Differences between aspnetcidev and aspnetvnext? - asp.net-core

What are the differences between aspnetcidev and aspnetvnext?
I see that aspnetcidev says "quick builds", but what does this mean?

Jan 29, 2016 edit:
This information is now part of the ASP.NET wiki: https://github.com/aspnet/Home/wiki/NuGet-feeds
The ASP.NET build system uses 3 myget feeds for each branch + nuget.org.
aspnetvolatile<branch> (aspnetvolatiledev/aspnetvolatilerelease)
aspnetci<branch> (aspnetcidev/aspnetcirelease)
aspnetvnext (dev branch)/aspnetrelease (release branch)
After each repo under github.com/aspnet builds successfully, each package produced by it is pushed to the corresponding volatile feed.
After the graph of repos is build, we trigger the Coherence build. This build verifies that the packages have matching versions and their references are correct (that they are coherent). Then, it pushes them to aspnetci<branch>.
Once the Coherence build passes, we run all our tests on the packages in the aspnetci<branch> feed. If the tests pass, we sign the packages and ship them to aspnetvnext or aspnetrelease
So the differences are:
latest packages
possible not coherent
not tested
not signed
updated on every checkin
mostly used to diagnose build failure
possible not latest
not tested
not signed
updated when all repos build successfully
used by our build system
aspnetvnext/ (aspnetrelease|nuget.org)
possible not latest
updated when everything works
used for stable packages
Once the aspnetcirelease feed is stable, we push the packages from it to nuget.org.
Unless you work on developing new features for ASP.NET, I recommend that you use aspnetvnext (for dev bits) or nuget.org (for release bits). The release feed (aspnetrelease) is just a staging feed and it's not always in a good shape.
I think it's easier to understand from a table:

I'm abrade that you can get the exact answer on the question only from Microsoft. You can open https://www.myget.org/gallery and filter for "aspnet" for example and will find many other repositories published for different teams.
For me more interesting is the information displayed by .NET Version Manager: dnvm (without parameters):
Thus, for me, the source https://www.myget.org/F/aspnetvnext/api/v2/ (or https://www.myget.org/F/aspnetvnext/api/v3/index.json) is the "official" place for the night builds of ASP.NET 5.
On the other side by filtering of https://www.myget.org/gallery "aspnet" you can see that aspnetvnext contains more distinct packages as aspnetcidev.
It's clear that both repositories probably contains different set of packages.
One important example where the repository https://www.myget.org/gallery/aspnetcidev be used is the new .NET Command Line Interface (.NET CLI) which you find on GitHub here. The new dotnet utility uses https://www.myget.org/F/aspnetcidev/api/v3/index.json together with many other sources in https://github.com/dotnet/cli/blob/master/NuGet.Config.
I suppose that AspNetCIDev is the repository of packages required for .NET CLI. It's the utility, which should replace dnx and dnu in RC2 of ASP.NET 5. See the post, this one and some other.


I made a Nuget Package that I use in other projects. Do I have to wait everytime I update it?

I'm building an Azure Function that depends on another project I'm building that's on Nuget. Everytime I update the nuget project, I publish the updates to https://nuget.org. Then I wait for the validation. Then I update my other project to pull the latest version. It's really annoying waiting for the validation... sometimes a couple times per day.
Is there a way I can use my nuget package without waiting for validation to complete? Keep in mind I'm developing both packages side-by-side on the same laptop.
There are three levels to doing this efficiently:
Whenever possible, do local development within the same solution using project references instead of package references. As zivkan said in the comments, this "inner loop" is fastest. Do this until you need to test the package itself (e.g., making sure it installs correctly).
Use a local NuGet feed if you are able to test the package without hosting it on a cloud repository. (nuget add my-package.1.0.0.nupkg -source C:\somedirectory\localnuget) Visual Studio and the nuget CLI can both be configured to look in a local directory, which makes the testing loop much quicker.
If your Azure functions must get the package from a real hosted repository, use MyGet (or if you want to DIY it, Artifactory) to host your own NuGet feed. Publishing your packages to that feed and consuming them from your function should be faster than waiting for official verification on nuget.org.

Repository for storing derived information (build artifacts)

I'm looking for a "repository" to store derived information (build artifacts).
We have a repository (currently Mercurial) to store our source code. When something is pushed to the source repository the code goes through a continuous integration server and we do an incremental build and as a result some dlls will be changed. This should be added to some "repository" so that everybody can use that version without needing to do the build again.
I'm looking for the following features:
It should be easy to update the source code and get the corresponding binaries (we could probably make a script for that)
You should easily get all binaries at once (not only those that changed during the last incremental build.
Binaries that weren't changed should only be stored once in the repository.
When updating the source code and the binaries only the changed binaries should be transferred (and not all binaries). This is similar to what happens for source code.
When updating to some version, only that version should be stored locally, not the complete history.
We should be able to remove certain versions from the binary "repository" after a while. However if the dlls are still necessary for subsequent incremental builds, these dlls should of course not be completely removed from the "repository"
What would fit these requirements?
I agree with Manfred, what you are looking for is a binary repository manager. Besides the Nexus repository manager you should consider Artifactory.
As for the feature list you asked about:
As you have mentioned the CI server should be responsible for identifying a change in the version control and starting a build process which creates the binaries. The CI server/build tool should also deploy the generated binaries to the repository manager, in case the build was successful. Artifactory offers a build integration feature which takes care of deploying the binaries together with the build metadata.
Using the build integration feature of Artifactory, you can get a list of all the binaries generated by a specific build and download them as an archive. Artifactory provides a REST API for those actions.
There are different approaches for storing the artifacts in a repository manager. Some tools stores a multiple copies of the same binary. Other, for example Artifactory, use a checksum based storage which keeps only one copy per binary (based on its checksum). This pays of if you keep multiple copies of the same binary in different repositories, especially if you are dealing with large binaries (war files, docker images, ISOs etc.). Another benefit are cheap copies/moves between repositories which is a common practice for promotion workflows.
The Artifactory build integration uses checksum based deployment which deploys only binaries which does not exist in Artifactory. For binaries which do exist and have not changed, it only created a new reference to the existing binary saving the need to send the actual bytes.
Artifactory provides multiple option of cleaning up binaries, including built in cleanup policies and the option to develop your own custom logic using user plugins and the Artifactory query language (AQL)
In addition, I highly recommend to take a look at the binary repository comparison matrix.
Disclaimer: I am working for JFrog the company behind Artifactory
You are basically asking for a repository manager like the Nexus Repository Manager as you have correctly identified with the tags.
In terms of specific requirement from your questions here are a couple of ideas.
binary components are typically identified via some coordinates that most of the time includes some sort of name and version. A release and build process changes those and deploys them to the repository. This allows you to match source code with binaries. You can also embed information like git refs in the produced binaries.
accessing the binaries is typically done via HTTP, so its easy. You then just have to determine what it means to get "all binaries".
not duplicating binaries that are essentially the same can be supported by the underlying file system or the build tool. I have seen both processes to work. Often it is however not worth the effort since storage is cheap.
there are various ways to automatically clean up repositories including scheduled tasks that do it regularly. Worst case you have to implement your own logic in an extension
Disclaimer: I work as community advocate and trainer for the Nexus Repository Manager with Sonatype.

Is nuget appropriate for daily development workflow?

I am looking at nuget for improving automatic handling of dependencies (both internal and third party) during development.
A long as you develop through the CI Build Server, all is good:
get latest source for A and B, where B depends on A
fix bug in A
build A
check into source control
CI Build Server initiated
new nuget package is created and placed in corporate repository
build B (which will get the updated A package)
run B to verify that the bug in A was fixed
n. repeat n times
However, I'm wondering if it is possible to work locally as a single developer, without having to wait for the CI Build Server to produce a new package?
Nuget has a feature Package Restore, which will download all dependencies automatically on build. You can also list the repository order that the Package Restore should look for packages.
If the workflow could become:
get latest source for A and B, where B depends on A
fix bug in A
build A
(building creates a local nuget package)
run B to test the (resolved) bug in A (should now use our local nuget package, not local repository)
...repeat n times
check into source control
CI Build Server initiated
new nuget package created in corporate repository
Is this possible using Visual Studio, MSBuild, a CI Build Server and nuget? I'm especially interested in the making of local packages while developing locally.
Note that I have native projects, although except the generation of nuget package post-build, this would be a workflow that I hope should work for both C# and C++ projects.
The solution I have now, though far from ideal, is what I could figure out works best. Oh! and it is a work in progress so it WILL change in the coming weeks/months as I figure out how to get around the kinks.
I mostly have to deal with managed DLL right now but I do have some native code and worst, multi-platform native code to deal with eventually.
Create a local repository, basically just a folder and configure it in your list of nuget feeds.
Then I created a task (MSBuild) that will package the project and output it in the local repository's root folder. Make sure the version of your package is always increasing. Presently I do this manually by editing the assembly version.
Once built, update your other projects that reference it, I usually do this though the package manager console (update-package).
Each projects that was updated, bump up their version rinse lathe and repeat until you get to your top-most project (the actual program).
Once everything is nice and good and you are ready to commit then the build system should do it's own packaging and send it to your official repository.
The Good
No clogging of the repository and build system with intermediary development versions, that garbage remains (as it should) local.
Local repos are super easy to set-up, can even be done without changes to VS though the global nuget config.
This is friendly to both paradigms of package recover or checking-in packages with the project. That said I would recommend not checking in the packages you built locally but rather one that was committed to your local repository ideally through the build system. What's built local should remain local.
The Bad
Still much more complicated than just adding projects to a solution.
The deeper (or wider) your dependency tree the bigger the pain.
The Ugly
Makes some native nuget behaviors quite quirky and annoying :
Update operation takes forever if your VS is connected to a version system (perforce for me). I hear they "solved" the problem, would hate to see how it was before if it was worst that it is now !
Having nuget change non-code reference back to never copy is a major pain.
If Only
Configure the desired state of a content dependency (copy always, never or newer) directly from the nuspec and be done with it ! (oh and same story with ClickOnce content status include, exclude etc)
Make the update operation quick, 2 minutes for a dozen project is just insane, especially if the ultimate goal is to manage 500+.
Perhaps a hybrid mode where locally we work with projects inclusion but the build system would work with nuget dependency (and build them if necessary)
If you are to parse the project do follow MSBuild parsing rules and honor the conditional statements.
There are still issues I have yet to figure out like how to manage multiple branches of the code in the repository. How to handle version conflict further up the food chain. In a large project (ultimately we have to bring 500+ separate projects together in a single application executable, conflicts are expected).
I would love to bring all the goodness of sane dependency management à la Maven but thus far I did not find nuget to be mature enough to even think of proposing it to the dev team.
Certainly. In our solutions, NuGet parks the libraries in the "packages" directory of the solution's hierarchy which is ultimately kept in TFS. This allows for complete solution check-outs that includes the required libraries. If it's your intention to update the libraries normally provided by NuGet, you'll need to update the dependent projects' references to point to the project containing the updated code normally provided by the NuGet process.
Prior to checking-in your regular solution work (not the NuGet related libs,) make sure the solution's NuGet libs are up to date, and the references in the solution point back to the NuGet installed libs. Of course, you'll check-in and fetch the NuGet related libs beforehand.

Testing a NuGet package

We are big users of NuGet, we've got 25-30 packages which we make available on a network share.
We'd like to be able to test new packages before they're built and released in the consuming applications. Ideally, this could be done using something similar to Maven's snapshot and having a specific development package (e.g. snapshot functionality).
Has anyone else come up with a, ideally reasonably non-hacky, way of doing it?
Our favoured method is to generate the package assemblies and then manually overwrite the assemblies in the packages/ directory, i.e. to replace the actual project references, but that doesn't seem particularly clean.
We use a CI build server which creates builds on every commit and has a specific manually triggered NuGet build which works off specifically tagged versions of the codebase. We don't want to create a NuGet build off every commit, but we would like to be able to test a likely candidate in the wild before we trigger the manual NuGet package build.
I ended up writing a unit / integration testing framework to solve a simular problem. Basically, I needed to verity the content of the package, the versions and info, what would happen when I installed and uninstalled the package, what versions were the assemblies in the lib, what bits the assemblies were built as (x86 or x64) and so on - and I needed it all to run without Visual Studio installed and on my build machine (headless) as a quality gate.
Standing on the shoulders of giants like: Pester, PETools, and SharpDevelop's package management module I put together - nuget-test
Clone the project into your package directory (where your .nuspec file and package files are). If for whatever reason you want to keep the nuget-test project as a "git" repo then simple remove "remove-item nuget-test/.git -Recurse -Force" from the command below.
git clone https://github.com/nickfloyd/nuget-test.git; remove-item nuget-test/.git -Recurse -Force
Run Setup.ps1 in the root of the nuget-test directory in an x86 instance of PowerShell.
PS> .\setup.ps1
Write tests and place them in the nuget-test/test directory using the Pester syntax.
Run the tests.
PS> Invoke-Pester
Project page: nuget-test
On github: https://github.com/nickfloyd/nuget-test
I hope this helps you get closer to what you're trying to get done.
If you're using NuGet packages to distribute your libraries, you should not limit to only testing the libraries. You should test the packages themselves as well (if your binaries are OK but incorrectly installed, consumers still have issues). The whole point is to improve this experience.
One way could be to have an additional CI or QA repository. The one you currently have is actually your "production" repository containing consumable releases, considered finished high-quality products.
Going further, you could have a logical package promotion flow (based on Continuous Integration or even using a Continuous Delivery approach), where:
- each check-in produces a package on your CI repository
- testers pick up a CI package for QA and if found OK promote it to either a QA feed, or to the Production feed (whatever you prefer, depends on the quality of your testing and how well it is automated)
There are various ways of implementing this scenario, using simple network shares, internal NuGet.Server or Gallery implementations, or simply use http://myget.org to give it a try with minimal cost and zero effort.
Hope that helps!

Recommendations for Continuous integration for Mercurial/Kiln + MSBuild + MSTest

We have our source code stored in Kiln/Mercurial repositories; we use MSBuild to build our product and we have Unit Tests that utilize MSTest (Visual Studio Unit Tests).
What solutions exist to implement a continuous integration machine (i.e. Build machine).
The requirements for this are:
A build should be kicked of when necessary (i.e. code has changed in the Repositories we care about)
Before the actual build, the latest version of the source code must be acquired from the repository we are building from
The build must build the entire product
The build must build all Unit Tests
The build must execute all unit tests
A summary of success/failure must be sent out after the build has finished; this must include information about the build itself but also about which Unit Tests failed and which ones succeeded.
The summary must contain which changesets were in this build that were not yet in the previous successful (!) build
The system must be configurable so that it can build from multiple branches(/Repositories).
Ideally, this system would run on a single box (our product isn't that big) without any server components.
What solutions are currently available? What are their pros/cons? From the list above, what can be done and what cannot be done?
TeamCity, from JetBrains, the makers of ReSharp, will do all of that. You will have to configure it for what specifically it means to "build your product", but you can configure up everything you specified with it.
The software can alert you to failed builds, even down to alerting only the person responsible for checking in code that broke the build. It even comes with handy web pages you can view to see only your own changes, which builds they've been through successfully, which ones are pending, and which ones are currently being executed.
Since it is a distributed product, you can make it grow with your organization and product. If at some point you discover that you're waiting for the build to complete too much, because a lot of builds are being queued up, you can add more build agents. The build agents are basically separate client programs you install on additional machines, that execute the actual build configurations.
It comes in two flavors, the professional version and the enterprise version. The professional version is free, can contain up to 20 build configurations, 20 users, and 3 build agents. The enterprise version has unlimited users and build configurations, and you can also use LDAP based security (think domain verified users.) There's also some other bonuses from the enterprise version. You can also buy licenses for more build agents if you need more than the initial 3.
Now, if "no server components" means you don't want it to act like a web server, you're going to be hard pressed to find something that will react to your commits.
However, if you mean that you don't want to have to install a server OS, then TeamCity can work on workstation versions of Windows as well. That isn't to say that you shouldn't consider setting up a proper server for it, but it will run on a workstation if that is what you require.
Our product BuildMaster does all of the things you listed by design and there is a free, somewhat limited edition (e.g. you can only have a limited number of issue tracking providers integrate with it, the database change script packaging tool isn't included in the free version, etc.) for 5 users or fewer.
What you've described is the basics of a CI Tool, so every CI Tool should be OK.
I use Cruise Control.NET but it is bugged with Mercurial and is not very straightforward at first glance. I am nevertheless happy with it. Other tools that come in my mind are Hudson, Team Build (from TFS) and TeamCity.
I have not tried other tools but you can see pros/cons here :
TeamCity vs CC.net
Hudson vs CC.net, Link 1 and Link 2
CC.net vs TFS
EDIT : I forgot to mention that Hudson and Cruise Control.net are Open Source project, you can easily write plugins and patches to your install.
EDIT² : Mercurial bugs seem to be fixed in the upcoming 1.6 version of ccnet (changes commited to the trunk this week).
There's always BuildBot which I like (and have contributed some code to ). It's fairly easy to set-up and run on any OS, and to do simple tasks like that you say, and remarkably flexible if you need it.
What you might find missing is batteries-included log-scrapers and/or report generators that other more commercial CI-servers comes with, especially for Enterprise-y frameworks.
It scales pretty well too, Mozilla and Chromium use it, amongst others.