Play 2.x Static assets not found - intellij-idea

I am not sure why my public assets are not being discovered by play. i am using the same code that works in an activator template in a play2 intelliJ project.
the routes
# Map static resources from the /public folder to the /assets URL path
GET /assets/*file"/public", file)
and the html
<img src=""images/foo.png")" width="64px">
seem to be correct, and the foo.png is in the public/images folder. the inspector highlights images/foo.png in the html with "cannot find" message. they seem to be being compiled, as they also correctly are placed in the target directory. the rest of the app and html is working fine
what is a possible explanation for this?

Honestly, I have no idea why but I know that it works for me.

Interestingly, there was nothing wrong. it seems that between sbt, play, and IntelliJ, there was simply lag in the resource resolution. after about an hour, everything suddenly worked.
this may not be reproducible, and therefore this question might be a candidate for removal


Vue Nuxt.js - deploy in subfolder

I have a Nuxt.js project and I generate a static app. I need to put it in a subdirectory on ftp, but I can't make it work.
I've set router.base to /subfolder and that works fine for _nuxt, but static files are still using absolute path /img/...
So I've tried to put my static files into assets/img/, but they are not getting loaded from scss when I use ~assets/img/...
I've read many topics, but couldn't find the solution.
Any ideas?
Thank you
I had trouble finding solutions in the documentation as well, but I found out you can use the static folder on a subdomain if the links are changed from:
Also if it helps, I believe changing:
Might solve your issue?

Breakpoints in Dartium not working

So if I add break points in .dart files that are located in /web directory of my project, it works fine. For example I'm using AngularDart and the main.dart file works. However when I try to put a breakpoint in anything in the /lib directory, Dartium doesn't stop on them.
How can I get the breakpoints in Dartium to work with the /lib directory?
Note that I've tried putting breakpoints with Dart Editor, IntelliJ with Dart Plugin and also directly in Dartium and nothing works. Is this intended?
To set breakpoints in dependencies search the source inside the (no domain) node and set the breakpoint there. Breakpoints don't hit when set somewhere in the packages node.
You can also use the breakpoint statement for the debugger top pop up. See Does Dart have a 'breakpoint' statement? for more details.
I will combine the accepted answer + comment to that answer. Breakpoints 100% works only when you set them for files inside (no domain) category on Sources tab.
As I understand, in category with your domain name they are working only for files that was included with <script> tag. They won't work for imported files.
I have created an issue: Dartium ignores breakpoints set not in (no domain) category.
If you set break pointors from Dart Editor, then you should run your application from Dart Editor.
If you're using Dartium only, then you should set break pointors from Chrome Developer Tool. (Accepted answer)

How to configure resources root for web project in IntelliJ IDEA

I am working with a project with a single "Static Web" module in IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.4 with the PHP plugin (NOT PHPStorm).
Given the following directory structure:
I marked the "www" folder as "resources root". The "ProjectX" folder is the "content root".
HTML references to resources are correctly resolved only in files from within the "www" folder, not when the "application" folder. Annotated screenshots:
This works in PHPStorm, but not IntelliJ IDEA. How do I get the desired behavior in IntelliJ so references will resolve from all project folders?
After playing with it for a while, I may have a solution.
It appears that BOTH "ProjectX" and "www" have to be marked in order for this to work. If you first mark "www" as a resources root, and THEN mark the parent/content-root folder as a resources root, the reference will resolve.
If this was obvious to anyone out there, please explain. Or is there a more appropriate solution?

Intellij Idea problem with text file impossible to read

I have a problem using Intellij Idea.
I am absolutely unable to load text file as InputStream - it doesnt matter where do I put the file (main/java, main/resources...) it just can't find the file - in Eclipse everything works just fine.
I tried setings->compiler->resource patterns and added ?*.txt but that doesn't seem to work either.
Any help is appreciated.
If you load it as a File, make sure that Working Directory is properly set in IDEA Run/Debug Configuration, since it's the default directory where Java will look for a file when you try to access it like new File("file.txt"). Working directory should be set to the directory of your project containing .txt files.
If you load files as a classpath resource, then they should reside somewhere under Source root and will be copied to the classpath according to Settings | Compiler | Resource Patterns.
If you can't get it working, upload your project somewhere including IDEA project files so that we can point to your mistake.
Look at the image, notice that the txt files are in the project root, and not the source folders (in blue).
If you open the Project Structure dialog, and click on Modules and select your module - are the correct folders marked as Source Folders on the sources tab?
Link for how to get to Project Structure dialog
Also, if you print out the absolute path of that file you are trying to read, is that anywhere near where you expect it to be?
An easy way to figure out the same would be to try creating a file in the same fashion and see where it gets created in your project. You can put your input file at the same location and it should work just fine (if it doesn't, you should check your resource pattern which might be causing the file to be not copied over in the build output).
This method actually gives you the working directory of your intellij settings which is pointed out in the accepted answer. Just sharing as I had similar trouble and I figured out this way. :)

Browse path / click-though issue

I have Raize 3.0 installed in D2007. For whatever reason, I can't seem to get the Ctr-click to work for loading up it's units, even though that feature works fine on all my other Delphi and Third-Party components.
Here's what I have for Raize on the Library Path:
...and the Browsing Path:
Lib6 contains *.dcu and *.dfm files, and Source contains, obviously, the source code. Adding Lib6 to the Browsing path doesn't seem to affect things one way or the other.
I don't get why this Ctrl-click unit-loading feature isn't working, just for this one component. Any ideas what I may be missing?
You shouldn't need Source path in your Library path. Lib6 should be added to Library Path, and Source to Browsing Path.
If you do so, and it still doesn't work, then you have a similar problem with me:
Problem with setting Browsing Path in Delphi option page
For lib path you generally don't need source files. I use:
C:\Program Files\Raize\RC4\Lib\BDS2007
For browsing path you need to specify the language directory, e.g.:
C:\Program Files\Raize\RC4\Source\Lang\English
If this doesn't fix it, does your unit compile without errors?