I tried to installed the last version of easyphp to be sure being up-to-date. Unfortunately the last version is not quite what I hoped for and decided to uninstall it and switch to wampserver.
My website is not working anymore though and after few analyzing I am sure this is from the version of apache being different or from wamp dealing with the apache options differently from easyphp (2.4.7 -> 2.4.9).
The problem seems to come from the .htaccess file (which worked nicely on easyphp), is one here have faced the same problem when changed from easyphp to wampserver ? or any suggestions where the problem could come from ?

I finally realized the module rewriteEngine was not initialized...


Apache upgrade from 2.4.6 to 2.4.29

Currently, we are planning to upgrade our complete web-server node in production.
Platform is RHEL 7.1 and currently apache 2.4.6 is running there.
I also got to know from red-hat that apache 2.4.6 is directly shipped with RHEL7 and for 2.4.26 or 2.4.29, they can't comment regarding it's technical feasibility part along with it's stability on RHEL platform.
I have few concerns now :
Is going ahead with apache 2.4.26 or 2.4.29 in production would be a good option or should i get stuck with the current one ? I am doubtful whether 2.4.26 or 2.4.29 are been tested on RHEL 7 series and is technically compatible.
I tried to install apache 2.4.26 and 2.4.29 on my test-bed first ( which is a RHEL 7.4 platform ) and i came across package dependency issues which proved out to be a blocker for me. I am afraid that i might face these issues on production as well which would be very dangerous. Have you ever faced this on your system too ?
Looking out for your kind support and feedback here ... !!!
Best Regards,
looking at : httpd direct rpm download
it seems that the last supported version is httpd-2.4.6-80.el7.x86_64.rpm
so do not try update your production environment with unsupported software, stick to releases !
upgrading to RHEL7.4 seems to be trouble-maker (as far as i heard : [source required !] )
i got no feedback about RHEL7.5

XAMPP Can't Start Apache After Upgrading to PHP7.1.17 "Attempting to start Apache service..."

I have XAMPP installed on Windows 7 virtual machine. My old PHP version was 7.0.9 with Apache 2.4
I needed to upgrade the PHP version to 7.1.x and I set out reading about how to best to this. In end, I settled with the simple plan:
Stop Apache service
Downloaded new PHP version from official php website. For PHP 7 the 7.1.17 version was listed. I downloaded the thread safe version, as my Apache has thread safety enabled.
I extracted the contents of the downloaded archive to a folder.
I copied and replaced all files in the appropriate folders from C:/Server/php with the new php version files from the extracted archive.
I attempted to start Apache from the XAMPP control panel and the server will not start.
The message "Attempting to start Apache service..." just hangs and nothing happens.
The last entry in the error.log file in C:\Server\apache\logs shows the event when the server was stopped and that's it.
When I check the php version from CLI with the command php -v, the console returns installed php version 7.1.17
I tried different suggestions I read from similar questions, like changing ServerName localhost:80 to ServerName localhost:8080 and copying php7apache2.dll to apache/bin ( as suggested here: Upgrading PHP in XAMPP for Windows? ), alas the issue is not fixed and Apache does not start.
Of course, I also restarted the virtual machine, all the same.
At this point, I'm dumbfounded. Don't know what to do.
I need to get Apache running with php 7.1, as it is required by Magento 2.2.4. I do not want to reinstall XAMPP, as this will be a lenghty process with a lot of risk for more things to go wrong.
Any help is much appreciated!
Alright, so after checking Windows Logs > Application in Event Viewer I saw the error ".. the Apache service named is not a valid win32 application". I downloaded the x86 version of PHP from official website PHP for Windows
Then copied and replaced files as described above, and Apache started successfully.
To see if your Apache version is x64 or x86 open command prompt and cd to your Apache bin directory, in my case C:/Server/apache/bin , then run:
file httpd

MAMP Latest 3.0 Apache won't start on Yosemite Version 10.10.3

I updated my MAMP to the latest version 3.0 today, due to the fact of the Apache issue on the old version.
Still the Apache issue persist. This time the envvars in the latest MAMP is named envvars_
I tried to renamed it to _envvars or _envvars_ but the apache still doesn't run.
I also tried different ports.
***I decided to update my MAMP, because when I tried _envvars on the old version of MAMP and my Apache start running but mySQL didn't and I read that with the new version of MAMP this issue will be resolved.
Anybody experienced the same issue? Any solution or work around with this problem? Thanks.
Did you retain your original httpd.conf from before the upgrade? You may have to edit the modules in your httpd.conf.
I had to run /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/apachectl configtest to display which modules to remove.
I commented out a example_module.
#LoadModule example_module modules/mod_example.so

MAMP 2.0.3 - Apache not restarting at all

I have been trying to install IonCube for the past 2 days on my localhost, and it just won't show up. Today I tried changing the PHP versions to force some sort of hard refresh, and MAMP is not changing versions.
By the looks of this, in my opinion, Apache is not restarting at all, how can I force it to stop with a Terminal command or something?
Thanks in advance.
The short and sweet is to restart your machine entirely, fine for if you're just a local developer.

Troubles with Xdebug 2.1.0, XAMPP 1.7.3, Win7 32bit

Looking for some help with getting xdebug to behave with my setup. My goal is to be able to debug Joomla code.
First let me preface saying that about a year ago I was able to get a version xdebug to work with Eclipse PDT 2.1 with xampp under Vista 32bit. However, now I'm on a new machine, and I wanted to get everything working with the latest versions. I did so by following through this walk-through. Now, trying to do the same thing I can't get it to work.
First, as per the walk-through, I downloaded php_xdebug-2.0.0-5.2.2.dll. Quickly realized that I needed an xdebug for php 5.3. So, I found the xdebugs Tailored Installation Instructions and followed that. My php.ini section looks as thus:
;; Only Zend OR (!) XDebug
zend_extension = "D:\xampp\php\ext\php_xdebug-2.1.0-5.3-vc6.dll"
So this got the xdebug to actually show up in the phpinfo(). But, in Eclipse when I Debug As Php Webpage, it at first appears to connect, however if I step to the next line of code the debugger just sits there saying it is stepping, indefinitely. Sometimes apache will crash. I tried ports 9000, and 10000 with no avail.
What I did find out is, if I use the the php_xdebug.dll that comes with XAMPP 1.7.3, I actually can connect and step without any issues, EXCEPT, that version of xdebug apparently has a major bug in it that causes all my variables to be listed as 'Uninitialized'. So it is basically useless, however, it does give some hope that I have some of this stuff set up correctly.
So, my current setup thus: Win7 32bit, XAMPP 1.7.3 (PHP 5.3.1, Apache 2.2.14), Eclipse PDT 2.2
I have very limited experience with basically all the tools here so I'm kinda at a loss of what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I searched some of the other posts here with similar issue but most of them appear to be for older versions of these components.
your report is somewhat confusing. As far as I understand you, your setup works as soon as you replace the XDebug-dll. Then your (primary) problem cannot be related to your settings, as far as you also adjusted zend_extension, of course.
Though xdebug.remote_port=10000 seems odd. Std is 9000. If you use 9000, the you have to tell Eclipse in Window/Preferences/PHP/Debug/Debuggers to also listen to that port for XDebug.