FineUploader Exception : XhrReadyState=0 and XhrResponseStatus=0 - amazon-s3

We're experiencing FineUploader exceptions with XhrReadyState=0 and XhrResponseStatus=0 on 5.4.1 in our production environment intermittently across browsers. We've checked out our CORS configuration for our S3 bucket and we do have the wild card origin header set.
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Was looking at FineUploader CORS selectively working, and we do not set the sendCredentials value in our configuration.
Error from fine uploader is
XHR returned response code 0
The XHR response object contains the following values,
Update 1
So we captured a repro of this. It looks like one of our OPTIONS requests is getting a 403 randomly in the middle of the upload.
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) (a7db116d-26ec-4b45-9566-8697d42a7b4c.VOB, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. (a7db116d-26ec-4b45-9566-8697d42a7b4c.VOB, line 0)
[Error] XMLHttpRequest cannot load
Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Here is the screen grab from the Safari console. I was suspecting a network problem, but I wouldn't expect such a quick 403 response if a network issue was . Also, previous OPTIONS requests had just succeeded before and after the one that 403'd. We have configured CORS on our S3 bucket.

Status 0 indicates some issue either with your server or with the network. More specifically, it indicates that the response received was completely empty. This can be caused by CORS issues or even a temporary network issue. You'll want to examine these possibilities further in order to determine what is causing the issue for you.


The CGI application did not return a valid set of HTTP errors. 502.3 - Bad Gateway: Forwarder Connection Error (ARR) on Azure ASP.NET Core App

All of a sudden we are seeing this random error / exception in our web application.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad Gateway).
In the Log Stream, we are seeing the following details, with specific error code as 502.3 - Bad Gateway: Forwarder Connection Error (ARR).
Also, sometimes in the browser itself we see "The CGI application did not return a valid set of HTTP errors." getting displayed.
Most of the searches for these error codes refer to "IIS / Proxy Server" configuration. But, we haven't changed any such settings.
The error happens very randomly and not specific to any user action/function. Same functionality works first and on second execution immediately after first one throws this error.
How to figure out what is causing this and how to fix?
I google this question, because the program was normal at the beginning, and the subsequent 502.3 error. After I checked the information on the Internet, I feel that it can only give us an inspiration, and it cannot solve your problem immediately.
So my suggestion is that first you browse post1 and post2 I provided.
Next, proceed to Troubleshoot according to the steps of the official documentation. Specific errors require specific analysis.

CORS issues with vue/node to rack/thin via nginx

I had this working properly and all of a sudden during a restart stopped working and I can't get to the bottom of what happened.
Basically, vue/node (dev) mode is using http but the ajax uses https to the server.
Server responds with all headers including Access-Control-Request-Origin and I can see json data response from the server in the firefox dev tools
But for some reason it throws an Error: Network Error alert. Inspecting in dev tools I find
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://r.roller.lan/workstations?session_token=2de63puojmt3ubkfp94c3ohm45. (Reason: CORS header “Access-Control-Allow-Origin” does not match “https://devv.roller.lan:8080”)
I am making request from http://devv.roller.lan:8080 and somewhere in the chain gets translated to https:// which doesn't match?
Everything works as expected after I added highlighted portion from the Nginx Reverse Proxy article Koshux referenced to the nginx conf.

How to get proper https server response in apache camel DSL?

I am trying to hit https server using https4 component I want to get whatever response the server throwing it maybe success or failed here is my route.
Output I'm getting:
org.apache.camel.CamelExecutionException: Exception occurred during execution on the exchange: Exchange[ID-rajat-Lenovo-G50-70-1513247400372-0-1]
Caused by: org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpOperationFailedException: HTTP operation failed invoking https4:// with statusCode: 599
But whenever I hit this URL on web browser I am getting the accurate response what server throws
like {"sessionId":"2985416A1F1122694031261B55F0277F.jvm1","_ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_":[" The following required parameter is missing: [IN]uploadAndImportFile.configId]","The following required parameter is missing: [IN][uploadAndImportFile.fileTypeEnumId]"],"removePathAlias":false,"loggedIn":true,"USERNAME":"admin","_LOGIN_PASSED_":"TRUE","webSiteId":"API"}
This is what I want to get from camel
After a brief browsing about camel exception randomly I got my solution is already clearly mention on org.apache.camel.http4.
If throwExceptionOnFailure=false the HttpOperationFailedException will not be thrown for failed response codes. This allows you to get any response from the remote server.

How to debug a 404 error on apache server ( lamp )?

I came across 404 error a few times and i have difficulties in debugging this kind of problem.
What is the strategy and tools available to analyse such problems (firebug, logs...).
How to differentiate and fix the cause ?
page not existing ,wrong path , redirection and rewriting ,server problem ...
404 error code means that a file is not found for whatever reason.
Just check that the file exists and that the path you use is right.
You can analyse sent requests and received responses headers and body in your browser's developper console if you want more details about why some request failed.

Apache upload failed when file size is over 100k

Below it is some information about my problem.
Our Apache2.2 is on windows 2008 server.
Basically the problem is user fails to upload file which is bigger than 100k to our server.
The error in Apache log is: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. : Error reading request entity data, referer: ......
There were a few times (not always) I could upload larger files(100k-800k, failed for 20m) in Chrome. In FF4 it always fails for uploading file over 100k. In IE8 it is similar to FF4.
It seems that it fails to get request from client, then I reset TimeOut in Apache setting to default value(300) which did not help at all.
I do not have the RequestLimitBody option set up and I am not using PHP. Anyone saw the similar error before? Now I am not sure what I can try next. Any advise would be appreciated!
I just tried to use remote desk to upload files on the server and it worked fine. First thought was about the firewall which however is off all the time, Http Proxy is applied though.