I want to migrate a project written with Prism 4 into Prism 6.
In Prism 4 the CompositePresentationEvent<T> type is under Microsoft.Practices.Composite.Presentation.Events namespace.
But when I pulled Prism 6 from nugget and removed old Prism 4 references, I could not see this event type anywhere in Prism 6 namespaces.
Anyone can help me a bit?
The CompositePresentationEvent has been removed in Prism 6. If I recall correctly, if was deprecated in Prism 5, and removed completely in Prism 6.
Now, you need to use the PubSubEvent<TPayload> in the Prism.Events namespace.
What R. Richards wrote is correct and has thus been correctly marked as an answer.
Might I however offer you the following link as a reference:
Upgrading from Prism Library 4.1
As the title suggests it refers to upgrading from version 4.1 to 5.0 but there are, apart from the change mentioned here, other changes noted there which you might find helpful.
I have tried to draw number or text string, everything is good on Windows Server since I use GDI+ method "DrawString" to draw text I want. When I publish my web as linux-64 and try to generate image which based on GUI+ DrawSting, all I can see is my strings turn into blocks like below, even numbers and letters.
I follow the google's instruction to install related fonts then use "fc-list" to check. I still cannot see number or text.
Can anyone help me? Please!
This is a known bug on .NET Core 3.0, it could be solved on .NET 3.1
For now, the only way to solved this problem is downgrade to .NET Core 2.2
Hi I understood from post available at below link
that ASP.Net 5 no longer required to have system.web.dll, what are the other namespace it should not have.
My MVC 5 project references system.web.extension.dll perticulary JavaScriptSerializer Class, i am not sure if should be using that or if there is any other alternative to it.
there are other namespaces also start with system.web as below should that also be avoided
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Web.Http.ModelBinding;
using System.Web.OData;
using System.Web.OData.Routing;
is it that only system.web.dll should not be used in ASP.net 5 MVC 6 project.
I believe anything beginning system.web.* shouldn't be there and has been replaced with something within Microsoft.AspNet.
I'm not sure how you are planning on doing the migration but the article Migrating From ASP.NET MVC 5 to MVC 6 on docs.asp.net covers the process pretty well.
Essentially it advises starting with a blank MVC 6 / Asp.Net.Core 1 (the new name for Asp.Net 5) project and porting the content over.
That way you can lean on the compiler to tell you things that aren't available. A lot of what can / can't will depend on wether its Framework 4.6 or .NET Core 1.0 (prevously .NET Core 5).
As for JavaScriptSerializer I believe the recomended alternative is Newtonsoft.Json.
Depending what you use it for there is also now JsonOutputFormatter and JsonInputFormatter
I haven't been through the full process yet, but I strongly suspect moving to Framework 4.6 will be the easier destination :-)
I just installed VS2015 and I'm wondering if I should use the Asp.Net 5 preview template (this is the only option I currently have in VS2015) for my new website. Does anyone know if this preview is some sort of a beta version which might be unstable? If not, why is this version called a preview version?
I didn't find much information about this preview thing in Google so I'll be happy to get some relevant information or links to explanations about this preview version.
ASP.NET 5 is still in beta, and is not yet released as a finished product nor recommended for production applications. It's marked as preview because of this, as it may (and will) continue to change how it does things until it reaches the RTM version.
If you are happy with the above, and want to tinker around, while understanding that updates in the coming months may break your code, then go for it! If you'd rather only write your code once and not have it break with updates, then stick with the previous ASP.NET project types like MVC 5.
Here's the roadmap/schedule for ASP.NET 5 which notes that RTM is expected to be available in Q1 2016.
I ask this because I have been chasing down a co/contravariance issue in SL4. I asked it twice in SO and got answers along the lines of - "It just works, make sure you are using .net 4". I tried my failing code (and the samples people posted) in SL4 and .Net 4 and the results are different (work in .net fail in sl). So is SL4 actually running on a < 4 version. Or are there just some features left out (accidentally or on purpose). If so what features
What about SL 5?
The core compiler in Silverlight 4 supports Covariance and Contravariance, but the framework interfaces (ie: IEnumerable<T>) unfortunately were not marked as covariant (note in the docs that it isn't IEnumerable<out T> as it is in .NET 4).
Silverlight 5 fixes this, "officially" supporting Covariance and Contravariance.
Im trying to use the WCF Data Services Toolkit together with Microsoft WCF Data Services March 2011 CTP 2 for .NET Framework 4 and Silverlight 4. But When i use this release i get multiple compile errors regarding missing reference to System.Data.Services. Of course i can't reference that assembly, since i already reference Microsoft. Data.Services and will get alot of "multiple types" error. To me it seems like WCF toolkit has been compiled against the System.Data.Services that ships with .Net 4 and the compiler needs a reference even though im not using any types from that assembly.
So how on earth is Jonathan Carter in the MIX 11 session able to reference only Microsoft.Data.Services and use the toolkit without any compilation errors?
As expected, the answer is to recompile the source yourself against the CTP binaries.
I ended up doing that myself, after watching and rewatching the MIX11 session a thousand times following whatever Jonathan did down to the last detail.