What is the difference between TIMESTAMP , DATE AND TIMESTAMP with TIMEZONE?
E.g if I wanted to search for all entries between 01-JAN-1990 and 01-JAN-2000 , how would I do so in each format?
I have been searching for timestamp as:
But I am not sure what format to use to search for DATE or TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE.

The data types and differences between them are in the documentation. The short version is:
DATE has precision down to a second with no time zone support;
TIMESTAMP has precision down to fractions of a second (up to nine decimal places, but your operating system affects that too), still with no time zone support;
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE has the same precision as TIMESTAMP but also has time zone support, as the name suggests;
TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE adjusts the stored value to and from the creating/querying session's local time zone.
You might find this article interesting too.
Whenever you are comparing datetime values stored in your database you should use values of the same datatype to compare against. You don't want to have to convert every value in the column for comparison, especially if the column is indexed. If you have a DATE column then compare with a DATE - don't compare as a string, and don't rely on implicit conversion of a string. When you do:
WHERE date_col BETWEEN '01-JAN-1990' AND '01-JAN-2000'
you are relying on your NLS_DATE_FORMAT being DD-MON-YYYY and your NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE being English. If someone else runs the same query in another session their settings may cause the query to fail (or in some cases, give wrong results, which can be worse). To avoid the language issue it's better to use month numbers rather than names. If you have a string variable to compare against you should use TO_DATE() to convert the string to a DATE using a fixed known format mask - don't rely on NLS. If you have a fixed value you can do the same, or you can use a date literal, which is shorter and unambiguous.
With the format you used you are also including any rows which have a the column set to midnight on January 1st 2000, but not any later on that day. That may be what you want, but make sure you understand how BETWEEN works. If you're actually looking for dates within that decade, including at any time on December 31st 1999, you can use:
WHERE date_col >= DATE '1990-01-01' AND date_col < DATE '2000-01-01'
For timestamps you can either use TO_TIMESTAMP() or a timestamp literal:
WHERE ts_col >= TIMESTAMP '1990-01-01 00:00:00'
AND ts_col < TIMESTAMP '2000-01-01 00:00:00'
For timestamps with time zones you can either use TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ() or a timestamp literal, with a names time zone region:
WHERE tstz_col >= TIMESTAMP '1990-01-01 00:00:00 America/New_York'
AND tstz_col < TIMESTAMP '2000-01-01 00:00:00 America/New_York'

Don't compare dates with strings. It can work if your session's nls_date_format happens to match the format of the string that you're using. But then your query will immediately fail for someone who has a different configuration. Compare dates with dates, timestamps with timestamps, etc.
For dates, you can use either ANSI date literals
FROM your_table
WHERE date_column BETWEEN date '1900-01-01' AND date '2000-01-01'
or you can use a to_date with an explicit format mask
FROM your_table
WHERE date_column BETWEEN to_date('1900-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
AND to_date('2000-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
Note that a date in Oracle always has a day and a time component. If you don't specify a time in your to_date, it will default to midnight. If you use an explicit to_date, you can use a string in any format just so long as it matches the format mask you pass in as the second parameter.
For timestamps, you can either use an ANSI timestamp literal
FROM your_table
WHERE timestamp_column BETWEEN timestamp '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000'
AND timestamp '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000'
or you can use a to_timestamp with an explicit format mask
FROM your_table
WHERE timestamp_column BETWEEN to_timestamp('1900-01-01 00:00:00.000', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FFF')
AND to_timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00.000', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FFF')
If you use an explicit to_timestamp, you can use a string in any format just so long as it matches the format mask you pass in as the second parameter.
For timestamps with time zone, as you may have guessed, you can either use an ANSI timestamp literal
FROM your_table
WHERE timestamp_column BETWEEN timestamp '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 -05:00'
AND timestamp '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000 -05:00'
or you can use the to_timestamp_tz function with an explicit format mask
FROM your_table
WHERE timestamp_column BETWEEN to_timestamp('1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 -05:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FFF TZH:TZM')
AND to_timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00.000 -05:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FFF TZH:TZM')
If you use an explicit to_timestamp_tz, you can use a string in any format just so long as it matches the format mask you pass in as the second parameter.


How to convert ORACLE date and timestamp types to string with timezone?

How to convert ORACLE date and timestamp types into a string with timezone formated like this 2020-12-31T21:00:00.000Z?
Tried to search but unsuccessfully
Assuming the date or timestamp already represents a time in UTC and doesn't need to be converted from another time zone, you just need to_char:
select to_char(timestamp '2020-12-31 21:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.FF3"Z")
from dual
The "T" and "Z" are character literals.
If it's a date the .000 part can be treated as a literal too, since dates don't have fractional seconds and FF isn't valid for a date:
select to_char(cast(timestamp '2020-12-31 21:00:00' as date), 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS".000Z"')
from dual
Or cast the date to a timestamp if you prefer.
If you do need to adjust the time zone then you can do that before converting to a string.

Oracle SQL Select Current Timestamp without Timezone and 24hr Format

I have a Oracle SQL statement where I have to get the current timestamp as one of the columns. But I dont require the Timezone which CURRENT_TIMESTAMP gives or the AM/PM given by LOCALTIMESTAMP.
I require the current timestamp in 24hr format without the timezone.
Is it possible to get that in Oracle SQL?
It seems you're mixing 2 concepts here: "datatype" and "date format mask".
data type: LOCALTIMESTAMP returns datatype TIMESTAMP and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns datatype TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. TIMESTAMP is similar to DATE but has a higher precision. As usual... checking the docs is worth it.
date format mask: determines how you display the date information. Americans can't read 24 hour format, the rest of the world is confused by AM/PM. Fortunately, you can decide how you want to display the date as explained in the oracle docs.
If you just want to return the current date in 24 hour format you could do something like:
<other columns>
If you need the date to be more precise and you require fractional seconds then you can use SYSTIMESTAMP instead of DATE with a format mask 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF9'

Compare timestamps in Oracle

I have a column which is used to store date and time data in a VARCHAR2 column in my DB in Oracle 11g Express in the format of:
9/30/2016 14:00:00
I was trying out ways to get data between time ranges. I found the following 2 ways:
select *
from dummy
WHERE starttime > '9/30/2016 14:00:00'
AND starttime < '9/30/2016 17:00:00'
order by starttime;
select *
from dummy
WHERE to_timestamp(starttime, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') > TO_TIMESTAMP('9/30/2016 14:00:00', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
AND TO_TIMESTAMP(starttime, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') < TO_TIMESTAMP('9/30/2016 17:00:00', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss');
I was wondering how the first method works too as the column starttime is stored in VARCHAR format and without converting to a Timestamp the comparison still works. Could someone explain to me how/ why that happens or if there is some corner case for which it will not work? Thanks.
This works because you have no issue with months and years or one-digit vs. two-digit days. Think of any strings that are inside the range '9/30/2016 14:00:00' to '9/30/2016 17:00:00'. They will all have to start with '9/30/2016 1'.
If the range where, say '9/30/2016 14:00:00' to '10/30/2016 17:00:00', you wouldn't find any record at all, because the string would have to start with somthing >= '9' and <= '1' which is not possible.
So it is the narrow range within a particular day that saved you here :-)
Storing the values in a VARCHAR column means that you will do a string comparison:
FROM dummy
WHERE starttime > '9/30/2016 14:00:00'
AND starttime < '10/30/2016 17:00:00'
ORDER BY starttime;
This would look at the start time and consider it character-by-character and if the 1st character is greater than '9' and also less than '1' then it will return a row (since this will never be true it will not return a row). Moreover, it will not consider that the 9 and the 10 represent the months and that when doing a string comparison '09/30/2016' < '09/31/1900' < '10/30/2016'.
Even if you store the value in a TIMESTAMP column, using string literals is a bad idea:
FROM dummy
WHERE starttime > '9/30/2016 14:00:00'
AND starttime < '9/30/2016 17:00:00'
ORDER BY starttime;
This works as Oracle will perform an implicit cast (using TO_TIMESTAMP( time, format_mask )) using the session parameter NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT as the format mask.
So your query would (assuming a TIMESTAMP data type) effectively be (although Oracle will implement it in a more efficient fashion):
FROM dummy
( SELECT value AS format_mask
WHERE starttime > TO_TIMESTAMP( '9/30/2016 14:00:00', nls.format_mask )
AND starttime < TO_TIMESTAMP( '9/30/2016 17:00:00', nls.format_mask )
ORDER BY starttime;
The NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT is a session parameter - this means that each user can set their own value for this parameter in their own session and if one user changes it to YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.ZZZ"Z" (i.e. an ISO8601 format) then your query will break for that user (and not for the other users who have not changed it) without any changes having been made to your query.
Rather than using a string literal and implicit conversion, it is better to either explicitly set the format mask you are expecting or to use an ANSI TIMESTAMP literal:
FROM dummy
WHERE TO_TIMESTAMP( starttime, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS' ) > TIMESTAMP '2016-09-30 14:00:00'
AND TO_TIMESTAMP( starttime, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS' ) < TIMESTAMP '2016-09-30 17:00:00'
You would then benefit from a function-based index on TO_TIMESTAMP( starttime, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS' ).
Even better, would be to convert your column to the correct TIMESTAMP format then you do not need a function-based index and can just use TIMESTAMP literals for the bounds without any need for conversion functions.
Storing date as varchar is less than clever...
Your first method is fine, provided you don't need to cross the boundary of a year. The numbers are compared left to right (because text). Unless you store as 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' you will run into problems.
2 options, change that storage to DATE, or use a to_date or to_timestamp on the WHERE clause (I recommend to_date)
It's a bad idea to store date/times as character strings or numbers. The optimizer has no idea of the domain and so when attempting to estimate the cardinality you are not giving the optimizer the best chance. For example, consider the following two dates
Dec 31st 2016
Jan 1st 2017
If you store these as a number, you might use
20170101 and 20161231
So what is the number of days between them? Using numbers, you get
20170101 - 20161231
= 8870
However, the true (date based) answer is one.
Although you can TO_DATE() or CAST your columns, you now run the risk of not being able to use certain optimizations, such as indexing, partition pruning, bloom filtering etc.
So I highly recommend using the correct data types.
On Oracle, you could use too:

What is Oracle's Default Date Format?

I have an Oracle DB, and I don't control the date format. I want to know what the date format is to ensure that searches like
select * from search where search_date>='03/16/2016 00:00:00'
work as expected.
Don't do that - you are relying on implicit data type conversion which is going to fail at some point.
You have two options:
1) Use a proper ANSI SQL date literal:
select *
from search
where search_date >= timestamp '2016-03-16 00:00:00';
2) use to_date() (or to_timestamp()) and use a custom format.
select *
from search
where search_date >= to_date('03/16/2016 00:00:00', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss');
With to_date() you should avoid any format that is language dependent. Use numbers for the month, not abbreviations (e.g. 'Mar' or 'Apr') because they again rely on the client language.
More details can be found in the manual: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e41084/sql_elements003.htm#SQLRF51062
Never rely on implicit data type conversion.
You can get all the NLS session parameters with the query:
or, if you have the permissions GRANT SELECT ON V_$PARAMETER TO YOUR_USERNAME;, you can use the command:
If you just want the date format then you can do either:
However, you could also use ANSI date (or timestamp) literals which are format agnostic. An ANSI date literal has the format DATE 'YYYY-MM-DD' and a timestamp literal has the format TIMESTAMP 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF9'. So your query would be:
select * from search where search_date>= DATE '2016-03-16'
select * from search where search_date>= TIMESTAMP '2016-03-16 00:00:00'
What is Oracle's Default Date Format?
A DATE doesn't have any format. Oracle does not store dates in the format you see. It stores it internally in 7 bytes with each byte storing different components of the datetime value.
Byte Description
---- -------------------------------------------------
1 Century value but before storing it add 100 to it
2 Year and 100 is added to it before storing
3 Month
4 Day of the month
5 Hours but add 1 before storing it
6 Minutes but add 1 before storing it
7 Seconds but add 1 before storing it
To display, use TO_CHAR with proper FORMAT MODEL.
For comparing, use TO_DATE with proper FORMAT MODEL.
What you see as a format by default, is your locale specific NLS settings.
SQL> select parameter, value from v$nls_parameters where parameter='NLS_DATE_FORMAT';
--------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
SQL> select sysdate from dual;
SQL> select to_char(sysdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') from dual;
03/17/2016 12:48:41
search_date>='03/16/2016 00:00:00'
You are comparing a DATE with a string literal. Always, explicitly convert the string into date using TO_DATE and proper format mask.
TO_DATE('03/16/2016', 'MM/DD/YYYY')
Or, if you dealing only with the date part and not concerned with the time portion, then use the ANSI date literal which uses a fixed format DATE 'YYYY-MM-DD'
DATE '2016-03-16'
You might just be lucky to get an output due to an implicit datatype conversion based on your locale specific NLS settings. Never ever rely on implicit datatype conversion, it might work for you, might fail for others where the nls settings are different.

Oracle DateTime query with time zones

I have a SQL Builder library that direcltly uses ADO.NET. I have a means of creating a select query with a greater-than-or-equal operator, like:
select *
from book
where book.date_created >= {some date}
My issue is that {some date} is going to always be in the UTC time zone, but it's being compared to the book.date_created column which is a TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE column, which will not be in the UTC timezone.
I can execute the query, but my results are off becuaes of timezone comparisons. My query is for all books where the date_created >= x, but some of the results returned are not greater than x because after subtracting 5 hours for the time zone, they are now less than x. The IDataRecord DateTime fields returned are converted to UTC using DateTime.SpecifyKind()
Can I form my query such that it interprets book.date_created in the UTC timezone?
Note: While I'd love to change my Oracle DB columns to not specify timezones, changing table structures is not something I can do.
Currently, {some date} is a SQL Parameter. It's backing datatype is a DateTime with UTC as the timezone. As a parameter, it is a TimestampWithTZ. The Value of the parameter is a DateTime with the kind specified as UTC as well.
The issue seems to be related to my results set from the IDataRecord. When I pull DateTimes off, I use DateTime.SpecifyKind() to put them in UTC mode. The problem is, the date times come out as DateTimeKind.Unspecified. When converting from Unspecified to UTC, it just drops the timezone and declares it is UTC without changing the underlying value. I'm not sure how to have the IDataRecord pull in the TimeZone value.
You need to use the FROM_TZ function that transforms a TIMESTAMP into a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. For example, if you know that your variable is in UTC time (+0:00):
FROM book
WHERE date_created >= from_tz(<timestamp>, '+0:00');
Here's a sample script that shows the behaviour you describe (your local time zone should be set to +1:00):
(to_timestamp_tz('20000101 00:00:00 +1:00','yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss tzh:tzm'));
(to_timestamp_tz('20000101 00:00:00 -1:00','yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss tzh:tzm'));
-- This will return two values instead of one
WHERE tz >= to_timestamp('20000101 00:00:00', 'yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss');
-- This query will return only one row
WHERE tz >= from_tz (to_timestamp('20000101 00:00:00',
'yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss'), '+0:00');
below links will help you.
Datetime Datatypes and Time Zone Support
Write Time Zone Aware Code in Oracle
ORACLE timezone summary
Oracle Date and Time data types