Renaming variables to solve recursion method - variables

I know the idea of renaming the variables that is transforming the recurrence to one that you have seen before.
I'm OK with slide until line 4 .. they renamed T(2^m) with S(m) >> this mean they made 2^m = m
So S(m) should be :
S(m)= 2T(m^(0.5)) + m
also m i think we shouldn't leave m as it is, because it here mean 2^m but they in real are not
Could any one explain this to me?
And also how can i know which variables I should use to make it easy to me ?

Everything you're saying is correct up to the point where you claim that since S(m) = T(2m), then m = 2m.
The step of defining S(m) = T(2m) is similar to defining some new function g in terms of an old function f. For example, if you define a new function g(x) = 2f(5x), you're not saying that x = 5x. You're just defining a new function that's evaluated in terms of f.
So let's see what happens from here. We've defined S(m) = T(2m). That means that
S(m) = T(2m)
= 2T(√(2m)) + lg (2m)
We can do some algebraic simplification to see that
S(m) = 2T(2m/2) + m
And, using the connection between T and S, we see that
S(m) = 2S(m/2) + m
Notice that we ended up with the recurrence S(m) = 2S(m/2) + m not by just replacing T with S in the original recurrence, but by doing algebraic substitutions and simplifications.
Once we're here, we can use the master theorem to solve S(m) and get that S(m) = O(m log m), so
T(n) = S(lg n) = O(lg n lg lg n).
As for how you'd come up with this in the first place - that just takes practice. The key insight is that to use the master theorem you need to be shrink the size of the problem down by a constant factor each time, so you need to find a transformation that converts square roots into division by a constant. Square roots are a kind of exponentiation, and logarithms are specifically designed to convert exponentiation into multiplication and division, so it's reasonable to try a log or exponential substitution. Now that you know the trick, I suspect that you'll see it in a lot more places.

You could, as alternative, also just divide the first equation by log(n) to get
T(n)/log(n)=T(sqrt(n))/log(sqrt(n)) + 1
and then just use
S(n) = T(n)/log(n) with S(n) = S(sqrt(n)) + 1
or in a different way
S(k) = T(n^(2^(-k)))/log(n^(2^(-k)))
where then
is again a well-known recursive equation.


Solve for q: (log(n))^q = log(log(n))

I'm proving the big O runtime of an algorithm for an assignment but am unfortunately quite rusty when it comes to logs. Currently, I have:
(log(n))^q <= log(log(n))
I am trying to isolate q in terms of n (where I'm hoping n will cancel out). Can someone please explain to me how to do this (and not just provide an answer)? Thanks!
This would've been prettier on math stackexchange (because we can use latex), but you can just log both sides to bring the q exponent down (since log(x^n) = nlog(x) is a property of logs over the reals):
q log(log(n)) <= log(log(log(n)))
Now you can divide both sides to isolate q:
q <= log(log(log(n)))/log(log(n))

Why particular characters are hard coded to generate a secured token

I am just trying to understand the philosophy behind harcoding the particular characters in generating the friendly token. What is the thought process behind this
def self.friendly_token(length = 20)
# To calculate real characters, we must perform this operation.
# See SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64
rlength = (length * 3) / 4
SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(rlength).tr('lIO0', 'sxyz')
Here in the above snippet, l,I,O,0 are getting replaced with s, x, y, z respectively. What about the other characters that are getting generated!
=> "4-6RGWUH1SIsFlXa3C73"
What about R, G, W etc?
The only reason behind that is to remove any characters that are confusing. (hard to distinguish)
Like an O can be confused with 0
Like an l can be confused with I
Specific commit that introduces this explains it in the commit message

Defining a family of variables in sage

I am trying to migrate my scripts from mathematica to sage. I am stuck in something that it seems elementary.
I need to work with arbitrarily large polynomials say of the form
a00 + a10*x + a01*y + a20 *x^2 + a11*x*y + ...
I consider them polynomials only on x and y and I need given such a polynomial P to get the list of its monomials.
For example if P = a20*x^2 + a12*x*y^2
I want a list of the form [a20*x^2,a12*x*y^2].
I figured out that a polynomial in sage has a class function called coefficients that returns the coefficients and a class function called monomials that returns the monomials without the coefficients. Multiplying these two list together, gives the result I want.
The problem is that for this to work I need to explicitly declare all the a's as variables with is something that is not always possible.
Is there any way to tell sage that anything of the form a[number][number] is a variable? Or is there any way to define a whole family of variables in sage?
In a perfect world I would like to make sage behave like mathematica, in the sense that anything which is not defines is considered a variable, but I guess this is too optimistic.
My answer is not fully addressing your question but one trick I found to define variables was to use the PolynomialRing(). For example:
sage: R = PolynomialRing(RR, 'c', 20)
sage: c = R.gens()
sage: pol=sum(c[i]*x^i for i in range(10));pol
c9*x^9 + c8*x^8 + c7*x^7 + c6*x^6 + c5*x^5 + c4*x^4 + c3*x^3 + c2*x^2 + c1*x + c0
and later on you can define them as variables to solve(), for example:
sage: variables=[SR(c[i]) for i in srange(0,len(eq_list))];
sage: solution = solve(eqs,variables);
You'll almost certainly need some very minor string processing; the answers
this way of getting lists of symbolic variables
this other way of getting them that is similar
this sage-support post
are better than anything I can say. Naturally, this is possible to implement, but ...
In a perfect world I would like to make sage behave like mathematica, in the sense that anything which is not defines is considered a variable, but I guess this is too optimistic.
True; indeed, that goes against Python's (and hence Sage's) philosophy of "explicit is better than implicit"; there were arguments for a long time over whether even x should be predefined as a symbolic variable (it is!).
(And truthfully, given how often I make typos, I'd really rather not have any arbitrary thing be considered a symbolic variable.)

Applying Master Theorem

I am trying to study for my exams by using looking at my midterm. One thing I do not understand fully is the Master Theorem. I understand that there are three cases, and can apply them when they are in this form
T(n) = 25T(n/5) + n^(2)
but my professor likes to give some in this form
T(n) = {n+2 if n=0,1,2,3
T(n) = {4T(n-1) - 6T(n-2) + 4T(n-3) - T(n-4) otherwise
So I am confused if there is a different way to do Master Theorem, or if I am meant to somehow change this into into the format I understand.
n^lg25=n^2. and at the non recursive part we have this. So we should mult n^2 *log n. so the solution is o(n^2 log n)

DFA minimization algorithm understanding

I'm trying to understand this algorithm the DFA minimization algorithm at where it says:
while until there is no change in the table contents:
For each pair of states (p,q) and each character a in the alphabet:
if Distinct(p,q) is empty and Distinct(δ(p,a), δ(q,a)) is not empty:
set distinct(p,q) to be x
The bit I don't understand is "Distinct(δ(p,a), δ(q,a))" I think I understand the transition function where δ(p,a) = whatever state is reached from p with input a. but with the following DFA:
resulting in this table:
shouldn't (c,b) also be marked as an x since distinct(δ(b,0), δ(c,0)) is not empty (d) ?
Distinct(δ(p,a), δ(q,a)) will only be non-empty if δ(p,a) and δ(q,a) are distinct. In your example, δ(b,0) and δ(c,0) are both d. Distinct(d, d) is empty since it doesn't make sense for d to be distinct with itself. Since Distinct(d, d) is empty, we don't mark Distinct(c, b).
In general, Distinct(p, p) where p is a state will always be empty. Better yet, we don't consider it because it doesn't make sense.